
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_IDL_H_
    18  #define FLATBUFFERS_IDL_H_
    20  #include <functional>
    21  #include <map>
    22  #include <memory>
    23  #include <stack>
    25  #include "flatbuffers/base.h"
    26  #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
    27  #include "flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h"
    28  #include "flatbuffers/hash.h"
    29  #include "flatbuffers/reflection.h"
    31  // This file defines the data types representing a parsed IDL (Interface
    32  // Definition Language) / schema file.
    34  // Limits maximum depth of nested objects.
    35  // Prevents stack overflow while parse scheme, or json, or flexbuffer.
    38  #endif
    40  namespace flatbuffers {
    42  // The order of these matters for Is*() functions below.
    43  // Additionally, Parser::ParseType assumes bool..string is a contiguous range
    44  // of type tokens.
    45  // clang-format off
    47    TD(NONE,   "",       uint8_t,  byte,   byte,    byte,   uint8,   u8,   UByte, UInt8) \
    48    TD(UTYPE,  "",       uint8_t,  byte,   byte,    byte,   uint8,   u8,   UByte, UInt8) /* begin scalar/int */ \
    49    TD(BOOL,   "bool",   uint8_t,  boolean,bool,    bool,   bool,    bool, Boolean, Bool) \
    50    TD(CHAR,   "byte",   int8_t,   byte,   int8,    sbyte,  int8,    i8,   Byte, Int8) \
    51    TD(UCHAR,  "ubyte",  uint8_t,  byte,   byte,    byte,   uint8,   u8,   UByte, UInt8) \
    52    TD(SHORT,  "short",  int16_t,  short,  int16,   short,  int16,   i16,  Short, Int16) \
    53    TD(USHORT, "ushort", uint16_t, short,  uint16,  ushort, uint16,  u16,  UShort, UInt16) \
    54    TD(INT,    "int",    int32_t,  int,    int32,   int,    int32,   i32,  Int, Int32) \
    55    TD(UINT,   "uint",   uint32_t, int,    uint32,  uint,   uint32,  u32,  UInt, UInt32) \
    56    TD(LONG,   "long",   int64_t,  long,   int64,   long,   int64,   i64,  Long, Int64) \
    57    TD(ULONG,  "ulong",  uint64_t, long,   uint64,  ulong,  uint64,  u64,  ULong, UInt64) /* end int */ \
    58    TD(FLOAT,  "float",  float,    float,  float32, float,  float32, f32,  Float, Float32) /* begin float */ \
    59    TD(DOUBLE, "double", double,   double, float64, double, float64, f64,  Double, Double) /* end float/scalar */
    61    TD(STRING, "string", Offset<void>, int, int, StringOffset, int, unused, Int, Offset<String>) \
    62    TD(VECTOR, "",       Offset<void>, int, int, VectorOffset, int, unused, Int, Offset<UOffset>) \
    63    TD(STRUCT, "",       Offset<void>, int, int, int,          int, unused, Int, Offset<UOffset>) \
    64    TD(UNION,  "",       Offset<void>, int, int, int,          int, unused, Int, Offset<UOffset>)
    66    TD(ARRAY,  "",       int,          int, int, int,          int, unused, Int, Offset<UOffset>)
    67  // The fields are:
    68  // - enum
    69  // - FlatBuffers schema type.
    70  // - C++ type.
    71  // - Java type.
    72  // - Go type.
    73  // - C# / .Net type.
    74  // - Python type.
    75  // - Kotlin type.
    76  // - Rust type.
    78  // using these macros, we can now write code dealing with types just once, e.g.
    80  /*
    81  switch (type) {
    83                           RTYPE, KTYPE) \
    84      case BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM: \
    85        // do something specific to CTYPE here
    87    #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
    88  }
    89  */
    91  // If not all FLATBUFFERS_GEN_() arguments are necessary for implementation
    92  // of FLATBUFFERS_TD, you can use a variadic macro (with __VA_ARGS__ if needed).
    93  // In the above example, only CTYPE is used to generate the code, it can be rewritten:
    95  /*
    96  switch (type) {
    97    #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, CTYPE, ...) \
    98      case BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM: \
    99        // do something specific to CTYPE here
   101    #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   102  }
   103  */
   105  #define FLATBUFFERS_GEN_TYPES(TD) \
   110  // Create an enum for all the types above.
