
     1  // Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  package fleetspeak.components;
    19  option go_package = "";
    21  message Config {
    22    // Mysql connection string. Required.
    23    //
    24    //
    25    string mysql_data_source_name = 1;
    27    // The parameters required to stand up an https server.
    28    HttpsConfig https_config = 2;
    30    // Parameters required to stand up an admin server. Either this or
    31    // "https_config", or both, have to be specified.
    32    AdminConfig admin_config = 7;
    34    // Parameters required to set up a stats collector.
    35    StatsConfig stats_config = 8;
    37    // Parameters required to stand up a http health check service. Optional.
    38    HealthCheckConfig health_check_config = 9;
    40    // If set, expects connections to arrive through a load balance implementing
    41    // the PROXY protocol.
    42    //
    43    //
    44    bool proxy_protocol = 3;
    46    // If set, only clients reporting this label will be allowed to
    47    // connect. Meant as a sanity check that the client and server are for the
    48    // same Fleetspeak installation.
    49    string required_label = 4;
    51    // If set, the bind address to listen on to receive notifications from other
    52    // fleetspeak servers. Optional, but strongly recommended for installations
    53    // involving multiple servers. e.g. ":8080", "localhost:1234".
    54    string notification_listen_address = 5;
    56    // If set, other servers will be told to use this address in order to connect
    57    // with this server's notification port. Has no effect when
    58    // notification_listen_address is unset.
    59    string notification_public_address = 6;
    61    // If set, a HTTP notifier implementation is used for sending notifications.
    62    // Set this if running a pure admin server (without a notification listener)
    63    // in a distributed setup.
    64    bool notification_use_http_notifier = 10;
    65  }
    67  // In this mode Fleetspeak accepts a mTLS connection directly from the client.
    68  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the client certificate from the HTTPS request
    69  // to identify the client.
    70  // This is the default operating mode of the frontend.
    71  message MTlsConfig {}
    73  // In this mode Fleetspeak accepts a TLS connection from an intermediate actor
    74  // which terminates the TLS protocol (typically a layer 7 load balancer).
    75  // The intermediate actor passes the client certificate it receives from the
    76  // original TLS connection to the frontend via an HTTP header.
    77  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the certificate passed in this header to
    78  // identify the client.
    79  message HttpsHeaderConfig {
    80    // The name of the HTTP header set by the intermediary that contains the
    81    // forwarded client certificate. Required.
    82    string client_certificate_header = 1;
    83  }
    85  // In this mode Fleetspeak accepts a TLS connection from an intermediate actor
    86  // which terminates the TLS protocol (typically a layer 7 load balancer).
    87  // The original client passes the certificate it uses for the TLS protocol to
    88  // the frontend via an HTTP header.
    89  // The intermediate actor passes a SHA256 checksum of client certificate it
    90  // receives from the original TLS connection to the frontend via a second HTTP
    91  // header.
    92  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the certificate passed passed from the client
    93  // to identify it, and uses the hash from the intermediate actor to verify that
    94  // this certificate was in fact used in the original TLS connection.
    95  message HttpsHeaderChecksumConfig {
    96    // The name of the HTTP header set by the client that contains the original
    97    // client certificate. Required.
    98    string client_certificate_header = 1;
    99    // The name of the HTTP header set by the intermediary that contains the
   100    // client certificate checksum. Required.
   101    string client_certificate_checksum_header = 2;
   102  }
   104  // In this mode Fleetspeak runs in clear text (HTTP). This allows for
   105  // Fleetspeak to be deployed in a Service Mesh behind a side car proxy that
   106  // offers a secure communications channel.
   107  // Fleetspeak accepts a TLS connection from an intermediate actor which
   108  // terminates the TLS protocol (typically a layer 7 load balancer).
   109  // The intermediate actor passes the client certificate it receives from the
   110  // original TLS connection to the frontend via an HTTP header.
   111  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the certificate passed in this header to
   112  // identify the client.
   113  message CleartextHeaderConfig {
   114    // The name of the HTTP header set by the intermediary that contains the
   115    // forwarded client certificate. Required.
   116    string client_certificate_header = 1;
   117  }
   119  // In this mode Fleetspeak runs in clear text (HTTP). This allows for
   120  // Fleetspeak to be deployed in a Service Mesh behind a side car proxy that
   121  // offers a secure communications channel.
