!q!u!o!t!e_v1.5.2.txt (about) 1 v1.5.2 2 3 -- .mod -- 4 module 5 6 require v1.5.2 7 -- .info -- 8 {"Version":"v1.5.2","Name":"","Short":"","Time":"2018-07-15T16:25:34Z"} 9 -- go.mod -- 10 module 11 12 require v1.5.2 13 -- QUOTE/quote.go -- 14 // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. 15 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 16 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 17 18 // PACKAGE QUOTE COLLECTS LOUD SAYINGS. 19 package QUOTE 20 21 import ( 22 "strings" 23 24 "" 25 ) 26 27 // HELLO RETURNS A GREETING. 28 func HELLO() string { 29 return strings.ToUpper(quote.Hello()) 30 } 31 32 // GLASS RETURNS A USEFUL PHRASE FOR WORLD TRAVELERS. 33 func GLASS() string { 34 return strings.ToUpper(quote.GLASS()) 35 } 36 37 // GO RETURNS A GO PROVERB. 38 func GO() string { 39 return strings.ToUpper(quote.GO()) 40 } 41 42 // OPT RETURNS AN OPTIMIZATION TRUTH. 43 func OPT() string { 44 return strings.ToUpper(quote.OPT()) 45 } 46 -- QUOTE/quote_test.go -- 47 // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. 48 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 49 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 50 51 package QUOTE 52 53 import ( 54 "os" 55 "testing" 56 ) 57 58 func init() { 59 os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "en") 60 } 61 62 func TestHELLO(t *testing.T) { 63 hello := "HELLO, WORLD" 64 if out := HELLO(); out != hello { 65 t.Errorf("HELLO() = %q, want %q", out, hello) 66 } 67 } 68 69 func TestGLASS(t *testing.T) { 70 glass := "I CAN EAT GLASS AND IT DOESN'T HURT ME." 71 if out := GLASS(); out != glass { 72 t.Errorf("GLASS() = %q, want %q", out, glass) 73 } 74 } 75 76 func TestGO(t *testing.T) { 77 go1 := "DON'T COMMUNICATE BY SHARING MEMORY, SHARE MEMORY BY COMMUNICATING." 78 if out := GO(); out != go1 { 79 t.Errorf("GO() = %q, want %q", out, go1) 80 } 81 } 82 83 func TestOPT(t *testing.T) { 84 opt := "IF A PROGRAM IS TOO SLOW, IT MUST HAVE A LOOP." 85 if out := OPT(); out != opt { 86 t.Errorf("OPT() = %q, want %q", out, opt) 87 } 88 }