
     1  package tq
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"sort"
     7  	"sync"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  const (
    17  	defaultBatchSize = 100
    18  )
    20  type retryCounter struct {
    21  	MaxRetries int `git:"lfs.transfer.maxretries"`
    23  	// cmu guards count
    24  	cmu sync.Mutex
    25  	// count maps OIDs to number of retry attempts
    26  	count map[string]int
    27  }
    29  // newRetryCounter instantiates a new *retryCounter. It parses the gitconfig
    30  // value: `lfs.transfer.maxretries`, and falls back to defaultMaxRetries if none
    31  // was provided.
    32  //
    33  // If it encountered an error in Unmarshaling the *config.Configuration, it will
    34  // be returned, otherwise nil.
    35  func newRetryCounter() *retryCounter {
    36  	return &retryCounter{
    37  		MaxRetries: defaultMaxRetries,
    38  		count:      make(map[string]int),
    39  	}
    40  }
    42  // Increment increments the number of retries for a given OID. It is safe to
    43  // call across multiple goroutines.
    44  func (r *retryCounter) Increment(oid string) {
    45  	r.cmu.Lock()
    46  	defer r.cmu.Unlock()
    48  	r.count[oid]++
    49  }
    51  // CountFor returns the current number of retries for a given OID. It is safe to
    52  // call across multiple goroutines.
    53  func (r *retryCounter) CountFor(oid string) int {
    54  	r.cmu.Lock()
    55  	defer r.cmu.Unlock()
    57  	return r.count[oid]
    58  }
    60  // CanRetry returns the current number of retries, and whether or not it exceeds
    61  // the maximum number of retries (see: retryCounter.MaxRetries).
    62  func (r *retryCounter) CanRetry(oid string) (int, bool) {
    63  	count := r.CountFor(oid)
    64  	return count, count < r.MaxRetries
    65  }
    67  // batch implements the sort.Interface interface and enables sorting on a slice
    68  // of `*Transfer`s by object size.
    69  //
    70  // This interface is implemented here so that the largest objects can be
    71  // processed first. Since adding a new batch is unable to occur until the
    72  // current batch has finished processing, this enables us to reduce the risk of
    73  // a single worker getting tied up on a large item at the end of a batch while
    74  // all other workers are sitting idle.
    75  type batch []*objectTuple
    77  // Concat concatenates two batches together, returning a single, clamped batch as
    78  // "left", and the remainder of elements as "right". If the union of the
    79  // receiver and "other" has cardinality less than "size", "right" will be
    80  // returned as nil.
    81  func (b batch) Concat(other batch, size int) (left, right batch) {
    82  	u := batch(append(b, other...))
    83  	if len(u) <= size {
    84  		return u, nil
    85  	}
    86  	return u[:size], u[size:]
    87  }
    89  func (b batch) ToTransfers() []*Transfer {
    90  	transfers := make([]*Transfer, 0, len(b))
    91  	for _, t := range b {
    92  		transfers = append(transfers, &Transfer{Oid: t.Oid, Size: t.Size})
    93  	}
    94  	return transfers
    95  }
    97  func (b batch) Len() int           { return len(b) }
    98  func (b batch) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Size < b[j].Size }
    99  func (b batch) Swap(i, j int)      { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
   101  // TransferQueue organises the wider process of uploading and downloading,
   102  // including calling the API, passing the actual transfer request to transfer
   103  // adapters, and dealing with progress, errors and retries.
   104  type TransferQueue struct {
   105  	direction         Direction
   106  	client            *tqClient
   107  	remote            string
   108  	ref               *git.Ref
   109  	adapter           Adapter
   110  	adapterInProgress bool
   111  	adapterInitMutex  sync.Mutex
   112  	dryRun            bool
   113  	cb                tools.CopyCallback
   114  	meter             *Meter
   115  	errors            []error
   116  	transfers         map[string]*objects
   117  	batchSize         int
   118  	bufferDepth       int
   119  	incoming          chan *objectTuple // Channel for processing incoming items
   120  	errorc            chan error        // Channel for processing errors
   121  	watchers          []chan *Transfer
   122  	trMutex           *sync.Mutex
   123  	collectorWait     sync.WaitGroup
   124  	errorwait         sync.WaitGroup
   125  	// wait is used to keep track of pending transfers. It is incremented
   126  	// once per unique OID on Add(), and is decremented when that transfer
   127  	// is marked as completed or failed, but not retried.
