
     1  # <img src="">
     3  goa is a framework for building micro-services and REST APIs in Go using a
     4  unique design-first approach.
     6  [![Build Status](](
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     8  [![License](](
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    12  ## Why goa?
    14  goa takes a different approach to building micro-services. Instead of focusing
    15  solely on helping with implementation, goa makes it possible to describe the
    16  *design* of an API using a simple DSL. goa then uses that description to provide
    17  specialized helper code to the implementation and to generate documentation, API
    18  clients, tests, even custom artifacts.
    20  If DSLs are not your thing then consider this: you need to document your APIs so
    21  that clients (be it internal e.g. other services or external e.g. UIs) may
    22  consume them. Typically this requires maintaining a completely separate document
    23  (for example an OpenAPI specification). Making sure that the document stays
    24  up-to-date takes a lot of effort and at the end of the day you have to write
    25  that document - why not use a simple and clear Go DSL to do that instead?
    27  Another aspect to consider is the need for properly designing APIs and making
    28  sure that the design choices remain consistent across the endpoints or even
    29  across multiple APIs. If the source code is the only place where design
    30  decisions are kept then not only is it impossible to maintain consistency it's
    31  also difficult to think about the design in the first place. The goa DSL makes
    32  it possible to think about the design explicitly and - since it's code - to
    33  re-use design elements for consistency.
    35  The goa DSL allows writing self-explanatory code that describes the resources
    36  exposed by the API and for each resource the properties and actions. goa comes
    37  with the `goagen` tool which runs the DSL and generates various types of
    38  artifacts from the resulting data structures.
    40  One of the `goagen` output is glue code that binds your code with the underlying
    41  HTTP server. This code is specific to your API so that for example there is no
    42  need to cast or "bind" any handler argument prior to using them. Each generated
    43  handler has a signature that is specific to the corresponding resource action.
    44  It's not just the parameters though, each handler also has access to specific
    45  helper methods that generate the possible responses for that action. The DSL can
    46  also define validations in which case the generated code takes care of
    47  validating the incoming request parameters and payload prior to invoking the
    48  handler.
    50  The end result is controller code that is terse and clean, the boilerplate is
    51  all gone. Another big benefit is the clean separation of concern between design
    52  and implementation: on bigger projects it's often the case that API design
    53  changes require careful review, being able to generate a new version of the
    54  documentation without having to write a single line of implementation is a big
    55  boon.
    57  This idea of separating design and implementation is not new, the
    58  excellent [Praxis]( framework from RightScale follows
    59  the same pattern and was an inspiration to goa.
    61  ## Installation
    63  Assuming you have a working [Go]( setup:
    64  ```
    65  go get
    66  ```
    68  ### Stable Versions
    70  goa follows [Semantic Versioning]( which is a fancy way of saying it publishes
    71  releases with version numbers of the form `vX.Y.Z` and makes sure that your code can upgrade to new
    72  versions with the same `X` component without having to make changes.
    74  Releases are tagged with the corresponding version number. There is also a branch for each major
    75  version (only `v1` at the moment). The recommended practice is to vendor the stable branch.
    77  Current Release: `v1.3.1`
    78  Stable Branch: `v1`
    80  ## Teaser
    82  ### 1. Design
    84  Create the file `$GOPATH/src/goa-adder/design/design.go` with the following content:
    85  ```go
    86  package design
    88  import (
    89          . ""
    90          . ""
    91  )
    93  var _ = API("adder", func() {
    94          Title("The adder API")
    95          Description("A teaser for goa")
    96          Host("localhost:8080")
    97          Scheme("http")
    98  })
   100  var _ = Resource("operands", func() {
   101          Action("add", func() {
   102                  Routing(GET("add/:left/:right"))
   103                  Description("add returns the sum of the left and right parameters in the response body")
   104                  Params(func() {
   105                          Param("left", Integer, "Left operand")
   106                          Param("right", Integer, "Right operand")
   107                  })
   108                  Response(OK, "text/plain")
   109          })
   111  })
   112  ```
   113  This file contains the design for an `adder` API which accepts HTTP GET requests to `/add/:x/:y`
   114  where `:x` and `:y` are placeholders for integer values. The API returns the sum of `x` and `y` in
   115  its body.
