
     1  /* For license and copyright information please see LEGAL file in repository */
     3  package node
     5  type replications struct {
     6  	TotalNodesInZone uint32        // not count replicated nodes, just one of them count.
     7  	Zones            []replication // order by near to far to local node. First replication is the replication that node belong to it.
     8  	OrderedZones     []replication // order by nodes replicationID
     9  }
    11  // GetZoneBy returns the node have desire index in best replication.
    12  func (n *Nodes) GetZoneBy(recordID [32]byte) (rep *Node) {
    13  	// var nodeID uint32 = c.FindNodeIDByRecordID(recordID)
    15  	// var i uint8
    16  	// // Maybe closest Ganjine node not response recently, so check all replications
    17  	// for i = 0; i < c.Replications.TotalZones; i++ {
    18  	// 	if c.Replications[i].Nodes[nodeID].Conn.State == achaemenid.ConnectionState_Open {
    19  	// 		return &c.Replications[i].Nodes[nodeID]
    20  	// 	}
    21  	// }
    23  	return
    24  }
    26  // GetNodeByReplicationID returns the node in desire replication.
    27  func (n *Nodes) GetNodeByReplicationID(repID uint8, nodeLoc uint32) (node *Node) {
    28  	return &c.Replications.OrderedZones[repID].Nodes[nodeLoc]
    29  }
    31  // orderZones order Zones by near to far!
    32  func (n *Nodes) orderZones() {
    33  	// TODO:::
    34  	// Block this goroutine until replications lock change to unlock!
    35  	// First replication is the replication that node belong to it
    36  }