   128  	wait     sync.WaitGroup
   129  	manifest *Manifest
   130  	rc       *retryCounter
   132  	// unsupportedContentType indicates whether the transfer queue ever saw
   133  	// an HTTP 422 response indicating that their upload destination does
   134  	// not support Content-Type detection.
   135  	unsupportedContentType bool
   136  }
   138  // objects holds a set of objects.
   139  type objects struct {
   140  	completed bool
   141  	objects   []*objectTuple
   142  }
   144  // All returns all *objectTuple's contained in the *objects set.
   145  func (s *objects) All() []*objectTuple {
   146  	return s.objects
   147  }
   149  // Append returns a new *objects with the given *objectTuple(s) appended to the
   150  // end of the known objects.
   151  func (s *objects) Append(os ...*objectTuple) *objects {
   152  	return &objects{
   153  		completed: s.completed,
   154  		objects:   append(s.objects, os...),
   155  	}
   156  }
   158  // First returns the first *objectTuple in the chain of objects.
   159  func (s *objects) First() *objectTuple {
   160  	if len(s.objects) == 0 {
   161  		return nil
   162  	}
   163  	return s.objects[0]
   164  }
   166  type objectTuple struct {
   167  	Name, Path, Oid string
   168  	Size            int64
   169  }
   171  func (o *objectTuple) ToTransfer() *Transfer {
   172  	return &Transfer{
   173  		Name: o.Name,
   174  		Path: o.Path,
   175  		Oid:  o.Oid,
   176  		Size: o.Size,
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  type Option func(*TransferQueue)
   182  func DryRun(dryRun bool) Option {
   183  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) {
   184  		tq.dryRun = dryRun
   185  	}
   186  }
   188  func WithProgress(m *Meter) Option {
   189  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) {
   190  		tq.meter = m
   191  	}
   192  }
   194  func RemoteRef(ref *git.Ref) Option {
   195  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) {
   196  		tq.ref = ref
   197  	}
   198  }
   200  func WithProgressCallback(cb tools.CopyCallback) Option {
   201  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) {
   202  		tq.cb = cb
   203  	}
   204  }
   206  func WithBatchSize(size int) Option {
   207  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) { tq.batchSize = size }
   208  }
   210  func WithBufferDepth(depth int) Option {
   211  	return func(tq *TransferQueue) { tq.bufferDepth = depth }
   212  }
   214  // NewTransferQueue builds a TransferQueue, direction and underlying mechanism determined by adapter
   215  func NewTransferQueue(dir Direction, manifest *Manifest, remote string, options ...Option) *TransferQueue {
   216  	q := &TransferQueue{
   217  		direction: dir,
   218  		client:    &tqClient{Client: manifest.APIClient()},
   219  		remote:    remote,
   220  		errorc:    make(chan error),
   221  		transfers: make(map[string]*objects),
   222  		trMutex:   &sync.Mutex{},
   223  		manifest:  manifest,
   224  		rc:        newRetryCounter(),
   225  	}
   227  	for _, opt := range options {
   228  		opt(q)
   229  	}
   231  	q.rc.MaxRetries = q.manifest.maxRetries
   232  	q.client.MaxRetries = q.manifest.maxRetries
   234  	if q.batchSize <= 0 {
   235  		q.batchSize = defaultBatchSize
   236  	}
   237  	if q.bufferDepth <= 0 {
   238  		q.bufferDepth = q.batchSize
   239  	}
   240  	if q.meter != nil {
   241  		q.meter.Direction = q.direction
   242  	}
   244  	q.incoming = make(chan *objectTuple, q.bufferDepth)
   245  	q.collectorWait.Add(1)
   246  	q.errorwait.Add(1)
   249  	return q
   250  }
   252  // Add adds a *Transfer to the transfer queue. It only increments the amount
   253  // of waiting the TransferQueue has to do if the *Transfer "t" is new.
   254  //
   255  // If another transfer(s) with the same OID has been added to the *TransferQueue
   256  // already, the given transfer will not be enqueued, but will be sent to any
   257  // channel created by Watch() once the oldest transfer has completed.
   258  //
   259  // Only one file will be transferred to/from the Path element of the first
   260  // transfer.