   117  ### 2. Implement
   119  Now that the design is done, let's run `goagen` on the design package:
   120  ```
   121  cd $GOPATH/src/goa-adder
   122  goagen bootstrap -d goa-adder/design
   123  ```
   124  This produces the following outputs:
   126  * `main.go` and `operands.go` contain scaffolding code to help bootstrap the implementation.
   127    running `goagen` again does not recreate them so that it's safe to edit their content.
   128  * an `app` package which contains glue code that binds the low level HTTP server to your
   129    implementation.
   130  * a `client` package with a `Client` struct that implements a `AddOperands` function which calls
   131    the API with the given arguments and returns the `http.Response`.
   132  * a `tool` directory that contains the complete source for a client CLI tool.
   133  * a `swagger` package with implements the `GET /swagger.json` API endpoint. The response contains
   134    the full Swagger specificiation of the API.
   136  ### 3. Run
   138  First let's implement the API - edit the file `operands.go` and replace the content of the `Add`
   139  function with:
   140  ```
   141  // Add import for strconv
   142  import "strconv"
   144  // Add runs the add action.
   145  func (c *OperandsController) Add(ctx *app.AddOperandsContext) error {
   146          sum := ctx.Left + ctx.Right
   147          return ctx.OK([]byte(strconv.Itoa(sum)))
   148  }
   149  ```
   150  Now let's compile and run the service:
   151  ```
   152  cd $GOPATH/src/goa-adder
   153  go build
   154  ./goa-adder
   155  2016/04/05 20:39:10 [INFO] mount ctrl=Operands action=Add route=GET /add/:left/:right
   156  2016/04/05 20:39:10 [INFO] listen transport=http addr=:8080
   157  ```
   158  Open a new console and compile the generated CLI tool:
   159  ```
   160  cd $GOPATH/src/goa-adder/tool/adder-cli
   161  go build
   162  ```
   163  The tool includes contextual help:
   164  ```
   165  ./adder-cli --help
   166  CLI client for the adder service
   168  Usage:
   169    adder-cli [command]
   171  Available Commands:
   172    add         add returns the sum of the left and right parameters in the response body
   174  Flags:
   175        --dump               Dump HTTP request and response.
   176    -H, --host string        API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
   177    -s, --scheme string      Set the requests scheme
   178    -t, --timeout duration   Set the request timeout (default 20s)
   180  Use "adder-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
   181  ```
   182  To get information on how to call a specific API use:
   183  ```
   184  ./adder-cli add operands --help
   185  Usage:
   186    adder-cli add operands [/add/LEFT/RIGHT] [flags]
   188  Flags:
   189        --left int    Left operand
   190        --pp          Pretty print response body
   191        --right int   Right operand
   193  Global Flags:
   194        --dump               Dump HTTP request and response.
   195    -H, --host string        API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
   196    -s, --scheme string      Set the requests scheme
   197    -t, --timeout duration   Set the request timeout (default 20s)
   198  ```
   199  Now let's run it:
   200  ```
   201  ./adder-cli add operands /add/1/2
   202  2016/04/05 20:43:18 [INFO] started id=HffVaGiH GET=http://localhost:8080/add/1/2
   203  2016/04/05 20:43:18 [INFO] completed id=HffVaGiH status=200 time=1.028827ms
   204  3⏎
   205  ```
   206  This also works:
   207  ```
   208  $ ./adder-cli add operands --left=1 --right=2
   209  2016/04/25 00:08:59 [INFO] started id=ouKmwdWp GET=http://localhost:8080/add/1/2
   210  2016/04/25 00:08:59 [INFO] completed id=ouKmwdWp status=200 time=1.097749ms
   211  3⏎
   212  ```
   213  The console running the service shows the request that was just handled:
   214  ```
   215  2016/06/06 10:23:03 [INFO] started req_id=rLAtsSThLD-1 GET=/add/1/2 from=::1 ctrl=OperandsController action=Add
   216  2016/06/06 10:23:03 [INFO] params req_id=rLAtsSThLD-1 right=2 left=1
   217  2016/06/06 10:23:03 [INFO] completed req_id=rLAtsSThLD-1 status=200 bytes=1 time=66.25µs
   218  ```
   219  Now let's see how robust our service is and try to use non integer values:
   220  ```
   221  ./adder-cli add operands add/1/d
   222  2016/06/06 10:24:22 [INFO] started id=Q2u/lPUc GET=http://localhost:8080/add/1/d
   223  2016/06/06 10:24:22 [INFO] completed id=Q2u/lPUc status=400 time=1.301083ms
   224  error: 400: {"code":"invalid_request","status":400,"detail":"invalid value \"d\" for parameter \"right\", must be a integer"}
   225  ```
   226  As you can see the generated code validated the incoming request against the types defined in the
   227  design.
