(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 package fleetspeak.server; 4 5 import "fleetspeak/src/common/proto/fleetspeak/common.proto"; 6 import "fleetspeak/src/server/proto/fleetspeak_server/broadcasts.proto"; 7 import "fleetspeak/src/server/proto/fleetspeak_server/resource.proto"; 8 import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; 9 10 option go_package = ""; 11 12 message CreateBroadcastRequest { 13 Broadcast broadcast = 1; 14 uint64 limit = 2; 15 } 16 17 message ListActiveBroadcastsRequest { 18 // If set, only return broadcasts with the given service_name. 19 string service_name = 1; 20 } 21 22 message ListActiveBroadcastsResponse { 23 repeated Broadcast broadcasts = 1; 24 } 25 26 message ListClientsRequest { 27 // If non-empty, restricts results to the listed client_ids. If empty, all 28 // clients known to the system will be listed. 29 repeated bytes client_ids = 1; 30 } 31 32 message ListClientsResponse { 33 repeated Client clients = 1; 34 } 35 36 message StreamClientIdsRequest { 37 bool include_blacklisted = 1; 38 google.protobuf.Timestamp last_contact_after = 2; 39 } 40 41 message StreamClientIdsResponse { 42 bytes client_id = 1; 43 } 44 45 message Client { 46 // Next unused tag: 8 47 48 bytes client_id = 1; 49 repeated Label labels = 2; 50 google.protobuf.Timestamp last_contact_time = 3; 51 string last_contact_address = 4; 52 string last_contact_streaming_to = 7; 53 google.protobuf.Timestamp last_clock = 5; 54 bool blacklisted = 6; 55 } 56 57 message GetMessageStatusRequest { 58 bytes message_id = 1; 59 } 60 61 message DeletePendingMessagesRequest { 62 repeated bytes client_ids = 1; 63 } 64 65 message GetPendingMessagesRequest { 66 repeated bytes client_ids = 1; 67 uint64 offset = 2; 68 uint64 limit = 3; 69 bool want_data = 4; 70 } 71 72 message GetPendingMessagesResponse { 73 repeated fleetspeak.Message messages = 1; 74 } 75 76 message GetPendingMessageCountRequest { 77 repeated bytes client_ids = 1; 78 } 79 80 message GetPendingMessageCountResponse { 81 uint64 count = 1; 82 } 83 84 message GetMessageStatusResponse { 85 google.protobuf.Timestamp creation_time = 1; 86 MessageResult result = 2; 87 } 88 89 message StoreFileRequest { 90 string service_name = 1; 91 string file_name = 2; 92 bytes data = 3; 93 } 94 95 message ListClientContactsRequest { 96 bytes client_id = 1; 97 } 98 99 message ListClientContactsResponse { 100 repeated ClientContact contacts = 1; 101 } 102 103 message StreamClientContactsRequest { 104 bytes client_id = 1; 105 } 106 107 message StreamClientContactsResponse { 108 ClientContact contact = 1; 109 } 110 111 message ClientContact { 112 fixed64 sent_nonce = 1; 113 fixed64 received_nonce = 2; 114 string observed_address = 3; 115 google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 4; 116 } 117 118 message BlacklistClientRequest { 119 bytes client_id = 1; 120 } 121 122 message FetchClientResourceUsageRecordsRequest { 123 bytes client_id = 1; 124 google.protobuf.Timestamp start_timestamp = 3; 125 google.protobuf.Timestamp end_timestamp = 4; 126 } 127 128 message FetchClientResourceUsageRecordsResponse { 129 repeated ClientResourceUsageRecord records = 1; 130 } 131 132 service Admin { 133 // CreateBroadcast creates a FS broadcast, potentially sending a message to 134 // many machines in the fleet. 135 rpc CreateBroadcast(CreateBroadcastRequest) 136 returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 137 138 // ListActiveBroadcasts lists the currently active FS broadcasts. 139 rpc ListActiveBroadcasts(ListActiveBroadcastsRequest) 140 returns (ListActiveBroadcastsResponse) {} 141 142 // ListClients lists the currently active FS clients. 143 rpc ListClients(ListClientsRequest) returns (ListClientsResponse) {} 144 145 // StreamClientIds lists the currently active FS clients as a stream. 146 rpc StreamClientIds(StreamClientIdsRequest) 147 returns (stream StreamClientIdsResponse) {} 148 149 // ListClientContacts lists the contact history for a client. 150 rpc ListClientContacts(ListClientContactsRequest) 151 returns (ListClientContactsResponse) {} 152 153 // StreamClientContacts lists the contact history for a client as a stream. 154 rpc StreamClientContacts(StreamClientContactsRequest) 155 returns (stream StreamClientContactsResponse) {} 156 157 // GetMessageStatus retrieves the current status of a message. 158 rpc GetMessageStatus(GetMessageStatusRequest) 159 returns (GetMessageStatusResponse) {} 160 161 // InsertMessage inserts a message into the Fleetspeak system to be processed 162 // by the server or delivered to a client. 163 // TODO: Have this method return the message that is written to the 164 // datastore (or at least the id). 165 rpc InsertMessage(fleetspeak.Message) returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 166 167 // DeletePendingMessages clears message queues for given clients. 168 rpc DeletePendingMessages(DeletePendingMessagesRequest) 169 returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 170 171 // Returns the pending messages for given clients. 172 rpc GetPendingMessages(GetPendingMessagesRequest) 173 returns (GetPendingMessagesResponse) {} 174 175 // Returns the number of pending messages for the given clients. 176 rpc GetPendingMessageCount(GetPendingMessageCountRequest) 177 returns (GetPendingMessageCountResponse) {} 178 179 // StoreFile inserts a file into the Fleetspeak system. 180 rpc StoreFile(StoreFileRequest) returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 181 182 // KeepAlive does as little as possible. 183 rpc KeepAlive(fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 184 185 // BlacklistClient marks a client_id as invalid, forcing all Fleetspeak 186 // clients using it to rekey. 187 rpc BlacklistClient(BlacklistClientRequest) 188 returns (fleetspeak.EmptyMessage) {} 189 190 // FetchClientResourceUsageRecords returns all resource usage records for a 191 // single client with a given limit on the number of records. 192 rpc FetchClientResourceUsageRecords(FetchClientResourceUsageRecordsRequest) 193 returns (FetchClientResourceUsageRecordsResponse) {} 194 }