   261  func (q *TransferQueue) Add(name, path, oid string, size int64) {
   262  	t := &objectTuple{
   263  		Name: name,
   264  		Path: path,
   265  		Oid:  oid,
   266  		Size: size,
   267  	}
   269  	if objs := q.remember(t); len(objs.objects) > 1 {
   270  		if objs.completed {
   271  			// If there is already a completed transfer chain for
   272  			// this OID, then this object is already "done", and can
   273  			// be sent through as completed to the watchers.
   274  			for _, w := range q.watchers {
   275  				w <- t.ToTransfer()
   276  			}
   277  		}
   279  		// If the chain is not done, there is no reason to enqueue this
   280  		// transfer into 'q.incoming'.
   281  		tracerx.Printf("already transferring %q, skipping duplicate", t.Oid)
   282  		return
   283  	}
   285  	q.incoming <- t
   286  }
   288  // remember remembers the *Transfer "t" if the *TransferQueue doesn't already
   289  // know about a Transfer with the same OID.
   290  //
   291  // It returns if the value is new or not.
   292  func (q *TransferQueue) remember(t *objectTuple) objects {
   293  	q.trMutex.Lock()
   294  	defer q.trMutex.Unlock()
   296  	if _, ok := q.transfers[t.Oid]; !ok {
   297  		q.wait.Add(1)
   298  		q.transfers[t.Oid] = &objects{
   299  			objects: []*objectTuple{t},
   300  		}
   302  		return *q.transfers[t.Oid]
   303  	}
   305  	q.transfers[t.Oid] = q.transfers[t.Oid].Append(t)
   307  	return *q.transfers[t.Oid]
   308  }
   310  // collectBatches collects batches in a loop, prioritizing failed items from the
   311  // previous before adding new items. The process works as follows:
   312  //
   313  //   1. Create a new batch, of size `q.batchSize`, and containing no items
   314  //   2. While the batch contains less items than `q.batchSize` AND the channel
   315  //      is open, read one item from the `q.incoming` channel.
   316  //      a. If the read was a channel close, go to step 4.
   317  //      b. If the read was a transferable item, go to step 3.
   318  //   3. Append the item to the batch.
   319  //   4. Sort the batch by descending object size, make a batch API call, send
   320  //      the items to the `*adapterBase`.
   321  //   5. In a separate goroutine, process the worker results, incrementing and
   322  //      appending retries if possible. On the main goroutine, accept new items
   323  //      into "pending".
   324  //   6. Concat() the "next" and "pending" batches such that no more items than
   325  //      the maximum allowed per batch are in next, and the rest are in pending.
   326  //   7. If the `q.incoming` channel is open, go to step 2.
   327  //   8. If the next batch is empty AND the `q.incoming` channel is closed,
   328  //      terminate immediately.
   329  //
   330  // collectBatches runs in its own goroutine.
   331  func (q *TransferQueue) collectBatches() {
   332  	defer q.collectorWait.Done()
   334  	var closing bool
   335  	next := q.makeBatch()
   336  	pending := q.makeBatch()
   338  	for {
   339  		for !closing && (len(next) < q.batchSize) {
   340  			t, ok := <-q.incoming
   341  			if !ok {
   342  				closing = true
   343  				break
   344  			}
   346  			next = append(next, t)
   347  		}
   349  		// Before enqueuing the next batch, sort by descending object
   350  		// size.
   351  		sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(next))
   353  		done := make(chan struct{})
   355  		var retries batch
   357  		go func() {
   358  			var err error
   360  			retries, err = q.enqueueAndCollectRetriesFor(next)
   361  			if err != nil {
   362  				q.errorc <- err
   363  			}
   365  			close(done)
   366  		}()
   368  		var collected batch
   369  		collected, closing = q.collectPendingUntil(done)
   371  		// Ensure the next batch is filled with, in order:
   372  		//
   373  		// - retries from the previous batch,
   374  		// - new additions that were enqueued behind retries, &
   375  		// - items collected while the batch was processing.
   376  		next, pending = retries.Concat(append(pending, collected...), q.batchSize)
   378  		if closing && len(next) == 0 {
   379  			// If len(next) == 0, there are no items in "pending",
   380  			// and it is safe to exit.
