(about) 1 {{/* 2 Copyright 2020 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved. 3 Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 Bug lifetimes graph. 6 */}} 7 8 <!doctype html> 9 <html> 10 <head> 11 <title>{{.Header.Namespace}} bug lifetimes</title> 12 {{template "head" .Header}} 13 14 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 15 <script type="text/javascript"> 16 google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); 17 google.setOnLoadCallback(drawCharts); 18 function drawCharts() { 19 var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); 20 data.addColumn('datetime', '-'); 21 data.addColumn('number', 'fixed'); 22 data.addColumn('number', 'fixed (>year)'); 23 data.addColumn('number', 'not fixed'); 24 data.addColumn('number', 'introduced'); 25 data.addColumn('number', 'introduced (>year)'); 26 data.addRows([ 27 {{range $.Lifetimes}} 28 [new Date("{{formatJSTime .Reported}}"), 29 {{- if .Fixed}}{{.Fixed}}{{else}}null{{end}}, 30 {{- if .Fixed1y}}{{.Fixed1y}}{{else}}null{{end}}, 31 {{- if .NotFixed}}{{.NotFixed}}{{else}}null{{end}}, 32 {{- if .Introduced}}{{.Introduced}}{{else}}null{{end}}, 33 {{- if .Introduced1y}}{{.Introduced1y}}{{else}}null{{end}}], 34 {{- end}} 35 ]); 36 new google.visualization.ScatterChart(document.getElementById('graph_div')). 37 draw(data, { 38 width: "100%", 39 pointSize: 2, 40 chartArea: {width: '90%', height: '85%'}, 41 legend: {position: 'top'}, 42 axisTitlesPosition: 'out', 43 hAxis: {out: 'textPosition', title: 'bug reported on'}, 44 vAxis: {textPosition: 'out', title: '# days'}, 45 explorer: { 46 axis: 'horizontal', 47 actions: ['dragToZoom', 'rightClickToReset'], 48 keepInBounds: true, 49 maxZoomIn: 0.1, 50 }, 51 series: [ 52 {color: "#26ba1c"}, 53 {color: "#15870e"}, 54 {color: "#ff0000"}, 55 {color: "#f060c7"}, 56 {color: "#ff0000"}, 57 ], 58 }) 59 } 60 </script> 61 </head> 62 <body> 63 {{template "header" .Header}} 64 <div id="graph_div"></div> 65 </body> 66 </html>