
     1  /* For license and copyright information please see LEGAL file in repository */
     3  package chaparkhane
     5  // Manifest use to store server manifest data
     6  // All string slice is multi language and in order by ManifestLanguages order
     7  type Manifest struct {
     8  	AppID               [16]byte // Application ID
     9  	PlatformID          uint32   // XP part of GPs!
    10  	RouterID            uint32   // Router part of GPs!
    11  	Email               string
    12  	Icon                string
    13  	AuthorizedUsers     [][16]byte // Just accept request from these users!
    14  	SupportedLanguages  []uint32
    15  	ManifestLanguages   []uint32
    16  	Name                []string
    17  	Description         []string
    18  	TermsOfService      []string
    19  	Licence             []string
    20  	TAGS                []string // Use to categorized apps e.g. Music, GPS, ...
    21  	RequestedPermission []uint32 // ServiceIDs from PersiaOS services e.g. InternetInBackground, Notification, ...
    22  	TechnicalInfo       TechnicalInfo
    23  }
    25  // TechnicalInfo store some technical information but may different from really server condition!
    26  type TechnicalInfo struct {
    27  	OS                   []string // PersiaOS, Linux, Windows, ...
    28  	ApplicationProtocols []string // sRPC, HTTP, ...
    29  	UseAI                bool     // false: Open the lot of security concerns || true: use more resource.
    30  	AuthorizationServer  string   // Domain name that have sRPC needed store connection data. default is ""
    31  	// Shutdown settings
    32  	ShutdownDelay uint16 // the server will wait for at least this amount of time for active streams to finish!
    33  	// Server Overal rate limit
    34  	MaxOpenConnection uint64 // The maximum number of concurrent connections the app may serve.
    35  	// Guest rete limit - Connection.OwnerType==0
    36  	GuestMaxConnection            uint64 // 0 means App not accept guest connection.
    37  	GuestMaxStreamConnectionDaily uint32 // Max open stream per day for a guest connection. overflow will drop on creation!
    38  	GuestMaxServiceCallDaily      uint64 // 0 means no limit and good for PayAsGo strategy!
    39  	GuestMaxBytesSendDaily        uint64
    40  	GuestMaxBytesReceiveDaily     uint64
    41  	GuestMaxPacketsSendDaily      uint64
    42  	GuestMaxPacketsReceiveDaily   uint64
    43  	// Registered rate limit - Connection.OwnerType==1
    44  	RegisteredMaxConnection            uint64
    45  	RegisteredMaxStreamConnectionDaily uint32 // Max open stream per day for a Registered user connection. overflow will drop on creation!
    46  	RegisteredMaxServiceCallDaily      uint64 // 0 means no limit and good for PayAsGo strategy!
    47  	RegisteredMaxBytesSendDaily        uint64
    48  	RegisteredMaxBytesReceiveDaily     uint64
    49  	RegisteredMaxPacketsSendDaily      uint64
    50  	RegisteredMaxPacketsReceiveDaily   uint64
    51  	// If you want to know Connection.OwnerType>1 rate limit strategy, You must read server codes!!
    52  	//
    53  	// Minimum hardware specification for each instance of application.
    54  	CPU              uint64 // Hz
    55  	RAM              uint64 // Byte
    56  	GPU              uint64 // Hz
    57  	NetworkBandwidth uint64 // Byte
    58  	HDD              uint64 // Byte, Hard disk drive as storage engine. Act as object+block storage.
    59  	SSD              uint64 // Byte, Solid state drive as storage engine. Act as object+block storage..
    60  	// 4 type of devices trend now:
    61  	// Out of XP scope - Cloud Computing - Cheapest scenario - Primary Datastore	::/1 ()
    62  	// Adjacent Router or Inside same XP - Fog Computing - Caching Datastore		::/32
    63  	// Inside Router scope - Edge Computing - Caching Datastore						::/64
    64  	// End user device - 															::/128
    65  	MaxNetworkScalability uint8 // If ::/32 it mean also ::/1 but not ::/64!!
    66  }