   381  			break
   382  		}
   383  	}
   384  }
   386  // collectPendingUntil collects items from q.incoming into a "pending" batch
   387  // until the given "done" channel is written to, or is closed.
   388  //
   389  // A "pending" batch is returned, along with whether or not "q.incoming" is
   390  // closed.
   391  func (q *TransferQueue) collectPendingUntil(done <-chan struct{}) (pending batch, closing bool) {
   392  	for {
   393  		select {
   394  		case t, ok := <-q.incoming:
   395  			if !ok {
   396  				closing = true
   397  				<-done
   398  				return
   399  			}
   401  			pending = append(pending, t)
   402  		case <-done:
   403  			return
   404  		}
   405  	}
   406  }
   408  // enqueueAndCollectRetriesFor makes a Batch API call and returns a "next" batch
   409  // containing all of the objects that failed from the previous batch and had
   410  // retries availale to them.
   411  //
   412  // If an error was encountered while making the API request, _all_ of the items
   413  // from the previous batch (that have retries available to them) will be
   414  // returned immediately, along with the error that was encountered.
   415  //
   416  // enqueueAndCollectRetriesFor blocks until the entire Batch "batch" has been
   417  // processed.
   418  func (q *TransferQueue) enqueueAndCollectRetriesFor(batch batch) (batch, error) {
   419  	next := q.makeBatch()
   420  	tracerx.Printf("tq: sending batch of size %d", len(batch))
   422  	q.meter.Pause()
   423  	var bRes *BatchResponse
   424  	if q.manifest.standaloneTransferAgent != "" {
   425  		// Trust the external transfer agent can do everything by itself.
   426  		objects := make([]*Transfer, 0, len(batch))
   427  		for _, t := range batch {
   428  			objects = append(objects, &Transfer{Oid: t.Oid, Size: t.Size, Path: t.Path})
   429  		}
   430  		bRes = &BatchResponse{
   431  			Objects:             objects,
   432  			TransferAdapterName: q.manifest.standaloneTransferAgent,
   433  		}
   434  	} else {
   435  		// Query the Git LFS server for what transfer method to use and
   436  		// details such as URLs, authentication, etc.
   437  		var err error
   438  		bRes, err = Batch(q.manifest, q.direction, q.remote, q.ref, batch.ToTransfers())
   439  		if err != nil {
   440  			// If there was an error making the batch API call, mark all of
   441  			// the objects for retry, and return them along with the error
   442  			// that was encountered. If any of the objects couldn't be
   443  			// retried, they will be marked as failed.
   444  			for _, t := range batch {
   445  				if q.canRetryObject(t.Oid, err) {
   446  					q.rc.Increment(t.Oid)
   448  					next = append(next, t)
   449  				} else {
   450  					q.wait.Done()
   451  				}
   452  			}
   454  			return next, err
   455  		}
   456  	}
   458  	if len(bRes.Objects) == 0 {
   459  		return next, nil
   460  	}
   462  	q.useAdapter(bRes.TransferAdapterName)
   463  	q.meter.Start()
   465  	toTransfer := make([]*Transfer, 0, len(bRes.Objects))
   467  	for _, o := range bRes.Objects {
   468  		if o.Error != nil {
   469  			q.errorc <- errors.Wrapf(o.Error, "[%v] %v", o.Oid, o.Error.Message)
   470  			q.Skip(o.Size)
   471  			q.wait.Done()
   473  			continue
   474  		}
   476  		q.trMutex.Lock()
   477  		objects, ok := q.transfers[o.Oid]
   478  		q.trMutex.Unlock()
   479  		if !ok {
   480  			// If we couldn't find any associated
   481  			// Transfer object, then we give up on the
   482  			// transfer by telling the progress meter to
   483  			// skip the number of bytes in "o".
   484  			q.errorc <- errors.Errorf("[%v] The server returned an unknown OID.", o.Oid)
   486  			q.Skip(o.Size)
   487  			q.wait.Done()
   488  		} else {
   489  			// Pick t[0], since it will cover all transfers with the
   490  			// same OID.
