
     1  [flake8]
     2  max-line-length = 120
     3  max-complexity = 18
     4  ignore = E203, E266, W503
     5  docstring-convention = google
     6  per-file-ignores =
     7  exclude = .git,
     8      __pycache__,
    10      build,
    11      dist,
    12      docs,
    13      releases,
    14      .venv,
    15      .tox,
    16      .mypy_cache,
    17      .pytest_cache,
    18      .vscode,
    19      .github,
    20      # By default test codes will be linted.
    21      # tests
    23  [mypy]
    24  ignore_missing_imports = True
    26  [coverage:run]
    27  # uncomment the following to omit files during running
    28  #omit =
    29  [coverage:report]
    30  exclude_lines =
    31      pragma: no cover
    32      def __repr__
    33      if self.debug:
    34      if settings.DEBUG
    35      raise AssertionError
    36      raise NotImplementedError
    37      if 0:
    38      if __name__ == .__main__.:
    39      def main
    41  [tox:tox]
    42  isolated_build = true
    43  envlist = py36, py37, py38, py39, format, lint, build
    45  [gh-actions]
    46  python =
    47      3.9: py39
    48      3.8: py38, format, lint, build
    49      3.7: py37
    50      3.6: py36
    52  [testenv]
    53  allowlist_externals = pytest
    54  extras =
    55      test
    56  passenv = *
    57  setenv =
    58      PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
    59      PYTHONWARNINGS = ignore
    60  commands =
    61      pytest --cov=bacalhau_sdk --cov-branch --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term-missing tests
    63  [testenv:format]
    64  allowlist_externals =
    65      isort
    66      black
    67  extras =
    68      test
    69  commands =
    70      isort bacalhau_sdk
    71      black bacalhau_sdk tests
    73  [testenv:lint]
    74  allowlist_externals =
    75      flake8
    76      mypy
    77  extras =
    78      test
    79  commands =
    80      flake8 bacalhau_sdk tests
    81      mypy bacalhau_sdk tests
    83  [testenv:build]
    84  allowlist_externals =
    85      poetry
    86      mkdocs
    87      twine
    88  extras =
    89      doc
    90      dev
    91  commands =
    92      poetry build
    93      mkdocs build
    94      twine check dist/*