
     1  package jade
     3  //go:generate stringer -type=itemType,NodeType -trimprefix=item -output=config_string.go
     5  var TabSize = 4
     7  var (
     8  	golang_mode  = false
     9  	tag__bgn     = "<%s%s>"
    10  	tag__end     = "</%s>"
    11  	tag__void    = "<%s%s/>"
    12  	tag__arg_esc = ` %s="{{ print %s }}"`
    13  	tag__arg_une = ` %s="{{ print %s }}"`
    14  	tag__arg_str = ` %s="%s"`
    15  	tag__arg_add = `%s " " %s`
    16  	tag__arg_bgn = ""
    17  	tag__arg_end = ""
    19  	cond__if     = "{{ if %s }}"
    20  	cond__unless = "{{ if not %s }}"
    21  	cond__case   = "{{/* switch %s */}}"
    22  	cond__while  = "{{ range %s }}"
    23  	cond__for    = "{{/* %s, %s */}}{{ range %s }}"
    24  	cond__end    = "{{ end }}"
    26  	cond__for_if   = "{{ if gt len %s 0 }}{{/* %s, %s */}}{{ range %s }}"
    27  	code__for_else = "{{ end }}{{ else }}"
    29  	code__longcode  = "{{/* %s */}}"
    30  	code__buffered  = "{{ %s }}"
    31  	code__unescaped = "{{ %s }}"
    32  	code__else      = "{{ else }}"
    33  	code__else_if   = "{{ else if %s }}"
    34  	code__case_when = "{{/* case %s: */}}"
    35  	code__case_def  = "{{/* default: */}}"
    36  	code__mix_block = "{{/* block */}}"
    38  	text__str     = "%s"
    39  	text__comment = "<!--%s -->"
    41  	mixin__bgn           = "\n%s"
    42  	mixin__end           = ""
    43  	mixin__var_bgn       = ""
    44  	mixin__var           = "{{ $%s := %s }}"
    45  	mixin__var_rest      = "{{ $%s := %#v }}"
    46  	mixin__var_end       = "\n"
    47  	mixin__var_block_bgn = ""
    48  	mixin__var_block     = ""
    49  	mixin__var_block_end = ""
    50  )
    52  type Cfg struct {
    53  	GolangMode bool
    54  	TagBgn     string
    55  	TagEnd     string
    56  	TagVoid    string
    57  	TagArgEsc  string
    58  	TagArgUne  string
    59  	TagArgStr  string
    60  	TagArgAdd  string
    61  	TagArgBgn  string
    62  	TagArgEnd  string
    64  	CondIf     string
    65  	CondUnless string
    66  	CondCase   string
    67  	CondWhile  string
    68  	CondFor    string
    69  	CondEnd    string
    70  	CondForIf  string
    72  	CodeForElse   string
    73  	CodeLongcode  string
    74  	CodeBuffered  string
    75  	CodeUnescaped string
    76  	CodeElse      string
    77  	CodeElseIf    string
    78  	CodeCaseWhen  string
    79  	CodeCaseDef   string
    80  	CodeMixBlock  string
    82  	TextStr     string
    83  	TextComment string
    85  	MixinBgn         string
    86  	MixinEnd         string
    87  	MixinVarBgn      string
    88  	MixinVar         string
    89  	MixinVarRest     string
    90  	MixinVarEnd      string
    91  	MixinVarBlockBgn string
    92  	MixinVarBlock    string
    93  	MixinVarBlockEnd string
    94  }
    96  func Config(c Cfg) {
    97  	golang_mode = c.GolangMode
    98  	if c.TagBgn != "" {
    99  		tag__bgn = c.TagBgn
   100  	}
   101  	if c.TagEnd != "" {
   102  		tag__end = c.TagEnd
   103  	}
   104  	if c.TagVoid != "" {
   105  		tag__void = c.TagVoid
   106  	}
   107  	if c.TagArgEsc != "" {
   108  		tag__arg_esc = c.TagArgEsc
   109  	}
   110  	if c.TagArgUne != "" {
   111  		tag__arg_une = c.TagArgUne
   112  	}