   491  			tr := newTransfer(o, objects.First().Name, objects.First().Path)
   493  			if a, err := tr.Rel(q.direction.String()); err != nil {
   494  				// XXX(taylor): duplication
   495  				if q.canRetryObject(tr.Oid, err) {
   496  					q.rc.Increment(tr.Oid)
   497  					count := q.rc.CountFor(tr.Oid)
   499  					tracerx.Printf("tq: enqueue retry #%d for %q (size: %d): %s", count, tr.Oid, tr.Size, err)
   500  					next = append(next, objects.First())
   501  				} else {
   502  					q.errorc <- errors.Errorf("[%v] %v", tr.Name, err)
   504  					q.Skip(o.Size)
   505  					q.wait.Done()
   506  				}
   507  			} else if a == nil && q.manifest.standaloneTransferAgent == "" {
   508  				q.Skip(o.Size)
   509  				q.wait.Done()
   510  			} else {
   511  				q.meter.StartTransfer(objects.First().Name)
   512  				toTransfer = append(toTransfer, tr)
   513  			}
   514  		}
   515  	}
   517  	retries := q.addToAdapter(bRes.endpoint, toTransfer)
   518  	for t := range retries {
   519  		q.rc.Increment(t.Oid)
   520  		count := q.rc.CountFor(t.Oid)
   522  		tracerx.Printf("tq: enqueue retry #%d for %q (size: %d)", count, t.Oid, t.Size)
   524  		next = append(next, t)
   525  	}
   527  	return next, nil
   528  }
   530  // makeBatch returns a new, empty batch, with a capacity equal to the maximum
   531  // batch size designated by the `*TransferQueue`.
   532  func (q *TransferQueue) makeBatch() batch { return make(batch, 0, q.batchSize) }
   534  // addToAdapter adds the given "pending" transfers to the transfer adapters and
   535  // returns a channel of Transfers that are to be retried in the next batch.
   536  // After all of the items in the batch have been processed, the channel is
   537  // closed.
   538  //
   539  // addToAdapter returns immediately, and does not block.
   540  func (q *TransferQueue) addToAdapter(e lfsapi.Endpoint, pending []*Transfer) <-chan *objectTuple {
   541  	retries := make(chan *objectTuple, len(pending))
   543  	if err := q.ensureAdapterBegun(e); err != nil {
   544  		close(retries)
   546  		q.errorc <- err
   547  		for _, t := range pending {
   548  			q.Skip(t.Size)
   549  			q.wait.Done()
   550  		}
   552  		return retries
   553  	}
   555  	present, missingResults := q.partitionTransfers(pending)
   557  	go func() {
   558  		defer close(retries)
   560  		var results <-chan TransferResult
   561  		if q.dryRun {
   562  			results = q.makeDryRunResults(present)
   563  		} else {
   564  			results = q.adapter.Add(present...)
   565  		}
   567  		for _, res := range missingResults {
   568  			q.handleTransferResult(res, retries)
   569  		}
   570  		for res := range results {
   571  			q.handleTransferResult(res, retries)
   572  		}
   573  	}()
   575  	return retries
   576  }
   578  func (q *TransferQueue) partitionTransfers(transfers []*Transfer) (present []*Transfer, results []TransferResult) {
   579  	if q.direction != Upload {
   580  		return transfers, nil
   581  	}
   583  	present = make([]*Transfer, 0, len(transfers))
   584  	results = make([]TransferResult, 0, len(transfers))
   586  	for _, t := range transfers {
   587  		var err error
   589  		if t.Size < 0 {
   590  			err = errors.Errorf("Git LFS: object %q has invalid size (got: %d)", t.Oid, t.Size)
   591  		} else {
   592  			fd, serr := os.Stat(t.Path)
   593  			if serr != nil {
   594  				if os.IsNotExist(serr) {
   595  					err = newObjectMissingError(t.Name, t.Oid)
   596  				} else {
   597  					err = serr
   598  				}
   599  			} else if t.Size != fd.Size() {
   600  				err = newCorruptObjectError(t.Name, t.Oid)
   601  			}
   602  		}
   604  		if err != nil {
   605  			results = append(results, TransferResult{
   606  				Transfer: t,
   607  				Error:    err,
   608  			})
   609  		} else {
   610  			present = append(present, t)
   611  		}
   612  	}
   614  	return
   615  }
   617  // makeDryRunResults returns a channel populated immediately with "successful"
   618  // results for all of the given transfers in "ts".
