
     1  // Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  // Package bmt provides a binary merkle tree implementation used for swarm chunk hash
    18  package bmt
    20  import (
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"hash"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"sync"
    25  	"sync/atomic"
    26  )
    28  /*
    29  Binary Merkle Tree Hash is a hash function over arbitrary datachunks of limited size.
    30  It is defined as the root hash of the binary merkle tree built over fixed size segments
    31  of the underlying chunk using any base hash function (e.g., keccak 256 SHA3).
    32  Chunks with data shorter than the fixed size are hashed as if they had zero padding.
    34  BMT hash is used as the chunk hash function in swarm which in turn is the basis for the
    35  128 branching swarm hash
    37  The BMT is optimal for providing compact inclusion proofs, i.e. prove that a
    38  segment is a substring of a chunk starting at a particular offset.
    39  The size of the underlying segments is fixed to the size of the base hash (called the resolution
    40  of the BMT hash), Using Keccak256 SHA3 hash is 32 bytes, the EVM word size to optimize for on-chain BMT verification
    41  as well as the hash size optimal for inclusion proofs in the merkle tree of the swarm hash.
    43  Two implementations are provided:
    45  * RefHasher is optimized for code simplicity and meant as a reference implementation
    46    that is simple to understand
    47  * Hasher is optimized for speed taking advantage of concurrency with minimalistic
    48    control structure to coordinate the concurrent routines
    50    BMT Hasher implements the following interfaces
    51  	* standard golang hash.Hash - synchronous, reusable
    52  	* SwarmHash - SumWithSpan provided
    53  	* io.Writer - synchronous left-to-right datawriter
    54  	* AsyncWriter - concurrent section writes and asynchronous Sum call
    55  */
    57  const (
    58  	// PoolSize is the maximum number of bmt trees used by the hashers, i.e,
    59  	// the maximum number of concurrent BMT hashing operations performed by the same hasher
    60  	PoolSize = 8
    61  )
    63  // BaseHasherFunc is a hash.Hash constructor function used for the base hash of the BMT.
    64  // implemented by Keccak256 SHA3 sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256
    65  type BaseHasherFunc func() hash.Hash
    67  // Hasher a reusable hasher for fixed maximum size chunks representing a BMT
    68  // - implements the hash.Hash interface
    69  // - reuses a pool of trees for amortised memory allocation and resource control
    70  // - supports order-agnostic concurrent segment writes and section (double segment) writes
    71  //   as well as sequential read and write
    72  // - the same hasher instance must not be called concurrently on more than one chunk
    73  // - the same hasher instance is synchronously reuseable
    74  // - Sum gives back the tree to the pool and guaranteed to leave
    75  //   the tree and itself in a state reusable for hashing a new chunk
    76  // - generates and verifies segment inclusion proofs (TODO:)
    77  type Hasher struct {
    78  	pool *TreePool // BMT resource pool
    79  	bmt  *tree     // prebuilt BMT resource for flowcontrol and proofs
    80  }
    82  // New creates a reusable BMT Hasher that
    83  // pulls a new tree from a resource pool for hashing each chunk
    84  func New(p *TreePool) *Hasher {
    85  	return &Hasher{
    86  		pool: p,
    87  	}
    88  }
    90  // TreePool provides a pool of trees used as resources by the BMT Hasher.
    91  // A tree popped from the pool is guaranteed to have a clean state ready
    92  // for hashing a new chunk.
