
     1  project_name: ets
     2  before:
     3    hooks:
     4      - go mod download
     5  builds:
     6    - env:
     7        # static binary to not depend on specific glibc versions
     8        - CGO_ENABLED=0
     9      ldflags:
    10        - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}}
    11      goos:
    12        - darwin
    13        - linux
    14      goarch:
    15        - amd64
    16        - arm
    17        - arm64
    18      goarm:
    19        - "6"
    20        - "7"
    21  nfpms:
    22    - formats:
    23        - deb
    24        - rpm
    25      homepage:
    26      maintainer: Greg Dubicki <>
    27      description: >
    28        command output timestamper
    30        ets prefixes each line of a command's output with a timestamp.
    31      license: MIT
    32      contents:
    33        - src: "ets.1"
    34          dst: "/usr/share/man/man1/ets.1"
    35  release:
    36    draft: true
    37    prerelease: auto
    38  changelog:
    39    sort: asc
    40    filters:
    41      exclude:
    42        - "^docs:"
    43        - "^test:"