
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package gc
     7  import (
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"strings"
    12  )
    14  // To enable tracing support (-t flag), set enableTrace to true.
    15  const enableTrace = false
    17  var trace bool
    18  var traceIndent []byte
    19  var skipDowidthForTracing bool
    21  func tracePrint(title string, n *Node) func(np **Node) {
    22  	indent := traceIndent
    24  	// guard against nil
    25  	var pos, op string
    26  	var tc uint8
    27  	if n != nil {
    28  		pos = linestr(n.Pos)
    29  		op = n.Op.String()
    30  		tc = n.Typecheck()
    31  	}
    33  	skipDowidthForTracing = true
    34  	defer func() { skipDowidthForTracing = false }()
    35  	fmt.Printf("%s: %s%s %p %s %v tc=%d\n", pos, indent, title, n, op, n, tc)
    36  	traceIndent = append(traceIndent, ". "...)
    38  	return func(np **Node) {
    39  		traceIndent = traceIndent[:len(traceIndent)-2]
    41  		// if we have a result, use that
    42  		if np != nil {
    43  			n = *np
    44  		}
    46  		// guard against nil
    47  		// use outer pos, op so we don't get empty pos/op if n == nil (nicer output)
    48  		var tc uint8
    49  		var typ *types.Type
    50  		if n != nil {
    51  			pos = linestr(n.Pos)
    52  			op = n.Op.String()
    53  			tc = n.Typecheck()
    54  			typ = n.Type
    55  		}
    57  		skipDowidthForTracing = true
    58  		defer func() { skipDowidthForTracing = false }()
    59  		fmt.Printf("%s: %s=> %p %s %v tc=%d type=%#L\n", pos, indent, n, op, n, tc, typ)
    60  	}
    61  }
    63  const (
    64  	ctxStmt    = 1 << iota // evaluated at statement level
    65  	ctxExpr                // evaluated in value context
    66  	ctxType                // evaluated in type context
    67  	ctxCallee              // call-only expressions are ok
    68  	ctxMultiOK             // multivalue function returns are ok
    69  	ctxAssign              // assigning to expression
    70  )
    72  // type checks the whole tree of an expression.
    73  // calculates expression types.
    74  // evaluates compile time constants.
    75  // marks variables that escape the local frame.
    76  // rewrites n.Op to be more specific in some cases.
    78  var typecheckdefstack []*Node
    80  // resolve ONONAME to definition, if any.
    81  func resolve(n *Node) (res *Node) {
    82  	if n == nil || n.Op != ONONAME {
    83  		return n
    84  	}
    86  	// only trace if there's work to do
    87  	if enableTrace && trace {
    88  		defer tracePrint("resolve", n)(&res)
    89  	}
    91  	if n.Sym.Pkg != localpkg {
    92  		if inimport {
    93  			Fatalf("recursive inimport")
    94  		}
    95  		inimport = true
    96  		expandDecl(n)
    97  		inimport = false
    98  		return n
    99  	}
   101  	r := asNode(n.Sym.Def)
   102  	if r == nil {
   103  		return n
   104  	}
   106  	if r.Op == OIOTA {
   107  		if x := getIotaValue(); x >= 0 {
   108  			return nodintconst(x)
   109  		}
   110  		return n
   111  	}
   113  	return r
   114  }
   116  func typecheckslice(l []*Node, top int) {
   117  	for i := range l {
   118  		l[i] = typecheck(l[i], top)
   119  	}
   120  }
   122  var _typekind = []string{
   123  	TINT:        "int",
   124  	TUINT:       "uint",
   125  	TINT8:       "int8",
   126  	TUINT8:      "uint8",
   127  	TINT16:      "int16",
   128  	TUINT16:     "uint16",
   129  	TINT32:      "int32",
   130  	TUINT32:     "uint32",
   131  	TINT64:      "int64",
   132  	TUINT64:     "uint64",
   133  	TUINTPTR:    "uintptr",
   134  	TCOMPLEX64:  "complex64",
   135  	TCOMPLEX128: "complex128",
   136  	TFLOAT32:    "float32",
   137  	TFLOAT64:    "float64",
   138  	TBOOL:       "bool",
   139  	TSTRING:     "string",
   140  	TPTR:        "pointer",
   141  	TUNSAFEPTR:  "unsafe.Pointer",
   142  	TSTRUCT:     "struct",
   143  	TINTER:      "interface",
   144  	TCHAN:       "chan",
   145  	TMAP:        "map",
   146  	TARRAY:      "array",
   147  	TSLICE:      "slice",
   148  	TFUNC:       "func",
   149  	TNIL:        "nil",
   150  	TIDEAL:      "untyped number",
   151  }
   153  func typekind(t *types.Type) string {
   154  	if t.IsSlice() {
   155  		return "slice"
   156  	}
   157  	et := t.Etype
   158  	if int(et) < len(_typekind) {
   159  		s := _typekind[et]
   160  		if s != "" {
   161  			return s
   162  		}
   163  	}
   164  	return fmt.Sprintf("etype=%d", et)
   165  }
   167  func cycleFor(start *Node) []*Node {
   168  	// Find the start node in typecheck_tcstack.
   169  	// We know that it must exist because each time we mark
   170  	// a node with n.SetTypecheck(2) we push it on the stack,
   171  	// and each time we mark a node with n.SetTypecheck(2) we
   172  	// pop it from the stack. We hit a cycle when we encounter
   173  	// a node marked 2 in which case is must be on the stack.
   174  	i := len(typecheck_tcstack) - 1
   175  	for i > 0 && typecheck_tcstack[i] != start {
   176  		i--
   177  	}
   179  	// collect all nodes with same Op
   180  	var cycle []*Node
   181  	for _, n := range typecheck_tcstack[i:] {
   182  		if n.Op == start.Op {
   183  			cycle = append(cycle, n)
   184  		}
   185  	}
   187  	return cycle
   188  }
   190  func cycleTrace(cycle []*Node) string {
   191  	var s string
   192  	for i, n := range cycle {
   193  		s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%v: %v uses %v", n.Line(), n, cycle[(i+1)%len(cycle)])
   194  	}
   195  	return s
   196  }
   198  var typecheck_tcstack []*Node
   200  // typecheck type checks node n.
   201  // The result of typecheck MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
   202  // 	n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, top)
   203  func typecheck(n *Node, top int) (res *Node) {
   204  	// cannot type check until all the source has been parsed
   205  	if !typecheckok {
   206  		Fatalf("early typecheck")
   207  	}
   209  	if n == nil {
   210  		return nil
   211  	}
   213  	// only trace if there's work to do
   214  	if enableTrace && trace {
   215  		defer tracePrint("typecheck", n)(&res)
   216  	}
   218  	lno := setlineno(n)
   220  	// Skip over parens.
   221  	for n.Op == OPAREN {
   222  		n = n.Left
   223  	}
   225  	// Resolve definition of name and value of iota lazily.
   226  	n = resolve(n)
   228  	// Skip typecheck if already done.
   229  	// But re-typecheck ONAME/OTYPE/OLITERAL/OPACK node in case context has changed.
   230  	if n.Typecheck() == 1 {
   231  		switch n.Op {
   233  			break
   235  		default:
   236  			lineno = lno
   237  			return n
   238  		}
   239  	}
   241  	if n.Typecheck() == 2 {
   242  		// Typechecking loop. Trying printing a meaningful message,
   243  		// otherwise a stack trace of typechecking.
   244  		switch n.Op {
   245  		// We can already diagnose variables used as types.
   246  		case ONAME:
   247  			if top&(ctxExpr|ctxType) == ctxType {
   248  				yyerror("%v is not a type", n)
   249  			}
   251  		case OTYPE:
   252  			// Only report a type cycle if we are expecting a type.
   253  			// Otherwise let other code report an error.
   254  			if top&ctxType == ctxType {
   255  				// A cycle containing only alias types is an error
   256  				// since it would expand indefinitely when aliases
   257  				// are substituted.
   258  				cycle := cycleFor(n)
   259  				for _, n1 := range cycle {
   260  					if n1.Name != nil && !n1.Name.Param.Alias {
   261  						// Cycle is ok. But if n is an alias type and doesn't
   262  						// have a type yet, we have a recursive type declaration
   263  						// with aliases that we can't handle properly yet.
   264  						// Report an error rather than crashing later.
   265  						if n.Name != nil && n.Name.Param.Alias && n.Type == nil {
   266  							lineno = n.Pos
   267  							Fatalf("cannot handle alias type declaration (issue #25838): %v", n)
   268  						}
   269  						lineno = lno
   270  						return n
   271  					}
   272  				}
   273  				yyerrorl(n.Pos, "invalid recursive type alias %v%s", n, cycleTrace(cycle))
   274  			}
   276  		case OLITERAL:
   277  			if top&(ctxExpr|ctxType) == ctxType {
   278  				yyerror("%v is not a type", n)
   279  				break
   280  			}
   281  			yyerrorl(n.Pos, "constant definition loop%s", cycleTrace(cycleFor(n)))
   282  		}
   284  		if nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {
   285  			var trace string
   286  			for i := len(typecheck_tcstack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   287  				x := typecheck_tcstack[i]
   288  				trace += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%v %v", x.Line(), x)
   289  			}
   290  			yyerror("typechecking loop involving %v%s", n, trace)
   291  		}
   293  		lineno = lno
   294  		return n
   295  	}
   297  	n.SetTypecheck(2)
   299  	typecheck_tcstack = append(typecheck_tcstack, n)
   300  	n = typecheck1(n, top)
   302  	n.SetTypecheck(1)
   304  	last := len(typecheck_tcstack) - 1
   305  	typecheck_tcstack[last] = nil
   306  	typecheck_tcstack = typecheck_tcstack[:last]
   308  	lineno = lno
   309  	return n
   310  }
   312  // indexlit implements typechecking of untyped values as
   313  // array/slice indexes. It is almost equivalent to defaultlit
   314  // but also accepts untyped numeric values representable as
   315  // value of type int (see also checkmake for comparison).
   316  // The result of indexlit MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
   317  // 	n.Left = indexlit(n.Left)
   318  func indexlit(n *Node) *Node {
   319  	if n != nil && n.Type != nil && n.Type.Etype == TIDEAL {
   320  		return defaultlit(n, types.Types[TINT])
   321  	}
   322  	return n
   323  }
   325  // The result of typecheck1 MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
   326  // 	n.Left = typecheck1(n.Left, top)
   327  func typecheck1(n *Node, top int) (res *Node) {
   328  	if enableTrace && trace {
   329  		defer tracePrint("typecheck1", n)(&res)
   330  	}
   332  	switch n.Op {
   334  		if n.Sym == nil {
   335  			break
   336  		}
   338  		if n.Op == ONAME && n.SubOp() != 0 && top&ctxCallee == 0 {
   339  			yyerror("use of builtin %v not in function call", n.Sym)
   340  			n.Type = nil
   341  			return n
   342  		}
   344  		typecheckdef(n)
   345  		if n.Op == ONONAME {
   346  			n.Type = nil
   347  			return n
   348  		}
   349  	}
   351  	ok := 0
   352  	switch n.Op {
   353  	// until typecheck is complete, do nothing.
   354  	default:
   355  		Dump("typecheck", n)
   357  		Fatalf("typecheck %v", n.Op)
   359  	// names
   360  	case OLITERAL:
   361  		ok |= ctxExpr
   363  		if n.Type == nil && n.Val().Ctype() == CTSTR {
   364  			n.Type = types.Idealstring
   365  		}
   367  	case ONONAME:
   368  		ok |= ctxExpr
   370  	case ONAME:
   371  		if n.Name.Decldepth == 0 {
   372  			n.Name.Decldepth = decldepth
   373  		}
   374  		if n.SubOp() != 0 {
   375  			ok |= ctxCallee
   376  			break
   377  		}
   379  		if top&ctxAssign == 0 {
   380  			// not a write to the variable
   381  			if n.isBlank() {
   382  				yyerror("cannot use _ as value")
   383  				n.Type = nil
   384  				return n
   385  			}
   387  			n.Name.SetUsed(true)
   388  		}
   390  		ok |= ctxExpr
   392  	case OPACK:
   393  		yyerror("use of package %v without selector", n.Sym)
   394  		n.Type = nil
   395  		return n
   397  	case ODDD:
   398  		break
   400  	// types (ODEREF is with exprs)
   401  	case OTYPE:
   402  		ok |= ctxType
   404  		if n.Type == nil {
   405  			return n
   406  		}
   408  	case OTARRAY:
   409  		ok |= ctxType
   410  		r := typecheck(n.Right, ctxType)
   411  		if r.Type == nil {
   412  			n.Type = nil
   413  			return n
   414  		}
   416  		var t *types.Type
   417  		if n.Left == nil {
   418  			t = types.NewSlice(r.Type)
   419  		} else if n.Left.Op == ODDD {
   420  			if !n.Diag() {
   421  				n.SetDiag(true)
   422  				yyerror("use of [...] array outside of array literal")
   423  			}
   424  			n.Type = nil
   425  			return n
   426  		} else {
   427  			n.Left = indexlit(typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr))
   428  			l := n.Left
   429  			if consttype(l) != CTINT {
   430  				switch {
   431  				case l.Type == nil:
   432  					// Error already reported elsewhere.
   433  				case l.Type.IsInteger() && l.Op != OLITERAL:
   434  					yyerror("non-constant array bound %v", l)
   435  				default:
   436  					yyerror("invalid array bound %v", l)
   437  				}
   438  				n.Type = nil
   439  				return n
   440  			}
   442  			v := l.Val()
   443  			if doesoverflow(v, types.Types[TINT]) {
   444  				yyerror("array bound is too large")
   445  				n.Type = nil
   446  				return n
   447  			}
   449  			bound := v.U.(*Mpint).Int64()
   450  			if bound < 0 {
   451  				yyerror("array bound must be non-negative")
   452  				n.Type = nil
   453  				return n
   454  			}
   455  			t = types.NewArray(r.Type, bound)
   456  		}
   458  		setTypeNode(n, t)
   459  		n.Left = nil
   460  		n.Right = nil
   461  		checkwidth(t)
   463  	case OTMAP:
   464  		ok |= ctxType
   465  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType)
   466  		n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxType)
   467  		l := n.Left
   468  		r := n.Right
   469  		if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
   470  			n.Type = nil
   471  			return n
   472  		}
   473  		if l.Type.NotInHeap() {
   474  			yyerror("go:notinheap map key not allowed")
   475  		}
   476  		if r.Type.NotInHeap() {
   477  			yyerror("go:notinheap map value not allowed")
   478  		}
   480  		setTypeNode(n, types.NewMap(l.Type, r.Type))
   481  		mapqueue = append(mapqueue, n) // check map keys when all types are settled
   482  		n.Left = nil
   483  		n.Right = nil
   485  	case OTCHAN:
   486  		ok |= ctxType
   487  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType)
   488  		l := n.Left
   489  		if l.Type == nil {
   490  			n.Type = nil
   491  			return n
   492  		}
   493  		if l.Type.NotInHeap() {
   494  			yyerror("chan of go:notinheap type not allowed")
   495  		}
   497  		setTypeNode(n, types.NewChan(l.Type, n.TChanDir()))
   498  		n.Left = nil
   499  		n.ResetAux()
   501  	case OTSTRUCT:
   502  		ok |= ctxType
   503  		setTypeNode(n, tostruct(n.List.Slice()))
   504  		n.List.Set(nil)
   506  	case OTINTER:
   507  		ok |= ctxType
   508  		setTypeNode(n, tointerface(n.List.Slice()))
   510  	case OTFUNC:
   511  		ok |= ctxType
   512  		setTypeNode(n, functype(n.Left, n.List.Slice(), n.Rlist.Slice()))
   513  		n.Left = nil
   514  		n.List.Set(nil)
   515  		n.Rlist.Set(nil)
   517  	// type or expr
   518  	case ODEREF:
   519  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr|ctxType)
   520  		l := n.Left
   521  		t := l.Type
   522  		if t == nil {
   523  			n.Type = nil
   524  			return n
   525  		}
   526  		if l.Op == OTYPE {
   527  			ok |= ctxType
   528  			setTypeNode(n, types.NewPtr(l.Type))
   529  			n.Left = nil
   530  			// Ensure l.Type gets dowidth'd for the backend. Issue 20174.