   619  func (q *TransferQueue) makeDryRunResults(ts []*Transfer) <-chan TransferResult {
   620  	results := make(chan TransferResult, len(ts))
   621  	for _, t := range ts {
   622  		results <- TransferResult{t, nil}
   623  	}
   625  	close(results)
   627  	return results
   628  }
   630  // handleTransferResult observes the transfer result, sending it on the retries
   631  // channel if it was able to be retried.
   632  func (q *TransferQueue) handleTransferResult(
   633  	res TransferResult, retries chan<- *objectTuple,
   634  ) {
   635  	oid := res.Transfer.Oid
   637  	if res.Error != nil {
   638  		// If there was an error encountered when processing the
   639  		// transfer (res.Transfer), handle the error as is appropriate:
   641  		if q.canRetryObject(oid, res.Error) {
   642  			// If the object can be retried, send it on the retries
   643  			// channel, where it will be read at the call-site and
   644  			// its retry count will be incremented.
   645  			tracerx.Printf("tq: retrying object %s: %s", oid, res.Error)
   647  			q.trMutex.Lock()
   648  			objects, ok := q.transfers[oid]
   649  			q.trMutex.Unlock()
   651  			if ok {
   652  				retries <- objects.First()
   653  			} else {
   654  				q.errorc <- res.Error
   655  			}
   656  		} else {
   657  			// If the error wasn't retriable, OR the object has
   658  			// exceeded its retry budget, it will be NOT be sent to
   659  			// the retry channel, and the error will be reported
   660  			// immediately (unless the error is in response to a
   661  			// HTTP 422).
   662  			if errors.IsUnprocessableEntityError(res.Error) {
   663  				q.unsupportedContentType = true
   664  			} else {
   665  				q.errorc <- res.Error
   666  			}
   667  			q.wait.Done()
   668  		}
   669  	} else {
   670  		q.trMutex.Lock()
   671  		objects := q.transfers[oid]
   672  		objects.completed = true
   674  		// Otherwise, if the transfer was successful, notify all of the
   675  		// watchers, and mark it as finished.
   676  		for _, c := range q.watchers {
   677  			// Send one update for each transfer with the
   678  			// same OID.
   679  			for _, t := range objects.All() {
   680  				c <- &Transfer{
   681  					Name: t.Name,
   682  					Path: t.Path,
   683  					Oid:  t.Oid,
   684  					Size: t.Size,
   685  				}
   686  			}
   687  		}
   689  		q.trMutex.Unlock()
   691  		q.meter.FinishTransfer(res.Transfer.Name)
   692  		q.wait.Done()
   693  	}
   694  }
   696  func (q *TransferQueue) useAdapter(name string) {
   697  	q.adapterInitMutex.Lock()
   698  	defer q.adapterInitMutex.Unlock()
   700  	if q.adapter != nil {
   701  		if q.adapter.Name() == name {
   702  			// re-use, this is the normal path
   703  			return
   704  		}
   705  		// If the adapter we're using isn't the same as the one we've been
   706  		// told to use now, must wait for the current one to finish then switch
   707  		// This will probably never happen but is just in case server starts
   708  		// changing adapter support in between batches
   709  		q.finishAdapter()
   710  	}
   711  	q.adapter = q.manifest.NewAdapterOrDefault(name, q.direction)
   712  }
   714  func (q *TransferQueue) finishAdapter() {
   715  	if q.adapterInProgress {
   716  		q.adapter.End()
   717  		q.adapterInProgress = false
   718  		q.adapter = nil
   719  	}
   720  }
   722  // BatchSize returns the batch size of the receiving *TransferQueue, or, the
   723  // number of transfers to accept before beginning work on them.
   724  func (q *TransferQueue) BatchSize() int {
   725  	return q.batchSize
   726  }
   728  func (q *TransferQueue) Skip(size int64) {
   729  	q.meter.Skip(size)
   730  }
   732  func (q *TransferQueue) ensureAdapterBegun(e lfsapi.Endpoint) error {
   733  	q.adapterInitMutex.Lock()
   734  	defer q.adapterInitMutex.Unlock()
   736  	if q.adapterInProgress {
   737  		return nil
   738  	}
   740  	// Progress callback - receives byte updates
   741  	cb := func(name string, total, read int64, current int) error {
   742  		q.meter.TransferBytes(q.direction.String(), name, read, total, current)
   743  		if q.cb != nil {
   744  			// NOTE: this is the mechanism by which the logpath
   745  			// specified by GIT_LFS_PROGRESS is written to.
