
     1  language: go
     3  go:
     4    - "1.8"
     5    - "1.9"
     6    - "1.10"
     7    - master
     9  matrix:
    10    # It's ok if our code fails on unstable development versions of Go.
    11    allow_failures:
    12      - go: master
    13    # Don't wait for tip tests to finish. Mark the test run green if the
    14    # tests pass on the stable versions of Go.
    15    fast_finish: true
    17  # Don't email me the results of the test runs.
    18  notifications:
    19    email: false
    21  env:
    22    # This is the version of to use.
    23    - DEP_VERSION="0.4.1"
    25  before_install:
    26    # Download the binary to bin folder in $GOPATH
    27    - curl -L -s${DEP_VERSION}/dep-linux-amd64 -o $GOPATH/bin/dep
    28    # Make the binary executable
    29    - chmod +x $GOPATH/bin/dep
    31  install:
    32    - dep ensure
    34  # Anything in before_script that returns a nonzero exit code will
    35  # flunk the build and immediately stop. It's sorta like having
    36  # set -e enabled in bash.
    37  before_script:
    38    - GO_FILES=$(find . -iname '*.go' -type f | grep -v /vendor/) # All the .go files, excluding vendor/
    39    # - go get                        # Linter
    40    # - go get                     # Badass static analyzer/linter
    41    # - go get
    43  # script always run to completion (set +e). All of these code checks are must haves
    44  # in a modern Go project.
    45  script:
    46    - go build -o jivan main.go
    47    - go build -tags awslambda -o jivan-lambda main.go
    48    # Not sure why, but aws seems to insist on prepending "index." to the lambda handler name
    49    - go test -v ./...
    50    # - test -z $(gofmt -s -l $GO_FILES)         # Fail if a .go file hasn't been formatted with gofmt
    51    # - go test -v -race ./...                   # Run all the tests with the race detector enabled
    52    # - go vet ./...                             # go vet is the official Go static analyzer
    53    # - megacheck ./...                          # "go vet on steroids" + linter
    54    # - gocyclo -over 19 $GO_FILES               # forbid code with huge functions
    55    # - golint -set_exit_status $(go list ./...) # one last linte
    57  deploy:
    58    - provider: releases
    59      api_key:
    60        secure: 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
    61      file:
    62        - jivan
    63        - jivan-lambda
    64      skip_cleanup: true
    65      on:
    66        tags: true
    68    - provider: lambda
    69      function_name: wfs3-features
    70      role: "arn:aws:iam::126941952274:role/wfs3_lambda_deploy"
    71      runtime: "go1.x"
    72      region: "us-east-1"
    73      # Weird tweak to get a valid path to root-level executable.  AWS joins module_name & handler_name with a '.'
    74      module_name: "./"
    75      handler_name: "/jivan-lambda"
    76      # This is the access key for IAM user "wfs3-features-deploy"
    77      access_key_id: "AKIAJAKF2C4LV4PWUMUQ"
    78      secret_access_key:
    79        secure: 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
    80      file:
    81        - jivan-lambda
    82        - test_data/athens-osm-20170921.gpkg
    83      skip_cleanup: true
    84      on:
    85        tags: true
    87  # Kick-03