    93  type TreePool struct {
    94  	lock         sync.Mutex
    95  	c            chan *tree     // the channel to obtain a resource from the pool
    96  	hasher       BaseHasherFunc // base hasher to use for the BMT levels
    97  	SegmentSize  int            // size of leaf segments, stipulated to be = hash size
    98  	SegmentCount int            // the number of segments on the base level of the BMT
    99  	Capacity     int            // pool capacity, controls concurrency
   100  	Depth        int            // depth of the bmt trees = int(log2(segmentCount))+1
   101  	Size         int            // the total length of the data (count * size)
   102  	count        int            // current count of (ever) allocated resources
   103  	zerohashes   [][]byte       // lookup table for predictable padding subtrees for all levels
   104  }
   106  // NewTreePool creates a tree pool with hasher, segment size, segment count and capacity
   107  // on Hasher.getTree it reuses free trees or creates a new one if capacity is not reached
   108  func NewTreePool(hasher BaseHasherFunc, segmentCount, capacity int) *TreePool {
   109  	// initialises the zerohashes lookup table
   110  	depth := calculateDepthFor(segmentCount)
   111  	segmentSize := hasher().Size()
   112  	zerohashes := make([][]byte, depth+1)
   113  	zeros := make([]byte, segmentSize)
   114  	zerohashes[0] = zeros
   115  	h := hasher()
   116  	for i := 1; i < depth+1; i++ {
   117  		zeros = doSum(h, nil, zeros, zeros)
   118  		zerohashes[i] = zeros
   119  	}
   120  	return &TreePool{
   121  		c:            make(chan *tree, capacity),
   122  		hasher:       hasher,
   123  		SegmentSize:  segmentSize,
   124  		SegmentCount: segmentCount,
   125  		Capacity:     capacity,
   126  		Size:         segmentCount * segmentSize,
   127  		Depth:        depth,
   128  		zerohashes:   zerohashes,
   129  	}
   130  }
   132  // Drain drains the pool until it has no more than n resources
   133  func (p *TreePool) Drain(n int) {
   134  	p.lock.Lock()
   135  	defer p.lock.Unlock()
   136  	for len(p.c) > n {
   137  		<-p.c
   138  		p.count--
   139  	}
   140  }
   142  // Reserve is blocking until it returns an available tree
   143  // it reuses free trees or creates a new one if size is not reached
   144  // TODO: should use a context here
   145  func (p *TreePool) reserve() *tree {
   146  	p.lock.Lock()
   147  	defer p.lock.Unlock()
   148  	var t *tree
   149  	if p.count == p.Capacity {
   150  		return <-p.c
   151  	}
   152  	select {
   153  	case t = <-p.c:
   154  	default:
   155  		t = newTree(p.SegmentSize, p.Depth, p.hasher)
   156  		p.count++
   157  	}
   158  	return t
   159  }
   161  // release gives back a tree to the pool.
   162  // this tree is guaranteed to be in reusable state
   163  func (p *TreePool) release(t *tree) {
   164  	p.c <- t // can never fail ...
   165  }
   167  // tree is a reusable control structure representing a BMT
   168  // organised in a binary tree
   169  // Hasher uses a TreePool to obtain a tree for each chunk hash
   170  // the tree is 'locked' while not in the pool
   171  type tree struct {
   172  	leaves  []*node     // leaf nodes of the tree, other nodes accessible via parent links
   173  	cursor  int         // index of rightmost currently open segment
   174  	offset  int         // offset (cursor position) within currently open segment
   175  	section []byte      // the rightmost open section (double segment)
   176  	result  chan []byte // result channel
   177  	span    []byte      // The span of the data subsumed under the chunk
   178  }
   180  // node is a reuseable segment hasher representing a node in a BMT
   181  type node struct {
   182  	isLeft      bool      // whether it is left side of the parent double segment
   183  	parent      *node     // pointer to parent node in the BMT
   184  	state       int32     // atomic increment impl concurrent boolean toggle
   185  	left, right []byte    // this is where the two children sections are written
   186  	hasher      hash.Hash // preconstructed hasher on nodes
   187  }
   189  // newNode constructs a segment hasher node in the BMT (used by newTree)
   190  func newNode(index int, parent *node, hasher hash.Hash) *node {
