
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  option go_package = "hclspec";
     5  /* Spec allows exposing the specification for an HCL body, allowing for parsing and
     6  validation.
     8  Certain expressions within a specification may use the following functions.
     9  The documentation for each spec type above specifies where functions may
    10  be used.
    12  * `abs(number)` returns the absolute (positive) value of the given number.
    13  * `coalesce(vals...)` returns the first non-null value given.
    14  * `concat(lists...)` concatenates together all of the given lists to produce a new list.
    15  * `hasindex(val, idx)` returns true if the expression `val[idx]` could succeed.
    16  * `int(number)` returns the integer portion of the given number, rounding towards zero.
    17  * `jsondecode(str)` interprets the given string as JSON and returns the resulting data structure.
    18  * `jsonencode(val)` returns a JSON-serialized version of the given value.
    19  * `length(collection)` returns the number of elements in the given collection (list, set, map, object, or tuple).
    20  * `lower(string)` returns the given string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
    21  * `max(numbers...)` returns the greatest of the given numbers.
    22  * `min(numbers...)` returns the smallest of the given numbers.
    23  * `reverse(string)` returns the given string with all of the characters in reverse order.
    24  * `strlen(string)` returns the number of characters in the given string.
    25  * `substr(string, offset, length)` returns the requested substring of the given string.
    26  * `upper(string)` returns the given string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase.
    28  ## Type Expressions
    30  Type expressions are used to describe the expected type of an attribute, as
    31  an additional validation constraint.
    33  A type expression uses primitive type names and compound type constructors.
    34  A type constructor builds a new type based on one or more type expression
    35  arguments.
    37  The following type names and type constructors are supported:
    39  * `any` is a wildcard that accepts a value of any type. (In HCL terms, this
    40    is the _dynamic pseudo-type_.)
    41  * `string` is a Unicode string.
    42  * `number` is an arbitrary-precision floating point number.
    43  * `bool` is a boolean value (`true` or `false`)
    44  * `list(element_type)` constructs a list type with the given element type
    45  * `set(element_type)` constructs a set type with the given element type
    46  * `map(element_type)` constructs a map type with the given element type
    47  * `object({name1 = element_type, name2 = element_type, ...})` constructs
    48    an object type with the given attribute types.
    49  * `tuple([element_type, element_type, ...])` constructs a tuple type with
    50    the given element types. This can be used, for example, to require an
    51    array with a particular number of elements, or with elements of different
    52    types.
    54  `null` is a valid value of any type, and not a type itself.
    55  */
    56  package hashicorp.nomad.plugins.shared.hclspec;
    58  // Spec defines the available specification types.
    59  message Spec {
    60    oneof block {
    61      Object object = 1;
    62      Array array = 2;
    63      Attr Attr = 3;
    64      Block block_value = 4;
    65      BlockAttrs block_attrs = 5;
    66      BlockList block_list = 6;
    67      BlockSet block_set = 7;
    68      BlockMap block_map = 8;
    69      Default default = 9;
    70      Literal literal = 10;
    71    }
    72  }
    74  /* Attr spec type reads the value of an attribute in the current body
    75  and returns that value as its result. It also creates validation constraints
    76  for the given attribute name and its value.
    78  ```hcl
    79  Attr {
    80    name     = "document_root"
    81    type     = string
    82    required = true
    83  }
    84  ```
    86  `Attr` spec blocks accept the following arguments:
    88  * `name` (required) - The attribute name to expect within the HCL input file.
    89    This may be omitted when a default name selector is created by a parent
    90    `Object` spec, if the input attribute name should match the output JSON
    91    object property name.
    93  * `type` (optional) - A [type expression](#type-expressions) that the given
    94    attribute value must conform to. If this argument is set, `hcldec` will
    95    automatically convert the given input value to this type or produce an
    96    error if that is not possible.
    98  * `required` (optional) - If set to `true`, `hcldec` will produce an error
    99    if a value is not provided for the source attribute.
   101  `Attr` is a leaf spec type, so no nested spec blocks are permitted.
   102  */
   103  message Attr {
   104   string name = 1;
   105   string type = 2;
   106   bool required = 3;
   107  }
   109  /* Block spec type applies one nested spec block to the contents of a
   110  block within the current body and returns the result of that spec. It also
   111  creates validation constraints for the given block type name.