   113  	if c.TagArgStr != "" {
   114  		tag__arg_str = c.TagArgStr
   115  	}
   116  	if c.TagArgAdd != "" {
   117  		tag__arg_add = c.TagArgAdd
   118  	}
   119  	if c.TagArgBgn != "" {
   120  		tag__arg_bgn = c.TagArgBgn
   121  	}
   122  	if c.TagArgEnd != "" {
   123  		tag__arg_end = c.TagArgEnd
   124  	}
   125  	if c.CondIf != "" {
   126  		cond__if = c.CondIf
   127  	}
   128  	if c.CondUnless != "" {
   129  		cond__unless = c.CondUnless
   130  	}
   131  	if c.CondCase != "" {
   132  		cond__case = c.CondCase
   133  	}
   134  	if c.CondWhile != "" {
   135  		cond__while = c.CondWhile
   136  	}
   137  	if c.CondFor != "" {
   138  		cond__for = c.CondFor
   139  	}
   140  	if c.CondEnd != "" {
   141  		cond__end = c.CondEnd
   142  	}
   143  	if c.CondForIf != "" {
   144  		cond__for_if = c.CondForIf
   145  	}
   146  	if c.CodeForElse != "" {
   147  		code__for_else = c.CodeForElse
   148  	}
   149  	if c.CodeLongcode != "" {
   150  		code__longcode = c.CodeLongcode
   151  	}
   152  	if c.CodeBuffered != "" {
   153  		code__buffered = c.CodeBuffered
   154  	}
   155  	if c.CodeUnescaped != "" {
   156  		code__unescaped = c.CodeUnescaped
   157  	}
   158  	if c.CodeElse != "" {
   159  		code__else = c.CodeElse
   160  	}
   161  	if c.CodeElseIf != "" {
   162  		code__else_if = c.CodeElseIf
   163  	}
   164  	if c.CodeCaseWhen != "" {
   165  		code__case_when = c.CodeCaseWhen
   166  	}
   167  	if c.CodeCaseDef != "" {
   168  		code__case_def = c.CodeCaseDef
   169  	}
   170  	if c.CodeMixBlock != "" {
   171  		code__mix_block = c.CodeMixBlock
   172  	}
   173  	if c.TextStr != "" {
   174  		text__str = c.TextStr
   175  	}
   176  	if c.TextComment != "" {
   177  		text__comment = c.TextComment
   178  	}
   179  	if c.MixinBgn != "" {
   180  		mixin__bgn = c.MixinBgn
   181  	}
   182  	if c.MixinEnd != "" {
   183  		mixin__end = c.MixinEnd
   184  	}
   185  	if c.MixinVarBgn != "" {
   186  		mixin__var_bgn = c.MixinVarBgn
   187  	}
   188  	if c.MixinVar != "" {
   189  		mixin__var = c.MixinVar
   190  	}
   191  	if c.MixinVarRest != "" {
   192  		mixin__var_rest = c.MixinVarRest
   193  	}
   194  	if c.MixinVarEnd != "" {
   195  		mixin__var_end = c.MixinVarEnd
   196  	}
   197  	if c.MixinVarBlockBgn != "" {
   198  		mixin__var_block_bgn = c.MixinVarBlockBgn
   199  	}
   200  	if c.MixinVarBlock != "" {
   201  		mixin__var_block = c.MixinVarBlock
   202  	}
   203  	if c.MixinVarBlockEnd != "" {
   204  		mixin__var_block_end = c.MixinVarBlockEnd
   205  	}
   206  }
   208  type Out struct {
   209  	Name, Args, Import string
   210  }
   212  var Go Out
   214  func ConfigOtputPHP() {}
   216  type itemType int8
   218  const (
   219  	itemError itemType = iota // error occurred; value is text of error
   220  	itemEOF
   222  	itemEndL
   223  	itemIdent
   224  	itemEmptyLine // empty line
   226  	itemText // plain text
   228  	itemComment // html comment
   229  	itemHTMLTag // html <tag>
   230  	itemDoctype // Doctype tag
   232  	itemDiv           // html div for . or #
   233  	itemTag           // html tag
   234  	itemTagInline     // inline tags
   235  	itemTagEnd        // for <tag />