   122  // Fleetspeak accepts a TLS connection from an intermediate actor which
   123  // terminates the TLS protocol (typically a layer 7 load balancer).
   124  // The original client passes the certificate it uses for the TLS protocol to
   125  // the frontend via an HTTP header.
   126  // The intermediate actor passes a SHA256 checksum of client certificate it
   127  // receives from the original TLS connection to the frontend via a second HTTP
   128  // header.
   129  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the certificate passed passed from the client
   130  // to identify it, and uses the hash from the intermediate actor to verify that
   131  // this certificate was in fact used in the original TLS connection.
   132  message CleartextHeaderChecksumConfig {
   133    // The name of the HTTP header set by the client that contains the original
   134    // client certificate. Required.
   135    string client_certificate_header = 1;
   136    // The name of the HTTP header set by the intermediary that contains the
   137    // client certificate checksum. Required.
   138    string client_certificate_checksum_header = 2;
   139  }
   141  // In this mode Fleetspeak runs in clear text (HTTP). This allows for
   142  // Fleetspeak to be deployed in a Service Mesh behind a side car proxy that
   143  // offers a secure communications channel.
   144  // Fleetspeak accepts a TLS connection from an intermediate envoy which
   145  // terminates the mTLS protocol exchange.
   146  // The intermediate envoy passes the client certificate it receives from the
   147  // original mTLS connection to the frontend via an HTTP header.
   148  // The Fleetspeak frontend uses the certificate passed in this header to
   149  // identify the client.
   150  message CleartextXfccConfig {
   151    // The name of the HTTP header set by the intermediary envoy that contains
   152    // the forwarded client certificate. Required.
   153    string client_certificate_header = 1;
   154  }
   156  // The frontend config determines how the Fleetspeak frontend communicates with
   157  // clients and how it identifies them.
   158  message FrontendConfig {
   159    // The mode in which the frontend should operate. Defaults to MTlsConfig.
   160    //
   161    // Note: Typically MTlsConfig should be used. The other options are only used
   162    // in scenarios where a direct TLS connection between client and server is not
   163    // possible.
   164    oneof frontend_mode {
   165      MTlsConfig mtls_config = 7;
   166      HttpsHeaderConfig https_header_config = 8;
   167      HttpsHeaderChecksumConfig https_header_checksum_config = 9;
   168      CleartextHeaderConfig cleartext_header_config = 10;
   169      CleartextHeaderChecksumConfig cleartext_header_checksum_config = 11;
   170      CleartextXfccConfig cleartext_xfcc_config = 12;
   171    }
   172  }
   174  message HttpsConfig {
   175    reserved 5, 6;
   177    // The bind address to listen on for client connections, e.g. ":443" or
   178    // "localhost:1234". Required.
   179    string listen_address = 1;
   181    // A certificate chain which identifies the server to clients. Must lead to a
   182    // certificate known to the clients. x509 format. Required, if frontend mode
   183    // is not cleartext (ie neither CleartextHeaderConfig nor
   184    // CleartextHeaderChecksumConfig)
   185    string certificates = 2;
   187    // The private key used to identify the server. Must match the first entry in
   188    // certificates. x509 format. Required, if frontend mode is not cleartext
   189    // (ie neither CleartextHeaderConfig nor CleartextHeaderChecksumConfig)
   190    string key = 3;
   192    // If set, disables long running (streaming) connections. This type of
   193    // connection causes more active connections but can reduce database load and
   194    // server->client communications latency.
   195    bool disable_streaming = 4;
   197    // The frontend config.
   198    // Optional; If not set, Fleetspeak will default to using MTlsConfig.
   199    FrontendConfig frontend_config = 7;
   200  }
   202  message AdminConfig {
   203    // The bind address to listen on for connections, e.g. ":443" or
   204    // "localhost:1234". Required.
   205    string listen_address = 1;
   206  }
   208  message StatsConfig {
   209    // The bind address to listen on for Prometheus http metric collection in the
   210    // form "<host>:<port>", e.g. "localhost:2112".
   211    // Optional; if no address is configured, then no stats collector
   212    // will be used (i.e. noopStatsCollector).
   213    string address = 1;
   214  }
   216  message HealthCheckConfig {
   217    // The bind address to listen on for http health check probes in the
   218    // form "<host>:<port>", e.g. "localhost:8080".
   219    string listen_address = 1;
   220  }