(about) 1 PACKAGE_NAME := bacalhau-apiclient 2 SWAGGER_JSON := ../docs/swagger.json 3 VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | tr -d v).post4 4 5 #set cmd to be swagger-codegen if that doesnt exist make it the java command 6 #swagger-codegen is supported by brew install swagger-codegen@2 7 #the java command is supported by the docker image swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli 8 SWAGGER ?= swagger-codegen 9 ifeq ($(shell which ${SWAGGER}),) 10 SWAGGER := $(shell echo "${HOME}/bin/swagger-codegen-cli.jar") 11 ifeq ($(shell ls -1 ${SWAGGER}),) 12 $(info No swagger-codegen found?) 13 endif 14 endif 15 16 .PHONY: all 17 all: $(patsubst %,%/,$(shell cat supported_langs)) pypi-build pypi-upload 18 19 20 %-config.json: config.json.template 21 cat $< | \ 22 sed -e "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" | \ 23 sed -e "s/PACKAGE-NAME/${PACKAGE_NAME}/g" > $@ 24 25 UNDERSCORE_PACKAGE_NAME=$(subst -,_,${PACKAGE_NAME}) 26 27 .INTERMEDIATE: python-config.json 28 python-config.json: config.json.template 29 cat $< | \ 30 sed -e "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" | \ 31 sed -e "s/PACKAGE-NAME/${UNDERSCORE_PACKAGE_NAME}/g"> $@ 32 33 python/: python-config.json ${SWAGGER_JSON} 34 # swagger codegen names the generated methods after the related endpoint @ID annotation (e.g. pkg/requester/publicapi/submit) 35 # this results into a names that are not quite user-friendly (e.g. pkgrequesterpublicapisubmit) 36 # futhermore, codegen does not allow overriding the prefix name for python 37 # thus, we patch the swagger spec file to remove the prefix above 38 # TODO: remove the line below when is addressed 39 cat ${SWAGGER_JSON} | sed -e 's/model.//g;s/publicapi.//g;s/pkg\/requester//g;s/types.//g' | tee ./swagger-edited-tmp.json >> /dev/null 40 41 jq '.info += {"version":"${VERSION}"}' ./swagger-edited-tmp.json > ./swagger-edited.json 42 43 # generate python client 44 rm -rf python/ && ${SWAGGER} generate \ 45 -i ./swagger-edited.json \ 46 -l python \ 47 -o python/ \ 48 -c python-config.json \ 49 --remove-operation-id-prefix \ 50 -Dapis -DapiTests=false -DapiDocs=true \ 51 -Dmodels -DmodelTests=false -DmodelDocs=true \ 52 -DsupportingFiles=true 53 54 # patch package version 55 cat pyproject.toml.template | sed -e "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" > python/pyproject.toml 56 # patch README 57 cat python/ | sed -e "s/Python 2.7 and 3.4+/Python 3.6+/g" | tee python/ 58 59 # clean up 60 rm ./swagger-edited*.json || true 61 rm python/ || true 62 rm python/.travis.yml || true 63 rm pyproject.toml || true 64 cp ../LICENSE python/LICENSE 65 66 pypi-build: python/ 67 cd python && python3 -m pip install --upgrade build && python3 -m build 68 69 pypi-upload: pypi-build 70 cd python && \ 71 python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine && \ 72 python3 -m twine upload \ 73 --non-interactive \ 74 --disable-progress-bar \ 75 --skip-existing \ 76 -u __token__ -p ${PYPI_TOKEN} \ 77 dist/* 78 79 .PHONY: clean 80 clean: $(shell find . -type d -depth 1 -not -name bacalhau_sdk) 81 $(RM) -r $^ 82 $(RM) *-config.json 83 $(RM) ./swagger-edited.json