   113  ```hcl
   114  Block {
   115    name = "logging"
   117    Object {
   118      Attr "level" {
   119        type = string
   120      }
   121      Attr "file" {
   122        type = string
   123      }
   124    }
   125  }
   126  ```
   128  `Block` spec blocks accept the following arguments:
   130  * `name` (required) - The block type name to expect within the HCL
   131    input file. This may be omitted when a default name selector is created
   132    by a parent `Object` spec, if the input block type name should match the
   133    output JSON object property name.
   135  * `required` (optional) - If set to `true`, `hcldec` will produce an error
   136    if a block of the specified type is not present in the current body.
   138  `Block` creates a validation constraint that there must be zero or one blocks
   139  of the given type name, or exactly one if `required` is set.
   141  `Block` expects a single nested spec block, which is applied to the body of
   142  the block of the given type when it is present.
   144  */
   145  message Block {
   146   string name = 1;
   147   bool required = 2;
   148   Spec nested = 3;
   149  }
   151  /*
   152   The BlockAttrs spec type is similar to an Attr spec block of a map type,
   153   but it produces a map from the attributes of a block rather than from an
   154   attribute's expression.
   156   ```hcl
   157   BlockAttrs {
   158     name     = "variables"
   159     type     = string
   160     required = false
   161   }
   162   ```
   164   This allows a map with user-defined keys to be produced within block syntax,
   165   but due to the constraints of that syntax it also means that the user will
   166   be unable to dynamically-generate either individual key names using key
   167   expressions or the entire map value using a `for` expression.
   169   `BlockAttrs` spec blocks accept the following arguments:
   171   * `name` (required) - The block type name to expect within the HCL
   172     input file. This may be omitted when a default name selector is created
   173     by a parent `object` spec, if the input block type name should match the
   174     output JSON object property name.
   176   * `type` (required) - The value type to require for each of the
   177     attributes within a matched block. The resulting value will be a JSON
   178     object whose property values are of this type.
   180   * `required` (optional) - If `true`, an error will be produced if a block
   181     of the given type is not present. If `false` -- the default -- an absent
   182     block will be indicated by producing `null`.
   183  */
   184  message BlockAttrs {
   185   string name = 1;
   186   string type = 2;
   187   bool required = 3;
   188  }
   190  /* BlockList spec type is similar to `Block`, but it accepts zero or
   191  more blocks of a specified type rather than requiring zero or one. The
   192  result is a JSON array with one entry per block of the given type.
   194  ```hcl
   195  BlockList {
   196    name = "log_file"
   198    Object {
   199      Attr "level" {
   200        type = string
   201      }
   202      Attr "filename" {
   203        type     = string
   204        required = true
   205      }
   206    }
   207  }
   208  ```
   210  `BlockList` spec blocks accept the following arguments:
   212  * `name` (required) - The block type name to expect within the HCL
   213    input file. This may be omitted when a default name selector is created
   214    by a parent `Object` spec, if the input block type name should match the
   215    output JSON object property name.
   217  * `min_items` (optional) - If set to a number greater than zero, `hcldec` will
   218    produce an error if fewer than the given number of blocks are present.
   220  * `max_items` (optional) - If set to a number greater than zero, `hcldec` will
   221    produce an error if more than the given number of blocks are present. This
   222    attribute must be greater than or equal to `min_items` if both are set.
   224  `Block` creates a validation constraint on the number of blocks of the given
   225  type that must be present.
   227  `Block` expects a single nested spec block, which is applied to the body of
   228  each matching block to produce the resulting list items.
   230  */
   231  message BlockList {
   232   string name = 1;
   233   uint64 min_items = 2;
   234   uint64 max_items = 3;
   235   Spec nested = 4;
   236  }
   238  /* BlockSet spec type behaves the same as BlockList except that
   239  the result is in no specific order and any duplicate items are removed.
   241  ```hcl
   242  BlockSet {
   243    name = "log_file"
   245    Object {
   246      Attr "level" {
   247        type = string
   248      }
   249      Attr "filename" {
   250        type     = string
   251        required = true
   252      }
   253    }
   254  }
   255  ```
   257  The contents of `BlockSet` are the same as for `BlockList`.
   259  */
   260  message BlockSet {
   261   string name = 1;
   262   uint64 min_items = 2;
   263   uint64 max_items = 3;
   264   Spec nested = 4;
   265  }
   267  /* BlockMap spec type is similar to `Block`, but it accepts zero or
   268  more blocks of a specified type rather than requiring zero or one. The
   269  result is a JSON object, or possibly multiple nested JSON objects, whose
   270  properties are derived from the labels set on each matching block.