   746  			//
   747  			// See: lfs.downloadFile() for more.
   748  			q.cb(total, read, current)
   749  		}
   750  		return nil
   751  	}
   753  	tracerx.Printf("tq: starting transfer adapter %q", q.adapter.Name())
   754  	err := q.adapter.Begin(q.toAdapterCfg(e), cb)
   755  	if err != nil {
   756  		return err
   757  	}
   758  	q.adapterInProgress = true
   760  	return nil
   761  }
   763  func (q *TransferQueue) toAdapterCfg(e lfsapi.Endpoint) AdapterConfig {
   764  	apiClient := q.manifest.APIClient()
   765  	concurrency := q.manifest.ConcurrentTransfers()
   766  	if apiClient.Endpoints.AccessFor(e.Url) == lfsapi.NTLMAccess {
   767  		concurrency = 1
   768  	}
   770  	return &adapterConfig{
   771  		concurrentTransfers: concurrency,
   772  		apiClient:           apiClient,
   773  		remote:              q.remote,
   774  	}
   775  }
   777  var (
   778  	// contentTypeWarning is the message printed when a server returns an
   779  	// HTTP 422 at the end of a push.
   780  	contentTypeWarning = []string{
   781  		"Uploading failed due to unsupported Content-Type header(s).",
   782  		"Consider disabling Content-Type detection with:",
   783  		"",
   784  		"  $ git config lfs.contenttype false",
   785  	}
   786  )
   788  // Wait waits for the queue to finish processing all transfers. Once Wait is
   789  // called, Add will no longer add transfers to the queue. Any failed
   790  // transfers will be automatically retried once.
   791  func (q *TransferQueue) Wait() {
   792  	close(q.incoming)
   794  	q.wait.Wait()
   795  	q.collectorWait.Wait()
   797  	q.finishAdapter()
   798  	close(q.errorc)
   800  	for _, watcher := range q.watchers {
   801  		close(watcher)
   802  	}
   804  	q.meter.Flush()
   805  	q.errorwait.Wait()
   807  	if q.unsupportedContentType {
   808  		for _, line := range contentTypeWarning {
   809  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "info: %s\n", line)
   810  		}
   811  	}
   812  }
   814  // Watch returns a channel where the queue will write the value of each transfer
   815  // as it completes. If multiple transfers exist with the same OID, they will all
   816  // be recorded here, even though only one actual transfer took place. The
   817  // channel will be closed when the queue finishes processing.
   818  func (q *TransferQueue) Watch() chan *Transfer {
   819  	c := make(chan *Transfer, q.batchSize)
   820  	q.watchers = append(q.watchers, c)
   821  	return c
   822  }
   824  // This goroutine collects errors returned from transfers
   825  func (q *TransferQueue) errorCollector() {
   826  	for err := range q.errorc {
   827  		q.errors = append(q.errors, err)
   828  	}
   829  	q.errorwait.Done()
   830  }
   832  // run begins the transfer queue. It transfers files sequentially or
   833  // concurrently depending on the Config.ConcurrentTransfers() value.
   834  func (q *TransferQueue) run() {
   835  	tracerx.Printf("tq: running as batched queue, batch size of %d", q.batchSize)
   837  	go q.errorCollector()
   838  	go q.collectBatches()
   839  }
   841  // canRetry returns whether or not the given error "err" is retriable.
   842  func (q *TransferQueue) canRetry(err error) bool {
   843  	return errors.IsRetriableError(err)
   844  }
   846  // canRetryObject returns whether the given error is retriable for the object
   847  // given by "oid". If the an OID has met its retry limit, then it will not be
   848  // able to be retried again. If so, canRetryObject returns whether or not that
   849  // given error "err" is retriable.
   850  func (q *TransferQueue) canRetryObject(oid string, err error) bool {
   851  	if count, ok := q.rc.CanRetry(oid); !ok {
   852  		tracerx.Printf("tq: refusing to retry %q, too many retries (%d)", oid, count)
   853  		return false
   854  	}
   856  	return q.canRetry(err)
   857  }
   859  // Errors returns any errors encountered during transfer.
   860  func (q *TransferQueue) Errors() []error {
   861  	return q.errors
   862  }