
     1  # ShardState
     3  ## Properties
     4  Name | Type | Description | Notes
     5  ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
     6  **create_time** | **str** | CreateTime is the time when the shard was created, which is the same as the job creation time. | [optional] 
     7  **executions** | [**list[ExecutionState]**]( | Executions is a list of executions of the shard across the nodes. A new execution is created when a node is selected to execute the shard, and a node can have multiple executions for the same shard due to retries, but there can only be a single active execution per node at any given time. | [optional] 
     8  **job_id** | **str** | JobID is the unique identifier for the job | [optional] 
     9  **shard_index** | **int** | ShardIndex is the index of the shard in the job | [optional] 
    10  **state** | [**ShardStateState**]( |  | [optional] 
    11  **update_time** | **str** | UpdateTime is the time when the shard state was last updated. | [optional] 
    12  **version** | **int** | Version is the version of the shard state. It is incremented every time the shard state is updated. | [optional] 
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