
     1  Configuring sinks
     2  =================
     4  Heapster can store data into different backends (sinks). These are specified on the command line
     5  via the `--sink` flag. The flag takes an argument of the form `PREFIX:CONFIG[?OPTIONS]`.
     6  Options (optional!) are specified as URL query parameters, separated by `&` as normal.
     7  This allows each source to have custom configuration passed to it without needing to
     8  continually add new flags to Heapster as new sinks are added. Heapster can 
     9  store data into multiple sinks at once if multiple `--sink` flags are specified.
    11  ## Current sinks
    13  ### Log
    15  This sink writes all data to the standard output which is particularly useful for debugging.
    17      --sink=log
    19  ### InfluxDB
    20  This sink supports both monitoring metrics and events.
    21  *This sink supports InfluxDB versions v0.9 and above*.
    22  To use the InfluxDB sink add the following flag:
    24  	--sink=influxdb:<INFLUXDB_URL>[?<INFLUXDB_OPTIONS>]
    26  If you're running Heapster in a Kubernetes cluster with the default InfluxDB + Grafana setup you can use the following flag:
    28  	--sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb:80/
    30  The following options are available:
    31  * `user` - InfluxDB username (default: `root`)
    32  * `pw` - InfluxDB password (default: `root`)
    33  * `db` - InfluxDB Database name (default: `k8s`)
    34  * `retention` - Duration of the default InfluxDB retention policy, e.g. `4h` or `7d` (default: `0` meaning infinite)
    35  * `secure` - Connect securely to InfluxDB (default: `false`)
    36  * `insecuressl` - Ignore SSL certificate validity (default: `false`)
    37  * `withfields` - Use [InfluxDB fields]( (default: `false`)
    38  * `cluster_name` - Cluster name for different Kubernetes clusters. (default: `default`)
    39  * `disable_counter_metrics` - Disable sink counter metrics to InfluxDB. (default: `false`)
    40  * `concurrency` - concurrency for sinking to InfluxDB. (default: `1`)
    42  ### Stackdriver
    44  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
    45  To use the Stackdriver sink add following flag:
    47  	--sink=stackdriver[:?<STACKDRIVER_OPTIONS>]
    49  The following options are available:
    50  * `workers` - The number of workers. (default: `1`)
    51  * `cluster_name` - Cluster name for different Kubernetes clusters. (default: ``)
    53  ### Google Cloud Monitoring
    54  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
    55  To use the GCM sink add the following flag:
    57  	--sink=gcm
    59  *Note: This sink works only on a Google Compute Engine VM as of now*
    61  GCM has one option - `metrics` that can be set to:
    62  * all - the sink exports all metrics
    63  * autoscaling - the sink exports only autoscaling-related metrics
    65  ### Google Cloud Logging
    66  This sink supports events only.
    67  To use the GCL sink add the following flag:
    69  	--sink=gcl
    71  *Notes:*
    72   * This sink works only on a Google Compute Engine VM as of now
    73   * GCE instance must have “” auth scope
    74   * GCE instance must have Logging API enabled for the project in Google Developer Console
    75   * GCL Logs are accessible via:
    76      * `<project_ID>/logs?`
    77      * Where `project_ID` is the project ID of the Google Cloud Platform project.
    78      * Select `` from the `All logs` drop down menu.
    80  ### StatsD
    81  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
    82  To use the StatsD sink add the following flag:
    83  ```
    84    --sink=statsd:udp://<HOST>:<PORT>[?<OPTIONS>]
    85  ```
    87  The following options are available:
    89  * `prefix`           - Adds specified prefix to all metrics, default is empty
    90  * `protocolType`     - Protocol type specifies the message format, it can be either etsystatsd or influxstatsd, default is etsystatsd
    91  * `numMetricsPerMsg` - number of metrics to be packed in an UDP message, default is 5
    92  * `renameLabels`     - renames labels, old and new label separated by ':' and pairs of old and new labels separated by ','
    93  * `allowedLabels`    - comma-separated labels that are allowed, default is empty ie all labels are allowed
    94  * `labelStyle`       - convert labels from default snake case to other styles, default is no conversion. Styles supported are `lowerCamelCase` and `upperCamelCase`
