
     1  [Setup]
     2  ChangesEnvironment=yes
     3  AlwaysShowDirOnReadyPage=yes
     4  AppName=Cloud Foundry CLI
     5  AppVersion=VERSION
     6  AppVerName=Cloud Foundry CLI version VERSION
     7  AppPublisher=Cloud Foundry Foundation
     8  PrivilegesRequired=none
     9  DefaultDirName={pf}\Cloud Foundry
    10  SetupIconFile=cf.ico
    11  UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\cf.ico
    13  [Registry]
    14  Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{olddata};{app}"; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn and NeedsAddPath(ExpandConstant('{app}'))
    15  Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{olddata};{app}"; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn and NeedsAddPath(ExpandConstant('{app}'))
    17  [Files]
    18  Source: CF_LICENSE; DestDir: "{app}"
    19  Source: CF_NOTICE; DestDir: "{app}"
    20  Source: CF_SOURCE; DestDir: "{app}"
    21  Source: CF_ICON; DestDir: "{app}"
    23  [Code]
    24  #include "common.iss"