
     1  package dbyml
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"text/template"
     7  )
     9  // ConfigurationTemplate is a template of dbyml settings.
    10  const ConfigurationTemplate = `---
    11  # file: dbyml.yml
    12  # This is a configuration file used by go-dbyml.
    13  # The settings related to image build are written in yaml syntax.
    14  # The values set in each field, so you can edit them according to your build settings.
    15  # This is automatically generated.
    18  # The image section manages docker image attributes.
    19  image:
    20    # name: Image name. This field is required.
    21    name: {{ or .ImageInfo.Basename "go-dbyml-sample" }}
    23    # tag: Image tag.
    24    tag: {{ or .ImageInfo.Tag "latest" }}
    26    # path: Path to a directory containing Dockerfile.
    27    path: {{ or .ImageInfo.Context "." }}
    29    # dockerfile: Filename of Dockerfile.
    30    dockerfile: {{ or .ImageInfo.Dockerfile "Dockerfile" }}
    32    # build_args: Arguments corresponding to build-args of docker build.
    33    # Set list of key:value
    34    build_args:
    35      {{- range $k, $v := .ImageInfo.BuildArgs }}
    36      {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
    37      {{- end }}
    39    # label: Arguments corresponding to label of docker build.
    40    # Use quotation when the key name includes "." such as
    41    # Set list of key:value
    42    label:
    43      {{- range $k, $v := .ImageInfo.Labels }}
    44      {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
    45      {{- end }}
    47    # docker_host: URL to the Docker server.
    48    # Set protocol:hostname:port for example unix:///var/run/docker.sock or tcp://
    49    # Default to unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    50    docker_host: {{ or .ImageInfo.DockerHost "unix:/var/run/docker.sock" }}
    53  # The build section manages some options on build such as using build-cache or showing build information.
    54  build:
    55    # target: Name of the build-stage to build in a multi-stage Dockerfile.
    56    target: {{ or .BuildInfo.Target "''" }}
    58    # no_cache: Set true not to use build cache when build the image.
    59    # default: false
    60    no_cache: {{ or .BuildInfo.NoCache false }}
    62    # verbose: Set true to show build settings on build.
    63    # default: true
    64    verbose: {{ or .BuildInfo.Verbose true }}
    66  # The registry section manages the information about registry to which the image push.
    67  registry:
    68    # enabled: Enable push to a registry. Set false not to push the image
    69    # to the registry even if these fields are set.
    70    enabled: {{ or .RegistryInfo.Enabled false }}
    72    # host: Registry name or ip address and port.
    73    host: {{ or .RegistryInfo.Host "" }}
    75    # project:
    76    # When set the project, the image to be pushed to the registry will be {host}:{port}/{project}/{name}:{tag},
    77    # otherwise {host}:{port}/{name}:{tag}
    78    project: {{ or .RegistryInfo.Project "" }}
    80    # auth: Credentials for a registry. This will be used when push a image to basic-auth registry.
    81    auth:
    82      {{- range $k, $v := .RegistryInfo.Auth }}
    83      {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
    84      {{- end }}
    86  # The buildkit section manages the settings when build with buildkit.
    87  buildkit:
    88    # enabled: Set true to enable build with buildkit.
    89    enabled: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Enabled false }}
    90    # output: The output field sets output format of the image to be built
    91    output:
    92      # type: Type of output image.
    93      type: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Output.Type "image" }}
    94      # name: Set registry and image. e.g. [registry]:[port]/[project]/[image]:[tag]
    95      name: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Output.Name "" }}
    96      # insecure: Set true if push the image insecure registry such as insecure private registry
    97      insecure: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Output.Insecure false }}
    98    # The cache field sets import and export build cache.
    99    cache:
   100      # export: Export settings of build cache.
   101      # Type must be either inline or registry. Set inline to export the cache embed with the image and pushing them to registry together.
   102      # Set registry to export build cache to the specified registry. In this case, set the registry in value field. e.g. [registry]:[port]/[project]/[image]:[tag]
   103      export:
   104        type: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Cache.Export.Type "inline" }}
   105        value: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Cache.Export.Value "''" }}
   106      # import: Import settings of build cache.
   107      # Type must be registry. Set registry to import build cache from the specified registry. In this case, set the registry in value field. e.g. [registry]:[port]/[project]/[image]:[tag].
   108      import:
   109        type: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Cache.Import.Type "registry" }}
   110        value: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Cache.Import.Value "" }}
   111    # platform: Set the list of architectures if want to build  a image that support multi-platform.
   112    platform:
   113    # remove: Set true to remove a builder container after build is successfully completed.
   114    remove: {{ or .BuildkitInfo.Remove true }}
   115  `
   117  // MakeTemplate makes a dbyml setting file from a template.
   118  func MakeTemplate(config *Configuration) {
   119  	tmpl := template.Must(template.New("ConfigurationTemplate").Parse(ConfigurationTemplate))
   121  	file, _ := os.Create("dbyml.yml")
   122  	err := tmpl.Execute(file, config)
   123  	if err != nil {
   124  		panic(err)
   125  	}
   126  	fmt.Println("Create dbyml.yml. Check the contents and edit it according to your docker image.")
   127  }
   129  // BuildkitdTomlTemplate is a template of buildkit settings.
   130  const BuildkitdTomlTemplate = `[registry."{{ .Host }}"]
   131    {{- if .Insecure }}
   132    insecure = true
   133    {{- end }}
   134    {{- if .Auth.ca_cert }}
   135    ca_cert = ["{{ .Auth.ca_cert }}"]
   136    {{- end }}
   137  `
   139  // MakeBuildkitToml makes buildkitd.toml from a template.
   140  func MakeBuildkitToml(config *RegistryInfo) (string, error) {
   141  	tmpl := template.Must(template.New("BuildkitdTomlTemplate").Parse(BuildkitdTomlTemplate))
   143  	file, _ := os.Create("buildkitd.toml")
   144  	err := tmpl.Execute(file, config)
   145  	if err != nil {
   146  		return "", err
   147  	}
   148  	return "buildkitd.toml", nil
   149  }