
     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package norm
     7  import (
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"testing"
    10  )
    12  func doIterNorm(f Form, s string) []byte {
    13  	acc := []byte{}
    14  	i := Iter{}
    15  	i.InitString(f, s)
    16  	for !i.Done() {
    17  		acc = append(acc, i.Next()...)
    18  	}
    19  	return acc
    20  }
    22  func TestIterNext(t *testing.T) {
    23  	runNormTests(t, "IterNext", func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte {
    24  		return doIterNorm(f, string(append(out, s...)))
    25  	})
    26  }
    28  type SegmentTest struct {
    29  	in  string
    30  	out []string
    31  }
    33  var segmentTests = []SegmentTest{
    34  	{"\u1E0A\u0323a", []string{"\x44\u0323\u0307", "a", ""}},
    35  	{rep('a', segSize), append(strings.Split(rep('a', segSize), ""), "")},
    36  	{rep('a', segSize+2), append(strings.Split(rep('a', segSize+2), ""), "")},
    37  	{rep('a', segSize) + "\u0300aa",
    38  		append(strings.Split(rep('a', segSize-1), ""), "a\u0300", "a", "a", "")},
    40  	// U+0f73 is NOT treated as a starter as it is a modifier
    41  	{"a" + grave(29) + "\u0f73", []string{"a" + grave(29), cgj + "\u0f73"}},
    42  	{"a\u0f73", []string{"a\u0f73"}},
    44  	// U+ff9e is treated as a non-starter.
    45  	// TODO: should we? Note that this will only affect iteration, as whether
    46  	// or not we do so does not affect the normalization output and will either
    47  	// way result in consistent iteration output.
    48  	{"a" + grave(30) + "\uff9e", []string{"a" + grave(30), cgj + "\uff9e"}},
    49  	{"a\uff9e", []string{"a\uff9e"}},
    50  }
    52  var segmentTestsK = []SegmentTest{
    53  	{"\u3332", []string{"\u30D5", "\u30A1", "\u30E9", "\u30C3", "\u30C8\u3099", ""}},
    54  	// last segment of multi-segment decomposition needs normalization
    55  	{"\u3332\u093C", []string{"\u30D5", "\u30A1", "\u30E9", "\u30C3", "\u30C8\u093C\u3099", ""}},
    56  	{"\u320E", []string{"\x28", "\uAC00", "\x29"}},
    58  	// last segment should be copied to start of buffer.
    59  	{"\ufdfa", []string{"\u0635", "\u0644", "\u0649", " ", "\u0627", "\u0644", "\u0644", "\u0647", " ", "\u0639", "\u0644", "\u064a", "\u0647", " ", "\u0648", "\u0633", "\u0644", "\u0645", ""}},
    60  	{"\ufdfa" + grave(30), []string{"\u0635", "\u0644", "\u0649", " ", "\u0627", "\u0644", "\u0644", "\u0647", " ", "\u0639", "\u0644", "\u064a", "\u0647", " ", "\u0648", "\u0633", "\u0644", "\u0645" + grave(30), ""}},
    61  	{"\uFDFA" + grave(64), []string{"\u0635", "\u0644", "\u0649", " ", "\u0627", "\u0644", "\u0644", "\u0647", " ", "\u0639", "\u0644", "\u064a", "\u0647", " ", "\u0648", "\u0633", "\u0644", "\u0645" + grave(30), cgj + grave(30), cgj + grave(4), ""}},
    63  	// Hangul and Jamo are grouped together.
    64  	{"\uAC00", []string{"\u1100\u1161", ""}},
    65  	{"\uAC01", []string{"\u1100\u1161\u11A8", ""}},
    66  	{"\u1100\u1161", []string{"\u1100\u1161", ""}},
    67  }
    69  // Note that, by design, segmentation is equal for composing and decomposing forms.
    70  func TestIterSegmentation(t *testing.T) {
    71  	segmentTest(t, "SegmentTestD", NFD, segmentTests)
    72  	segmentTest(t, "SegmentTestC", NFC, segmentTests)
    73  	segmentTest(t, "SegmentTestKD", NFKD, segmentTestsK)
    74  	segmentTest(t, "SegmentTestKC", NFKC, segmentTestsK)
    75  }
    77  func segmentTest(t *testing.T, name string, f Form, tests []SegmentTest) {
    78  	iter := Iter{}
    79  	for i, tt := range tests {
    80  		iter.InitString(f,
    81  		for j, seg := range tt.out {
    82  			if seg == "" {
    83  				if !iter.Done() {
    84  					res := string(iter.Next())
    85  					t.Errorf(`%s:%d:%d: expected Done()==true, found segment %+q`, name, i, j, res)
    86  				}
    87  				continue
    88  			}
    89  			if iter.Done() {
    90  				t.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: Done()==true, want false", name, i, j)
    91  			}
    92  			seg = f.String(seg)
    93  			if res := string(iter.Next()); res != seg {
    94  				t.Errorf(`%s:%d:%d" segment was %+q (%d); want %+q (%d)`, name, i, j, pc(res), len(res), pc(seg), len(seg))
    95  			}
    96  		}
    97  	}
    98  }