   531  			checkwidth(l.Type)
   532  			break
   533  		}
   535  		if !t.IsPtr() {
   536  			if top&(ctxExpr|ctxStmt) != 0 {
   537  				yyerror("invalid indirect of %L", n.Left)
   538  				n.Type = nil
   539  				return n
   540  			}
   542  			break
   543  		}
   545  		ok |= ctxExpr
   546  		n.Type = t.Elem()
   548  	// arithmetic exprs
   549  	case OASOP,
   550  		OADD,
   551  		OAND,
   552  		OANDAND,
   553  		OANDNOT,
   554  		ODIV,
   555  		OEQ,
   556  		OGE,
   557  		OGT,
   558  		OLE,
   559  		OLT,
   560  		OLSH,
   561  		ORSH,
   562  		OMOD,
   563  		OMUL,
   564  		ONE,
   565  		OOR,
   566  		OOROR,
   567  		OSUB,
   568  		OXOR:
   569  		var l *Node
   570  		var op Op
   571  		var r *Node
   572  		if n.Op == OASOP {
   573  			ok |= ctxStmt
   574  			n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   575  			n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr)
   576  			l = n.Left
   577  			r = n.Right
   578  			checkassign(n, n.Left)
   579  			if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
   580  				n.Type = nil
   581  				return n
   582  			}
   583  			if n.Implicit() && !okforarith[l.Type.Etype] {
   584  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (non-numeric type %v)", n, l.Type)
   585  				n.Type = nil
   586  				return n
   587  			}
   588  			// TODO(marvin): Fix Node.EType type union.
   589  			op = n.SubOp()
   590  		} else {
   591  			ok |= ctxExpr
   592  			n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   593  			n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr)
   594  			l = n.Left
   595  			r = n.Right
   596  			if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
   597  				n.Type = nil
   598  				return n
   599  			}
   600  			op = n.Op
   601  		}
   602  		if op == OLSH || op == ORSH {
   603  			r = defaultlit(r, types.Types[TUINT])
   604  			n.Right = r
   605  			t := r.Type
   606  			if !t.IsInteger() {
   607  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (shift count type %v, must be integer)", n, r.Type)
   608  				n.Type = nil
   609  				return n
   610  			}
   611  			if t.IsSigned() && !langSupported(1, 13, curpkg()) {
   612  				yyerrorv("go1.13", "invalid operation: %v (signed shift count type %v)", n, r.Type)
   613  				n.Type = nil
   614  				return n
   615  			}
   616  			t = l.Type
   617  			if t != nil && t.Etype != TIDEAL && !t.IsInteger() {
   618  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (shift of type %v)", n, t)
   619  				n.Type = nil
   620  				return n
   621  			}
   623  			// no defaultlit for left
   624  			// the outer context gives the type
   625  			n.Type = l.Type
   627  			break
   628  		}
   630  		// ideal mixed with non-ideal
   631  		l, r = defaultlit2(l, r, false)
   633  		n.Left = l
   634  		n.Right = r
   635  		if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
   636  			n.Type = nil
   637  			return n
   638  		}
   639  		t := l.Type
   640  		if t.Etype == TIDEAL {
   641  			t = r.Type
   642  		}
   643  		et := t.Etype
   644  		if et == TIDEAL {
   645  			et = TINT
   646  		}
   647  		aop := OXXX
   648  		if iscmp[n.Op] && t.Etype != TIDEAL && !types.Identical(l.Type, r.Type) {
   649  			// comparison is okay as long as one side is
   650  			// assignable to the other.  convert so they have
   651  			// the same type.
   652  			//
   653  			// the only conversion that isn't a no-op is concrete == interface.
   654  			// in that case, check comparability of the concrete type.
   655  			// The conversion allocates, so only do it if the concrete type is huge.
   656  			converted := false
   657  			if r.Type.Etype != TBLANK {
   658  				aop = assignop(l.Type, r.Type, nil)
   659  				if aop != 0 {
   660  					if r.Type.IsInterface() && !l.Type.IsInterface() && !IsComparable(l.Type) {
   661  						yyerror("invalid operation: %v (operator %v not defined on %s)", n, op, typekind(l.Type))
   662  						n.Type = nil
   663  						return n
   664  					}
   666  					dowidth(l.Type)
   667  					if r.Type.IsInterface() == l.Type.IsInterface() || l.Type.Width >= 1<<16 {
   668  						l = nod(aop, l, nil)
   669  						l.Type = r.Type
   670  						l.SetTypecheck(1)
   671  						n.Left = l
   672  					}
   674  					t = r.Type
   675  					converted = true
   676  				}
   677  			}
   679  			if !converted && l.Type.Etype != TBLANK {
   680  				aop = assignop(r.Type, l.Type, nil)
   681  				if aop != 0 {
   682  					if l.Type.IsInterface() && !r.Type.IsInterface() && !IsComparable(r.Type) {
   683  						yyerror("invalid operation: %v (operator %v not defined on %s)", n, op, typekind(r.Type))
   684  						n.Type = nil
   685  						return n
   686  					}
   688  					dowidth(r.Type)
   689  					if r.Type.IsInterface() == l.Type.IsInterface() || r.Type.Width >= 1<<16 {
   690  						r = nod(aop, r, nil)
   691  						r.Type = l.Type
   692  						r.SetTypecheck(1)
   693  						n.Right = r
   694  					}
   696  					t = l.Type
   697  				}
   698  			}
   700  			et = t.Etype
   701  		}
   703  		if t.Etype != TIDEAL && !types.Identical(l.Type, r.Type) {
   704  			l, r = defaultlit2(l, r, true)
   705  			if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
   706  				n.Type = nil
   707  				return n
   708  			}
   709  			if l.Type.IsInterface() == r.Type.IsInterface() || aop == 0 {
   710  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (mismatched types %v and %v)", n, l.Type, r.Type)
   711  				n.Type = nil
   712  				return n
   713  			}
   714  		}
   716  		if !okfor[op][et] {
   717  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (operator %v not defined on %s)", n, op, typekind(t))
   718  			n.Type = nil
   719  			return n
   720  		}
   722  		// okfor allows any array == array, map == map, func == func.
   723  		// restrict to slice/map/func == nil and nil == slice/map/func.
   724  		if l.Type.IsArray() && !IsComparable(l.Type) {
   725  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (%v cannot be compared)", n, l.Type)
   726  			n.Type = nil
   727  			return n
   728  		}
   730  		if l.Type.IsSlice() && !l.isNil() && !r.isNil() {
   731  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (slice can only be compared to nil)", n)
   732  			n.Type = nil
   733  			return n
   734  		}
   736  		if l.Type.IsMap() && !l.isNil() && !r.isNil() {
   737  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (map can only be compared to nil)", n)
   738  			n.Type = nil
   739  			return n
   740  		}
   742  		if l.Type.Etype == TFUNC && !l.isNil() && !r.isNil() {
   743  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (func can only be compared to nil)", n)
   744  			n.Type = nil
   745  			return n
   746  		}
   748  		if l.Type.IsStruct() {
   749  			if f := IncomparableField(l.Type); f != nil {
   750  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (struct containing %v cannot be compared)", n, f.Type)
   751  				n.Type = nil
   752  				return n
   753  			}
   754  		}
   756  		t = l.Type
   757  		if iscmp[n.Op] {
   758  			// TIDEAL includes complex constant, but only OEQ and ONE are defined for complex,
   759  			// so check that the n.op is available for complex  here before doing evconst.
   760  			if !okfor[n.Op][TCOMPLEX128] && (Isconst(l, CTCPLX) || Isconst(r, CTCPLX)) {
   761  				yyerror("invalid operation: %v (operator %v not defined on untyped complex)", n, n.Op)
   762  				n.Type = nil
   763  				return n
   764  			}
   765  			evconst(n)
   766  			t = types.Idealbool
   767  			if n.Op != OLITERAL {
   768  				l, r = defaultlit2(l, r, true)
   769  				n.Left = l
   770  				n.Right = r
   771  			}
   772  		}
   774  		if et == TSTRING && n.Op == OADD {
   775  			// create OADDSTR node with list of strings in x + y + z + (w + v) + ...
   776  			n.Op = OADDSTR
   778  			if l.Op == OADDSTR {
   779  				n.List.Set(l.List.Slice())
   780  			} else {
   781  				n.List.Set1(l)
   782  			}
   783  			if r.Op == OADDSTR {
   784  				n.List.AppendNodes(&r.List)
   785  			} else {
   786  				n.List.Append(r)
   787  			}
   788  			n.Left = nil
   789  			n.Right = nil
   790  		}
   792  		if (op == ODIV || op == OMOD) && Isconst(r, CTINT) {
   793  			if r.Val().U.(*Mpint).CmpInt64(0) == 0 {
   794  				yyerror("division by zero")
   795  				n.Type = nil
   796  				return n
   797  			}
   798  		}
   800  		n.Type = t
   802  	case OBITNOT, ONEG, ONOT, OPLUS:
   803  		ok |= ctxExpr
   804  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   805  		l := n.Left
   806  		t := l.Type
   807  		if t == nil {
   808  			n.Type = nil
   809  			return n
   810  		}
   811  		if !okfor[n.Op][t.Etype] {
   812  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v %v", n.Op, t)
   813  			n.Type = nil
   814  			return n
   815  		}
   817  		n.Type = t
   819  	// exprs
   820  	case OADDR:
   821  		ok |= ctxExpr
   823  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   824  		if n.Left.Type == nil {
   825  			n.Type = nil
   826  			return n
   827  		}
   829  		switch n.Left.Op {
   831  			n.Op = OPTRLIT
   833  		default:
   834  			checklvalue(n.Left, "take the address of")
   835  			r := outervalue(n.Left)
   836  			if r.Op == ONAME {
   837  				if r.Orig != r {
   838  					Fatalf("found non-orig name node %v", r) // TODO(mdempsky): What does this mean?
   839  				}
   840  				r.Name.SetAddrtaken(true)
   841  				if r.Name.IsClosureVar() && !capturevarscomplete {
   842  					// Mark the original variable as Addrtaken so that capturevars
   843  					// knows not to pass it by value.
   844  					// But if the capturevars phase is complete, don't touch it,
   845  					// in case l.Name's containing function has not yet been compiled.
   846  					r.Name.Defn.Name.SetAddrtaken(true)
   847  				}
   848  			}
   849  			n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
   850  			if n.Left.Type == nil {
   851  				n.Type = nil
   852  				return n
   853  			}
   854  		}
   856  		n.Type = types.NewPtr(n.Left.Type)
   858  	case OCOMPLIT:
   859  		ok |= ctxExpr
   860  		n = typecheckcomplit(n)
   861  		if n.Type == nil {
   862  			return n
   863  		}
   865  	case OXDOT, ODOT:
   866  		if n.Op == OXDOT {
   867  			n = adddot(n)
   868  			n.Op = ODOT
   869  			if n.Left == nil {
   870  				n.Type = nil
   871  				return n
   872  			}
   873  		}
   875  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr|ctxType)
   877  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
   879  		t := n.Left.Type
   880  		if t == nil {
   881  			adderrorname(n)
   882  			n.Type = nil
   883  			return n
   884  		}
   886  		s := n.Sym
   888  		if n.Left.Op == OTYPE {
   889  			n = typecheckMethodExpr(n)
   890  			if n.Type == nil {
   891  				return n
   892  			}
   893  			ok = ctxExpr
   894  			break
   895  		}
   897  		if t.IsPtr() && !t.Elem().IsInterface() {
   898  			t = t.Elem()
   899  			if t == nil {
   900  				n.Type = nil
   901  				return n
   902  			}
   903  			n.Op = ODOTPTR
   904  			checkwidth(t)
   905  		}
   907  		if n.Sym.IsBlank() {
   908  			yyerror("cannot refer to blank field or method")
   909  			n.Type = nil
   910  			return n
   911  		}
   913  		if lookdot(n, t, 0) == nil {
   914  			// Legitimate field or method lookup failed, try to explain the error
   915  			switch {
   916  			case t.IsEmptyInterface():
   917  				yyerror("%v undefined (type %v is interface with no methods)", n, n.Left.Type)
   919  			case t.IsPtr() && t.Elem().IsInterface():
   920  				// Pointer to interface is almost always a mistake.
   921  				yyerror("%v undefined (type %v is pointer to interface, not interface)", n, n.Left.Type)
   923  			case lookdot(n, t, 1) != nil:
   924  				// Field or method matches by name, but it is not exported.
   925  				yyerror("%v undefined (cannot refer to unexported field or method %v)", n, n.Sym)
   927  			default:
   928  				if mt := lookdot(n, t, 2); mt != nil && visible(mt.Sym) { // Case-insensitive lookup.
   929  					yyerror("%v undefined (type %v has no field or method %v, but does have %v)", n, n.Left.Type, n.Sym, mt.Sym)
   930  				} else {
   931  					yyerror("%v undefined (type %v has no field or method %v)", n, n.Left.Type, n.Sym)
   932  				}
   933  			}
   934  			n.Type = nil
   935  			return n
   936  		}
   938  		switch n.Op {
   939  		case ODOTINTER, ODOTMETH:
   940  			if top&ctxCallee != 0 {
   941  				ok |= ctxCallee
   942  			} else {
   943  				typecheckpartialcall(n, s)
   944  				ok |= ctxExpr
   945  			}
   947  		default:
   948  			ok |= ctxExpr
   949  		}
   951  	case ODOTTYPE:
   952  		ok |= ctxExpr
   953  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   954  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
   955  		l := n.Left
   956  		t := l.Type
   957  		if t == nil {
   958  			n.Type = nil
   959  			return n
   960  		}
   961  		if !t.IsInterface() {
   962  			yyerror("invalid type assertion: %v (non-interface type %v on left)", n, t)
   963  			n.Type = nil
   964  			return n
   965  		}
   967  		if n.Right != nil {
   968  			n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxType)
   969  			n.Type = n.Right.Type
   970  			n.Right = nil
   971  			if n.Type == nil {
   972  				return n
   973  			}
   974  		}
   976  		if n.Type != nil && !n.Type.IsInterface() {
   977  			var missing, have *types.Field
   978  			var ptr int
   979  			if !implements(n.Type, t, &missing, &have, &ptr) {
   980  				if have != nil && have.Sym == missing.Sym {
   981  					yyerror("impossible type assertion:\n\t%v does not implement %v (wrong type for %v method)\n"+
   982  						"\t\thave %v%0S\n\t\twant %v%0S", n.Type, t, missing.Sym, have.Sym, have.Type, missing.Sym, missing.Type)
   983  				} else if ptr != 0 {
   984  					yyerror("impossible type assertion:\n\t%v does not implement %v (%v method has pointer receiver)", n.Type, t, missing.Sym)
   985  				} else if have != nil {
   986  					yyerror("impossible type assertion:\n\t%v does not implement %v (missing %v method)\n"+
   987  						"\t\thave %v%0S\n\t\twant %v%0S", n.Type, t, missing.Sym, have.Sym, have.Type, missing.Sym, missing.Type)
   988  				} else {
   989  					yyerror("impossible type assertion:\n\t%v does not implement %v (missing %v method)", n.Type, t, missing.Sym)
   990  				}
   991  				n.Type = nil
   992  				return n
   993  			}
   994  		}
   996  	case OINDEX:
   997  		ok |= ctxExpr
   998  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
   999  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1000  		n.Left = implicitstar(n.Left)
  1001  		l := n.Left
  1002  		n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr)
  1003  		r := n.Right
  1004  		t := l.Type
  1005  		if t == nil || r.Type == nil {
  1006  			n.Type = nil
  1007  			return n
  1008  		}
  1009  		switch t.Etype {
  1010  		default:
  1011  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (type %v does not support indexing)", n, t)
  1012  			n.Type = nil
  1013  			return n
  1015  		case TSTRING, TARRAY, TSLICE:
  1016  			n.Right = indexlit(n.Right)
  1017  			if t.IsString() {
  1018  				n.Type = types.Bytetype
  1019  			} else {
  1020  				n.Type = t.Elem()
  1021  			}
  1022  			why := "string"
  1023  			if t.IsArray() {
  1024  				why = "array"
  1025  			} else if t.IsSlice() {
  1026  				why = "slice"
  1027  			}
  1029  			if n.Right.Type != nil && !n.Right.Type.IsInteger() {
  1030  				yyerror("non-integer %s index %v", why, n.Right)
  1031  				break
  1032  			}
  1034  			if !n.Bounded() && Isconst(n.Right, CTINT) {
  1035  				x := n.Right.Int64()
  1036  				if x < 0 {
  1037  					yyerror("invalid %s index %v (index must be non-negative)", why, n.Right)
  1038  				} else if t.IsArray() && x >= t.NumElem() {
  1039  					yyerror("invalid array index %v (out of bounds for %d-element array)", n.Right, t.NumElem())
  1040  				} else if Isconst(n.Left, CTSTR) && x >= int64(len(strlit(n.Left))) {
  1041  					yyerror("invalid string index %v (out of bounds for %d-byte string)", n.Right, len(strlit(n.Left)))
  1042  				} else if n.Right.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(maxintval[TINT]) > 0 {
  1043  					yyerror("invalid %s index %v (index too large)", why, n.Right)
  1044  				}
  1045  			}
  1047  		case TMAP:
  1048  			n.Right = assignconv(n.Right, t.Key(), "map index")
  1049  			n.Type = t.Elem()
  1050  			n.Op = OINDEXMAP
  1051  			n.ResetAux()
  1052  		}
  1054  	case ORECV:
  1055  		ok |= ctxStmt | ctxExpr
  1056  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1057  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1058  		l := n.Left
  1059  		t := l.Type
  1060  		if t == nil {
  1061  			n.Type = nil
  1062  			return n
  1063  		}
  1064  		if !t.IsChan() {
  1065  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (receive from non-chan type %v)", n, t)
  1066  			n.Type = nil
  1067  			return n
  1068  		}
  1070  		if !t.ChanDir().CanRecv() {
  1071  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (receive from send-only type %v)", n, t)
  1072  			n.Type = nil
  1073  			return n
  1074  		}
  1076  		n.Type = t.Elem()
  1078  	case OSEND:
  1079  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1080  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1081  		n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr)
  1082  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1083  		t := n.Left.Type
  1084  		if t == nil {
  1085  			n.Type = nil
  1086  			return n
  1087  		}
  1088  		if !t.IsChan() {
  1089  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (send to non-chan type %v)", n, t)
  1090  			n.Type = nil
  1091  			return n
  1092  		}
  1094  		if !t.ChanDir().CanSend() {
  1095  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (send to receive-only type %v)", n, t)
  1096  			n.Type = nil
  1097  			return n
  1098  		}
  1100  		n.Right = assignconv(n.Right, t.Elem(), "send")
  1101  		if n.Right.Type == nil {
  1102  			n.Type = nil
  1103  			return n
  1104  		}
  1105  		n.Type = nil
  1107  	case OSLICEHEADER:
  1108  		// Errors here are Fatalf instead of yyerror because only the compiler
  1109  		// can construct an OSLICEHEADER node.