    96  For example.
    97  ```
    98    --sink=statsd:udp://,host_name:k8s_host_name&allowedLabels=container_name,namespace_name,type,host_name&labelStyle=lowerCamelCase
    99  ```
   101  #### etsystatsd metrics format
   103  | Metric Set Type |  Metrics Format                                                                       |
   104  |:----------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   105  | Cluster         | `<PREFIX>.<SUFFIX>`                                                                   |
   106  | Node            | `<PREFIX>.node.<NODE>.<SUFFIX>`                                                       |
   107  | Namespace       | `<PREFIX>.namespace.<NAMESPACE>.<SUFFIX>`                                             |
   108  | Pod             | `<PREFIX>.node.<NODE>.namespace.<NAMESPACE>.pod.<POD>.<SUFFIX>`                       |
   109  | PodContainer    | `<PREFIX>.node.<NODE>.namespace.<NAMESPACE>.pod.<POD>.container.<CONTAINER>.<SUFFIX>` |
   110  | SystemContainer | `<PREFIX>.node.<NODE>.sys-container.<SYS-CONTAINER>.<SUFFIX>`                         |
   112  * `PREFIX`      - configured prefix
   113  * `SUFFIX`      - `[.<USER_LABELS>].<METRIC>[.<RESOURCE_ID>]`
   114  * `USER_LABELS` - user provided labels `[.<KEY1>.<VAL1>][.<KEY2>.<VAL2>] ...`
   115  * `METRIC`      - metric name, eg: filesystem/usage
   116  * `RESOURCE_ID` - An unique identifier used to differentiate multiple metrics of the same type. eg: FS partitions under filesystem/usage
   118  #### influxstatsd metrics format
   119  Influx StatsD is very similar to Etsy StatsD. Tags are supported by adding a comma-separated list of tags in key=value format.
   121  ```
   123  ```
   125  ### Hawkular-Metrics
   126  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
   127  To use the Hawkular-Metrics sink add the following flag:
   129  	--sink=hawkular:<HAWKULAR_SERVER_URL>[?<OPTIONS>]
   131  If `HAWKULAR_SERVER_URL` includes any path, the default `hawkular/metrics` is overridden. To use SSL, the `HAWKULAR_SERVER_URL` has to start with `https`
   133  The following options are available:
   135  * `tenant` - Hawkular-Metrics tenantId (default: `heapster`)
   136  * `labelToTenant` - Hawkular-Metrics uses given label's value as tenant value when storing data
   137  * `useServiceAccount` - Sink will use the service account token to authorize to Hawkular-Metrics (requires OpenShift)
   138  * `insecure` - SSL connection will not verify the certificates
   139  * `caCert` - A path to the CA Certificate file that will be used in the connection
   140  * `auth` - Kubernetes authentication file that will be used for constructing the TLSConfig
   141  * `user` - Username to connect to the Hawkular-Metrics server
   142  * `pass` - Password to connect to the Hawkular-Metrics server
   143  * `filter` - Allows bypassing the store of matching metrics, any number of `filter` parameters can be given with a syntax of `filter=operation(param)`. Supported operations and their params:
   144    * `label` - The syntax is `label(labelName:regexp)` where `labelName` is 1:1 match and `regexp` to use for matching is given after `:` delimiter
   145    * `name` - The syntax is `name(regexp)` where MetricName is matched (such as `cpu/usage`) with a `regexp` filter
   146  * `batchSize`- How many metrics are sent in each request to Hawkular-Metrics (default is 1000)
   147  * `concurrencyLimit`- How many concurrent requests are used to send data to the Hawkular-Metrics (default is 5)
   148  * `labelTagPrefix` - A prefix to be placed in front of each label when stored as a tag for the metric (default is `labels.`)
   149  * `disablePreCache` - Disable cache initialization by fetching metric definitions from Hawkular-Metrics
   151  A combination of `insecure` / `caCert` / `auth` is not supported, only a single of these parameters is allowed at once. Also, combination of `useServiceAccount` and `user` + `pass` is not supported. To increase the performance of Hawkular sink in case of multiple instances of Hawkular-Metrics (such as scaled scenario in OpenShift) modify the parameters of batchSize and concurrencyLimit to balance the load on Hawkular-Metrics instances.