   236  	itemTagVoid       // self-closing tags
   237  	itemTagVoidInline // inline + self-closing tags
   239  	itemID    // id    attribute
   240  	itemClass // class attribute
   242  	itemAttrStart
   243  	itemAttrEnd
   244  	itemAttr
   245  	itemAttrSpace
   246  	itemAttrComma
   247  	itemAttrEqual
   248  	itemAttrEqualUn
   250  	itemFilter
   251  	itemFilterSubf
   252  	itemFilterArgs
   253  	itemFilterText
   255  	// itemKeyword // used only to delimit the keywords
   257  	itemInclude
   258  	itemExtends
   259  	itemBlock
   260  	itemBlockAppend
   261  	itemBlockPrepend
   262  	itemMixin
   263  	itemMixinCall
   264  	itemMixinBlock
   266  	itemCode
   267  	itemCodeBuffered
   268  	itemCodeUnescaped
   270  	itemIf
   271  	itemElse
   272  	itemElseIf
   273  	itemUnless
   275  	itemEach
   276  	itemWhile
   277  	itemFor
   278  	itemForIfNotContain
   279  	itemForElse
   281  	itemCase
   282  	itemCaseWhen
   283  	itemCaseDefault
   284  )
   286  var key = map[string]itemType{
   287  	"include": itemInclude,
   288  	"extends": itemExtends,
   289  	"block":   itemBlock,
   290  	"append":  itemBlockAppend,
   291  	"prepend": itemBlockPrepend,
   292  	"mixin":   itemMixin,
   294  	"if":      itemIf,
   295  	"else":    itemElse,
   296  	"unless":  itemUnless,
   297  	"for":     itemFor,
   298  	"each":    itemEach,
   299  	"while":   itemWhile,
   300  	"case":    itemCase,
   301  	"when":    itemCaseWhen,
   302  	"default": itemCaseDefault,
   304  	"doctype": itemDoctype,
   306  	"a":       itemTagInline,
   307  	"abbr":    itemTagInline,
   308  	"acronym": itemTagInline,
   309  	"b":       itemTagInline,
   310  	"code":    itemTagInline,
   311  	"em":      itemTagInline,
   312  	"font":    itemTagInline,
   313  	"i":       itemTagInline,
   314  	"ins":     itemTagInline,
   315  	"kbd":     itemTagInline,
   316  	"map":     itemTagInline,
   317  	"samp":    itemTagInline,
   318  	"small":   itemTagInline,
   319  	"span":    itemTagInline,
   320  	"strong":  itemTagInline,
   321  	"sub":     itemTagInline,
   322  	"sup":     itemTagInline,
   324  	"area":    itemTagVoid,
   325  	"base":    itemTagVoid,
   326  	"col":     itemTagVoid,
   327  	"command": itemTagVoid,
   328  	"embed":   itemTagVoid,
   329  	"hr":      itemTagVoid,
   330  	"input":   itemTagVoid,
   331  	"keygen":  itemTagVoid,
   332  	"link":    itemTagVoid,
   333  	"meta":    itemTagVoid,
   334  	"param":   itemTagVoid,
   335  	"source":  itemTagVoid,
   336  	"track":   itemTagVoid,
   337  	"wbr":     itemTagVoid,
   339  	"br":  itemTagVoidInline,
   340  	"img": itemTagVoidInline,
   341  }
   343  // NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node.
   344  type NodeType int
   346  // Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
   347  // for embedding in a Node. Embedded in all non-trivial Nodes.
   348  func (t NodeType) Type() NodeType {
   349  	return t
   350  }
   352  const (
   353  	NodeText NodeType = iota
   354  	NodeList
   355  	NodeTag
   356  	NodeCode
   357  	NodeCond
   358  	NodeString
   359  	NodeDoctype
   360  	NodeMixin
   361  	NodeBlock
   362  )