  1110  		// Components used in OSLICEHEADER that are supplied by parsed source code
  1111  		// have already been typechecked in e.g. OMAKESLICE earlier.
  1112  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1114  		t := n.Type
  1115  		if t == nil {
  1116  			Fatalf("no type specified for OSLICEHEADER")
  1117  		}
  1119  		if !t.IsSlice() {
  1120  			Fatalf("invalid type %v for OSLICEHEADER", n.Type)
  1121  		}
  1123  		if n.Left == nil || n.Left.Type == nil || !n.Left.Type.IsUnsafePtr() {
  1124  			Fatalf("need unsafe.Pointer for OSLICEHEADER")
  1125  		}
  1127  		if x := n.List.Len(); x != 2 {
  1128  			Fatalf("expected 2 params (len, cap) for OSLICEHEADER, got %d", x)
  1129  		}
  1131  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1132  		l := typecheck(n.List.First(), ctxExpr)
  1133  		c := typecheck(n.List.Second(), ctxExpr)
  1134  		l = defaultlit(l, types.Types[TINT])
  1135  		c = defaultlit(c, types.Types[TINT])
  1137  		if Isconst(l, CTINT) && l.Int64() < 0 {
  1138  			Fatalf("len for OSLICEHEADER must be non-negative")
  1139  		}
  1141  		if Isconst(c, CTINT) && c.Int64() < 0 {
  1142  			Fatalf("cap for OSLICEHEADER must be non-negative")
  1143  		}
  1145  		if Isconst(l, CTINT) && Isconst(c, CTINT) && l.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(c.Val().U.(*Mpint)) > 0 {
  1146  			Fatalf("len larger than cap for OSLICEHEADER")
  1147  		}
  1149  		n.List.SetFirst(l)
  1150  		n.List.SetSecond(c)
  1152  	case OSLICE, OSLICE3:
  1153  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1154  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1155  		low, high, max := n.SliceBounds()
  1156  		hasmax := n.Op.IsSlice3()
  1157  		low = typecheck(low, ctxExpr)
  1158  		high = typecheck(high, ctxExpr)
  1159  		max = typecheck(max, ctxExpr)
  1160  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1161  		low = indexlit(low)
  1162  		high = indexlit(high)
  1163  		max = indexlit(max)
  1164  		n.SetSliceBounds(low, high, max)
  1165  		l := n.Left
  1166  		if l.Type == nil {
  1167  			n.Type = nil
  1168  			return n
  1169  		}
  1170  		if l.Type.IsArray() {
  1171  			if !islvalue(n.Left) {
  1172  				yyerror("invalid operation %v (slice of unaddressable value)", n)
  1173  				n.Type = nil
  1174  				return n
  1175  			}
  1177  			n.Left = nod(OADDR, n.Left, nil)
  1178  			n.Left.SetImplicit(true)
  1179  			n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1180  			l = n.Left
  1181  		}
  1182  		t := l.Type
  1183  		var tp *types.Type
  1184  		if t.IsString() {
  1185  			if hasmax {
  1186  				yyerror("invalid operation %v (3-index slice of string)", n)
  1187  				n.Type = nil
  1188  				return n
  1189  			}
  1190  			n.Type = t
  1191  			n.Op = OSLICESTR
  1192  		} else if t.IsPtr() && t.Elem().IsArray() {
  1193  			tp = t.Elem()
  1194  			n.Type = types.NewSlice(tp.Elem())
  1195  			dowidth(n.Type)
  1196  			if hasmax {
  1197  				n.Op = OSLICE3ARR
  1198  			} else {
  1199  				n.Op = OSLICEARR
  1200  			}
  1201  		} else if t.IsSlice() {
  1202  			n.Type = t
  1203  		} else {
  1204  			yyerror("cannot slice %v (type %v)", l, t)
  1205  			n.Type = nil
  1206  			return n
  1207  		}
  1209  		if low != nil && !checksliceindex(l, low, tp) {
  1210  			n.Type = nil
  1211  			return n
  1212  		}
  1213  		if high != nil && !checksliceindex(l, high, tp) {
  1214  			n.Type = nil
  1215  			return n
  1216  		}
  1217  		if max != nil && !checksliceindex(l, max, tp) {
  1218  			n.Type = nil
  1219  			return n
  1220  		}
  1221  		if !checksliceconst(low, high) || !checksliceconst(low, max) || !checksliceconst(high, max) {
  1222  			n.Type = nil
  1223  			return n
  1224  		}
  1226  	// call and call like
  1227  	case OCALL:
  1228  		typecheckslice(n.Ninit.Slice(), ctxStmt) // imported rewritten f(g()) calls (#30907)
  1229  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr|ctxType|ctxCallee)
  1230  		if n.Left.Diag() {
  1231  			n.SetDiag(true)
  1232  		}
  1234  		l := n.Left
  1236  		if l.Op == ONAME && l.SubOp() != 0 {
  1237  			if n.IsDDD() && l.SubOp() != OAPPEND {
  1238  				yyerror("invalid use of ... with builtin %v", l)
  1239  			}
  1241  			// builtin: OLEN, OCAP, etc.
  1242  			n.Op = l.SubOp()
  1243  			n.Left = n.Right
  1244  			n.Right = nil
  1245  			n = typecheck1(n, top)
  1246  			return n
  1247  		}
  1249  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1250  		l = n.Left
  1251  		if l.Op == OTYPE {
  1252  			if n.IsDDD() {
  1253  				if !l.Type.Broke() {
  1254  					yyerror("invalid use of ... in type conversion to %v", l.Type)
  1255  				}
  1256  				n.SetDiag(true)
  1257  			}
  1259  			// pick off before type-checking arguments
  1260  			ok |= ctxExpr
  1262  			// turn CALL(type, arg) into CONV(arg) w/ type
  1263  			n.Left = nil
  1265  			n.Op = OCONV
  1266  			n.Type = l.Type
  1267  			if !onearg(n, "conversion to %v", l.Type) {
  1268  				n.Type = nil
  1269  				return n
  1270  			}
  1271  			n = typecheck1(n, top)
  1272  			return n
  1273  		}
  1275  		typecheckargs(n)
  1276  		t := l.Type
  1277  		if t == nil {
  1278  			n.Type = nil
  1279  			return n
  1280  		}
  1281  		checkwidth(t)
  1283  		switch l.Op {
  1284  		case ODOTINTER:
  1285  			n.Op = OCALLINTER
  1287  		case ODOTMETH:
  1288  			n.Op = OCALLMETH
  1290  			// typecheckaste was used here but there wasn't enough
  1291  			// information further down the call chain to know if we
  1292  			// were testing a method receiver for unexported fields.
  1293  			// It isn't necessary, so just do a sanity check.
  1294  			tp := t.Recv().Type
  1296  			if l.Left == nil || !types.Identical(l.Left.Type, tp) {
  1297  				Fatalf("method receiver")
  1298  			}
  1300  		default:
  1301  			n.Op = OCALLFUNC
  1302  			if t.Etype != TFUNC {
  1303  				name := l.String()
  1304  				if isBuiltinFuncName(name) && l.Name.Defn != nil {
  1305  					// be more specific when the function
  1306  					// name matches a predeclared function
  1307  					yyerror("cannot call non-function %s (type %v), declared at %s",
  1308  						name, t, linestr(l.Name.Defn.Pos))
  1309  				} else {
  1310  					yyerror("cannot call non-function %s (type %v)", name, t)
  1311  				}
  1312  				n.Type = nil
  1313  				return n
  1314  			}
  1315  		}
  1317  		typecheckaste(OCALL, n.Left, n.IsDDD(), t.Params(), n.List, func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("argument to %v", n.Left) })
  1318  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1319  		if t.NumResults() == 0 {
  1320  			break
  1321  		}
  1322  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1323  		if t.NumResults() == 1 {
  1324  			n.Type = l.Type.Results().Field(0).Type
  1326  			if n.Op == OCALLFUNC && n.Left.Op == ONAME && isRuntimePkg(n.Left.Sym.Pkg) && n.Left.Sym.Name == "getg" {
  1327  				// Emit code for runtime.getg() directly instead of calling function.
  1328  				// Most such rewrites (for example the similar one for math.Sqrt) should be done in walk,
  1329  				// so that the ordering pass can make sure to preserve the semantics of the original code
  1330  				// (in particular, the exact time of the function call) by introducing temporaries.
  1331  				// In this case, we know getg() always returns the same result within a given function
  1332  				// and we want to avoid the temporaries, so we do the rewrite earlier than is typical.
  1333  				n.Op = OGETG
  1334  			}
  1336  			break
  1337  		}
  1339  		// multiple return
  1340  		if top&(ctxMultiOK|ctxStmt) == 0 {
  1341  			yyerror("multiple-value %v() in single-value context", l)
  1342  			break
  1343  		}
  1345  		n.Type = l.Type.Results()
  1348  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1349  		if !onearg(n, "%v", n.Op) {
  1350  			n.Type = nil
  1351  			return n
  1352  		}
  1353  		n.Type = types.Types[TUINTPTR]
  1355  	case OCAP, OLEN:
  1356  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1357  		if !onearg(n, "%v", n.Op) {
  1358  			n.Type = nil
  1359  			return n
  1360  		}
  1362  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1363  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1364  		n.Left = implicitstar(n.Left)
  1365  		l := n.Left
  1366  		t := l.Type
  1367  		if t == nil {
  1368  			n.Type = nil
  1369  			return n
  1370  		}
  1372  		var ok bool
  1373  		if n.Op == OLEN {
  1374  			ok = okforlen[t.Etype]
  1375  		} else {
  1376  			ok = okforcap[t.Etype]
  1377  		}
  1378  		if !ok {
  1379  			yyerror("invalid argument %L for %v", l, n.Op)
  1380  			n.Type = nil
  1381  			return n
  1382  		}
  1384  		n.Type = types.Types[TINT]
  1386  	case OREAL, OIMAG:
  1387  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1388  		if !onearg(n, "%v", n.Op) {
  1389  			n.Type = nil
  1390  			return n
  1391  		}
  1393  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1394  		l := n.Left
  1395  		t := l.Type
  1396  		if t == nil {
  1397  			n.Type = nil
  1398  			return n
  1399  		}
  1401  		// Determine result type.
  1402  		switch t.Etype {
  1403  		case TIDEAL:
  1404  			n.Type = types.Idealfloat
  1405  		case TCOMPLEX64:
  1406  			n.Type = types.Types[TFLOAT32]
  1407  		case TCOMPLEX128:
  1408  			n.Type = types.Types[TFLOAT64]
  1409  		default:
  1410  			yyerror("invalid argument %L for %v", l, n.Op)
  1411  			n.Type = nil
  1412  			return n
  1413  		}
  1415  	case OCOMPLEX:
  1416  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1417  		typecheckargs(n)
  1418  		if !twoarg(n) {
  1419  			n.Type = nil
  1420  			return n
  1421  		}
  1422  		l := n.Left
  1423  		r := n.Right
  1424  		if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
  1425  			n.Type = nil
  1426  			return n
  1427  		}
  1428  		l, r = defaultlit2(l, r, false)
  1429  		if l.Type == nil || r.Type == nil {
  1430  			n.Type = nil
  1431  			return n
  1432  		}
  1433  		n.Left = l
  1434  		n.Right = r
  1436  		if !types.Identical(l.Type, r.Type) {
  1437  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (mismatched types %v and %v)", n, l.Type, r.Type)
  1438  			n.Type = nil
  1439  			return n
  1440  		}
  1442  		var t *types.Type
  1443  		switch l.Type.Etype {
  1444  		default:
  1445  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (arguments have type %v, expected floating-point)", n, l.Type)
  1446  			n.Type = nil
  1447  			return n
  1449  		case TIDEAL:
  1450  			t = types.Idealcomplex
  1452  		case TFLOAT32:
  1453  			t = types.Types[TCOMPLEX64]
  1455  		case TFLOAT64:
  1456  			t = types.Types[TCOMPLEX128]
  1457  		}
  1458  		n.Type = t
  1460  	case OCLOSE:
  1461  		if !onearg(n, "%v", n.Op) {
  1462  			n.Type = nil
  1463  			return n
  1464  		}
  1465  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1466  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1467  		l := n.Left
  1468  		t := l.Type
  1469  		if t == nil {
  1470  			n.Type = nil
  1471  			return n
  1472  		}
  1473  		if !t.IsChan() {
  1474  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (non-chan type %v)", n, t)
  1475  			n.Type = nil
  1476  			return n
  1477  		}
  1479  		if !t.ChanDir().CanSend() {
  1480  			yyerror("invalid operation: %v (cannot close receive-only channel)", n)
  1481  			n.Type = nil
  1482  			return n
  1483  		}
  1485  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1487  	case ODELETE:
  1488  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1489  		typecheckargs(n)
  1490  		args := n.List
  1491  		if args.Len() == 0 {
  1492  			yyerror("missing arguments to delete")
  1493  			n.Type = nil
  1494  			return n
  1495  		}
  1497  		if args.Len() == 1 {
  1498  			yyerror("missing second (key) argument to delete")
  1499  			n.Type = nil
  1500  			return n
  1501  		}
  1503  		if args.Len() != 2 {
  1504  			yyerror("too many arguments to delete")
  1505  			n.Type = nil
  1506  			return n
  1507  		}
  1509  		l := args.First()
  1510  		r := args.Second()
  1511  		if l.Type != nil && !l.Type.IsMap() {
  1512  			yyerror("first argument to delete must be map; have %L", l.Type)
  1513  			n.Type = nil
  1514  			return n
  1515  		}
  1517  		args.SetSecond(assignconv(r, l.Type.Key(), "delete"))
  1519  	case OAPPEND:
  1520  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1521  		typecheckargs(n)
  1522  		args := n.List
  1523  		if args.Len() == 0 {
  1524  			yyerror("missing arguments to append")
  1525  			n.Type = nil
  1526  			return n
  1527  		}
  1529  		t := args.First().Type
  1530  		if t == nil {
  1531  			n.Type = nil
  1532  			return n
  1533  		}
  1535  		n.Type = t
  1536  		if !t.IsSlice() {
  1537  			if Isconst(args.First(), CTNIL) {
  1538  				yyerror("first argument to append must be typed slice; have untyped nil")
  1539  				n.Type = nil
  1540  				return n
  1541  			}
  1543  			yyerror("first argument to append must be slice; have %L", t)
  1544  			n.Type = nil
  1545  			return n
  1546  		}
  1548  		if n.IsDDD() {
  1549  			if args.Len() == 1 {
  1550  				yyerror("cannot use ... on first argument to append")
  1551  				n.Type = nil
  1552  				return n
  1553  			}
  1555  			if args.Len() != 2 {
  1556  				yyerror("too many arguments to append")
  1557  				n.Type = nil
  1558  				return n
  1559  			}
  1561  			if t.Elem().IsKind(TUINT8) && args.Second().Type.IsString() {
  1562  				args.SetSecond(defaultlit(args.Second(), types.Types[TSTRING]))
  1563  				break
  1564  			}
  1566  			args.SetSecond(assignconv(args.Second(), t.Orig, "append"))
  1567  			break
  1568  		}
  1570  		as := args.Slice()[1:]
  1571  		for i, n := range as {
  1572  			if n.Type == nil {
  1573  				continue
  1574  			}
  1575  			as[i] = assignconv(n, t.Elem(), "append")
  1576  			checkwidth(as[i].Type) // ensure width is calculated for backend
  1577  		}
  1579  	case OCOPY:
  1580  		ok |= ctxStmt | ctxExpr
  1581  		typecheckargs(n)
  1582  		if !twoarg(n) {
  1583  			n.Type = nil
  1584  			return n
  1585  		}
  1586  		n.Type = types.Types[TINT]
  1587  		if n.Left.Type == nil || n.Right.Type == nil {
  1588  			n.Type = nil
  1589  			return n
  1590  		}
  1591  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1592  		n.Right = defaultlit(n.Right, nil)
  1593  		if n.Left.Type == nil || n.Right.Type == nil {
  1594  			n.Type = nil
  1595  			return n
  1596  		}
  1598  		// copy([]byte, string)
  1599  		if n.Left.Type.IsSlice() && n.Right.Type.IsString() {
  1600  			if types.Identical(n.Left.Type.Elem(), types.Bytetype) {
  1601  				break
  1602  			}
  1603  			yyerror("arguments to copy have different element types: %L and string", n.Left.Type)
  1604  			n.Type = nil
  1605  			return n
  1606  		}
  1608  		if !n.Left.Type.IsSlice() || !n.Right.Type.IsSlice() {
  1609  			if !n.Left.Type.IsSlice() && !n.Right.Type.IsSlice() {
  1610  				yyerror("arguments to copy must be slices; have %L, %L", n.Left.Type, n.Right.Type)
  1611  			} else if !n.Left.Type.IsSlice() {
  1612  				yyerror("first argument to copy should be slice; have %L", n.Left.Type)
  1613  			} else {
  1614  				yyerror("second argument to copy should be slice or string; have %L", n.Right.Type)
  1615  			}
  1616  			n.Type = nil
  1617  			return n
  1618  		}
  1620  		if !types.Identical(n.Left.Type.Elem(), n.Right.Type.Elem()) {
  1621  			yyerror("arguments to copy have different element types: %L and %L", n.Left.Type, n.Right.Type)
  1622  			n.Type = nil
  1623  			return n
  1624  		}
  1626  	case OCONV:
  1627  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1628  		checkwidth(n.Type) // ensure width is calculated for backend
  1629  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1630  		n.Left = convlit1(n.Left, n.Type, true, nil)
  1631  		t := n.Left.Type
  1632  		if t == nil || n.Type == nil {
  1633  			n.Type = nil
  1634  			return n
  1635  		}
  1636  		var why string
  1637  		n.Op = convertop(n.Left.Op == OLITERAL, t, n.Type, &why)
  1638  		if n.Op == 0 {
  1639  			if !n.Diag() && !n.Type.Broke() && !n.Left.Diag() {
  1640  				yyerror("cannot convert %L to type %v%s", n.Left, n.Type, why)
  1641  				n.SetDiag(true)
  1642  			}
  1643  			n.Op = OCONV
  1644  			n.Type = nil
  1645  			return n
  1646  		}
  1648  		switch n.Op {
  1649  		case OCONVNOP:
  1650  			if t.Etype == n.Type.Etype {
  1651  				switch t.Etype {
  1652  				case TFLOAT32, TFLOAT64, TCOMPLEX64, TCOMPLEX128:
  1653  					// Floating point casts imply rounding and
  1654  					// so the conversion must be kept.
