
     1  # Copyright 2020 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
     2  # Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     4  ## githubConfigUrl is the GitHub url for where you want to configure runners
     5  ## ex: or
     6  githubConfigUrl: ""
     8  ## githubConfigSecret is the k8s secrets to use when auth with GitHub API.
     9  ## You can choose to use GitHub App or a PAT token
    10  githubConfigSecret:
    11    ### GitHub Apps Configuration
    12    ## NOTE: IDs MUST be strings, use quotes
    13    #github_app_id: ""
    14    #github_app_installation_id: ""
    15    #github_app_private_key: |
    17    ### GitHub PAT Configuration
    18    github_token: ""
    19  ## If you have a pre-define Kubernetes secret in the same namespace the gha-runner-scale-set is going to deploy,
    20  ## you can also reference it via `githubConfigSecret: pre-defined-secret`.
    21  ## You need to make sure your predefined secret has all the required secret data set properly.
    22  ##   For a pre-defined secret using GitHub PAT, the secret needs to be created like this:
    23  ##   > kubectl create secret generic pre-defined-secret --namespace=my_namespace --from-literal=github_token='ghp_your_pat'
    24  ##   For a pre-defined secret using GitHub App, the secret needs to be created like this:
    25  ##   > kubectl create secret generic pre-defined-secret --namespace=my_namespace --from-literal=github_app_id=123456 --from-literal=github_app_installation_id=654321 --from-literal=github_app_private_key='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----*******'
    26  # githubConfigSecret: pre-defined-secret
    28  ## proxy can be used to define proxy settings that will be used by the
    29  ## controller, the listener and the runner of this scale set.
    30  #
    31  # proxy:
    32  #   http:
    33  #     url:
    34  #     credentialSecretRef: proxy-auth # a secret with `username` and `password` keys
    35  #   https:
    36  #     url:
    37  #     credentialSecretRef: proxy-auth # a secret with `username` and `password` keys
    38  #   noProxy:
    39  #     -
    40  #     -
    42  ## maxRunners is the max number of runners the autoscaling runner set will scale up to.
    43  # maxRunners: 5
    45  ## minRunners is the min number of idle runners. The target number of runners created will be
    46  ## calculated as a sum of minRunners and the number of jobs assigned to the scale set.
    47  # minRunners: 0
    49  # runnerGroup: "default"
    51  ## name of the runner scale set to create.  Defaults to the helm release name
    52  # runnerScaleSetName: ""
    54  ## A self-signed CA certificate for communication with the GitHub server can be
    55  ## provided using a config map key selector. If `runnerMountPath` is set, for
    56  ## each runner pod ARC will:
    57  ## - create a `github-server-tls-cert` volume containing the certificate
    58  ##   specified in `certificateFrom`
    59  ## - mount that volume on path `runnerMountPath`/{certificate name}
    60  ## - set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to that same path
    61  ## - set RUNNER_UPDATE_CA_CERTS environment variable to "1" (as of version
    62  ##   2.303.0 this will instruct the runner to reload certificates on the host)
    63  ##
    64  ## If any of the above had already been set by the user in the runner pod
    65  ## template, ARC will observe those and not overwrite them.
    66  ## Example configuration:
    67  #
    68  # githubServerTLS:
    69  #   certificateFrom:
    70  #     configMapKeyRef:
    71  #       name: config-map-name
    72  #       key: ca.crt
    73  #   runnerMountPath: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
    75  ## Container mode is an object that provides out-of-box configuration
    76  ## for dind and kubernetes mode. Template will be modified as documented under the
    77  ## template object.
    78  ##
    79  ## If any customization is required for dind or kubernetes mode, containerMode should remain
    80  ## empty, and configuration should be applied to the template.
    81  containerMode:
    82    type: "kubernetes"  ## type can be set to dind or kubernetes
    83    ## the following is required when containerMode.type=kubernetes
    84    kubernetesModeWorkVolumeClaim:
    85      accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    86      # For local testing, use to provide dynamic provision volume with storageClassName: openebs-hostpath
    87      storageClassName: "openebs-hostpath"
    88      resources:
    89        requests:
    90          storage: 1Gi
    91    kubernetesModeServiceAccount:
    92      annotations:
    94  ## template is the PodSpec for each listener Pod
    95  ## For reference:
    96  # listenerTemplate:
    97  #   spec:
    98  #     containers:
    99  #     # Use this section to append additional configuration to the listener container.
