
     1  ---
     2  title: "plugin inspect"
     3  description: "The plugin inspect command description and usage"
     4  keywords: "plugin, inspect"
     5  ---
     7  <!-- This file is maintained within the docker/docker Github
     8       repository at Make all
     9       pull requests against that repo. If you see this file in
    10       another repository, consider it read-only there, as it will
    11       periodically be overwritten by the definitive file. Pull
    12       requests which include edits to this file in other repositories
    13       will be rejected.
    14  -->
    16  # plugin inspect
    18  ```markdown
    19  Usage:	docker plugin inspect [OPTIONS] PLUGIN [PLUGIN...]
    21  Display detailed information on one or more plugins
    23  Options:
    24    -f, --format string   Format the output using the given Go template
    25        --help            Print usage
    26  ```
    28  Returns information about a plugin. By default, this command renders all results
    29  in a JSON array.
    31  Example output:
    33  ```bash
    34  $ docker plugin inspect tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest
    35  ```
    36  ```JSON
    37  {
    38    "Id": "8c74c978c434745c3ade82f1bc0acf38d04990eaf494fa507c16d9f1daa99c21",
    39    "Name": "tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest",
    40    "Enabled": true,
    41    "Config": {
    42      "Mounts": [
    43        {
    44          "Name": "",
    45          "Description": "",
    46          "Settable": null,
    47          "Source": "/data",
    48          "Destination": "/data",
    49          "Type": "bind",
    50          "Options": [
    51            "shared",
    52            "rbind"
    53          ]
    54        },
    55        {
    56          "Name": "",
    57          "Description": "",
    58          "Settable": null,
    59          "Source": null,
    60          "Destination": "/foobar",
    61          "Type": "tmpfs",
    62          "Options": null
    63        }
    64      ],
    65      "Env": [
    66        "DEBUG=1"
    67      ],
    68      "Args": null,
    69      "Devices": null
    70    },
    71    "Manifest": {
    72      "ManifestVersion": "v0",
    73      "Description": "A test plugin for Docker",
    74      "Documentation": "",
    75      "Interface": {
    76        "Types": [
    77          "docker.volumedriver/1.0"
    78        ],
    79        "Socket": "plugins.sock"
    80      },
    81      "Entrypoint": [
    82        "plugin-sample-volume-plugin",
    83        "/data"
    84      ],
    85      "Workdir": "",
    86      "User": {
    87      },
    88      "Network": {
    89        "Type": "host"
    90      },
    91      "Capabilities": null,
    92      "Mounts": [
    93        {
    94          "Name": "",
    95          "Description": "",
    96          "Settable": null,
    97          "Source": "/data",
    98          "Destination": "/data",
    99          "Type": "bind",
   100          "Options": [
   101            "shared",
   102            "rbind"
   103          ]
   104        },
   105        {
   106          "Name": "",
   107          "Description": "",
   108          "Settable": null,
   109          "Source": null,
   110          "Destination": "/foobar",
   111          "Type": "tmpfs",
   112          "Options": null
   113        }
   114      ],
   115      "Devices": [
   116        {
   117          "Name": "device",
   118          "Description": "a host device to mount",
   119          "Settable": null,
   120          "Path": "/dev/cpu_dma_latency"
   121        }
   122      ],
   123      "Env": [
   124        {
   125          "Name": "DEBUG",
   126          "Description": "If set, prints debug messages",
   127          "Settable": null,
   128          "Value": "1"
   129        }
   130      ],
   131      "Args": {
   132        "Name": "args",
   133        "Description": "command line arguments",
   134        "Settable": null,
   135        "Value": [
   137        ]
   138      }
   139    }
   140  }
   141  ```
   142  (output formatted for readability)
   145  ```bash
   146  $ docker plugin inspect -f '{{.Id}}' tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest
   147  ```
   148  ```
   149  8c74c978c434745c3ade82f1bc0acf38d04990eaf494fa507c16d9f1daa99c21
   150  ```
   153  ## Related information
   155  * [plugin create](
   156  * [plugin enable](
   157  * [plugin disable](
   158  * [plugin install](
   159  * [plugin ls](
   160  * [plugin push](
   161  * [plugin rm](
   162  * [plugin set](