  1655  					n.Op = OCONV
  1656  				}
  1657  			}
  1659  		// do not convert to []byte literal. See CL 125796.
  1660  		// generated code and compiler memory footprint is better without it.
  1661  		case OSTR2BYTES:
  1662  			break
  1664  		case OSTR2RUNES:
  1665  			if n.Left.Op == OLITERAL {
  1666  				n = stringtoruneslit(n)
  1667  			}
  1668  		}
  1670  	case OMAKE:
  1671  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1672  		args := n.List.Slice()
  1673  		if len(args) == 0 {
  1674  			yyerror("missing argument to make")
  1675  			n.Type = nil
  1676  			return n
  1677  		}
  1679  		n.List.Set(nil)
  1680  		l := args[0]
  1681  		l = typecheck(l, ctxType)
  1682  		t := l.Type
  1683  		if t == nil {
  1684  			n.Type = nil
  1685  			return n
  1686  		}
  1688  		i := 1
  1689  		switch t.Etype {
  1690  		default:
  1691  			yyerror("cannot make type %v", t)
  1692  			n.Type = nil
  1693  			return n
  1695  		case TSLICE:
  1696  			if i >= len(args) {
  1697  				yyerror("missing len argument to make(%v)", t)
  1698  				n.Type = nil
  1699  				return n
  1700  			}
  1702  			l = args[i]
  1703  			i++
  1704  			l = typecheck(l, ctxExpr)
  1705  			var r *Node
  1706  			if i < len(args) {
  1707  				r = args[i]
  1708  				i++
  1709  				r = typecheck(r, ctxExpr)
  1710  			}
  1712  			if l.Type == nil || (r != nil && r.Type == nil) {
  1713  				n.Type = nil
  1714  				return n
  1715  			}
  1716  			if !checkmake(t, "len", l) || r != nil && !checkmake(t, "cap", r) {
  1717  				n.Type = nil
  1718  				return n
  1719  			}
  1720  			if Isconst(l, CTINT) && r != nil && Isconst(r, CTINT) && l.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(r.Val().U.(*Mpint)) > 0 {
  1721  				yyerror("len larger than cap in make(%v)", t)
  1722  				n.Type = nil
  1723  				return n
  1724  			}
  1726  			n.Left = l
  1727  			n.Right = r
  1728  			n.Op = OMAKESLICE
  1730  		case TMAP:
  1731  			if i < len(args) {
  1732  				l = args[i]
  1733  				i++
  1734  				l = typecheck(l, ctxExpr)
  1735  				l = defaultlit(l, types.Types[TINT])
  1736  				if l.Type == nil {
  1737  					n.Type = nil
  1738  					return n
  1739  				}
  1740  				if !checkmake(t, "size", l) {
  1741  					n.Type = nil
  1742  					return n
  1743  				}
  1744  				n.Left = l
  1745  			} else {
  1746  				n.Left = nodintconst(0)
  1747  			}
  1748  			n.Op = OMAKEMAP
  1750  		case TCHAN:
  1751  			l = nil
  1752  			if i < len(args) {
  1753  				l = args[i]
  1754  				i++
  1755  				l = typecheck(l, ctxExpr)
  1756  				l = defaultlit(l, types.Types[TINT])
  1757  				if l.Type == nil {
  1758  					n.Type = nil
  1759  					return n
  1760  				}
  1761  				if !checkmake(t, "buffer", l) {
  1762  					n.Type = nil
  1763  					return n
  1764  				}
  1765  				n.Left = l
  1766  			} else {
  1767  				n.Left = nodintconst(0)
  1768  			}
  1769  			n.Op = OMAKECHAN
  1770  		}
  1772  		if i < len(args) {
  1773  			yyerror("too many arguments to make(%v)", t)
  1774  			n.Op = OMAKE
  1775  			n.Type = nil
  1776  			return n
  1777  		}
  1779  		n.Type = t
  1781  	case ONEW:
  1782  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1783  		args := n.List
  1784  		if args.Len() == 0 {
  1785  			yyerror("missing argument to new")
  1786  			n.Type = nil
  1787  			return n
  1788  		}
  1790  		l := args.First()
  1791  		l = typecheck(l, ctxType)
  1792  		t := l.Type
  1793  		if t == nil {
  1794  			n.Type = nil
  1795  			return n
  1796  		}
  1797  		if args.Len() > 1 {
  1798  			yyerror("too many arguments to new(%v)", t)
  1799  			n.Type = nil
  1800  			return n
  1801  		}
  1803  		n.Left = l
  1804  		n.Type = types.NewPtr(t)
  1806  	case OPRINT, OPRINTN:
  1807  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1808  		typecheckslice(n.List.Slice(), ctxExpr)
  1809  		ls := n.List.Slice()
  1810  		for i1, n1 := range ls {
  1811  			// Special case for print: int constant is int64, not int.
  1812  			if Isconst(n1, CTINT) {
  1813  				ls[i1] = defaultlit(ls[i1], types.Types[TINT64])
  1814  			} else {
  1815  				ls[i1] = defaultlit(ls[i1], nil)
  1816  			}
  1817  		}
  1819  	case OPANIC:
  1820  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1821  		if !onearg(n, "panic") {
  1822  			n.Type = nil
  1823  			return n
  1824  		}
  1825  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1826  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, types.Types[TINTER])
  1827  		if n.Left.Type == nil {
  1828  			n.Type = nil
  1829  			return n
  1830  		}
  1832  	case ORECOVER:
  1833  		ok |= ctxExpr | ctxStmt
  1834  		if n.List.Len() != 0 {
  1835  			yyerror("too many arguments to recover")
  1836  			n.Type = nil
  1837  			return n
  1838  		}
  1840  		n.Type = types.Types[TINTER]
  1842  	case OCLOSURE:
  1843  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1844  		typecheckclosure(n, top)
  1845  		if n.Type == nil {
  1846  			return n
  1847  		}
  1849  	case OITAB:
  1850  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1851  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1852  		t := n.Left.Type
  1853  		if t == nil {
  1854  			n.Type = nil
  1855  			return n
  1856  		}
  1857  		if !t.IsInterface() {
  1858  			Fatalf("OITAB of %v", t)
  1859  		}
  1860  		n.Type = types.NewPtr(types.Types[TUINTPTR])
  1862  	case OIDATA:
  1863  		// Whoever creates the OIDATA node must know a priori the concrete type at that moment,
  1864  		// usually by just having checked the OITAB.
  1865  		Fatalf("cannot typecheck interface data %v", n)
  1867  	case OSPTR:
  1868  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1869  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1870  		t := n.Left.Type
  1871  		if t == nil {
  1872  			n.Type = nil
  1873  			return n
  1874  		}
  1875  		if !t.IsSlice() && !t.IsString() {
  1876  			Fatalf("OSPTR of %v", t)
  1877  		}
  1878  		if t.IsString() {
  1879  			n.Type = types.NewPtr(types.Types[TUINT8])
  1880  		} else {
  1881  			n.Type = types.NewPtr(t.Elem())
  1882  		}
  1884  	case OCLOSUREVAR:
  1885  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1887  	case OCFUNC:
  1888  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1889  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1890  		n.Type = types.Types[TUINTPTR]
  1892  	case OCONVNOP:
  1893  		ok |= ctxExpr
  1894  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1896  	// statements
  1897  	case OAS:
  1898  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1900  		typecheckas(n)
  1902  		// Code that creates temps does not bother to set defn, so do it here.
  1903  		if n.Left.Op == ONAME && n.Left.IsAutoTmp() {
  1904  			n.Left.Name.Defn = n
  1905  		}
  1907  	case OAS2:
  1908  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1909  		typecheckas2(n)
  1911  	case OBREAK,
  1912  		OCONTINUE,
  1913  		ODCL,
  1914  		OEMPTY,
  1915  		OGOTO,
  1916  		OFALL,
  1917  		OVARKILL,
  1918  		OVARLIVE:
  1919  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1921  	case OLABEL:
  1922  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1923  		decldepth++
  1924  		if n.Sym.IsBlank() {
  1925  			// Empty identifier is valid but useless.
  1926  			// Eliminate now to simplify life later.
  1927  			// See issues 7538, 11589, 11593.
  1928  			n.Op = OEMPTY
  1929  			n.Left = nil
  1930  		}
  1932  	case ODEFER:
  1933  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1934  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxStmt|ctxExpr)
  1935  		if !n.Left.Diag() {
  1936  			checkdefergo(n)
  1937  		}
  1939  	case OGO:
  1940  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1941  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxStmt|ctxExpr)
  1942  		checkdefergo(n)
  1944  	case OFOR, OFORUNTIL:
  1945  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1946  		typecheckslice(n.Ninit.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1947  		decldepth++
  1948  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1949  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1950  		if n.Left != nil {
  1951  			t := n.Left.Type
  1952  			if t != nil && !t.IsBoolean() {
  1953  				yyerror("non-bool %L used as for condition", n.Left)
  1954  			}
  1955  		}
  1956  		n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxStmt)
  1957  		if n.Op == OFORUNTIL {
  1958  			typecheckslice(n.List.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1959  		}
  1960  		typecheckslice(n.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1961  		decldepth--
  1963  	case OIF:
  1964  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1965  		typecheckslice(n.Ninit.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1966  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  1967  		n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
  1968  		if n.Left != nil {
  1969  			t := n.Left.Type
  1970  			if t != nil && !t.IsBoolean() {
  1971  				yyerror("non-bool %L used as if condition", n.Left)
  1972  			}
  1973  		}
  1974  		typecheckslice(n.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1975  		typecheckslice(n.Rlist.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  1977  	case ORETURN:
  1978  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1979  		typecheckargs(n)
  1980  		if Curfn == nil {
  1981  			yyerror("return outside function")
  1982  			n.Type = nil
  1983  			return n
  1984  		}
  1986  		if Curfn.Type.FuncType().Outnamed && n.List.Len() == 0 {
  1987  			break
  1988  		}
  1989  		typecheckaste(ORETURN, nil, false, Curfn.Type.Results(), n.List, func() string { return "return argument" })
  1991  	case ORETJMP:
  1992  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1994  	case OSELECT:
  1995  		ok |= ctxStmt
  1996  		typecheckselect(n)
  1998  	case OSWITCH:
  1999  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2000  		typecheckswitch(n)
  2002  	case ORANGE:
  2003  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2004  		typecheckrange(n)
  2006  	case OTYPESW:
  2007  		yyerror("use of .(type) outside type switch")
  2008  		n.Type = nil
  2009  		return n
  2011  	case OCASE:
  2012  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2013  		typecheckslice(n.List.Slice(), ctxExpr)
  2014  		typecheckslice(n.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt)
  2016  	case ODCLFUNC:
  2017  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2018  		typecheckfunc(n)
  2020  	case ODCLCONST:
  2021  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2022  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  2024  	case ODCLTYPE:
  2025  		ok |= ctxStmt
  2026  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType)
  2027  		checkwidth(n.Left.Type)
  2028  		if n.Left.Type != nil && n.Left.Type.NotInHeap() && n.Left.Name.Param.Pragma&NotInHeap == 0 {
  2029  			// The type contains go:notinheap types, so it
  2030  			// must be marked as such (alternatively, we
  2031  			// could silently propagate go:notinheap).
  2032  			yyerror("type %v must be go:notinheap", n.Left.Type)
  2033  		}
  2034  	}
  2036  	t := n.Type
  2037  	if t != nil && !t.IsFuncArgStruct() && n.Op != OTYPE {
  2038  		switch t.Etype {
  2039  		case TFUNC, // might have TANY; wait until it's called
  2041  			break
  2043  		default:
  2044  			checkwidth(t)
  2045  		}
  2046  	}
  2048  	evconst(n)
  2049  	if n.Op == OTYPE && top&ctxType == 0 {
  2050  		if !n.Type.Broke() {
  2051  			yyerror("type %v is not an expression", n.Type)
  2052  		}
  2053  		n.Type = nil
  2054  		return n
  2055  	}
  2057  	if top&(ctxExpr|ctxType) == ctxType && n.Op != OTYPE {
  2058  		yyerror("%v is not a type", n)
  2059  		n.Type = nil
  2060  		return n
  2061  	}
  2063  	// TODO(rsc): simplify
  2064  	if (top&(ctxCallee|ctxExpr|ctxType) != 0) && top&ctxStmt == 0 && ok&(ctxExpr|ctxType|ctxCallee) == 0 {
  2065  		yyerror("%v used as value", n)
  2066  		n.Type = nil
  2067  		return n
  2068  	}
  2070  	if (top&ctxStmt != 0) && top&(ctxCallee|ctxExpr|ctxType) == 0 && ok&ctxStmt == 0 {
  2071  		if !n.Diag() {
  2072  			yyerror("%v evaluated but not used", n)
  2073  			n.SetDiag(true)
  2074  		}
  2076  		n.Type = nil
  2077  		return n
  2078  	}
  2080  	return n
  2081  }
  2083  func typecheckargs(n *Node) {
  2084  	if n.List.Len() != 1 || n.IsDDD() {
  2085  		typecheckslice(n.List.Slice(), ctxExpr)
  2086  		return
  2087  	}
  2089  	typecheckslice(n.List.Slice(), ctxExpr|ctxMultiOK)
  2090  	t := n.List.First().Type
  2091  	if t == nil || !t.IsFuncArgStruct() {
  2092  		return
  2093  	}
  2095  	// Rewrite f(g()) into t1, t2, ... = g(); f(t1, t2, ...).
