
     1  # Heapster Oldtimer
     3  ## Overview
     5  Prior to the Heapster refactor, the Heapster model presented aggregations of
     6  metrics over certain time periods (the last hour and day).  Post-refactor, the
     7  concern of presenting an interface for historical metrics was to be split into
     8  a separate Heapster component: Oldtimer.
    10  Oldtimer will run as part of the main Heapster executable, and will present
    11  common interfaces for retrieving historical metrics over longer periods of time
    12  than the Heapster model, and will allow fetching aggregations of metrics (e.g.
    13  averages, 95 percentile, etc) over different periods of time.  It will do this
    14  by querying the sink to which it is storing metrics.
    16  Note: even though we are retrieving metrics, this document refers to the
    17  metrics storage locations as "sinks" to be consistent with the rest
    18  of Heapster.
    20  ## Motivation
    22  There are two major motivations for exposing historical metrics information:
    24  1. Using aggregated historical data to make size-related decisions
    25     (for example, idling requires looking for traffic over a long time period)
    27  2. Providing a common interface for users to view historical metrics
    29  Before the Heapster refactoring (see the
    30  [Heapster Long Term Vision Proposal](,
    31  Heapster supported querying metrics aggregated over certain extended time
    32  periods (the last hour and day) via the Heapster model.
    34  However, since the Heapster model is stored in-memory, and not persisted to
    35  disk, this historical data would be "lost" whenever Heapster was restarted.
    36  This made it unreliable for use by system components which need a historical
    37  view.
    39  Since we already persist metrics into a sink, it does not make sense for
    40  Heapster itself to persist long-term metrics to disk itself.  Instead, we can
    41  just query the sink directly.
    43  ## API
    45  Oldtimer will present an api somewhat similar to the normal Heapster model.
    46  The structure of the URLs is designed to mirror those exposed by the model API.
    47  When used simply to retrieve historical data points, Oldtimer will return the
    48  same types as the model API.  When the used to retrieve aggregations, Oldtimer
    49  will return special data types detailed under the [Return Types](#return-types) section.
    51  ### Paths
    53  `/api/v1/historical/{prefix}/metrics/`: Returns a list of all available
    54  metrics.
    56  `/api/v1/historical{prefix}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set
    57  of (Timestamp, Value) pairs for the requested {prefix}-level metric, over the
    58  given time range.
    60  `/api/v1/historical{prefix}/metrics-aggregated/{aggregations}/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y&bucket=B`
    61  Returns the requested {prefix}-level metric, aggregated with the given
    62  aggregation over the requested time period (potentially split into several
    63  different bucket of duration `B`).  `{aggregations}` may be a comma-separated
    64  list of aggregations to retrieve multiple at once.
    66  Where `{prefix}` is normally either empty (cluster-level),
    67  `/namespaces/{namespace}` (namespace-level),
    68  `/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod-name}` (pod-level),
    69  `/namespaces/{namespace}/pod-list/{pod-list}` (multi-pod-level), or
    70  `/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/{container-name}`
    71  (container-level).
    73  Additionally, since pod names are not temporally unique (i.e. it is possible to
    74  delete a pod, and then create a new, completely different pod with the same
    75  name), `{prefix}` may also be `/pod-id/{pod-id}` (pod-level metrics),
    76  `/pod-id-list/{pod-id-list}` (multi-pod-level), or
    77  `/pod-id/{pod-id}/containers/{container-name}` (container-level metrics).
    79  In addition, when `{prefix}` is not empty, there will be a url of the form:
    80  `/api/v1/historical/{prefix-without-final-element}` which allows fetching the
    81  list of available nodes/namespaces/pods/containers.
    83  Note that queries by pod name will return metrics from the latest pod with the
    84  given name.  This may require an extra trip to the database in some cases, in
    85  order to determine which pod id that actually is.  For this reason, if a
    86  component knows the pod ids for which it is querying, using these is preferred
    87  to using the pod names.  The pod-name-based API is retained for the sake of
    88  easy queries and to match up with the model API.
    90  ### Parameter Types
    92  The `start` and `end` parameters are defined the same way as for the model:
    93  each should be a timestamp formatted according to RFC 3339, if no start time is
    94  specified, it defaults to zero in Unix epoch time, and if no end time is
    95  specified, all data after the start time will be considered.
    97  The `bucket` (bucket duration) parameter is a number followed by any of the
    98  following suffixes:
   100  - `ms`: milliseconds
   101  - `s`: seconds
   102  - `m`: minutes
   103  - `h`: hours
   104  - `d`: days
   106  ### Return Types
   108  For requests which simply fetch data points or list available objects, the
   109  return format will be the same as that used in the Heapster model API.