   154  ### Wavefront
   155  The Wavefront sink supports monitoring metrics only.
   156  To use the Wavefront sink add the following flag:
   158      --sink=wavefront:<WAVEFRONT_PROXY_URL:PORT>[?<OPTIONS>]
   160  The following options are available:
   162  * `clusterName` - The name of the Kubernetes cluster being monitored. This will be added as a tag called `cluster` to metrics in Wavefront (default: `k8s-cluster`)
   163  * `prefix` - The prefix to be added to all metrics that Heapster collects (default: `heapster.`)
   164  * `includeLabels` - If set to true, any K8s labels will be applied to metrics as tags (default: `false`)
   165  * `includeContainers` - If set to true, all container metrics will be sent to Wavefront. When set to false, container level metrics are skipped (pod level and above are still sent to Wavefront) (default: `true`)
   168  ### OpenTSDB
   169  This sink supports both monitoring metrics and events.
   170  To use the OpenTSDB sink add the following flag:
   172      --sink=opentsdb:<OPENTSDB_SERVER_URL>[?<OPTIONS>]
   174  Currently, accessing OpenTSDB via its rest apis doesn't need any authentication, so you
   175  can enable OpenTSDB sink like this:
   177      --sink=opentsdb:
   179  The following options are available:
   181  * `cluster` - The name of the Kubernetes cluster being monitored. This will be added as a tag called `cluster` to metrics in OpenTSDB (default: `k8s-cluster`)
   183  ### Kafka
   184  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
   185  To use the kafka sink add the following flag:
   187      --sink="kafka:<?<OPTIONS>>"
   189  Normally, kafka server has multi brokers, so brokers' list need be configured for producer.
   190  So, we provide kafka brokers' list and topics about timeseries & topic in url's query string.
   191  Options can be set in query string, like this:
   193  * `brokers` - Kafka's brokers' list.
   194  * `timeseriestopic` - Kafka's topic for timeseries. Default value : `heapster-metrics`.
   195  * `eventstopic` - Kafka's topic for events. Default value : `heapster-events`.
   196  * `compression` - Kafka's compression for both topics. Must be `gzip` or `none` or `snappy` or `lz4`. Default value : none.
   197  * `user` - Kafka's SASL PLAIN username. Must be set with `password` option.
   198  * `password` - Kafka's SASL PLAIN password. Must be set with `user` option.
   199  * `cacert` - Kafka's SSL Certificate Authority file path.
   200  * `cert` - Kafka's SSL Client Certificate file path (In case of Two-way SSL). Must be set with `key` option.
   201  * `key` - Kafka's SSL Client Private Key file path (In case of Two-way SSL). Must be set with `cert` option.
   202  * `insecuressl` - Kafka's Ignore SSL certificate validity. Default value : `false`.
   204  For example,
   206      --sink="kafka:?brokers=localhost:9092&brokers=localhost:9093&timeseriestopic=testseries"
   207      or
   208      --sink="kafka:?brokers=localhost:9092&brokers=localhost:9093&eventstopic=testtopic"
   210  ### Riemann
   211  This sink supports monitoring metrics and events.
   212  To use the Riemann sink add the following flag:
   214  	--sink="riemann:<RIEMANN_SERVER_URL>[?<OPTIONS>]"
   216  The following options are available:
   218  * `ttl` - TTL for writing to Riemann. Default: `60 seconds`
   219  * `state` - The event state. Default: `""`
   220  * `tags` - Default. `heapster`
   221  * `batchsize` - The Riemann sink sends batch of events. The default size is `1000`
   223  For example,
   225  --sink=riemann:http://localhost:5555?ttl=120&state=ok&tags=foobar&batchsize=150
   227  ### Elasticsearch
   228  This sink supports monitoring metrics and events. To use the Elasticsearch
   229  sink add the following flag:
   230  ```
   231      --sink=elasticsearch:<ES_SERVER_URL>[?<OPTIONS>]
   232  ```
   233  Normally an Elasticsearch cluster has multiple nodes or a proxy, so these need
   234  to be configured for the Elasticsearch sink. To do this, you can set
   235  `ES_SERVER_URL` to a dummy value, and use the `?nodes=` query value for each
   236  additional node in the cluster. For example:
   237  ```
   238    --sink=elasticsearch:?nodes=
   239  ```
   240  (*) Notice that using the `?nodes` notation will override the `ES_SERVER_URL`
   242  If you run your ElasticSearch cluster behind a loadbalancer (or otherwise do
   243  not want to specify multiple nodes) then you can do the following:
   244  ```
   245    --sink=elasticsearch:
   246  ```
   248  Besides this, the following options can be set in query string:
   250  (*) Note that the keys are case sensitive
   252  * `index` - the index for metrics and events. The default is `heapster`
   253  * `esUserName` - the username if authentication is enabled
   254  * `esUserSecret` - the password if authentication is enabled
   255  * `maxRetries` - the number of retries that the Elastic client will perform
   256    for a single request after before giving up and return an error. It is `0`
   257    by default, so retry is disabled by default.