   111  #ifdef __GNUC__
   112  __extension__  // Stop GCC complaining about trailing comma with -Wpendantic.
   113  #endif
   114  enum BaseType {
   115    #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, ...) \
   116      BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM,
   118    #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   119  };
   121  #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, CTYPE, ...) \
   122    static_assert(sizeof(CTYPE) <= sizeof(largest_scalar_t), \
   123                  "define largest_scalar_t as " #CTYPE);
   125  #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   127  inline bool IsScalar (BaseType t) { return t >= BASE_TYPE_UTYPE &&
   128                                             t <= BASE_TYPE_DOUBLE; }
   129  inline bool IsInteger(BaseType t) { return t >= BASE_TYPE_UTYPE &&
   130                                             t <= BASE_TYPE_ULONG; }
   131  inline bool IsFloat  (BaseType t) { return t == BASE_TYPE_FLOAT ||
   132                                             t == BASE_TYPE_DOUBLE; }
   133  inline bool IsLong   (BaseType t) { return t == BASE_TYPE_LONG ||
   134                                             t == BASE_TYPE_ULONG; }
   135  inline bool IsBool   (BaseType t) { return t == BASE_TYPE_BOOL; }
   136  inline bool IsOneByte(BaseType t) { return t >= BASE_TYPE_UTYPE &&
   137                                             t <= BASE_TYPE_UCHAR; }
   139  inline bool IsUnsigned(BaseType t) {
   140    return (t == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE)  || (t == BASE_TYPE_UCHAR) ||
   141           (t == BASE_TYPE_USHORT) || (t == BASE_TYPE_UINT)  ||
   142           (t == BASE_TYPE_ULONG);
   143  }
   145  // clang-format on
   147  extern const char *const kTypeNames[];
   148  extern const char kTypeSizes[];
   150  inline size_t SizeOf(BaseType t) { return kTypeSizes[t]; }
   152  struct StructDef;
   153  struct EnumDef;
   154  class Parser;
   156  // Represents any type in the IDL, which is a combination of the BaseType
   157  // and additional information for vectors/structs_.
   158  struct Type {
   159    explicit Type(BaseType _base_type = BASE_TYPE_NONE, StructDef *_sd = nullptr,
   160                  EnumDef *_ed = nullptr, uint16_t _fixed_length = 0)
   161        : base_type(_base_type),
   162          element(BASE_TYPE_NONE),
   163          struct_def(_sd),
   164          enum_def(_ed),
   165          fixed_length(_fixed_length) {}
   167    bool operator==(const Type &o) const {
   168      return base_type == o.base_type && element == o.element &&
   169             struct_def == o.struct_def && enum_def == o.enum_def;
   170    }
   172    Type VectorType() const {
   173      return Type(element, struct_def, enum_def, fixed_length);
   174    }
   176    Offset<reflection::Type> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder) const;
   178    bool Deserialize(const Parser &parser, const reflection::Type *type);
   180    BaseType base_type;
   181    BaseType element;       // only set if t == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR
   182    StructDef *struct_def;  // only set if t or element == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT
   183    EnumDef *enum_def;      // set if t == BASE_TYPE_UNION / BASE_TYPE_UTYPE,
   184                            // or for an integral type derived from an enum.
   185    uint16_t fixed_length;  // only set if t == BASE_TYPE_ARRAY
   186  };
   188  // Represents a parsed scalar value, it's type, and field offset.
   189  struct Value {
   190    Value()
   191        : constant("0"),
   192          offset(static_cast<voffset_t>(~(static_cast<voffset_t>(0U)))) {}
   193    Type type;
   194    std::string constant;
   195    voffset_t offset;
   196  };
   198  // Helper class that retains the original order of a set of identifiers and
   199  // also provides quick lookup.