   191  	return &node{
   192  		parent: parent,
   193  		isLeft: index%2 == 0,
   194  		hasher: hasher,
   195  	}
   196  }
   198  // Draw draws the BMT (badly)
   199  func (t *tree) draw(hash []byte) string {
   200  	var left, right []string
   201  	var anc []*node
   202  	for i, n := range t.leaves {
   203  		left = append(left, fmt.Sprintf("%v", hashstr(n.left)))
   204  		if i%2 == 0 {
   205  			anc = append(anc, n.parent)
   206  		}
   207  		right = append(right, fmt.Sprintf("%v", hashstr(n.right)))
   208  	}
   209  	anc = t.leaves
   210  	var hashes [][]string
   211  	for l := 0; len(anc) > 0; l++ {
   212  		var nodes []*node
   213  		hash := []string{""}
   214  		for i, n := range anc {
   215  			hash = append(hash, fmt.Sprintf("%v|%v", hashstr(n.left), hashstr(n.right)))
   216  			if i%2 == 0 && n.parent != nil {
   217  				nodes = append(nodes, n.parent)
   218  			}
   219  		}
   220  		hash = append(hash, "")
   221  		hashes = append(hashes, hash)
   222  		anc = nodes
   223  	}
   224  	hashes = append(hashes, []string{"", fmt.Sprintf("%v", hashstr(hash)), ""})
   225  	total := 60
   226  	del := "                             "
   227  	var rows []string
   228  	for i := len(hashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   229  		var textlen int
   230  		hash := hashes[i]
   231  		for _, s := range hash {
   232  			textlen += len(s)
   233  		}
   234  		if total < textlen {
   235  			total = textlen + len(hash)
   236  		}
   237  		delsize := (total - textlen) / (len(hash) - 1)
   238  		if delsize > len(del) {
   239  			delsize = len(del)
   240  		}
   241  		row := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", len(hashes)-i-1, strings.Join(hash, del[:delsize]))
   242  		rows = append(rows, row)
   244  	}
   245  	rows = append(rows, strings.Join(left, "  "))
   246  	rows = append(rows, strings.Join(right, "  "))
   247  	return strings.Join(rows, "\n") + "\n"
   248  }
   250  // newTree initialises a tree by building up the nodes of a BMT
   251  // - segment size is stipulated to be the size of the hash
   252  func newTree(segmentSize, depth int, hashfunc func() hash.Hash) *tree {
   253  	n := newNode(0, nil, hashfunc())
   254  	prevlevel := []*node{n}
   255  	// iterate over levels and creates 2^(depth-level) nodes
   256  	// the 0 level is on double segment sections so we start at depth - 2 since
   257  	count := 2
   258  	for level := depth - 2; level >= 0; level-- {
   259  		nodes := make([]*node, count)
   260  		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
   261  			parent := prevlevel[i/2]
   262  			var hasher hash.Hash
   263  			if level == 0 {
   264  				hasher = hashfunc()
   265  			}
   266  			nodes[i] = newNode(i, parent, hasher)
   267  		}
   268  		prevlevel = nodes
   269  		count *= 2
   270  	}
   271  	// the datanode level is the nodes on the last level
   272  	return &tree{
   273  		leaves:  prevlevel,
   274  		result:  make(chan []byte),
   275  		section: make([]byte, 2*segmentSize),
   276  	}
   277  }
   279  // methods needed to implement hash.Hash
   281  // Size returns the size
   282  func (h *Hasher) Size() int {
   283  	return h.pool.SegmentSize
   284  }
   286  // BlockSize returns the block size
   287  func (h *Hasher) BlockSize() int {
   288  	return 2 * h.pool.SegmentSize
   289  }
   291  // Sum returns the BMT root hash of the buffer
   292  // using Sum presupposes sequential synchronous writes (io.Writer interface)
   293  // hash.Hash interface Sum method appends the byte slice to the underlying
   294  // data before it calculates and returns the hash of the chunk
   295  // caller must make sure Sum is not called concurrently with Write, writeSection
   296  func (h *Hasher) Sum(b []byte) (s []byte) {
   297  	t := h.getTree()
   298  	// write the last section with final flag set to true
   299  	go h.writeSection(t.cursor, t.section, true, true)
   300  	// wait for the result
   301  	s = <-t.result
   302  	span := t.span
   303  	// release the tree resource back to the pool
   304  	h.releaseTree()
   305  	// b + sha3(span + BMT(pure_chunk))
   306  	if len(span) == 0 {
   307  		return append(b, s...)
