
     1  import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib";
     3  // These values map to the keys in our cdk.json and make sure
     4  // no values that aren't supported are passed in with the
     5  // -c config=env flag
     6  const supportedEnvironments = ["prod", "staging"] as const;
     8  type SupportedEnvironments = typeof supportedEnvironments[number];
    10  // This maps to the values you specified in your cdk.json file
    11  // if you add any values to your cdk.json file, also add them here!
    12  export type CanaryConfig = {
    13      readonly env: SupportedEnvironments;
    14      readonly envTitle: string;
    15      readonly bacalhauEnvironment: string;
    16      readonly account: string;
    17      readonly region: string;
    18      readonly createOperators: boolean;
    19      readonly dashboardPublicUrl: string;
    20  };
    22  export type PipelineConfig = {
    23      readonly env: SupportedEnvironments;
    24      readonly suffix: string;
    25      readonly account: string;
    26      readonly region: string;
    27      readonly bacalhauSourceConnection: SourceConnectionProps
    28  };
    30  export type SourceConnectionProps = {
    31      readonly owner: string;
    32      readonly repo: string;
    33      readonly branch: string;
    34      readonly connectionArn: string;
    35  }
    37  // This function is used by your CDK app and pulls your config values
    38  // from the context
    39  export const getCanaryConfig = (app: cdk.App, forceEnv?: any): CanaryConfig => {
    40      const node = app.node.tryGetContext("canary");
    41      if (!node) {
    42          throw new Error(
    43              "`canary` is missing in cdk context"
    44          );
    45      }
    47      const env = forceEnv || app.node.tryGetContext("config");
    48      if (!env) {
    49          throw new Error(
    50              "Context variable defining the environment must be passed to cdk: `cdk -c config=XXX`"
    51          );
    52      }
    53      if (!supportedEnvironments.includes(env)) {
    54          throw new Error(
    55              `${env} is not in supported environments: ${supportedEnvironments.join(
    56                  ", "
    57              )}`
    58          );
    59      }
    60      // this contains the values in the context without being
    61      // validated
    62      const unparsedEnv = node[env];
    63      const envTitle = env.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + env.slice(1);
    65      return {
    66          env: env,
    67          envTitle: envTitle,
    68          bacalhauEnvironment: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "bacalhauEnvironment"),
    69          account: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "account"),
    70          region: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "region"),
    71          createOperators: ensureBool(unparsedEnv, "createOperators"),
    72          dashboardPublicUrl: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "dashboardPublicUrl"),
    73      };
    74  };
    76  // This function is used by your CDK app and pulls your config values
    77  // from the context
    78  export const getPipelineConfig = (app: cdk.App, forceEnv?: any): PipelineConfig => {
    79      const node = app.node.tryGetContext("pipeline");
    80      if (!node) {
    81          throw new Error(
    82              "`pipeline` is missing in cdk context"
    83          );
    84      }
    85      const env = forceEnv || app.node.tryGetContext("config") || "prod";
    87      if (!supportedEnvironments.includes(env)) {
    88          throw new Error(
    89              `${env} is not in supported environments: ${supportedEnvironments.join(
    90                  ", "
    91              )}`
    92          );
    93      }
    94      // this contains the values in the context without being
    95      // validated
    96      const unparsedEnv = node[env];
    98      return {
    99          env: env,
   100          suffix: unparsedEnv["suffix"], // suffix can be blank
   101          account: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "account"),
   102          region: ensureString(unparsedEnv, "region"),
   103          bacalhauSourceConnection: {
   104              owner: ensureString(unparsedEnv['bacalhauSourceConnection'], "owner"),
   105              repo: ensureString(unparsedEnv['bacalhauSourceConnection'], "repo"),
   106              branch: ensureString(unparsedEnv['bacalhauSourceConnection'], "branch"),
   107              connectionArn: ensureString(unparsedEnv['bacalhauSourceConnection'], "connectionArn"),
   108          }
   109      };
   110  };
   112  // this function ensures that the value from the config is
   113  // the correct type. If you have any types other than
   114  // strings be sure to create a new validation function
   115  function ensureString(object: { [name: string]: any },
   116                        key: keyof CanaryConfig | keyof PipelineConfig | keyof SourceConnectionProps): string {
   117      if (!(key in object) ||
   118          typeof object[key] !== "string" ||
   119          object[key].trim().length === 0) {
   120          throw new Error(key + " does not exist in config: " + JSON.stringify(object));
   121      }
   122      return object[key];
   123  }
   125  function ensureBool(object: { [name: string]: any },
   126                        key: keyof CanaryConfig | keyof PipelineConfig | keyof SourceConnectionProps): boolean {
   127      if (!(key in object) || typeof object[key] !== "boolean") {
   128          throw new Error(key + " does not exist in config: " + JSON.stringify(object));
   129      }
   130      return object[key];
   131  }