   229  ### 4. Document
   231  The `swagger` directory contains the API Swagger (OpenAPI) specification in both
   232  YAML and JSON format.
   234  For open source projects hosted on
   235  github []( provides a free service
   236  that renders the Swagger representation dynamically from goa design packages.
   237  Simply set the `url` query string with the import path to the design package.
   238  For example displaying the docs for `` is
   239  done by browsing to:
   243  Note that the above generates the swagger spec dynamically and does not require it to be present in
   244  the Github repo.
   246  The Swagger JSON can also easily be served from the documented service itself using a simple
   247  [Files](
   248  definition in the design. Edit the file `design/design.go` and add:
   250  ```go
   251  var _ = Resource("swagger", func() {
   252          Origin("*", func() {
   253                 Methods("GET") // Allow all origins to retrieve the Swagger JSON (CORS)
   254          })
   255          Files("/swagger.json", "swagger/swagger.json")
   256  })
   257  ```
   259  Re-run `goagen bootstrap -d goa-adder/design` and note the new file
   260  `swagger.go` containing the implementation for a controller that serves the
   261  `swagger.json` file.
   263  Mount the newly generated controller by adding the following two lines to the `main` function in
   264  `main.go`:
   266  ```go
   267  cs := NewSwaggerController(service)
   268  app.MountSwaggerController(service, cs)
   269  ```
   271  Recompile and restart the service:
   273  ```
   274  ^C
   275  go build
   276  ./goa-adder
   277  2016/06/06 10:31:14 [INFO] mount ctrl=Operands action=Add route=GET /add/:left/:right
   278  2016/06/06 10:31:14 [INFO] mount ctrl=Swagger files=swagger/swagger.json route=GET /swagger.json
   279  2016/06/06 10:31:14 [INFO] listen transport=http addr=:8080
   280  ```
   282  Note the new route `/swagger.json`.  Requests made to it return the Swagger specification. The
   283  generated controller also takes care of adding the proper CORS headers so that the JSON may be
   284  retrieved from browsers using JavaScript served from a different origin (e.g. via Swagger UI). The
   285  client also has a new `download` action:
   287  ```
   288  cd tool/adder-cli
   289  go build
   290  ./adder-cli download --help
   291  Download file with given path
   293  Usage:
   294    adder-cli download [PATH] [flags]
   296  Flags:
   297        --out string   Output file
   299  Global Flags:
   300        --dump               Dump HTTP request and response.
   301    -H, --host string        API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
   302    -s, --scheme string      Set the requests scheme
   303    -t, --timeout duration   Set the request timeout (default 20s)
   304  ```
   306  Which can be used like this to download the file `swagger.json` in the current directory:
   308  ```
   309  ./adder-cli download swagger.json
   310  2016/06/06 10:36:24 [INFO] started file=swagger.json id=ciHL2VLt GET=http://localhost:8080/swagger.json
   311  2016/06/06 10:36:24 [INFO] completed file=swagger.json id=ciHL2VLt status=200 time=1.013307ms
   312  ```
   314  We now have a self-documenting API and best of all the documentation is automatically updated as the
   315  API design changes.
   317  ## Resources
   319  Consult the following resources to learn more about goa.
   321  ###
   323  []( contains further information on goa including a getting
   324  started guide, detailed DSL documentation as well as information on how to implement a goa service.
   326  ### Examples
   328  The [examples]( repo contains simple examples illustrating
   329  basic concepts.
   331  The [goa-cellar]( repo contains the implementation for a
   332  goa service which demonstrates many aspects of the design language. It is kept up-to-date and
   333  provides a reference for testing functionality.
   335  ## Contributing
   337  Did you fix a bug? write docs or additional tests? or implement some new awesome functionality?
   338  You're a rock star!! Just make sure that `make` succeeds (or that TravisCI is green) and send a PR
   339  over.