   308  	}
   309  	return doSum(h.pool.hasher(), b, span, s)
   310  }
   312  // methods needed to implement the SwarmHash and the io.Writer interfaces
   314  // Write calls sequentially add to the buffer to be hashed,
   315  // with every full segment calls writeSection in a go routine
   316  func (h *Hasher) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
   317  	l := len(b)
   318  	if l == 0 || l > h.pool.Size {
   319  		return 0, nil
   320  	}
   321  	t := h.getTree()
   322  	secsize := 2 * h.pool.SegmentSize
   323  	// calculate length of missing bit to complete current open section
   324  	smax := secsize - t.offset
   325  	// if at the beginning of chunk or middle of the section
   326  	if t.offset < secsize {
   327  		// fill up current segment from buffer
   328  		copy(t.section[t.offset:], b)
   329  		// if input buffer consumed and open section not complete, then
   330  		// advance offset and return
   331  		if smax == 0 {
   332  			smax = secsize
   333  		}
   334  		if l <= smax {
   335  			t.offset += l
   336  			return l, nil
   337  		}
   338  	} else {
   339  		// if end of a section
   340  		if t.cursor == h.pool.SegmentCount*2 {
   341  			return 0, nil
   342  		}
   343  	}
   344  	// read full sections and the last possibly partial section from the input buffer
   345  	for smax < l {
   346  		// section complete; push to tree asynchronously
   347  		go h.writeSection(t.cursor, t.section, true, false)
   348  		// reset section
   349  		t.section = make([]byte, secsize)
   350  		// copy from input buffer at smax to right half of section
   351  		copy(t.section, b[smax:])
   352  		// advance cursor
   353  		t.cursor++
   354  		// smax here represents successive offsets in the input buffer
   355  		smax += secsize
   356  	}
   357  	t.offset = l - smax + secsize
   358  	return l, nil
   359  }
   361  // Reset needs to be called before writing to the hasher
   362  func (h *Hasher) Reset() {
   363  	h.releaseTree()
   364  }
   366  // methods needed to implement the SwarmHash interface
   368  // ResetWithLength needs to be called before writing to the hasher
   369  // the argument is supposed to be the byte slice binary representation of
   370  // the length of the data subsumed under the hash, i.e., span
   371  func (h *Hasher) ResetWithLength(span []byte) {
   372  	h.Reset()
   373  	h.getTree().span = span
   374  }
   376  // releaseTree gives back the Tree to the pool whereby it unlocks
   377  // it resets tree, segment and index
   378  func (h *Hasher) releaseTree() {
   379  	t := h.bmt
   380  	if t == nil {
   381  		return
   382  	}
   383  	h.bmt = nil
   384  	go func() {
   385  		t.cursor = 0
   386  		t.offset = 0
   387  		t.span = nil
   388  		t.section = make([]byte, h.pool.SegmentSize*2)
   389  		select {
   390  		case <-t.result:
   391  		default:
   392  		}
   393  		h.pool.release(t)
   394  	}()
   395  }
   397  // NewAsyncWriter extends Hasher with an interface for concurrent segment/section writes
   398  func (h *Hasher) NewAsyncWriter(double bool) *AsyncHasher {
   399  	secsize := h.pool.SegmentSize
   400  	if double {
   401  		secsize *= 2
   402  	}
   403  	write := func(i int, section []byte, final bool) {
   404  		h.writeSection(i, section, double, final)
   405  	}
   406  	return &AsyncHasher{
   407  		Hasher:  h,
   408  		double:  double,
   409  		secsize: secsize,
   410  		write:   write,
   411  	}
   412  }
   414  // SectionWriter is an asynchronous segment/section writer interface
   415  type SectionWriter interface {
   416  	Reset()                                       // standard init to be called before reuse
   417  	Write(index int, data []byte)                 // write into section of index
   418  	Sum(b []byte, length int, span []byte) []byte // returns the hash of the buffer
   419  	SectionSize() int                             // size of the async section unit to use
   420  }
   422  // AsyncHasher extends BMT Hasher with an asynchronous segment/section writer interface
   423  // AsyncHasher is unsafe and does not check indexes and section data lengths
   424  // it must be used with the right indexes and length and the right number of sections
   425  //
   426  // behaviour is undefined if
   427  // * non-final sections are shorter or longer than secsize
   428  // * if final section does not match length
   429  // * write a section with index that is higher than length/secsize
   430  // * set length in Sum call when length/secsize < maxsec
   431  //
   432  // * if Sum() is not called on a Hasher that is fully written
   433  //   a process will block, can be terminated with Reset
   434  // * it will not leak processes if not all sections are written but it blocks
   435  //   and keeps the resource which can be released calling Reset()
