
     1  Configuring sources
     2  ===================
     4  Heapster can get data from multiple sources (although at this moment we support only one kind - Kubernetes).
     5  They are specified in the command line via the `--source` flag. The flag takes an argument of the form `PREFIX:CONFIG[?OPTIONS]`.
     6  Options (optional!) are specified as URL query parameters, separated by `&` as normal.
     7  This allows each source to have custom configuration passed to it without needing to
     8  continually add new flags to Heapster as new sources are added. This also means
     9  Heapster can capture metrics from multiple sources at once, potentially even multiple
    10  Kubernetes clusters.
    12  ## Current sources
    13  ### Kubernetes
    14  To use the kubernetes source add the following flag:
    16  	--source=kubernetes:<KUBERNETES_MASTER>[?<KUBERNETES_OPTIONS>]
    18  If you're running Heapster in a Kubernetes pod you can use the following flag:
    20  	--source=kubernetes
    22  Heapster requires an authentication token to connect with the apiserver securely. By default, Heapster will use the inClusterConfig system to configure the secure connection. This requires Kubernetes version `v1.0.3` or higher and a couple extra Kubernetes configuration steps. Firstly, for your apiserver you must create an SSL certificate pair with a SAN that includes the ClusterIP of the Kubernetes service. Look [here]( for an example of how to properly generate certs. Secondly, you need to pass the `ca.crt` that you generated to the `--root-ca-file` option of the controller-manager. This will distribute the root CA to `/var/run/secrets/` of all pods. If you are using `ABAC` authorization (as opposed to `AllowAll` which is the default), you will also need to give the `system:serviceaccount:<namespace-of-heapster>:default` readonly access to the cluster (look [here]( for more info).
    24  If you don't want to setup inClusterConfig, you can still use Heapster! To run without auth, use the following config:
    26  	--source=kubernetes:http://<address-of-kubernetes-master>:<http-port>?inClusterConfig=false
    28  This requires the apiserver to be setup completely without auth, which can be done by binding the insecure port to all interfaces (see the apiserver `--insecure-bind-address` option) but *WARNING* be aware of the security repercussions. Only do this if you trust *EVERYONE* on your network.
    30  *Note: Remove "monitoring-token" volume from heapster controller config if you are running without auth.*
    32  Alternatively, you can use a heapster-only serviceaccount like this:
    34  ```shell
    35  cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
    36  apiVersion: v1
    37  kind: ServiceAccount
    38  metadata:
    39    name: heapster
    40  EOF
    41  ```
    43  This will generate a token on the API server. You will then need to reference the service account in your Heapster pod spec like this:
    45  ```yaml
    46  apiVersion: "v1"
    47  kind: "ReplicationController"
    48  metadata:
    49    labels:
    50      name: "heapster"
    51    name: "monitoring-heapster-controller"
    52  spec:
    53    replicas: 1
    54    selector:
    55      name: "heapster"
    56    template:
    57      metadata:
    58        labels:
    59          name: "heapster"
    60      spec:
    61        serviceAccount: "heapster"
    62        containers:
    63          -
    64            image: "kubernetes/heapster:v0.13.0"
    65            name: "heapster"
    66            command:
    67              - "/heapster"
    68              - "--source=kubernetes:http://kubernetes-ro?inClusterConfig=false&useServiceAccount=true&auth="
    69              - "--sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb:80"
    70  ```
    72  This will mount the generated token at `/var/run/secrets/` in the Heapster container.
    75  The following options are available:
    76  * `inClusterConfig` - Use kube config in service accounts associated with Heapster's namespace. (default: true)
    77  * `kubeletPort` - kubelet port to use (default: `10255`)
    78  * `kubeletHttps` - whether to use https to connect to kubelets (default: `false`)
    79  * `insecure` - whether to trust Kubernetes certificates (default: `false`)
    80  * `auth` - client auth file to use. Set auth if the service accounts are not usable.
    81  * `useServiceAccount` - whether to use the service account token if one is mounted at `/var/run/secrets/` (default: `false`)
    83  There is also a sub-source for metrics - `kubernetes.summary_api` - that uses a slightly different, memory-efficient API for passing data from Kubelet/cAdvisor to Heapster. It supports the same set of options as `kubernetes`. Sample usage:
    84  ```
    85   - --source=kubernetes.summary_api:''
    86  ```