   272  ```hcl
   273  BlockMap {
   274    name = "log_file"
   275    labels = ["filename"]
   277    Object {
   278      Attr "level" {
   279        type     = string
   280        required = true
   281      }
   282    }
   283  }
   284  ```
   286  `BlockMap` spec blocks accept the following arguments:
   288  * `name` (required) - The block type name to expect within the HCL
   289    input file. This may be omitted when a default name selector is created
   290    by a parent `Object` spec, if the input block type name should match the
   291    output JSON object property name.
   293  * `labels` (required) - A list of user-oriented block label names. Each entry
   294    in this list creates one level of object within the output value, and
   295    requires one additional block header label on any child block of this type.
   296    Block header labels are the quoted strings that appear after the block type
   297    name but before the opening `{`.
   299  `Block` creates a validation constraint on the number of labels that blocks
   300  of the given type must have.
   302  `Block` expects a single nested spec block, which is applied to the body of
   303  each matching block to produce the resulting map items.
   305  */
   306  message BlockMap {
   307   string name = 1;
   308   repeated string labels = 2;
   309   Spec nested = 3;
   310  }
   312  /* Literal spec type returns a given literal value, and creates no
   313  validation constraints. It is most commonly used with the `Default` spec
   314  type to create a fallback value, but can also be used e.g. to fill out
   315  required properties in an `Object` spec that do not correspond to any
   316  construct in the input configuration.
   318  ```hcl
   319  Literal {
   320    value = "hello world"
   321  }
   322  ```
   324  `Literal` spec blocks accept the following argument:
   326  * `value` (required) - The value to return. This attribute may be an expression
   327    that uses [functions](#spec-definition-functions).
   329  `Literal` is a leaf spec type, so no nested spec blocks are permitted.
   330  */
   331  message Literal {
   332   string value = 1;
   333  }
   335  /* Default spec type evaluates a sequence of nested specs in turn and
   336  returns the result of the first one that produces a non-null value.
   337  It creates no validation constraints of its own, but passes on the validation
   338  constraints from its first nested block.
   340  ```hcl
   341  Default {
   342    Attr {
   343      name = "private"
   344      type = bool
   345    }
   346    Literal {
   347      value = false
   348    }
   349  }
   350  ```
   352  A `Default` spec block must have at least one nested spec block, and should
   353  generally have at least two since otherwise the `Default` wrapper is a no-op.
   355  The second and any subsequent spec blocks are _fallback_ specs. These exhibit
   356  their usual behavior but are not able to impose validation constraints on the
   357  current body since they are not evaluated unless all prior specs produce
   358  `null` as their result.
   360  */
   361  message Default {
   362   Spec primary = 1;
   363   Spec default = 2;
   364  }
   366  /* Object spec type is the most commonly used at the root of a spec file.
   367  Its result is a JSON object whose properties are set based on any nested
   368  spec blocks:
   370  ```hcl
   371  Object {
   372    Attr "name" {
   373      type = "string"
   374    }
   375    Block "address" {
   376      Object {
   377        Attr "street" {
   378          type = "string"
   379        }
   380        # ...
   381      }
   382    }
   383  }
   384  ```
   386  Nested spec blocks inside `Object` must always have an extra block label
   387  `"name"`, `"address"` and `"street"` in the above example) that specifies
   388  the name of the property that should be created in the JSON object result.
   389  This label also acts as a default name selector for the nested spec, allowing
   390  the `Attr` blocks in the above example to omit the usually-required `name`
   391  argument in cases where the HCL input name and JSON output name are the same.
   393  An `Object` spec block creates no validation constraints, but it passes on
   394  any validation constraints created by the nested specs.
   395  */
   396  message Object {
   397   map<string, Spec> attributes = 1;
   398  }
   400  /* Array spec type produces a JSON array whose elements are set based on
   401  any nested spec blocks:
   403  ```hcl
   404  Array {
   405    Attr {
   406      name = "first_element"
   407      type = "string"
   408    }
   409    Attr {
   410      name = "second_element"
   411      type = "string"
   412    }
   413  }
   414  ```
   416  An `Array` spec block creates no validation constraints, but it passes on
   417  any validation constraints created by the nested specs.
   418  */
   419  message Array {
   420      repeated Spec values = 1;
   421  }