   111  The case of aggregations, a different set of types is used: each bucket is
   112  represented by a `MetricAggregationBucket`, which contains the timestamp for
   113  that bucket (the start of the bucket), the count of entries in that bucket (if
   114  requested) as an unsigned integer, as well as each of the other requested
   115  aggregations, in the form of a `MetricValue` (which just holds an unsigned int
   116  or a float).
   118  All buckets for a particular metric are grouped together in a
   119  `MetricAggregationResult`, which also holds the bucket size (duration) for the
   120  buckets.  If multiple pods are requested, the result will be returned as a
   121  `MetricAggregationResultList`, similarly to the `MetricResultList` for the
   122  model API.
   124  ```go
   125  type MetricValue struct {
   126      IntValue *uint64
   127      FloatValue *float64
   128  }
   130  type MetricAggregationBucket struct {
   131      Timestamp time.Time
   132      Count *uint64
   134      Average *MetricValue
   135      Maximum *MetricValue
   136      Minimum *MetricValue
   137      Median *MetricValue
   138      Percentiles map[uint64]MetricValue
   139  }
   141  type MetricAggregationResult struct {
   142      Buckets []MetricAggregationBucket
   143      BucketSize time.Duration
   144  }
   146  type MetricAggregationResultList struct {
   147      Items []MetricAggregationResult
   148  }
   149  ```
   151  ### Aggregations
   153  Several different aggregations will be supported.  Aggregations should be
   154  performed in the metrics sink.  If more aggregations later become supported
   155  across all metrics sinks, the list can be expanded.
   157  - Average (arithmetic mean): `/metrics-aggregated/average`
   158  - Maximum: `/metrics-aggregated/max`
   159  - Minimum: `/metrics-aggregated/min`
   160  - Percentile: `/metrics-aggregated/{number}-perc`
   161  - Median: `/metrics-aggregated/median`
   162  - Count: `/metrics-aggregated/count`
   164  Note: to support all the existing sinks, the supported percentiles will be
   165  limited to 50, 95, and 99.  If additional percentile values later become
   166  supported by other sinks, this list may be expanded (see the Sink Support
   167  section below).
   169  ### Example
   171  Suppose that one wanted to retrieve the 95th percentile of CPU usage for a
   172  given pod over the past 30 days, in 1 hour intervals, along with the maximum
   173  usage for each interval.  Call the pod "somepod", in the namespace "somens".
   174  To fetch the results, you'd perform:
   176  ```
   177  GET /api/v1/historical/namespaces/somens/pods/somepod/metrics-aggregated/95-perc,average/cpu/usage?start=2016-03-20T10:57:37-04:00&bucket=1h
   178  ```
   180  Which would then return:
   182  ```json
   183  {
   184      "bucketSize": "3600000000000",
   185      "buckets": [
   186          {
   187              "timestamp": "2016-03-20T10:57:37-04:00",
   188              "average": "32",
   189              "percentiles": {
   190                  "95": "27"
   191              }
   192          },
   193          ...
   194      ]
   195  }
   196  ```
   198  ## Sink Support and Functionality
   200  When Oldtimer receives a request, it will compose a query to the sink, send the
   201  query to the sink, and then transform the results into the appropriate API
   202  formats.  Note that Oldtimer is designed to retrieve information that was
   203  originally written by Heapster itself.  Any information read by Oldtimer must
   204  have been stored according to the Heapster storage schema.
   206  All computations, filtering, etc should be performed in the sink.  Oldtimer
   207  should only be composing queries.  Ergo, the feature set of Oldtimer must
   208  represent the lowest-common-denominator of features supported by the sinks.
   209  Oldtimer is meant to be an API for performing basic aggregations supported by
   210  all of the sinks, and is not meant to be a general purpose query tool.
   212  At the time of writing of this proposal, the following sinks were considered:
   213  Hawkular, InfluxDB, GCM, and OpenTSDB.  However, the aggregations supported are
   214  fairly basic, so if new sinks are added, it should be fairly likely that they
   215  support the required Oldtimer features.
   217  ## Scaling and Performance Considerations
   219  Since Oldtimer itself does not store any data, it should have a fairly low
   220  memory footprint.  The current plan is to have Oldtimer run as part of the main
   221  Heapster executable.  However, in the future it may be advantageous to have the
   222  ability to split Oldtimer out into a separate executable in order to scale it
   223  independently of Heapster.
   225  The metrics sinks themselves should already have clustering support, and thus
   226  can be scaled if needed.  Since Oldtimer queries the metrics sinks themselves,
   227  response latency should depend mainly on how quickly the sinks can respond to
   228  queries.