
     1  # ClickHouse
     3  `clickhouse://host:port?username=user&password=qwerty&database=clicks&x-multi-statement=true`
     5  | URL Query  | Description |
     6  |------------|-------------|
     7  | `x-migrations-table`| Name of the migrations table |
     8  | `database` | The name of the database to connect to |
     9  | `username` | The user to sign in as |
    10  | `password` | The user's password | 
    11  | `host` | The host to connect to. |
    12  | `port` | The port to bind to. |
    13  | `x-multi-statement` | false | Enable multiple statements to be ran in a single migration (See note below) |
    15  ## Notes
    17  * The Clickhouse driver does not natively support executing multipe statements in a single query. To allow for multiple statements in a single migration, you can use the `x-multi-statement` param. There are two important caveats:
    18    * This mode splits the migration text into separately-executed statements by a semi-colon `;`. Thus `x-multi-statement` cannot be used when a statement in the migration contains a string with a semi-colon.
    19    * The queries are not executed in any sort of transaction/batch, meaning you are responsible for fixing partial migrations.