  2097  	// Save n as n.Orig for fmt.go.
  2098  	if n.Orig == n {
  2099  		n.Orig = n.sepcopy()
  2100  	}
  2102  	as := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
  2103  	as.Rlist.AppendNodes(&n.List)
  2105  	// If we're outside of function context, then this call will
  2106  	// be executed during the generated init function. However,
  2107  	// init.go hasn't yet created it. Instead, associate the
  2108  	// temporary variables with dummyInitFn for now, and init.go
  2109  	// will reassociate them later when it's appropriate.
  2110  	static := Curfn == nil
  2111  	if static {
  2112  		Curfn = dummyInitFn
  2113  	}
  2114  	for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
  2115  		t := temp(f.Type)
  2116  		as.Ninit.Append(nod(ODCL, t, nil))
  2117  		as.List.Append(t)
  2118  		n.List.Append(t)
  2119  	}
  2120  	if static {
  2121  		Curfn = nil
  2122  	}
  2124  	as = typecheck(as, ctxStmt)
  2125  	n.Ninit.Append(as)
  2126  }
  2128  func checksliceindex(l *Node, r *Node, tp *types.Type) bool {
  2129  	t := r.Type
  2130  	if t == nil {
  2131  		return false
  2132  	}
  2133  	if !t.IsInteger() {
  2134  		yyerror("invalid slice index %v (type %v)", r, t)
  2135  		return false
  2136  	}
  2138  	if r.Op == OLITERAL {
  2139  		if r.Int64() < 0 {
  2140  			yyerror("invalid slice index %v (index must be non-negative)", r)
  2141  			return false
  2142  		} else if tp != nil && tp.NumElem() >= 0 && r.Int64() > tp.NumElem() {
  2143  			yyerror("invalid slice index %v (out of bounds for %d-element array)", r, tp.NumElem())
  2144  			return false
  2145  		} else if Isconst(l, CTSTR) && r.Int64() > int64(len(strlit(l))) {
  2146  			yyerror("invalid slice index %v (out of bounds for %d-byte string)", r, len(strlit(l)))
  2147  			return false
  2148  		} else if r.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(maxintval[TINT]) > 0 {
  2149  			yyerror("invalid slice index %v (index too large)", r)
  2150  			return false
  2151  		}
  2152  	}
  2154  	return true
  2155  }
  2157  func checksliceconst(lo *Node, hi *Node) bool {
  2158  	if lo != nil && hi != nil && lo.Op == OLITERAL && hi.Op == OLITERAL && lo.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(hi.Val().U.(*Mpint)) > 0 {
  2159  		yyerror("invalid slice index: %v > %v", lo, hi)
  2160  		return false
  2161  	}
  2163  	return true
  2164  }
  2166  func checkdefergo(n *Node) {
  2167  	what := "defer"
  2168  	if n.Op == OGO {
  2169  		what = "go"
  2170  	}
  2172  	switch n.Left.Op {
  2173  	// ok
  2174  	case OCALLINTER,
  2175  		OCALLMETH,
  2176  		OCALLFUNC,
  2177  		OCLOSE,
  2178  		OCOPY,
  2179  		ODELETE,
  2180  		OPANIC,
  2181  		OPRINT,
  2182  		OPRINTN,
  2183  		ORECOVER:
  2184  		return
  2186  	case OAPPEND,
  2187  		OCAP,
  2188  		OCOMPLEX,
  2189  		OIMAG,
  2190  		OLEN,
  2191  		OMAKE,
  2192  		OMAKESLICE,
  2193  		OMAKECHAN,
  2194  		OMAKEMAP,
  2195  		ONEW,
  2196  		OREAL,
  2197  		OLITERAL: // conversion or unsafe.Alignof, Offsetof, Sizeof
  2198  		if n.Left.Orig != nil && n.Left.Orig.Op == OCONV {
  2199  			break
  2200  		}
  2201  		yyerrorl(n.Pos, "%s discards result of %v", what, n.Left)
  2202  		return
  2203  	}
  2205  	// type is broken or missing, most likely a method call on a broken type
  2206  	// we will warn about the broken type elsewhere. no need to emit a potentially confusing error
  2207  	if n.Left.Type == nil || n.Left.Type.Broke() {
  2208  		return
  2209  	}
  2211  	if !n.Diag() {
  2212  		// The syntax made sure it was a call, so this must be
  2213  		// a conversion.
  2214  		n.SetDiag(true)
  2215  		yyerrorl(n.Pos, "%s requires function call, not conversion", what)
  2216  	}
  2217  }
  2219  // The result of implicitstar MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
  2220  // 	n.Left = implicitstar(n.Left)
  2221  func implicitstar(n *Node) *Node {
  2222  	// insert implicit * if needed for fixed array
  2223  	t := n.Type
  2224  	if t == nil || !t.IsPtr() {
  2225  		return n
  2226  	}
  2227  	t = t.Elem()
  2228  	if t == nil {
  2229  		return n
  2230  	}
  2231  	if !t.IsArray() {
  2232  		return n
  2233  	}
  2234  	n = nod(ODEREF, n, nil)
  2235  	n.SetImplicit(true)
  2236  	n = typecheck(n, ctxExpr)
  2237  	return n
  2238  }
  2240  func onearg(n *Node, f string, args ...interface{}) bool {
  2241  	if n.Left != nil {
  2242  		return true
  2243  	}
  2244  	if n.List.Len() == 0 {
  2245  		p := fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)
  2246  		yyerror("missing argument to %s: %v", p, n)
  2247  		return false
  2248  	}
  2250  	if n.List.Len() > 1 {
  2251  		p := fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)
  2252  		yyerror("too many arguments to %s: %v", p, n)
  2253  		n.Left = n.List.First()
  2254  		n.List.Set(nil)
  2255  		return false
  2256  	}
  2258  	n.Left = n.List.First()
  2259  	n.List.Set(nil)
  2260  	return true
  2261  }
  2263  func twoarg(n *Node) bool {
  2264  	if n.Left != nil {
  2265  		return true
  2266  	}
  2267  	if n.List.Len() != 2 {
  2268  		if n.List.Len() < 2 {
  2269  			yyerror("not enough arguments in call to %v", n)
  2270  		} else {
  2271  			yyerror("too many arguments in call to %v", n)
  2272  		}
  2273  		return false
  2274  	}
  2275  	n.Left = n.List.First()
  2276  	n.Right = n.List.Second()
  2277  	n.List.Set(nil)
  2278  	return true
  2279  }
  2281  func lookdot1(errnode *Node, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, fs *types.Fields, dostrcmp int) *types.Field {
  2282  	var r *types.Field
  2283  	for _, f := range fs.Slice() {
  2284  		if dostrcmp != 0 && f.Sym.Name == s.Name {
  2285  			return f
  2286  		}
  2287  		if dostrcmp == 2 && strings.EqualFold(f.Sym.Name, s.Name) {
  2288  			return f
  2289  		}
  2290  		if f.Sym != s {
  2291  			continue
  2292  		}
  2293  		if r != nil {
  2294  			if errnode != nil {
  2295  				yyerror("ambiguous selector %v", errnode)
  2296  			} else if t.IsPtr() {
  2297  				yyerror("ambiguous selector (%v).%v", t, s)
  2298  			} else {
  2299  				yyerror("ambiguous selector %v.%v", t, s)
  2300  			}
  2301  			break
  2302  		}
  2304  		r = f
  2305  	}
  2307  	return r
  2308  }
  2310  // typecheckMethodExpr checks selector expressions (ODOT) where the
  2311  // base expression is a type expression (OTYPE).
  2312  func typecheckMethodExpr(n *Node) (res *Node) {
  2313  	if enableTrace && trace {
  2314  		defer tracePrint("typecheckMethodExpr", n)(&res)
  2315  	}
  2317  	t := n.Left.Type
  2319  	// Compute the method set for t.
  2320  	var ms *types.Fields
  2321  	if t.IsInterface() {
  2322  		ms = t.Fields()
  2323  	} else {
  2324  		mt := methtype(t)
  2325  		if mt == nil {
  2326  			yyerror("%v undefined (type %v has no method %v)", n, t, n.Sym)
  2327  			n.Type = nil
  2328  			return n
  2329  		}
  2330  		expandmeth(mt)
  2331  		ms = mt.AllMethods()
  2333  		// The method expression T.m requires a wrapper when T
  2334  		// is different from m's declared receiver type. We
  2335  		// normally generate these wrappers while writing out
  2336  		// runtime type descriptors, which is always done for
  2337  		// types declared at package scope. However, we need
  2338  		// to make sure to generate wrappers for anonymous
  2339  		// receiver types too.
  2340  		if mt.Sym == nil {
  2341  			addsignat(t)
  2342  		}
  2343  	}
  2345  	s := n.Sym
  2346  	m := lookdot1(n, s, t, ms, 0)
  2347  	if m == nil {
  2348  		if lookdot1(n, s, t, ms, 1) != nil {
  2349  			yyerror("%v undefined (cannot refer to unexported method %v)", n, s)
  2350  		} else if _, ambig := dotpath(s, t, nil, false); ambig {
  2351  			yyerror("%v undefined (ambiguous selector)", n) // method or field
  2352  		} else {
  2353  			yyerror("%v undefined (type %v has no method %v)", n, t, s)
  2354  		}
  2355  		n.Type = nil
  2356  		return n
  2357  	}
  2359  	if !isMethodApplicable(t, m) {
  2360  		yyerror("invalid method expression %v (needs pointer receiver: (*%v).%S)", n, t, s)
  2361  		n.Type = nil
  2362  		return n
  2363  	}
  2365  	n.Op = ONAME
  2366  	if n.Name == nil {
  2367  		n.Name = new(Name)
  2368  	}
  2369  	n.Right = newname(n.Sym)
  2370  	n.Sym = methodSym(t, n.Sym)
  2371  	n.Type = methodfunc(m.Type, n.Left.Type)
  2372  	n.Xoffset = 0
  2373  	n.SetClass(PFUNC)
  2374  	// methodSym already marked n.Sym as a function.
  2376  	// Issue 25065. Make sure that we emit the symbol for a local method.
  2377  	if Ctxt.Flag_dynlink && !inimport && (t.Sym == nil || t.Sym.Pkg == localpkg) {
  2378  		makefuncsym(n.Sym)
  2379  	}
  2381  	return n
  2382  }
  2384  // isMethodApplicable reports whether method m can be called on a
  2385  // value of type t. This is necessary because we compute a single
  2386  // method set for both T and *T, but some *T methods are not
  2387  // applicable to T receivers.
  2388  func isMethodApplicable(t *types.Type, m *types.Field) bool {
  2389  	return t.IsPtr() || !m.Type.Recv().Type.IsPtr() || isifacemethod(m.Type) || m.Embedded == 2
  2390  }
  2392  func derefall(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
  2393  	for t != nil && t.IsPtr() {
  2394  		t = t.Elem()
  2395  	}
  2396  	return t
  2397  }
  2399  type typeSymKey struct {
  2400  	t *types.Type
  2401  	s *types.Sym
  2402  }
  2404  // dotField maps (*types.Type, *types.Sym) pairs to the corresponding struct field (*types.Type with Etype==TFIELD).
  2405  // It is a cache for use during usefield in walk.go, only enabled when field tracking.
  2406  var dotField = map[typeSymKey]*types.Field{}
  2408  func lookdot(n *Node, t *types.Type, dostrcmp int) *types.Field {
  2409  	s := n.Sym
  2411  	dowidth(t)
  2412  	var f1 *types.Field
  2413  	if t.IsStruct() || t.IsInterface() {
  2414  		f1 = lookdot1(n, s, t, t.Fields(), dostrcmp)
  2415  	}
  2417  	var f2 *types.Field
  2418  	if n.Left.Type == t || n.Left.Type.Sym == nil {
  2419  		mt := methtype(t)
  2420  		if mt != nil {
  2421  			f2 = lookdot1(n, s, mt, mt.Methods(), dostrcmp)
  2422  		}
  2423  	}
  2425  	if f1 != nil {
  2426  		if dostrcmp > 1 || f1.Broke() {
  2427  			// Already in the process of diagnosing an error.
  2428  			return f1
  2429  		}
  2430  		if f2 != nil {
  2431  			yyerror("%v is both field and method", n.Sym)
  2432  		}
  2433  		if f1.Offset == BADWIDTH {
  2434  			Fatalf("lookdot badwidth %v %p", f1, f1)
  2435  		}
  2436  		n.Xoffset = f1.Offset
  2437  		n.Type = f1.Type
  2438  		if objabi.Fieldtrack_enabled > 0 {
  2439  			dotField[typeSymKey{t.Orig, s}] = f1
  2440  		}
  2441  		if t.IsInterface() {
  2442  			if n.Left.Type.IsPtr() {
  2443  				n.Left = nod(ODEREF, n.Left, nil) // implicitstar
  2444  				n.Left.SetImplicit(true)
  2445  				n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
  2446  			}
  2448  			n.Op = ODOTINTER
  2449  		}
  2451  		return f1
  2452  	}
  2454  	if f2 != nil {
  2455  		if dostrcmp > 1 {
  2456  			// Already in the process of diagnosing an error.
  2457  			return f2
  2458  		}
  2459  		tt := n.Left.Type
  2460  		dowidth(tt)
  2461  		rcvr := f2.Type.Recv().Type
  2462  		if !types.Identical(rcvr, tt) {
  2463  			if rcvr.IsPtr() && types.Identical(rcvr.Elem(), tt) {
  2464  				checklvalue(n.Left, "call pointer method on")
  2465  				n.Left = nod(OADDR, n.Left, nil)
  2466  				n.Left.SetImplicit(true)
  2467  				n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType|ctxExpr)
  2468  			} else if tt.IsPtr() && !rcvr.IsPtr() && types.Identical(tt.Elem(), rcvr) {
  2469  				n.Left = nod(ODEREF, n.Left, nil)
  2470  				n.Left.SetImplicit(true)
  2471  				n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType|ctxExpr)
  2472  			} else if tt.IsPtr() && tt.Elem().IsPtr() && types.Identical(derefall(tt), derefall(rcvr)) {
  2473  				yyerror("calling method %v with receiver %L requires explicit dereference", n.Sym, n.Left)
  2474  				for tt.IsPtr() {
  2475  					// Stop one level early for method with pointer receiver.
  2476  					if rcvr.IsPtr() && !tt.Elem().IsPtr() {
  2477  						break
  2478  					}
  2479  					n.Left = nod(ODEREF, n.Left, nil)
  2480  					n.Left.SetImplicit(true)
  2481  					n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxType|ctxExpr)
  2482  					tt = tt.Elem()
  2483  				}
  2484  			} else {
  2485  				Fatalf("method mismatch: %v for %v", rcvr, tt)
  2486  			}
  2487  		}
  2489  		pll := n
  2490  		ll := n.Left
  2491  		for ll.Left != nil && (ll.Op == ODOT || ll.Op == ODOTPTR || ll.Op == ODEREF) {
  2492  			pll = ll
  2493  			ll = ll.Left
  2494  		}
  2495  		if pll.Implicit() && ll.Type.IsPtr() && ll.Type.Sym != nil && asNode(ll.Type.Sym.Def) != nil && asNode(ll.Type.Sym.Def).Op == OTYPE {
  2496  			// It is invalid to automatically dereference a named pointer type when selecting a method.
  2497  			// Make n.Left == ll to clarify error message.
  2498  			n.Left = ll
  2499  			return nil
  2500  		}
  2502  		n.Sym = methodSym(n.Left.Type, f2.Sym)
  2503  		n.Xoffset = f2.Offset
  2504  		n.Type = f2.Type
  2505  		n.Op = ODOTMETH
  2507  		return f2
  2508  	}
  2510  	return nil
  2511  }
  2513  func nokeys(l Nodes) bool {
  2514  	for _, n := range l.Slice() {
  2515  		if n.Op == OKEY || n.Op == OSTRUCTKEY {
  2516  			return false
  2517  		}
  2518  	}
  2519  	return true
  2520  }
  2522  func hasddd(t *types.Type) bool {
  2523  	for _, tl := range t.Fields().Slice() {
  2524  		if tl.IsDDD() {
  2525  			return true
  2526  		}
  2527  	}
  2529  	return false
  2530  }
  2532  // typecheck assignment: type list = expression list
  2533  func typecheckaste(op Op, call *Node, isddd bool, tstruct *types.Type, nl Nodes, desc func() string) {
  2534  	var t *types.Type
  2535  	var i int
  2537  	lno := lineno
  2538  	defer func() { lineno = lno }()
  2540  	if tstruct.Broke() {
  2541  		return
  2542  	}
  2544  	var n *Node
  2545  	if nl.Len() == 1 {
  2546  		n = nl.First()
  2547  	}
  2549  	n1 := tstruct.NumFields()
  2550  	n2 := nl.Len()
  2551  	if !hasddd(tstruct) {
  2552  		if n2 > n1 {
  2553  			goto toomany
  2554  		}
  2555  		if n2 < n1 {
  2556  			goto notenough
  2557  		}
  2558  	} else {
  2559  		if !isddd {
  2560  			if n2 < n1-1 {
  2561  				goto notenough
  2562  			}
  2563  		} else {
  2564  			if n2 > n1 {
  2565  				goto toomany
  2566  			}
  2567  			if n2 < n1 {
  2568  				goto notenough
  2569  			}
  2570  		}
  2571  	}
  2573  	i = 0
  2574  	for _, tl := range tstruct.Fields().Slice() {
  2575  		t = tl.Type
  2576  		if tl.IsDDD() {
  2577  			if isddd {
  2578  				if i >= nl.Len() {
  2579  					goto notenough
  2580  				}
  2581  				if nl.Len()-i > 1 {
  2582  					goto toomany
  2583  				}
  2584  				n = nl.Index(i)
  2585  				setlineno(n)
  2586  				if n.Type != nil {
  2587  					nl.SetIndex(i, assignconvfn(n, t, desc))
  2588  				}
  2589  				return
  2590  			}
  2592  			// TODO(mdempsky): Make into ... call with implicit slice.
