
     1  bacalhau_version            = "v0.3.21"
     2  bacalhau_port               = "1235"
     3  bacalhau_node_id_0          = "QmdZQ7ZbhnvWY1J12XYKGHApJ6aufKyLNSvf8jZBrBaAVL"
     4  bacalhau_node_id_1          = "QmXaXu9N5GNetatsvwnTfQqNtSeKAD6uCmarbh3LMRYAcF"
     5  bacalhau_node_id_2          = "QmYgxZiySj3MRkwLSL4X2MF5F9f2PMhAE3LV49XkfNL1o3"
     6  ipfs_version                = "v0.12.2"
     7  gcp_project                 = "bacalhau-production"
     8  grafana_cloud_prometheus_user      = "14299"
     9  grafana_cloud_prometheus_endpoint  = ""
    10  loki_version                = "2.7.1"
    11  grafana_cloud_loki_user     = "6143"
    12  grafana_cloud_loki_endpoint = ""
    13  grafana_cloud_tempo_user    = "76"
    14  grafana_cloud_tempo_endpoint = ""
    15  instance_count              = 5
    16  region                      = "us-east4"
    17  zone                        = "us-east4-c"
    18  volume_size_gb              = 1000 # when increasing this value you need to claim the new space manually
    19  boot_disk_size_gb           = 1000
    20  machine_type                = "e2-standard-16"
    21  protect_resources           = true
    22  auto_subnets                = true
    23  ingress_cidrs               = [""]
    24  ssh_access_cidrs            = [""]
    25  num_gpu_machines            = 2
    26  internal_ip_addresses       = ["", "", "", "", ""]
    27  public_ip_addresses         = ["", "", "", "", ""]
    28  log_level                   = "debug"
    29  otel_collector_version  = "0.70.0"
    30  otel_collector_endpoint = "http://localhost:4318"