   100  #     # If you change the name of the container, the configuration will not be applied to the listener,
   101  #     # and it will be treated as a side-car container.
   102  #     - name: listener
   103  #       securityContext:
   104  #         runAsUser: 1000
   105  #     # Use this section to add the configuration of a side-car container.
   106  #     # Comment it out or remove it if you don't need it.
   107  #     # Spec for this container will be applied as is without any modifications.
   108  #     - name: side-car
   109  #       image: example-sidecar
   111  ## template is the PodSpec for each runner Pod
   112  ## For reference:
   113  template:
   114    ## template.spec will be modified if you change the container mode
   115    ## with containerMode.type=dind, we will populate the template.spec with following pod spec
   116    ## template:
   117    ##   spec:
   118    ##     initContainers:
   119    ##     - name: init-dind-externals
   120    ##       image:
   121    ##       command: ["cp", "-r", "-v", "/home/runner/externals/.", "/home/runner/tmpDir/"]
   122    ##       volumeMounts:
   123    ##         - name: dind-externals
   124    ##           mountPath: /home/runner/tmpDir
   125    ##     containers:
   126    ##     - name: runner
   127    ##       image:
   128    ##       command: ["/home/runner/"]
   129    ##       env:
   130    ##         - name: DOCKER_HOST
   131    ##           value: unix:///run/docker/docker.sock
   132    ##       volumeMounts:
   133    ##         - name: work
   134    ##           mountPath: /home/runner/_work
   135    ##         - name: dind-sock
   136    ##           mountPath: /run/docker
   137    ##           readOnly: true
   138    ##     - name: dind
   139    ##       image: docker:dind
   140    ##       args:
   141    ##         - dockerd
   142    ##         - --host=unix:///run/docker/docker.sock
   143    ##         - --group=$(DOCKER_GROUP_GID)
   144    ##       env:
   145    ##         - name: DOCKER_GROUP_GID
   146    ##           value: "123"
   147    ##       securityContext:
   148    ##         privileged: true
   149    ##       volumeMounts:
   150    ##         - name: work
   151    ##           mountPath: /home/runner/_work
   152    ##         - name: dind-sock
   153    ##           mountPath: /run/docker
   154    ##         - name: dind-externals
   155    ##           mountPath: /home/runner/externals
   156    ##     volumes:
   157    ##     - name: work
   158    ##       emptyDir: {}
   159    ##     - name: dind-sock
   160    ##       emptyDir: {}
   161    ##     - name: dind-externals
   162    ##       emptyDir: {}
   163    ######################################################################################################
   164    ## with containerMode.type=kubernetes, we will populate the template.spec with following pod spec
   165    ## template:
   166    ##   spec:
   167    ##     containers:
   168    ##     - name: runner
   169    ##       image:
   170    ##       command: ["/home/runner/"]
   171    ##       env:
   172    ##         - name: ACTIONS_RUNNER_CONTAINER_HOOKS
   173    ##           value: /home/runner/k8s/index.js
   174    ##         - name: ACTIONS_RUNNER_POD_NAME
   175    ##           valueFrom:
   176    ##             fieldRef:
   177    ##               fieldPath:
   178    ##         - name: ACTIONS_RUNNER_REQUIRE_JOB_CONTAINER
   179    ##           value: "true"
   180    ##       volumeMounts:
   181    ##         - name: work
   182    ##           mountPath: /home/runner/_work
   183    ##     volumes:
   184    ##       - name: work
   185    ##         ephemeral:
   186    ##           volumeClaimTemplate:
   187    ##             spec:
   188    ##               accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
   189    ##               storageClassName: "local-path"
   190    ##               resources:
   191    ##                 requests:
   192    ##                   storage: 1Gi
   193    spec:
   194      containers:
   195      - name: runner
   196        image:
   197        command: ["/home/runner/"]
   198        resources:
   199          requests:
   200            cpu: 31
   202  ## Optional controller service account that needs to have required Role and RoleBinding
   203  ## to operate this gha-runner-scale-set installation.
   204  ## The helm chart will try to find the controller deployment and its service account at installation time.
   205  ## In case the helm chart can't find the right service account, you can explicitly pass in the following value
   206  ## to help it finish RoleBinding with the right service account.
   207  ## Note: if your controller is installed to only watch a single namespace, you have to pass these values explicitly.
   208  # controllerServiceAccount:
   209  #   namespace: arc-system
   210  #   name: test-arc-gha-runner-scale-set-controller