  2593  			for ; i < nl.Len(); i++ {
  2594  				n = nl.Index(i)
  2595  				setlineno(n)
  2596  				if n.Type != nil {
  2597  					nl.SetIndex(i, assignconvfn(n, t.Elem(), desc))
  2598  				}
  2599  			}
  2600  			return
  2601  		}
  2603  		if i >= nl.Len() {
  2604  			goto notenough
  2605  		}
  2606  		n = nl.Index(i)
  2607  		setlineno(n)
  2608  		if n.Type != nil {
  2609  			nl.SetIndex(i, assignconvfn(n, t, desc))
  2610  		}
  2611  		i++
  2612  	}
  2614  	if i < nl.Len() {
  2615  		goto toomany
  2616  	}
  2617  	if isddd {
  2618  		if call != nil {
  2619  			yyerror("invalid use of ... in call to %v", call)
  2620  		} else {
  2621  			yyerror("invalid use of ... in %v", op)
  2622  		}
  2623  	}
  2624  	return
  2626  notenough:
  2627  	if n == nil || !n.Diag() {
  2628  		details := errorDetails(nl, tstruct, isddd)
  2629  		if call != nil {
  2630  			// call is the expression being called, not the overall call.
  2631  			// Method expressions have the form T.M, and the compiler has
  2632  			// rewritten those to ONAME nodes but left T in Left.
  2633  			if call.isMethodExpression() {
  2634  				yyerror("not enough arguments in call to method expression %v%s", call, details)
  2635  			} else {
  2636  				yyerror("not enough arguments in call to %v%s", call, details)
  2637  			}
  2638  		} else {
  2639  			yyerror("not enough arguments to %v%s", op, details)
  2640  		}
  2641  		if n != nil {
  2642  			n.SetDiag(true)
  2643  		}
  2644  	}
  2645  	return
  2647  toomany:
  2648  	details := errorDetails(nl, tstruct, isddd)
  2649  	if call != nil {
  2650  		yyerror("too many arguments in call to %v%s", call, details)
  2651  	} else {
  2652  		yyerror("too many arguments to %v%s", op, details)
  2653  	}
  2654  }
  2656  func errorDetails(nl Nodes, tstruct *types.Type, isddd bool) string {
  2657  	// If we don't know any type at a call site, let's suppress any return
  2658  	// message signatures. See Issue
  2659  	if tstruct == nil {
  2660  		return ""
  2661  	}
  2662  	// If any node has an unknown type, suppress it as well
  2663  	for _, n := range nl.Slice() {
  2664  		if n.Type == nil {
  2665  			return ""
  2666  		}
  2667  	}
  2668  	return fmt.Sprintf("\n\thave %s\n\twant %v", nl.retsigerr(isddd), tstruct)
  2669  }
  2671  // sigrepr is a type's representation to the outside world,
  2672  // in string representations of return signatures
  2673  // e.g in error messages about wrong arguments to return.
  2674  func sigrepr(t *types.Type) string {
  2675  	switch t {
  2676  	case types.Idealstring:
  2677  		return "string"
  2678  	case types.Idealbool:
  2679  		return "bool"
  2680  	}
  2682  	if t.Etype == TIDEAL {
  2683  		// "untyped number" is not commonly used
  2684  		// outside of the compiler, so let's use "number".
  2685  		// TODO(mdempsky): Revisit this.
  2686  		return "number"
  2687  	}
  2689  	return t.String()
  2690  }
  2692  // retsigerr returns the signature of the types
  2693  // at the respective return call site of a function.
  2694  func (nl Nodes) retsigerr(isddd bool) string {
  2695  	if nl.Len() < 1 {
  2696  		return "()"
  2697  	}
  2699  	var typeStrings []string
  2700  	for _, n := range nl.Slice() {
  2701  		typeStrings = append(typeStrings, sigrepr(n.Type))
  2702  	}
  2704  	ddd := ""
  2705  	if isddd {
  2706  		ddd = "..."
  2707  	}
  2708  	return fmt.Sprintf("(%s%s)", strings.Join(typeStrings, ", "), ddd)
  2709  }
  2711  // type check composite
  2712  func fielddup(name string, hash map[string]bool) {
  2713  	if hash[name] {
  2714  		yyerror("duplicate field name in struct literal: %s", name)
  2715  		return
  2716  	}
  2717  	hash[name] = true
  2718  }
  2720  // iscomptype reports whether type t is a composite literal type.
  2721  func iscomptype(t *types.Type) bool {
  2722  	switch t.Etype {
  2724  		return true
  2725  	default:
  2726  		return false
  2727  	}
  2728  }
  2730  // pushtype adds elided type information for composite literals if
  2731  // appropriate, and returns the resulting expression.
  2732  func pushtype(n *Node, t *types.Type) *Node {
  2733  	if n == nil || n.Op != OCOMPLIT || n.Right != nil {
  2734  		return n
  2735  	}
  2737  	switch {
  2738  	case iscomptype(t):
  2739  		// For T, return T{...}.
  2740  		n.Right = typenod(t)
  2742  	case t.IsPtr() && iscomptype(t.Elem()):
  2743  		// For *T, return &T{...}.
  2744  		n.Right = typenod(t.Elem())
  2746  		n = nodl(n.Pos, OADDR, n, nil)
  2747  		n.SetImplicit(true)
  2748  	}
  2750  	return n
  2751  }
  2753  // The result of typecheckcomplit MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
  2754  // 	n.Left = typecheckcomplit(n.Left)
  2755  func typecheckcomplit(n *Node) (res *Node) {
  2756  	if enableTrace && trace {
  2757  		defer tracePrint("typecheckcomplit", n)(&res)
  2758  	}
  2760  	lno := lineno
  2761  	defer func() {
  2762  		lineno = lno
  2763  	}()
  2765  	if n.Right == nil {
  2766  		yyerrorl(n.Pos, "missing type in composite literal")
  2767  		n.Type = nil
  2768  		return n
  2769  	}
  2771  	// Save original node (including n.Right)
  2772  	n.Orig = n.copy()
  2774  	setlineno(n.Right)
  2776  	// Need to handle [...]T arrays specially.
  2777  	if n.Right.Op == OTARRAY && n.Right.Left != nil && n.Right.Left.Op == ODDD {
  2778  		n.Right.Right = typecheck(n.Right.Right, ctxType)
  2779  		if n.Right.Right.Type == nil {
  2780  			n.Type = nil
  2781  			return n
  2782  		}
  2783  		elemType := n.Right.Right.Type
  2785  		length := typecheckarraylit(elemType, -1, n.List.Slice(), "array literal")
  2787  		n.Op = OARRAYLIT
  2788  		n.Type = types.NewArray(elemType, length)
  2789  		n.Right = nil
  2790  		return n
  2791  	}
  2793  	n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxType)
  2794  	t := n.Right.Type
  2795  	if t == nil {
  2796  		n.Type = nil
  2797  		return n
  2798  	}
  2799  	n.Type = t
  2801  	switch t.Etype {
  2802  	default:
  2803  		yyerror("invalid composite literal type %v", t)
  2804  		n.Type = nil
  2806  	case TARRAY:
  2807  		typecheckarraylit(t.Elem(), t.NumElem(), n.List.Slice(), "array literal")
  2808  		n.Op = OARRAYLIT
  2809  		n.Right = nil
  2811  	case TSLICE:
  2812  		length := typecheckarraylit(t.Elem(), -1, n.List.Slice(), "slice literal")
  2813  		n.Op = OSLICELIT
  2814  		n.Right = nodintconst(length)
  2816  	case TMAP:
  2817  		var cs constSet
  2818  		for i3, l := range n.List.Slice() {
  2819  			setlineno(l)
  2820  			if l.Op != OKEY {
  2821  				n.List.SetIndex(i3, typecheck(l, ctxExpr))
  2822  				yyerror("missing key in map literal")
  2823  				continue
  2824  			}
  2826  			r := l.Left
  2827  			r = pushtype(r, t.Key())
  2828  			r = typecheck(r, ctxExpr)
  2829  			l.Left = assignconv(r, t.Key(), "map key")
  2830  			cs.add(lineno, l.Left, "key", "map literal")
  2832  			r = l.Right
  2833  			r = pushtype(r, t.Elem())
  2834  			r = typecheck(r, ctxExpr)
  2835  			l.Right = assignconv(r, t.Elem(), "map value")
  2836  		}
  2838  		n.Op = OMAPLIT
  2839  		n.Right = nil
  2841  	case TSTRUCT:
  2842  		// Need valid field offsets for Xoffset below.
  2843  		dowidth(t)
  2845  		errored := false
  2846  		if n.List.Len() != 0 && nokeys(n.List) {
  2847  			// simple list of variables
  2848  			ls := n.List.Slice()
  2849  			for i, n1 := range ls {
  2850  				setlineno(n1)
  2851  				n1 = typecheck(n1, ctxExpr)
  2852  				ls[i] = n1
  2853  				if i >= t.NumFields() {
  2854  					if !errored {
  2855  						yyerror("too many values in %v", n)
  2856  						errored = true
  2857  					}
  2858  					continue
  2859  				}
  2861  				f := t.Field(i)
  2862  				s := f.Sym
  2863  				if s != nil && !types.IsExported(s.Name) && s.Pkg != localpkg {
  2864  					yyerror("implicit assignment of unexported field '%s' in %v literal", s.Name, t)
  2865  				}
  2866  				// No pushtype allowed here. Must name fields for that.
  2867  				n1 = assignconv(n1, f.Type, "field value")
  2868  				n1 = nodSym(OSTRUCTKEY, n1, f.Sym)
  2869  				n1.Xoffset = f.Offset
  2870  				ls[i] = n1
  2871  			}
  2872  			if len(ls) < t.NumFields() {
  2873  				yyerror("too few values in %v", n)
  2874  			}
  2875  		} else {
  2876  			hash := make(map[string]bool)
  2878  			// keyed list
  2879  			ls := n.List.Slice()
  2880  			for i, l := range ls {
  2881  				setlineno(l)
  2883  				if l.Op == OKEY {
  2884  					key := l.Left
  2886  					l.Op = OSTRUCTKEY
  2887  					l.Left = l.Right
  2888  					l.Right = nil
  2890  					// An OXDOT uses the Sym field to hold
  2891  					// the field to the right of the dot,
  2892  					// so s will be non-nil, but an OXDOT
  2893  					// is never a valid struct literal key.
  2894  					if key.Sym == nil || key.Op == OXDOT || key.Sym.IsBlank() {
  2895  						yyerror("invalid field name %v in struct initializer", key)
  2896  						l.Left = typecheck(l.Left, ctxExpr)
  2897  						continue
  2898  					}
  2900  					// Sym might have resolved to name in other top-level
  2901  					// package, because of import dot. Redirect to correct sym
  2902  					// before we do the lookup.
  2903  					s := key.Sym
  2904  					if s.Pkg != localpkg && types.IsExported(s.Name) {
  2905  						s1 := lookup(s.Name)
  2906  						if s1.Origpkg == s.Pkg {
  2907  							s = s1
  2908  						}
  2909  					}
  2910  					l.Sym = s
  2911  				}
  2913  				if l.Op != OSTRUCTKEY {
  2914  					if !errored {
  2915  						yyerror("mixture of field:value and value initializers")
  2916  						errored = true
  2917  					}
  2918  					ls[i] = typecheck(ls[i], ctxExpr)
  2919  					continue
  2920  				}
  2922  				f := lookdot1(nil, l.Sym, t, t.Fields(), 0)
  2923  				if f == nil {
  2924  					if ci := lookdot1(nil, l.Sym, t, t.Fields(), 2); ci != nil { // Case-insensitive lookup.
  2925  						if visible(ci.Sym) {
  2926  							yyerror("unknown field '%v' in struct literal of type %v (but does have %v)", l.Sym, t, ci.Sym)
  2927  						} else {
  2928  							yyerror("unknown field '%v' in struct literal of type %v", l.Sym, t)
  2929  						}
  2930  						continue
  2931  					}
  2932  					var f *types.Field
  2933  					p, _ := dotpath(l.Sym, t, &f, true)
  2934  					if p == nil || f.IsMethod() {
  2935  						yyerror("unknown field '%v' in struct literal of type %v", l.Sym, t)
  2936  						continue
  2937  					}
  2938  					// dotpath returns the parent embedded types in reverse order.
  2939  					var ep []string
  2940  					for ei := len(p) - 1; ei >= 0; ei-- {
  2941  						ep = append(ep, p[ei].field.Sym.Name)
  2942  					}
  2943  					ep = append(ep, l.Sym.Name)
  2944  					yyerror("cannot use promoted field %v in struct literal of type %v", strings.Join(ep, "."), t)
  2945  					continue
  2946  				}
  2947  				fielddup(f.Sym.Name, hash)
  2948  				l.Xoffset = f.Offset
  2950  				// No pushtype allowed here. Tried and rejected.
  2951  				l.Left = typecheck(l.Left, ctxExpr)
  2952  				l.Left = assignconv(l.Left, f.Type, "field value")
  2953  			}
  2954  		}
  2956  		n.Op = OSTRUCTLIT
  2957  		n.Right = nil
  2958  	}
  2960  	return n
  2961  }
  2963  // typecheckarraylit type-checks a sequence of slice/array literal elements.
  2964  func typecheckarraylit(elemType *types.Type, bound int64, elts []*Node, ctx string) int64 {
  2965  	// If there are key/value pairs, create a map to keep seen
  2966  	// keys so we can check for duplicate indices.
  2967  	var indices map[int64]bool
  2968  	for _, elt := range elts {
  2969  		if elt.Op == OKEY {
  2970  			indices = make(map[int64]bool)
  2971  			break
  2972  		}
  2973  	}
  2975  	var key, length int64
  2976  	for i, elt := range elts {
  2977  		setlineno(elt)
  2978  		vp := &elts[i]
  2979  		if elt.Op == OKEY {
  2980  			elt.Left = typecheck(elt.Left, ctxExpr)
  2981  			key = indexconst(elt.Left)
  2982  			if key < 0 {
  2983  				if !elt.Left.Diag() {
  2984  					if key == -2 {
  2985  						yyerror("index too large")
  2986  					} else {
  2987  						yyerror("index must be non-negative integer constant")
  2988  					}
  2989  					elt.Left.SetDiag(true)
  2990  				}
  2991  				key = -(1 << 30) // stay negative for a while
  2992  			}
  2993  			vp = &elt.Right
  2994  		}
  2996  		r := *vp
  2997  		r = pushtype(r, elemType)
  2998  		r = typecheck(r, ctxExpr)
  2999  		*vp = assignconv(r, elemType, ctx)
  3001  		if key >= 0 {
  3002  			if indices != nil {
  3003  				if indices[key] {
  3004  					yyerror("duplicate index in %s: %d", ctx, key)
  3005  				} else {
  3006  					indices[key] = true
  3007  				}
  3008  			}
  3010  			if bound >= 0 && key >= bound {
  3011  				yyerror("array index %d out of bounds [0:%d]", key, bound)
  3012  				bound = -1
  3013  			}
  3014  		}
  3016  		key++
  3017  		if key > length {
  3018  			length = key
  3019  		}
  3020  	}
  3022  	return length
  3023  }
  3025  // visible reports whether sym is exported or locally defined.
