
     1  {{with $br := .}}{{with $bisect := selectBisect .}}{{if $bisect.Commit}}{{if $bisect.Fix}}syzbot suspects this issue was fixed by commit:
     2  {{else}}syzbot has bisected this issue to:
     3  {{end}}
     4  commit {{$bisect.Commit.Hash}}
     5  Author: {{$bisect.Commit.AuthorName}} <{{$bisect.Commit.Author}}>
     6  Date:   {{formatKernelTime $bisect.Commit.Date}}
     8      {{$bisect.Commit.Title}}
     9  {{else if $bisect.Commits}}Bisection is inconclusive: the {{if $bisect.Fix}}fix{{else}}first bad{{end}} commit could be any of:
    10  {{range $com := $bisect.Commits}}
    11  {{formatTagHash $com.Hash}} {{$com.Title}}{{end}}
    12  {{else}}Bisection is inconclusive: the issue happens on the {{if $bisect.Fix}}latest{{else}}oldest{{end}} tested release.
    13  {{end}}
    14  bisection log:  {{$bisect.LogLink}}
    15  {{if $bisect.Commit}}start commit:   {{else if $bisect.Commits}}start commit:   {{else}}{{if $bisect.Fix}}latest commit:  {{else}}oldest commit:  {{end}}{{end}}{{formatTagHash $br.KernelCommit}} {{formatCommitTableTitle $br.KernelCommitTitle}}
    16  git tree:       {{$br.KernelRepoAlias}}
    17  {{if $bisect.CrashReportLink}}final oops:     {{$bisect.CrashReportLink}}
    18  {{end}}{{if $bisect.CrashLogLink}}console output: {{$bisect.CrashLogLink}}
    19  {{end}}{{if $br.KernelConfigLink}}kernel config:  {{$br.KernelConfigLink}}
    20  {{end}}dashboard link: {{$br.Link}}
    21  {{if $br.UserSpaceArch}}userspace arch: {{$br.UserSpaceArch}}
    22  {{end}}{{if $br.ReproSyzLink}}syz repro:      {{$br.ReproSyzLink}}
    23  {{end}}{{if $br.ReproCLink}}C reproducer:   {{$br.ReproCLink}}
    24  {{end}}{{if $bisect.Fix}}
    25  If the result looks correct, please mark the issue as fixed by replying with:
    27  #syz fix: {{$bisect.Commit.Title}}
    28  {{else}}{{if $bisect.Commit}}
    29  Reported-by: {{$br.CreditEmail}}
    30  Fixes: {{formatTagHash $bisect.Commit.Hash}} ("{{$bisect.Commit.Title}}")
    31  {{end}}{{end}}
    32  For information about bisection process see:
    33  {{- end}}{{- end}}