
     1  sudo: false
     2  language: go
     3  go:
     4  - 1.7.4
     5  - 1.8beta2
     6  install:
     7  # This script is used by the Travis build to install a cookie for
     8  # so rate limits are higher when using `go get` to fetch
     9  # packages that live there.
    10  # See:
    11  - bash scripts/
    12  script:
    13  - make test vet
    14  branches:
    15    only:
    16    - master
    17  notifications:
    18    irc:
    19      channels:
    20      -
    21      skip_join: true
    22      use_notice: true
    23  matrix:
    24    fast_finish: true
    25    allow_failures:
    26    - go: tip