   200  template<typename T> class SymbolTable {
   201   public:
   202    ~SymbolTable() {
   203      for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { delete *it; }
   204    }
   206    bool Add(const std::string &name, T *e) {
   207      vec.emplace_back(e);
   208      auto it = dict.find(name);
   209      if (it != dict.end()) return true;
   210      dict[name] = e;
   211      return false;
   212    }
   214    void Move(const std::string &oldname, const std::string &newname) {
   215      auto it = dict.find(oldname);
   216      if (it != dict.end()) {
   217        auto obj = it->second;
   218        dict.erase(it);
   219        dict[newname] = obj;
   220      } else {
   221        FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false);
   222      }
   223    }
   225    T *Lookup(const std::string &name) const {
   226      auto it = dict.find(name);
   227      return it == dict.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
   228    }
   230   public:
   231    std::map<std::string, T *> dict;  // quick lookup
   232    std::vector<T *> vec;             // Used to iterate in order of insertion
   233  };
   235  // A name space, as set in the schema.
   236  struct Namespace {
   237    Namespace() : from_table(0) {}
   239    // Given a (potentially unqualified) name, return the "fully qualified" name
   240    // which has a full namespaced descriptor.
   241    // With max_components you can request less than the number of components
   242    // the current namespace has.
   243    std::string GetFullyQualifiedName(const std::string &name,
   244                                      size_t max_components = 1000) const;
   246    std::vector<std::string> components;
   247    size_t from_table;  // Part of the namespace corresponds to a message/table.
   248  };
   250  inline bool operator<(const Namespace &a, const Namespace &b) {
   251    size_t min_size = std::min(a.components.size(), b.components.size());
   252    for (size_t i = 0; i < min_size; ++i) {
   253      if (a.components[i] != b.components[i])
   254        return a.components[i] < b.components[i];
   255    }
   256    return a.components.size() < b.components.size();
   257  }
   259  // Base class for all definition types (fields, structs_, enums_).
   260  struct Definition {
   261    Definition()
   262        : generated(false),
   263          defined_namespace(nullptr),
   264          serialized_location(0),
   265          index(-1),
   266          refcount(1),
   267          declaration_file(nullptr) {}
   269    flatbuffers::Offset<
   270        flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<reflection::KeyValue>>>
   271    SerializeAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder *builder, const Parser &parser) const;
   273    bool DeserializeAttributes(Parser &parser,
   274                               const Vector<Offset<reflection::KeyValue>> *attrs);
   276    std::string name;
   277    std::string file;
   278    std::vector<std::string> doc_comment;
   279    SymbolTable<Value> attributes;
   280    bool generated;  // did we already output code for this definition?
   281    Namespace *defined_namespace;  // Where it was defined.
   283    // For use with Serialize()
   284    uoffset_t serialized_location;
   285    int index;  // Inside the vector it is stored.
   286    int refcount;
   287    const std::string *declaration_file;
   288  };
   290  struct FieldDef : public Definition {
   291    FieldDef()
   292        : deprecated(false),
   293          key(false),
   294          shared(false),
   295          native_inline(false),
   296          flexbuffer(false),
   297          presence(kDefault),
   298          nested_flatbuffer(nullptr),
   299          padding(0) {}
   301    Offset<reflection::Field> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder, uint16_t id,
   302                                        const Parser &parser) const;
   304    bool Deserialize(Parser &parser, const reflection::Field *field);
   306    bool IsScalarOptional() const {
   307      return IsScalar(value.type.base_type) && IsOptional();
   308    }
   309    bool IsOptional() const { return presence == kOptional; }
   310    bool IsRequired() const { return presence == kRequired; }
   311    bool IsDefault() const { return presence == kDefault; }
   313    Value value;
   314    bool deprecated;  // Field is allowed to be present in old data, but can't be.
   315                      // written in new data nor accessed in new code.
   316    bool key;         // Field functions as a key for creating sorted vectors.
   317    bool shared;  // Field will be using string pooling (i.e. CreateSharedString)
   318                  // as default serialization behavior if field is a string.
   319    bool native_inline;  // Field will be defined inline (instead of as a pointer)
   320                         // for native tables if field is a struct.
   321    bool flexbuffer;     // This field contains FlexBuffer data.
   323    enum Presence {
   324      // Field must always be present.
   325      kRequired,
   326      // Non-presence should be signalled to and controlled by users.
   327      kOptional,
   328      // Non-presence is hidden from users.
   329      // Implementations may omit writing default values.