   436  type AsyncHasher struct {
   437  	*Hasher            // extends the Hasher
   438  	mtx     sync.Mutex // to lock the cursor access
   439  	double  bool       // whether to use double segments (call Hasher.writeSection)
   440  	secsize int        // size of base section (size of hash or double)
   441  	write   func(i int, section []byte, final bool)
   442  }
   444  // methods needed to implement AsyncWriter
   446  // SectionSize returns the size of async section unit to use
   447  func (sw *AsyncHasher) SectionSize() int {
   448  	return sw.secsize
   449  }
   451  // Write writes the i-th section of the BMT base
   452  // this function can and is meant to be called concurrently
   453  // it sets max segment threadsafely
   454  func (sw *AsyncHasher) Write(i int, section []byte) {
   455  	sw.mtx.Lock()
   456  	defer sw.mtx.Unlock()
   457  	t := sw.getTree()
   458  	// cursor keeps track of the rightmost section written so far
   459  	// if index is lower than cursor then just write non-final section as is
   460  	if i < t.cursor {
   461  		// if index is not the rightmost, safe to write section
   462  		go sw.write(i, section, false)
   463  		return
   464  	}
   465  	// if there is a previous rightmost section safe to write section
   466  	if t.offset > 0 {
   467  		if i == t.cursor {
   468  			// i==cursor implies cursor was set by Hash call so we can write section as final one
   469  			// since it can be shorter, first we copy it to the padded buffer
   470  			t.section = make([]byte, sw.secsize)
   471  			copy(t.section, section)
   472  			go sw.write(i, t.section, true)
   473  			return
   474  		}
   475  		// the rightmost section just changed, so we write the previous one as non-final
   476  		go sw.write(t.cursor, t.section, false)
   477  	}
   478  	// set i as the index of the righmost section written so far
   479  	// set t.offset to cursor*secsize+1
   480  	t.cursor = i
   481  	t.offset = i*sw.secsize + 1
   482  	t.section = make([]byte, sw.secsize)
   483  	copy(t.section, section)
   484  }
   486  // Sum can be called any time once the length and the span is known
   487  // potentially even before all segments have been written
   488  // in such cases Sum will block until all segments are present and
   489  // the hash for the length can be calculated.
   490  //
   491  // b: digest is appended to b
   492  // length: known length of the input (unsafe; undefined if out of range)
   493  // meta: metadata to hash together with BMT root for the final digest
   494  //   e.g., span for protection against existential forgery
   495  func (sw *AsyncHasher) Sum(b []byte, length int, meta []byte) (s []byte) {
   496  	sw.mtx.Lock()
   497  	t := sw.getTree()
   498  	if length == 0 {
   499  		sw.mtx.Unlock()
   500  		s = sw.pool.zerohashes[sw.pool.Depth]
   501  	} else {
   502  		// for non-zero input the rightmost section is written to the tree asynchronously
   503  		// if the actual last section has been written (t.cursor == length/t.secsize)
   504  		maxsec := (length - 1) / sw.secsize
   505  		if t.offset > 0 {
   506  			go sw.write(t.cursor, t.section, maxsec == t.cursor)
   507  		}
   508  		// set cursor to maxsec so final section is written when it arrives
   509  		t.cursor = maxsec
   510  		t.offset = length
   511  		result := t.result
   512  		sw.mtx.Unlock()
   513  		// wait for the result or reset
   514  		s = <-result
   515  	}
   516  	// relesase the tree back to the pool
   517  	sw.releaseTree()
   518  	// if no meta is given just append digest to b
   519  	if len(meta) == 0 {
   520  		return append(b, s...)
   521  	}
   522  	// hash together meta and BMT root hash using the pools
   523  	return doSum(sw.pool.hasher(), b, meta, s)
   524  }
   526  // writeSection writes the hash of i-th section into level 1 node of the BMT tree
   527  func (h *Hasher) writeSection(i int, section []byte, double bool, final bool) {
   528  	// select the leaf node for the section
   529  	var n *node
   530  	var isLeft bool
   531  	var hasher hash.Hash
   532  	var level int
   533  	t := h.getTree()
   534  	if double {
   535  		level++
   536  		n = t.leaves[i]
   537  		hasher = n.hasher
   538  		isLeft = n.isLeft
   539  		n = n.parent
   540  		// hash the section
   541  		section = doSum(hasher, nil, section)
   542  	} else {
   543  		n = t.leaves[i/2]
   544  		hasher = n.hasher
   545  		isLeft = i%2 == 0
   546  	}
   547  	// write hash into parent node
   548  	if final {
   549  		// for the last segment use writeFinalNode
   550  		h.writeFinalNode(level, n, hasher, isLeft, section)
   551  	} else {
   552  		h.writeNode(n, hasher, isLeft, section)
   553  	}
   554  }
   556  // writeNode pushes the data to the node
   557  // if it is the first of 2 sisters written, the routine terminates
