(about) 1 env GO111MODULE=off 2 3 # gccgo does not have standard packages. 4 [gccgo] skip 5 6 # fmt should have no rewritten imports. 7 # The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. 8 go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.ImportMap}}' fmt a/b 9 stdout 'fmt: map\[\]' 10 stdout 'a/b: map\[c/d:a/vendor/c/d\]' 11 12 # flag [fmt.test] should import fmt [fmt.test] as fmt 13 # fmt.test should import testing [fmt.test] as testing 14 # fmt.test should not import a modified os 15 go list -deps -test -f '{{.ImportPath}} MAP: {{.ImportMap}}{{"\n"}}{{.ImportPath}} IMPORT: {{.Imports}}' fmt 16 stdout '^flag \[fmt\.test\] MAP: map\[fmt:fmt \[fmt\.test\]\]' 17 stdout '^fmt\.test MAP: map\[(.* )?testing:testing \[fmt\.test\]' 18 ! stdout '^fmt\.test MAP: map\[(.* )?os:' 19 stdout '^fmt\.test IMPORT: \[fmt \[fmt\.test\] fmt_test \[fmt\.test\] os testing \[fmt\.test\] testing/internal/testdeps \[fmt\.test\]\]' 20 21 22 -- a/b/b.go -- 23 package b 24 25 import _ "c/d" 26 -- a/vendor/c/d/d.go -- 27 package d