
     1  {{/*
     2  Copyright 2022 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
     3  Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  Manager statistics graphs.
     6  */}}
     8  <!doctype html>
     9  <html>
    10  <head>
    11  	<title>{{.Header.Namespace}} crash stats</title>
    12  	{{template "head" .Header}}
    14  	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    15  {{if .Graph}}
    16  	<script type="text/javascript">
    17  		google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
    18  		google.setOnLoadCallback(drawCharts);
    19  		function drawCharts() {
    20  			var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
    21  			data.addColumn({type: 'string'});
    22  			{{range $.Graph.Headers}}
    23  				data.addColumn({type: 'number', label: '{{.}}'});
    24  				data.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'tooltip'});
    25  			{{- end}}
    26  			data.addRows([ {{range $.Graph.Columns}}
    27  					[ "{{.Hint}}", {{range .Vals}}
    28  						{{if .Val}}{{.Val}}{{end}}, '{{.Hint}}',
    29  					{{- end}}
    30  					],
    31  				{{- end}}
    32  			]);
    33  			new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('graph_div')).
    34  				draw(data, {
    35  					width: "80%",
    36  					height: 600,
    37  					interpolateNulls: true,
    38  					focusTarget: "category",
    39  					chartArea: {width: '95%', height: '100%'},
    40  					legend: {position: 'in'},
    41  					axisTitlesPosition: 'out',
    42  					hAxis: {textPosition: 'in', maxAlternation: 1},
    43  					vAxis: {textPosition: 'in', viewWindowMode: 'maximized'},
    44  					explorer: {axis: 'horizontal', maxZoomIn: 0, maxZoomOut: 1, zoomDelta: 1.2, keepInBounds: true}
    45  				})
    46  		}
    47  	</script>
    48  {{end}}
    49  </head>
    50  <body>
    51  	{{template "header" .Header}}
    52  	<div class="page">
    53  	{{if .Graph}}
    54  		<div id="graph_div" class="main-content"></div>
    55  	{{else if .Table}}
    56  	{{with .Table}}
    57  	<div class="main-content">
    58  		<table class="list_table">
    59  			<caption>{{.Title}}</caption>
    60  			<thead>
    61  				<tr>
    62  					<th>Title</th>
    63  					<th>Count</th>
    64  					<th>Share</th>
    65  					<th>Graph</th>
    66  				</tr>
    67  			</thead>
    68  			<tbody>
    69  			{{range .Rows}}
    70  				<tr>
    71  					<td class="title"><a href="{{.Link}}">{{.Title}}</a></td>
    72  					<td>{{.Count}}</td>
    73  					<td>{{.Share | printf "%.1f"}}%</td>
    74  					<td><a href="{{.GraphLink}}">[last month]</a></td>
    75  				</tr>
    76  			{{end}}
    77  			</tbody>
    78  		</table>
    79  	</div>
    80  	{{end}}
    81  	{{end}}
    82  	<aside>
    83  		<form>
    84  			{{template "input-multi-text" .Regexps}}
    85  			{{template "input-slider" .GraphMonths}}
    86  			<input type="submit" name="show-graph" value="Show graph"/> <br />
    87  		</form>
    88  		<form>
    89  			{{template "input-slider" .TableDays}}
    90  			<input type="submit" name="show-crashers" value="Top crashers"/>
    91  		</form>
    92  	</aside>
    93  	</div>
    94  </body>
    95  </html>