   558  // if it is the second, it calculates the hash and writes it
   559  // to the parent node recursively
   560  // since hashing the parent is synchronous the same hasher can be used
   561  func (h *Hasher) writeNode(n *node, bh hash.Hash, isLeft bool, s []byte) {
   562  	level := 1
   563  	for {
   564  		// at the root of the bmt just write the result to the result channel
   565  		if n == nil {
   566  			h.getTree().result <- s
   567  			return
   568  		}
   569  		// otherwise assign child hash to left or right segment
   570  		if isLeft {
   571  			n.left = s
   572  		} else {
   573  			n.right = s
   574  		}
   575  		// the child-thread first arriving will terminate
   576  		if n.toggle() {
   577  			return
   578  		}
   579  		// the thread coming second now can be sure both left and right children are written
   580  		// so it calculates the hash of left|right and pushes it to the parent
   581  		s = doSum(bh, nil, n.left, n.right)
   582  		isLeft = n.isLeft
   583  		n = n.parent
   584  		level++
   585  	}
   586  }
   588  // writeFinalNode is following the path starting from the final datasegment to the
   589  // BMT root via parents
   590  // for unbalanced trees it fills in the missing right sister nodes using
   591  // the pool's lookup table for BMT subtree root hashes for all-zero sections
   592  // otherwise behaves like `writeNode`
   593  func (h *Hasher) writeFinalNode(level int, n *node, bh hash.Hash, isLeft bool, s []byte) {
   595  	for {
   596  		// at the root of the bmt just write the result to the result channel
   597  		if n == nil {
   598  			if s != nil {
   599  				h.getTree().result <- s
   600  			}
   601  			return
   602  		}
   603  		var noHash bool
   604  		if isLeft {
   605  			// coming from left sister branch
   606  			// when the final section's path is going via left child node
   607  			// we include an all-zero subtree hash for the right level and toggle the node.
   608  			n.right = h.pool.zerohashes[level]
   609  			if s != nil {
   610  				n.left = s
   611  				// if a left final node carries a hash, it must be the first (and only thread)
   612  				// so the toggle is already in passive state no need no call
   613  				// yet thread needs to carry on pushing hash to parent
   614  				noHash = false
   615  			} else {
   616  				// if again first thread then propagate nil and calculate no hash
   617  				noHash = n.toggle()
   618  			}
   619  		} else {
   620  			// right sister branch
   621  			if s != nil {
   622  				// if hash was pushed from right child node, write right segment change state
   623  				n.right = s
   624  				// if toggle is true, we arrived first so no hashing just push nil to parent
   625  				noHash = n.toggle()
   627  			} else {
   628  				// if s is nil, then thread arrived first at previous node and here there will be two,
   629  				// so no need to do anything and keep s = nil for parent
   630  				noHash = true
   631  			}
   632  		}
   633  		// the child-thread first arriving will just continue resetting s to nil
   634  		// the second thread now can be sure both left and right children are written
   635  		// it calculates the hash of left|right and pushes it to the parent
   636  		if noHash {
   637  			s = nil
   638  		} else {
   639  			s = doSum(bh, nil, n.left, n.right)
   640  		}
   641  		// iterate to parent
   642  		isLeft = n.isLeft
   643  		n = n.parent
   644  		level++
   645  	}
   646  }
   648  // getTree obtains a BMT resource by reserving one from the pool and assigns it to the bmt field
   649  func (h *Hasher) getTree() *tree {
   650  	if h.bmt != nil {
   651  		return h.bmt
   652  	}
   653  	t := h.pool.reserve()
   654  	h.bmt = t
   655  	return t
   656  }
   658  // atomic bool toggle implementing a concurrent reusable 2-state object
   659  // atomic addint with %2 implements atomic bool toggle
   660  // it returns true if the toggler just put it in the active/waiting state
   661  func (n *node) toggle() bool {
   662  	return atomic.AddInt32(&n.state, 1)%2 == 1
   663  }
   665  // calculates the hash of the data using hash.Hash
   666  func doSum(h hash.Hash, b []byte, data ...[]byte) []byte {
   667  	h.Reset()
   668  	for _, v := range data {
   669  		h.Write(v)
   670  	}
   671  	return h.Sum(b)
   672  }
   674  // hashstr is a pretty printer for bytes used in tree.draw
   675  func hashstr(b []byte) string {
   676  	end := len(b)
   677  	if end > 4 {
   678  		end = 4
   679  	}
   680  	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", b[:end])
   681  }
   683  // calculateDepthFor calculates the depth (number of levels) in the BMT tree
   684  func calculateDepthFor(n int) (d int) {
   685  	c := 2
   686  	for ; c < n; c *= 2 {
   687  		d++
   688  	}
   689  	return d + 1
   690  }