   258  * `healthCheck` - specifies if healthchecks are enabled by default. It is enabled
   259    by default. To disable, provide a negative boolean value like `0` or `false`.
   260  * `sniff` - specifies if the sniffer is enabled by default. It is enabled
   261    by default. To disable, provide a negative boolean value like `0` or `false`.
   262  * `startupHealthcheckTimeout` - the time in seconds the healthcheck waits for
   263    a response from Elasticsearch on startup, i.e. when creating a client. The
   264    default value is `1`.
   265  * `ver` - ElasticSearch cluster version, can be either `2` or `5`. The default is `5`
   266  * `bulkWorkers` - number of workers for bulk processing. Default value is `5`.
   267  * `cluster_name` - cluster name for different Kubernetes clusters. Default value is `default`.
   268  * `pipeline` - (optional; >ES5) Ingest Pipeline to process the documents. The default is disabled(empty value)
   270  #### AWS Integration
   271  In order to use AWS Managed Elastic we need to use one of the following methods:
   273  1. Making sure the public IPs of the Heapster are allowed on the Elasticsearch's Access Policy
   275  -OR-
   277  2. Configuring an Access Policy with IAM
   278  	1. Configure the Elasticsearch cluster policy with IAM User
   279  	2. Create a secret that stores the IAM credentials
   280  	3. Expose the credentials to the environment variables: `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`
   282  	```
   283  	env:
   284        - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
   285          valueFrom:
   286            secretKeyRef:
   287              name: aws-heapster
   288              key:
   289        - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
   290          valueFrom:
   291            secretKeyRef:
   292              name: aws-heapster
   293              key: aws.secret
   294  	```
   296  ### Graphite/Carbon
   297  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
   298  To use the graphite sink add the following flag:
   300      --sink="graphite:<PROTOCOL>://<HOST>[:<PORT>][<?<OPTIONS>>]"
   302  PROTOCOL must be `tcp` or `udp`, PORT is 2003 by default.
   304  These options are available:
   305  * `prefix` - Adds specified prefix to all metric paths
   307  For example,
   309      --sink="graphite:tcp://"
   311  Metrics are sent to Graphite with this hierarchy:
   312  * `PREFIX`
   313    * `cluster`
   314    * `namespaces`
   315      * `NAMESPACE`
   316    * `nodes`
   317      * `NODE`
   318        * `pods`
   319          * `NAMESPACE`
   320             * `POD`
   321               * `containers`
   322                 * `CONTAINER`
   323        * `sys-containers`
   324          * `SYS-CONTAINER`
   326  ### Librato
   328  This sink supports monitoring metrics only.
   330  To use the librato sink add the following flag:
   332      --sink=librato:<?<OPTIONS>>
   334  Options can be set in query string, like this:
   336  * `username` - Librato user email address (
   337  * `token` - Librato API token
   338  * `prefix` - Prefix for all measurement names
   339  * `tags` - By default provided tags (comma separated list)
   340  * `tag_{name}` - Value for the tag `name`
   342  For example,
   344      --sink=librato:?username=xyz&token=secret&prefix=k8s&tags=cluster&tag_cluster=staging
   346  The librato sink currently only works with accounts, which support [tagged metrics](
   348  ### Honeycomb
   350  This sink supports both monitoring metrics and events.
   352  To use the Honeycomb sink add the following flag:
   354      --sink="honeycomb:<?<OPTIONS>>"
   356  Options can be set in query string, like this:
   358  * `dataset` - Honeycomb Dataset to which to publish metrics/events
   359  * `writekey` - Honeycomb Write Key for your account
   360  * `apihost` - Option to send metrics to a different host (default: (optional)
   362  For example,
   364      --sink="honeycomb:?dataset=mydataset&writekey=secretwritekey"
   366  ## Using multiple sinks
   368  Heapster can be configured to send k8s metrics and events to multiple sinks by specifying the`--sink=...` flag multiple times.
   370  For example, to send data to both gcm and influxdb at the same time, you can use the following:
   372  ```shell
   373      --sink=gcm --sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb:80/
   374  ```