  3026  func visible(sym *types.Sym) bool {
  3027  	return sym != nil && (types.IsExported(sym.Name) || sym.Pkg == localpkg)
  3028  }
  3030  // lvalue etc
  3031  func islvalue(n *Node) bool {
  3032  	switch n.Op {
  3033  	case OINDEX:
  3034  		if n.Left.Type != nil && n.Left.Type.IsArray() {
  3035  			return islvalue(n.Left)
  3036  		}
  3037  		if n.Left.Type != nil && n.Left.Type.IsString() {
  3038  			return false
  3039  		}
  3040  		fallthrough
  3042  		return true
  3044  	case ODOT:
  3045  		return islvalue(n.Left)
  3047  	case ONAME:
  3048  		if n.Class() == PFUNC {
  3049  			return false
  3050  		}
  3051  		return true
  3052  	}
  3054  	return false
  3055  }
  3057  func checklvalue(n *Node, verb string) {
  3058  	if !islvalue(n) {
  3059  		yyerror("cannot %s %v", verb, n)
  3060  	}
  3061  }
  3063  func checkassign(stmt *Node, n *Node) {
  3064  	// Variables declared in ORANGE are assigned on every iteration.
  3065  	if n.Name == nil || n.Name.Defn != stmt || stmt.Op == ORANGE {
  3066  		r := outervalue(n)
  3067  		if r.Op == ONAME {
  3068  			r.Name.SetAssigned(true)
  3069  			if r.Name.IsClosureVar() {
  3070  				r.Name.Defn.Name.SetAssigned(true)
  3071  			}
  3072  		}
  3073  	}
  3075  	if islvalue(n) {
  3076  		return
  3077  	}
  3078  	if n.Op == OINDEXMAP {
  3079  		n.SetIndexMapLValue(true)
  3080  		return
  3081  	}
  3083  	// have already complained about n being invalid
  3084  	if n.Type == nil {
  3085  		return
  3086  	}
  3088  	if n.Op == ODOT && n.Left.Op == OINDEXMAP {
  3089  		yyerror("cannot assign to struct field %v in map", n)
  3090  	} else {
  3091  		yyerror("cannot assign to %v", n)
  3092  	}
  3093  	n.Type = nil
  3094  }
  3096  func checkassignlist(stmt *Node, l Nodes) {
  3097  	for _, n := range l.Slice() {
  3098  		checkassign(stmt, n)
  3099  	}
  3100  }
  3102  // samesafeexpr checks whether it is safe to reuse one of l and r
  3103  // instead of computing both. samesafeexpr assumes that l and r are
  3104  // used in the same statement or expression. In order for it to be
  3105  // safe to reuse l or r, they must:
  3106  // * be the same expression
  3107  // * not have side-effects (no function calls, no channel ops);
  3108  //   however, panics are ok
  3109  // * not cause inappropriate aliasing; e.g. two string to []byte
  3110  //   conversions, must result in two distinct slices
  3111  //
  3112  // The handling of OINDEXMAP is subtle. OINDEXMAP can occur both
  3113  // as an lvalue (map assignment) and an rvalue (map access). This is
  3114  // currently OK, since the only place samesafeexpr gets used on an
  3115  // lvalue expression is for OSLICE and OAPPEND optimizations, and it
  3116  // is correct in those settings.
  3117  func samesafeexpr(l *Node, r *Node) bool {
  3118  	if l.Op != r.Op || !types.Identical(l.Type, r.Type) {
  3119  		return false
  3120  	}
  3122  	switch l.Op {
  3123  	case ONAME, OCLOSUREVAR:
  3124  		return l == r
  3126  	case ODOT, ODOTPTR:
  3127  		return l.Sym != nil && r.Sym != nil && l.Sym == r.Sym && samesafeexpr(l.Left, r.Left)
  3129  	case ODEREF, OCONVNOP,
  3131  		return samesafeexpr(l.Left, r.Left)
  3133  	case OCONV:
  3134  		// Some conversions can't be reused, such as []byte(str).
  3135  		// Allow only numeric-ish types. This is a bit conservative.
  3136  		return issimple[l.Type.Etype] && samesafeexpr(l.Left, r.Left)
  3138  	case OINDEX, OINDEXMAP,
  3140  		return samesafeexpr(l.Left, r.Left) && samesafeexpr(l.Right, r.Right)
  3142  	case OLITERAL:
  3143  		return eqval(l.Val(), r.Val())
  3144  	}
  3146  	return false
  3147  }
  3149  // type check assignment.
  3150  // if this assignment is the definition of a var on the left side,
  3151  // fill in the var's type.
  3152  func typecheckas(n *Node) {
  3153  	if enableTrace && trace {
  3154  		defer tracePrint("typecheckas", n)(nil)
  3155  	}
  3157  	// delicate little dance.
  3158  	// the definition of n may refer to this assignment
  3159  	// as its definition, in which case it will call typecheckas.
  3160  	// in that case, do not call typecheck back, or it will cycle.
  3161  	// if the variable has a type (ntype) then typechecking
  3162  	// will not look at defn, so it is okay (and desirable,
  3163  	// so that the conversion below happens).
  3164  	n.Left = resolve(n.Left)
  3166  	if n.Left.Name == nil || n.Left.Name.Defn != n || n.Left.Name.Param.Ntype != nil {
  3167  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
  3168  	}
  3170  	// Use ctxMultiOK so we can emit an "N variables but M values" error
  3171  	// to be consistent with typecheckas2 (#26616).
  3172  	n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr|ctxMultiOK)
  3173  	checkassign(n, n.Left)
  3174  	if n.Right != nil && n.Right.Type != nil {
  3175  		if n.Right.Type.IsFuncArgStruct() {
  3176  			yyerror("assignment mismatch: 1 variable but %v returns %d values", n.Right.Left, n.Right.Type.NumFields())
  3177  			// Multi-value RHS isn't actually valid for OAS; nil out
  3178  			// to indicate failed typechecking.
  3179  			n.Right.Type = nil
  3180  		} else if n.Left.Type != nil {
  3181  			n.Right = assignconv(n.Right, n.Left.Type, "assignment")
  3182  		}
  3183  	}
  3185  	if n.Left.Name != nil && n.Left.Name.Defn == n && n.Left.Name.Param.Ntype == nil {
  3186  		n.Right = defaultlit(n.Right, nil)
  3187  		n.Left.Type = n.Right.Type
  3188  	}
  3190  	// second half of dance.
  3191  	// now that right is done, typecheck the left
  3192  	// just to get it over with.  see dance above.
  3193  	n.SetTypecheck(1)
  3195  	if n.Left.Typecheck() == 0 {
  3196  		n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
  3197  	}
  3198  	if !n.Left.isBlank() {
  3199  		checkwidth(n.Left.Type) // ensure width is calculated for backend
  3200  	}
  3201  }
  3203  func checkassignto(src *types.Type, dst *Node) {
  3204  	var why string
  3206  	if assignop(src, dst.Type, &why) == 0 {
  3207  		yyerror("cannot assign %v to %L in multiple assignment%s", src, dst, why)
  3208  		return
  3209  	}
  3210  }
  3212  func typecheckas2(n *Node) {
  3213  	if enableTrace && trace {
  3214  		defer tracePrint("typecheckas2", n)(nil)
  3215  	}
  3217  	ls := n.List.Slice()
  3218  	for i1, n1 := range ls {
  3219  		// delicate little dance.
  3220  		n1 = resolve(n1)
  3221  		ls[i1] = n1
  3223  		if n1.Name == nil || n1.Name.Defn != n || n1.Name.Param.Ntype != nil {
  3224  			ls[i1] = typecheck(ls[i1], ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
  3225  		}
  3226  	}
  3228  	cl := n.List.Len()
  3229  	cr := n.Rlist.Len()
  3230  	if cl > 1 && cr == 1 {
  3231  		n.Rlist.SetFirst(typecheck(n.Rlist.First(), ctxExpr|ctxMultiOK))
  3232  	} else {
  3233  		typecheckslice(n.Rlist.Slice(), ctxExpr)
  3234  	}
  3235  	checkassignlist(n, n.List)
  3237  	var l *Node
  3238  	var r *Node
  3239  	if cl == cr {
  3240  		// easy
  3241  		ls := n.List.Slice()
  3242  		rs := n.Rlist.Slice()
  3243  		for il, nl := range ls {
  3244  			nr := rs[il]
  3245  			if nl.Type != nil && nr.Type != nil {
  3246  				rs[il] = assignconv(nr, nl.Type, "assignment")
  3247  			}
  3248  			if nl.Name != nil && nl.Name.Defn == n && nl.Name.Param.Ntype == nil {
  3249  				rs[il] = defaultlit(rs[il], nil)
  3250  				nl.Type = rs[il].Type
  3251  			}
  3252  		}
  3254  		goto out
  3255  	}
  3257  	l = n.List.First()
  3258  	r = n.Rlist.First()
  3260  	// x,y,z = f()
  3261  	if cr == 1 {
  3262  		if r.Type == nil {
  3263  			goto out
  3264  		}
  3265  		switch r.Op {
  3267  			if !r.Type.IsFuncArgStruct() {
  3268  				break
  3269  			}
  3270  			cr = r.Type.NumFields()
  3271  			if cr != cl {
  3272  				goto mismatch
  3273  			}
  3274  			n.Op = OAS2FUNC
  3275  			n.Right = r
  3276  			n.Rlist.Set(nil)
  3277  			for i, l := range n.List.Slice() {
  3278  				f := r.Type.Field(i)
  3279  				if f.Type != nil && l.Type != nil {
  3280  					checkassignto(f.Type, l)
  3281  				}
  3282  				if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Defn == n && l.Name.Param.Ntype == nil {
  3283  					l.Type = f.Type
  3284  				}
  3285  			}
  3286  			goto out
  3287  		}
  3288  	}
  3290  	// x, ok = y
  3291  	if cl == 2 && cr == 1 {
  3292  		if r.Type == nil {
  3293  			goto out
  3294  		}
  3295  		switch r.Op {
  3297  			switch r.Op {
  3298  			case OINDEXMAP:
  3299  				n.Op = OAS2MAPR
  3300  			case ORECV:
  3301  				n.Op = OAS2RECV
  3302  			case ODOTTYPE:
  3303  				n.Op = OAS2DOTTYPE
  3304  				r.Op = ODOTTYPE2
  3305  			}
  3306  			n.Right = r
  3307  			n.Rlist.Set(nil)
  3308  			if l.Type != nil {
  3309  				checkassignto(r.Type, l)
  3310  			}
  3311  			if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Defn == n {
  3312  				l.Type = r.Type
  3313  			}
  3314  			l := n.List.Second()
  3315  			if l.Type != nil && !l.Type.IsBoolean() {
  3316  				checkassignto(types.Types[TBOOL], l)
  3317  			}
  3318  			if l.Name != nil && l.Name.Defn == n && l.Name.Param.Ntype == nil {
  3319  				l.Type = types.Types[TBOOL]
  3320  			}
  3321  			goto out
  3322  		}
  3323  	}
  3325  mismatch:
  3326  	switch r.Op {
  3327  	default:
  3328  		yyerror("assignment mismatch: %d variables but %d values", cl, cr)
  3330  		yyerror("assignment mismatch: %d variables but %v returns %d values", cl, r.Left, cr)
  3331  	}
  3333  	// second half of dance
  3334  out:
  3335  	n.SetTypecheck(1)
  3336  	ls = n.List.Slice()
  3337  	for i1, n1 := range ls {
  3338  		if n1.Typecheck() == 0 {
  3339  			ls[i1] = typecheck(ls[i1], ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
  3340  		}
  3341  	}
  3342  }
  3344  // type check function definition
  3345  func typecheckfunc(n *Node) {
  3346  	if enableTrace && trace {
  3347  		defer tracePrint("typecheckfunc", n)(nil)
  3348  	}
  3350  	for _, ln := range n.Func.Dcl {
  3351  		if ln.Op == ONAME && (ln.Class() == PPARAM || ln.Class() == PPARAMOUT) {
  3352  			ln.Name.Decldepth = 1
  3353  		}
  3354  	}
  3356  	n.Func.Nname = typecheck(n.Func.Nname, ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
  3357  	t := n.Func.Nname.Type
  3358  	if t == nil {
  3359  		return
  3360  	}
  3361  	n.Type = t
  3362  	t.FuncType().Nname = asTypesNode(n.Func.Nname)
  3363  	rcvr := t.Recv()
  3364  	if rcvr != nil && n.Func.Shortname != nil {
  3365  		m := addmethod(n.Func.Shortname, t, true, n.Func.Pragma&Nointerface != 0)
  3366  		if m == nil {
  3367  			return
  3368  		}
  3370  		n.Func.Nname.Sym = methodSym(rcvr.Type, n.Func.Shortname)
  3371  		declare(n.Func.Nname, PFUNC)
  3372  	}
  3374  	if Ctxt.Flag_dynlink && !inimport && n.Func.Nname != nil {
  3375  		makefuncsym(n.Func.Nname.Sym)
  3376  	}
  3377  }
  3379  // The result of stringtoruneslit MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
  3380  // 	n.Left = stringtoruneslit(n.Left)
  3381  func stringtoruneslit(n *Node) *Node {
  3382  	if n.Left.Op != OLITERAL || n.Left.Val().Ctype() != CTSTR {
  3383  		Fatalf("stringtoarraylit %v", n)
  3384  	}
  3386  	var l []*Node
  3387  	s := strlit(n.Left)
  3388  	i := 0
  3389  	for _, r := range s {
  3390  		l = append(l, nod(OKEY, nodintconst(int64(i)), nodintconst(int64(r))))
  3391  		i++
  3392  	}
  3394  	nn := nod(OCOMPLIT, nil, typenod(n.Type))
  3395  	nn.List.Set(l)
  3396  	nn = typecheck(nn, ctxExpr)
  3397  	return nn
  3398  }
  3400  var mapqueue []*Node
  3402  func checkMapKeys() {
  3403  	for _, n := range mapqueue {
  3404  		k := n.Type.MapType().Key
  3405  		if !k.Broke() && !IsComparable(k) {
  3406  			yyerrorl(n.Pos, "invalid map key type %v", k)
  3407  		}
  3408  	}
  3409  	mapqueue = nil
  3410  }
  3412  func setUnderlying(t, underlying *types.Type) {
  3413  	if underlying.Etype == TFORW {
  3414  		// This type isn't computed yet; when it is, update n.
  3415  		underlying.ForwardType().Copyto = append(underlying.ForwardType().Copyto, t)
  3416  		return
  3417  	}
  3419  	n := asNode(t.Nod)
  3420  	ft := t.ForwardType()
  3421  	cache := t.Cache
  3423  	// TODO(mdempsky): Fix Type rekinding.
  3424  	*t = *underlying
  3426  	// Restore unnecessarily clobbered attributes.
  3427  	t.Nod = asTypesNode(n)
  3428  	t.Sym = n.Sym
  3429  	if n.Name != nil {
  3430  		t.Vargen = n.Name.Vargen
  3431  	}
  3432  	t.Cache = cache
  3433  	t.SetDeferwidth(false)
  3435  	// spec: "The declared type does not inherit any methods bound
  3436  	// to the existing type, but the method set of an interface
  3437  	// type [...] remains unchanged."
  3438  	if !t.IsInterface() {
  3439  		*t.Methods() = types.Fields{}
  3440  		*t.AllMethods() = types.Fields{}
  3441  	}
  3443  	// Propagate go:notinheap pragma from the Name to the Type.
  3444  	if n.Name != nil && n.Name.Param != nil && n.Name.Param.Pragma&NotInHeap != 0 {
  3445  		t.SetNotInHeap(true)
  3446  	}
  3448  	// Update types waiting on this type.
  3449  	for _, w := range ft.Copyto {
  3450  		setUnderlying(w, t)
  3451  	}
  3453  	// Double-check use of type as embedded type.
  3454  	if ft.Embedlineno.IsKnown() {
  3455  		if t.IsPtr() || t.IsUnsafePtr() {
  3456  			yyerrorl(ft.Embedlineno, "embedded type cannot be a pointer")
  3457  		}
  3458  	}
  3459  }
  3461  func typecheckdeftype(n *Node) {
  3462  	if enableTrace && trace {
  3463  		defer tracePrint("typecheckdeftype", n)(nil)
  3464  	}
  3466  	n.SetTypecheck(1)
  3467  	n.Name.Param.Ntype = typecheck(n.Name.Param.Ntype, ctxType)
  3468  	t := n.Name.Param.Ntype.Type
  3469  	if t == nil {
  3470  		n.SetDiag(true)
  3471  		n.Type = nil
  3472  	} else if n.Type == nil {
  3473  		n.SetDiag(true)
  3474  	} else {
  3475  		// copy new type and clear fields
  3476  		// that don't come along.
