
     1  ---
     2  groups:
     3  - name: create
     4    jobs:
     5    - deploy
     6  - name: delete
     7    jobs:
     8    - delete-cf-and-underlying-infrastructure
    10  resources:
    11  - name: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks
    12    type: git
    13    source:
    14      uri:
    15      tag_filter: v8.*
    16  - name: cli-ci
    17    type: git
    18    source:
    19      uri:
    20      branch: master
    21      path: ci
    22  - name: cf-deployment
    23    type: git
    24    source:
    25      uri:
    26      tag_filter: v*
    27  - name: state
    28    type: git
    29    source:
    30      uri:
    31      private_key: ((cli-private-github-private-key))
    32      branch: master
    33      paths:
    34      - ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))/bbl-state.json
    35  - name: gcp-bosh-pool
    36    type: pool
    37    source:
    38      uri:
    39      private_key: ((cli-pools-github-private-key))
    40      branch: master
    41      pool: ((pool-name))
    42  - name: edge-capi-release
    43    type: s3
    44    source:
    45      bucket: capi-releases
    46      regexp: capi-(.*)-.*-.*.tgz
    48  jobs:
    49  - name: deploy
    50    serial_groups: [((stack-name))]
    51    build_logs_to_retain: 100
    52    plan:
    53    - aggregate:
    54      - get: cf-deployment
    55        trigger: true
    56      - get: edge-capi-release
    57        trigger: true
    58      - get: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks
    59      - get: state
    60      - put: gcp-bosh-pool
    61        params:
    62          claim: ((stack-name))
    63      - get: cli-ci
    64    - task: setup-infrastructure
    65      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bbl-up/task.yml
    66      input_mapping:
    67        bbl-config: state
    68        bbl-state: state
    69      params:
    70        BBL_IAAS: gcp
    71        BBL_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY: ((google-account-creds))
    72        BBL_GCP_REGION: us-central1
    73        BBL_LB_CERT: ((ssl-cert))
    74        BBL_LB_KEY: ((ssl-cert-private-key))
    75        LB_DOMAIN: ((stack-name))
    76        BBL_ENV_NAME: ((stack-name))
    77        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
    78    - task: upload-stemcell
    79      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bosh-upload-stemcell-from-cf-deployment/task.yml
    80      input_mapping:
    81        bbl-state: updated-bbl-state
    82      params:
    83        INFRASTRUCTURE: google
    84        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
    85    - task: create-vars-file
    86      file: cli-ci/ci/infrastructure/tasks/create-vars-file.yml
    87      params:
    88        CLIENT_SECRET: ((client-secret))
    89    - task: copy-ops-files
    90      file: cli-ci/ci/infrastructure/tasks/combine-inputs.yml
    91      input_mapping:
    92        input1: cf-deployment
    93        input2: cli-ci
    94      params:
    95        COPY_PATHS: "input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/use-latest-capi.yml input1/operations/scale-to-one-az.yml input1/operations/test/add-persistent-isolation-segment-diego-cell.yml input1/operations/use-compiled-releases.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/cli-isolation-cell-overrides.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/default-app-memory.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/diego-cell-instances.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/skip-ssl-override.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/uaa-vm_type-override.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/add-uaa-client-credentials.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/add-dummy-windows-stack.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/reduce-async-service-polling.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/add-oidc-provider.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/adjust-user-retry-attempts.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/enable-v3-deployments-endpoint.yml input2/ci/infrastructure/operations/enable-mysql-audit-logging.yml"
    96    - task: upload-edge-capi
    97      file: cli-ci/ci/infrastructure/tasks/upload-edge-capi.yml
    98      input_mapping:
    99        bbl-state: updated-bbl-state
   100        release-tarball: edge-capi-release
   101      params:
   102        BBL_STATE_DIR: "ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))"
   103    - task: deploy-cf
   104      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bosh-deploy/task.yml
   105      input_mapping:
   106        bbl-state: updated-bbl-state
   107        vars-files: vars_path
   108        ops-files: combine_inputs_output
   109      params:
   110        SYSTEM_DOMAIN: ((stack-name))
   111        OPS_FILES: "add-persistent-isolation-segment-diego-cell.yml use-compiled-releases.yml use-latest-capi.yml cli-isolation-cell-overrides.yml default-app-memory.yml skip-ssl-override.yml scale-to-one-az.yml diego-cell-instances.yml uaa-vm_type-override.yml add-uaa-client-credentials.yml add-dummy-windows-stack.yml reduce-async-service-polling.yml add-oidc-provider.yml adjust-user-retry-attempts.yml enable-v3-deployments-endpoint.yml enable-mysql-audit-logging.yml"
   112        VARS_FILES: vars.yml
   113        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
   114    - task: bosh-cleanup
   115      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bosh-cleanup/task.yml
   116      input_mapping:
   117        bbl-state: updated-bbl-state
   118      params:
   119        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
   120        CLEAN_ALL: true
   121    ensure:
   122      aggregate:
   123        - put: state
   124          params:
   125            repository: updated-bbl-state
   126            rebase: true
   127        - put: gcp-bosh-pool
   128          params:
   129            release: gcp-bosh-pool
   131  # To ensure a clean state after this Concourse job, the Cloud Foundry must be deleted first.
   132  # The infrastructure that this Cloud Foundry was running on must be deleted afterward.
   133  - name: delete-cf-and-underlying-infrastructure
   134    serial_groups: [((stack-name))]
   135    build_logs_to_retain: 100
   136    plan:
   137    - aggregate:
   138      - get: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks
   139      - get: state
   140      - put: gcp-bosh-pool
   141        params:
   142          claim: ((stack-name))
   143    - task: delete-cf-deployment
   144      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bosh-delete-deployment/task.yml
   145      input_mapping:
   146        bbl-state: state
   147      params:
   148        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
   149    - task: bosh-cleanup
   150      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bosh-cleanup/task.yml
   151      input_mapping:
   152        bbl-state: state
   153      params:
   154        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
   155        CLEAN_ALL: true
   156    - task: destroy-infrastructure
   157      file: cf-deployment-concourse-tasks/bbl-destroy/task.yml
   158      input_mapping:
   159        bbl-state: state
   160      params:
   161        BBL_STATE_DIR: ci/infrastructure/((stack-name))
   162        BBL_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY: ((google-account-creds))
   163    ensure:
   164      aggregate:
   165      - put: state
   166        params:
   167          repository: updated-bbl-state
   168          rebase: true
   169      - put: gcp-bosh-pool
   170        params:
   171          release: gcp-bosh-pool