  3477  		setUnderlying(n.Type, t)
  3478  	}
  3479  }
  3481  func typecheckdef(n *Node) {
  3482  	if enableTrace && trace {
  3483  		defer tracePrint("typecheckdef", n)(nil)
  3484  	}
  3486  	lno := setlineno(n)
  3488  	if n.Op == ONONAME {
  3489  		if !n.Diag() {
  3490  			n.SetDiag(true)
  3492  			// Note: adderrorname looks for this string and
  3493  			// adds context about the outer expression
  3494  			yyerrorl(lineno, "undefined: %v", n.Sym)
  3495  		}
  3496  		lineno = lno
  3497  		return
  3498  	}
  3500  	if n.Walkdef() == 1 {
  3501  		lineno = lno
  3502  		return
  3503  	}
  3505  	typecheckdefstack = append(typecheckdefstack, n)
  3506  	if n.Walkdef() == 2 {
  3507  		flusherrors()
  3508  		fmt.Printf("typecheckdef loop:")
  3509  		for i := len(typecheckdefstack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  3510  			n := typecheckdefstack[i]
  3511  			fmt.Printf(" %v", n.Sym)
  3512  		}
  3513  		fmt.Printf("\n")
  3514  		Fatalf("typecheckdef loop")
  3515  	}
  3517  	n.SetWalkdef(2)
  3519  	if n.Type != nil || n.Sym == nil { // builtin or no name
  3520  		goto ret
  3521  	}
  3523  	switch n.Op {
  3524  	default:
  3525  		Fatalf("typecheckdef %v", n.Op)
  3527  	case OLITERAL:
  3528  		if n.Name.Param.Ntype != nil {
  3529  			n.Name.Param.Ntype = typecheck(n.Name.Param.Ntype, ctxType)
  3530  			n.Type = n.Name.Param.Ntype.Type
  3531  			n.Name.Param.Ntype = nil
  3532  			if n.Type == nil {
  3533  				n.SetDiag(true)
  3534  				goto ret
  3535  			}
  3536  		}
  3538  		e := n.Name.Defn
  3539  		n.Name.Defn = nil
  3540  		if e == nil {
  3541  			Dump("typecheckdef nil defn", n)
  3542  			yyerrorl(n.Pos, "xxx")
  3543  		}
  3545  		e = typecheck(e, ctxExpr)
  3546  		if e.Type == nil {
  3547  			goto ret
  3548  		}
  3549  		if !e.isGoConst() {
  3550  			if !e.Diag() {
  3551  				if Isconst(e, CTNIL) {
  3552  					yyerrorl(n.Pos, "const initializer cannot be nil")
  3553  				} else {
  3554  					yyerrorl(n.Pos, "const initializer %v is not a constant", e)
  3555  				}
  3556  				e.SetDiag(true)
  3557  			}
  3558  			goto ret
  3559  		}
  3561  		t := n.Type
  3562  		if t != nil {
  3563  			if !okforconst[t.Etype] {
  3564  				yyerrorl(n.Pos, "invalid constant type %v", t)
  3565  				goto ret
  3566  			}
  3568  			if !e.Type.IsUntyped() && !types.Identical(t, e.Type) {
  3569  				yyerrorl(n.Pos, "cannot use %L as type %v in const initializer", e, t)
  3570  				goto ret
  3571  			}
  3573  			e = convlit(e, t)
  3574  		}
  3576  		n.SetVal(e.Val())
  3577  		n.Type = e.Type
  3579  	case ONAME:
  3580  		if n.Name.Param.Ntype != nil {
  3581  			n.Name.Param.Ntype = typecheck(n.Name.Param.Ntype, ctxType)
  3582  			n.Type = n.Name.Param.Ntype.Type
  3583  			if n.Type == nil {
  3584  				n.SetDiag(true)
  3585  				goto ret
  3586  			}
  3587  		}
  3589  		if n.Type != nil {
  3590  			break
  3591  		}
  3592  		if n.Name.Defn == nil {
  3593  			if n.SubOp() != 0 { // like OPRINTN
  3594  				break
  3595  			}
  3596  			if nsavederrors+nerrors > 0 {
  3597  				// Can have undefined variables in x := foo
  3598  				// that make x have an == nil.
  3599  				// If there are other errors anyway, don't
  3600  				// bother adding to the noise.
  3601  				break
  3602  			}
  3604  			Fatalf("var without type, init: %v", n.Sym)
  3605  		}
  3607  		if n.Name.Defn.Op == ONAME {
  3608  			n.Name.Defn = typecheck(n.Name.Defn, ctxExpr)
  3609  			n.Type = n.Name.Defn.Type
  3610  			break
  3611  		}
  3613  		n.Name.Defn = typecheck(n.Name.Defn, ctxStmt) // fills in n.Type
  3615  	case OTYPE:
  3616  		if p := n.Name.Param; p.Alias {
  3617  			// Type alias declaration: Simply use the rhs type - no need
  3618  			// to create a new type.
  3619  			// If we have a syntax error, p.Ntype may be nil.
  3620  			if p.Ntype != nil {
  3621  				p.Ntype = typecheck(p.Ntype, ctxType)
  3622  				n.Type = p.Ntype.Type
  3623  				if n.Type == nil {
  3624  					n.SetDiag(true)
  3625  					goto ret
  3626  				}
  3627  				// For package-level type aliases, set n.Sym.Def so we can identify
  3628  				// it as a type alias during export. See also #31959.
  3629  				if n.Name.Curfn == nil {
  3630  					n.Sym.Def = asTypesNode(p.Ntype)
  3631  				}
  3632  			}
  3633  			break
  3634  		}
  3636  		// regular type declaration
  3637  		defercheckwidth()
  3638  		n.SetWalkdef(1)
  3639  		setTypeNode(n, types.New(TFORW))
  3640  		n.Type.Sym = n.Sym
  3641  		nerrors0 := nerrors
  3642  		typecheckdeftype(n)
  3643  		if n.Type.Etype == TFORW && nerrors > nerrors0 {
  3644  			// Something went wrong during type-checking,
  3645  			// but it was reported. Silence future errors.
  3646  			n.Type.SetBroke(true)
  3647  		}
  3648  		resumecheckwidth()
  3649  	}
  3651  ret:
  3652  	if n.Op != OLITERAL && n.Type != nil && n.Type.IsUntyped() {
  3653  		Fatalf("got %v for %v", n.Type, n)
  3654  	}
  3655  	last := len(typecheckdefstack) - 1
  3656  	if typecheckdefstack[last] != n {
  3657  		Fatalf("typecheckdefstack mismatch")
  3658  	}
  3659  	typecheckdefstack[last] = nil
  3660  	typecheckdefstack = typecheckdefstack[:last]
  3662  	lineno = lno
  3663  	n.SetWalkdef(1)
  3664  }
  3666  func checkmake(t *types.Type, arg string, n *Node) bool {
  3667  	if !n.Type.IsInteger() && n.Type.Etype != TIDEAL {
  3668  		yyerror("non-integer %s argument in make(%v) - %v", arg, t, n.Type)
  3669  		return false
  3670  	}
  3672  	// Do range checks for constants before defaultlit
  3673  	// to avoid redundant "constant NNN overflows int" errors.
  3674  	switch consttype(n) {
  3676  		n.SetVal(toint(n.Val()))
  3677  		if n.Val().U.(*Mpint).CmpInt64(0) < 0 {
  3678  			yyerror("negative %s argument in make(%v)", arg, t)
  3679  			return false
  3680  		}
  3681  		if n.Val().U.(*Mpint).Cmp(maxintval[TINT]) > 0 {
  3682  			yyerror("%s argument too large in make(%v)", arg, t)
  3683  			return false
  3684  		}
  3685  	}
  3687  	// defaultlit is necessary for non-constants too: n might be 1.1<<k.
  3688  	// TODO(gri) The length argument requirements for (array/slice) make
  3689  	// are the same as for index expressions. Factor the code better;
  3690  	// for instance, indexlit might be called here and incorporate some
  3691  	// of the bounds checks done for make.
  3692  	n = defaultlit(n, types.Types[TINT])
  3694  	return true
  3695  }
  3697  func markbreak(n *Node, implicit *Node) {
  3698  	if n == nil {
  3699  		return
  3700  	}
  3702  	switch n.Op {
  3703  	case OBREAK:
  3704  		if n.Sym == nil {
  3705  			if implicit != nil {
  3706  				implicit.SetHasBreak(true)
  3707  			}
  3708  		} else {
  3709  			lab := asNode(n.Sym.Label)
  3710  			if lab != nil {
  3711  				lab.SetHasBreak(true)
  3712  			}
  3713  		}
  3715  		implicit = n
  3716  		fallthrough
  3717  	default:
  3718  		markbreak(n.Left, implicit)
  3719  		markbreak(n.Right, implicit)
  3720  		markbreaklist(n.Ninit, implicit)
  3721  		markbreaklist(n.Nbody, implicit)
  3722  		markbreaklist(n.List, implicit)
  3723  		markbreaklist(n.Rlist, implicit)
  3724  	}
  3725  }
  3727  func markbreaklist(l Nodes, implicit *Node) {
  3728  	s := l.Slice()
  3729  	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
  3730  		n := s[i]
  3731  		if n == nil {
  3732  			continue
  3733  		}
  3734  		if n.Op == OLABEL && i+1 < len(s) && n.Name.Defn == s[i+1] {
  3735  			switch n.Name.Defn.Op {
  3737  				n.Sym.Label = asTypesNode(n.Name.Defn)
  3738  				markbreak(n.Name.Defn, n.Name.Defn)
  3739  				n.Sym.Label = nil
  3740  				i++
  3741  				continue
  3742  			}
  3743  		}
  3745  		markbreak(n, implicit)
  3746  	}
  3747  }
  3749  // isterminating reports whether the Nodes list ends with a terminating statement.
  3750  func (l Nodes) isterminating() bool {
  3751  	s := l.Slice()
  3752  	c := len(s)
  3753  	if c == 0 {
  3754  		return false
  3755  	}
  3756  	return s[c-1].isterminating()
  3757  }
  3759  // Isterminating reports whether the node n, the last one in a
  3760  // statement list, is a terminating statement.
  3761  func (n *Node) isterminating() bool {
  3762  	switch n.Op {
  3763  	// NOTE: OLABEL is treated as a separate statement,
  3764  	// not a separate prefix, so skipping to the last statement
  3765  	// in the block handles the labeled statement case by
  3766  	// skipping over the label. No case OLABEL here.
  3768  	case OBLOCK:
  3769  		return n.List.isterminating()
  3772  		return true
  3774  	case OFOR, OFORUNTIL:
  3775  		if n.Left != nil {
  3776  			return false
  3777  		}
  3778  		if n.HasBreak() {
  3779  			return false
  3780  		}
  3781  		return true
  3783  	case OIF:
  3784  		return n.Nbody.isterminating() && n.Rlist.isterminating()
  3787  		if n.HasBreak() {
  3788  			return false
  3789  		}
  3790  		def := false
  3791  		for _, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {
  3792  			if !n1.Nbody.isterminating() {
  3793  				return false
  3794  			}
  3795  			if n1.List.Len() == 0 { // default
  3796  				def = true
  3797  			}
  3798  		}
  3800  		if n.Op != OSELECT && !def {
  3801  			return false
  3802  		}
  3803  		return true
  3804  	}
  3806  	return false
  3807  }
  3809  // checkreturn makes sure that fn terminates appropriately.
  3810  func checkreturn(fn *Node) {
  3811  	if fn.Type.NumResults() != 0 && fn.Nbody.Len() != 0 {
  3812  		markbreaklist(fn.Nbody, nil)
  3813  		if !fn.Nbody.isterminating() {
  3814  			yyerrorl(fn.Func.Endlineno, "missing return at end of function")
  3815  		}
  3816  	}
  3817  }
  3819  func deadcode(fn *Node) {
  3820  	deadcodeslice(fn.Nbody)
  3821  	deadcodefn(fn)
  3822  }
  3824  func deadcodefn(fn *Node) {
  3825  	if fn.Nbody.Len() == 0 {
  3826  		return
  3827  	}
  3829  	for _, n := range fn.Nbody.Slice() {
  3830  		if n.Ninit.Len() > 0 {
  3831  			return
  3832  		}
  3833  		switch n.Op {
  3834  		case OIF:
  3835  			if !Isconst(n.Left, CTBOOL) || n.Nbody.Len() > 0 || n.Rlist.Len() > 0 {
  3836  				return
  3837  			}
  3838  		case OFOR:
  3839  			if !Isconst(n.Left, CTBOOL) || n.Left.Bool() {
  3840  				return
  3841  			}
  3842  		default:
  3843  			return
  3844  		}
  3845  	}
  3847  	fn.Nbody.Set([]*Node{nod(OEMPTY, nil, nil)})
  3848  }
  3850  func deadcodeslice(nn Nodes) {
  3851  	var lastLabel = -1
  3852  	for i, n := range nn.Slice() {
  3853  		if n != nil && n.Op == OLABEL {
  3854  			lastLabel = i
  3855  		}
  3856  	}
  3857  	for i, n := range nn.Slice() {
  3858  		// Cut is set to true when all nodes after i'th position
  3859  		// should be removed.
  3860  		// In other words, it marks whole slice "tail" as dead.
  3861  		cut := false
  3862  		if n == nil {
  3863  			continue
  3864  		}
  3865  		if n.Op == OIF {
  3866  			n.Left = deadcodeexpr(n.Left)
  3867  			if Isconst(n.Left, CTBOOL) {
  3868  				var body Nodes
  3869  				if n.Left.Bool() {
  3870  					n.Rlist = Nodes{}
  3871  					body = n.Nbody
  3872  				} else {
  3873  					n.Nbody = Nodes{}
  3874  					body = n.Rlist
  3875  				}
  3876  				// If "then" or "else" branch ends with panic or return statement,
  3877  				// it is safe to remove all statements after this node.
  3878  				// isterminating is not used to avoid goto-related complications.
  3879  				// We must be careful not to deadcode-remove labels, as they
  3880  				// might be the target of a goto. See issue 28616.
  3881  				if body := body.Slice(); len(body) != 0 {
  3882  					switch body[(len(body) - 1)].Op {
  3883  					case ORETURN, ORETJMP, OPANIC:
  3884  						if i > lastLabel {
  3885  							cut = true
  3886  						}
  3887  					}
  3888  				}
  3889  			}
  3890  		}
  3892  		deadcodeslice(n.Ninit)
  3893  		deadcodeslice(n.Nbody)
  3894  		deadcodeslice(n.List)
  3895  		deadcodeslice(n.Rlist)
  3896  		if cut {
  3897  			*nn.slice = nn.Slice()[:i+1]
  3898  			break
  3899  		}
  3900  	}
  3901  }
  3903  func deadcodeexpr(n *Node) *Node {
  3904  	// Perform dead-code elimination on short-circuited boolean
  3905  	// expressions involving constants with the intent of
  3906  	// producing a constant 'if' condition.
  3907  	switch n.Op {
  3908  	case OANDAND:
  3909  		n.Left = deadcodeexpr(n.Left)
  3910  		n.Right = deadcodeexpr(n.Right)
  3911  		if Isconst(n.Left, CTBOOL) {
  3912  			if n.Left.Bool() {
  3913  				return n.Right // true && x => x
  3914  			} else {
  3915  				return n.Left // false && x => false
  3916  			}
  3917  		}
  3918  	case OOROR:
  3919  		n.Left = deadcodeexpr(n.Left)
  3920  		n.Right = deadcodeexpr(n.Right)
  3921  		if Isconst(n.Left, CTBOOL) {
  3922  			if n.Left.Bool() {
  3923  				return n.Left // true || x => true
  3924  			} else {
  3925  				return n.Right // false || x => x
  3926  			}
  3927  		}
  3928  	}
  3929  	return n
  3930  }
  3932  // setTypeNode sets n to an OTYPE node representing t.
  3933  func setTypeNode(n *Node, t *types.Type) {
  3934  	n.Op = OTYPE
  3935  	n.Type = t
  3936  	n.Type.Nod = asTypesNode(n)
  3937  }
  3939  // getIotaValue returns the current value for "iota",
  3940  // or -1 if not within a ConstSpec.
  3941  func getIotaValue() int64 {
  3942  	if i := len(typecheckdefstack); i > 0 {
  3943  		if x := typecheckdefstack[i-1]; x.Op == OLITERAL {
  3944  			return x.Iota()
  3945  		}
  3946  	}
  3948  	if Curfn != nil && Curfn.Iota() >= 0 {
  3949  		return Curfn.Iota()
  3950  	}
  3952  	return -1
  3953  }
  3955  // curpkg returns the current package, based on Curfn.
  3956  func curpkg() *types.Pkg {
  3957  	fn := Curfn
  3958  	if fn == nil {
  3959  		// Initialization expressions for package-scope variables.
  3960  		return localpkg
  3961  	}
  3963  	// TODO(mdempsky): Standardize on either ODCLFUNC or ONAME for
  3964  	// Curfn, rather than mixing them.
  3965  	if fn.Op == ODCLFUNC {
  3966  		fn = fn.Func.Nname
  3967  	}
  3969  	return fnpkg(fn)
  3970  }