   330      kDefault,
   331    };
   332    Presence static MakeFieldPresence(bool optional, bool required) {
   333      FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(!(required && optional));
   334      // clang-format off
   335      return required ? FieldDef::kRequired
   336           : optional ? FieldDef::kOptional
   337                      : FieldDef::kDefault;
   338      // clang-format on
   339    }
   340    Presence presence;
   342    StructDef *nested_flatbuffer;  // This field contains nested FlatBuffer data.
   343    size_t padding;                // Bytes to always pad after this field.
   344  };
   346  struct StructDef : public Definition {
   347    StructDef()
   348        : fixed(false),
   349          predecl(true),
   350          sortbysize(true),
   351          has_key(false),
   352          minalign(1),
   353          bytesize(0) {}
   355    void PadLastField(size_t min_align) {
   356      auto padding = PaddingBytes(bytesize, min_align);
   357      bytesize += padding;
   358      if (fields.vec.size()) fields.vec.back()->padding = padding;
   359    }
   361    Offset<reflection::Object> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   362                                         const Parser &parser) const;
   364    bool Deserialize(Parser &parser, const reflection::Object *object);
   366    SymbolTable<FieldDef> fields;
   368    bool fixed;       // If it's struct, not a table.
   369    bool predecl;     // If it's used before it was defined.
   370    bool sortbysize;  // Whether fields come in the declaration or size order.
   371    bool has_key;     // It has a key field.
   372    size_t minalign;  // What the whole object needs to be aligned to.
   373    size_t bytesize;  // Size if fixed.
   375    flatbuffers::unique_ptr<std::string> original_location;
   376  };
   378  struct EnumDef;
   379  struct EnumValBuilder;
   381  struct EnumVal {
   382    Offset<reflection::EnumVal> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   383                                          const Parser &parser) const;
   385    bool Deserialize(const Parser &parser, const reflection::EnumVal *val);
   387    uint64_t GetAsUInt64() const { return static_cast<uint64_t>(value); }
   388    int64_t GetAsInt64() const { return value; }
   389    bool IsZero() const { return 0 == value; }
   390    bool IsNonZero() const { return !IsZero(); }
   392    std::string name;
   393    std::vector<std::string> doc_comment;
   394    Type union_type;
   396   private:
   397    friend EnumDef;
   398    friend EnumValBuilder;
   399    friend bool operator==(const EnumVal &lhs, const EnumVal &rhs);
   401    EnumVal(const std::string &_name, int64_t _val) : name(_name), value(_val) {}
   402    EnumVal() : value(0) {}
   404    int64_t value;
   405  };
   407  struct EnumDef : public Definition {
   408    EnumDef() : is_union(false), uses_multiple_type_instances(false) {}
   410    Offset<reflection::Enum> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   411                                       const Parser &parser) const;
   413    bool Deserialize(Parser &parser, const reflection::Enum *values);
   415    template<typename T> void ChangeEnumValue(EnumVal *ev, T new_val);
   416    void SortByValue();
   417    void RemoveDuplicates();
   419    std::string AllFlags() const;
   420    const EnumVal *MinValue() const;
   421    const EnumVal *MaxValue() const;
   422    // Returns the number of integer steps from v1 to v2.
   423    uint64_t Distance(const EnumVal *v1, const EnumVal *v2) const;
   424    // Returns the number of integer steps from Min to Max.
   425    uint64_t Distance() const { return Distance(MinValue(), MaxValue()); }
   427    EnumVal *ReverseLookup(int64_t enum_idx,
   428                           bool skip_union_default = false) const;
   429    EnumVal *FindByValue(const std::string &constant) const;
   431    std::string ToString(const EnumVal &ev) const {
   432      return IsUInt64() ? NumToString(ev.GetAsUInt64())
   433                        : NumToString(ev.GetAsInt64());
   434    }
   436    size_t size() const { return vals.vec.size(); }
   438    const std::vector<EnumVal *> &Vals() const { return vals.vec; }
   440    const EnumVal *Lookup(const std::string &enum_name) const {
   441      return vals.Lookup(enum_name);
   442    }
   444    bool is_union;
   445    // Type is a union which uses type aliases where at least one type is
   446    // available under two different names.
   447    bool uses_multiple_type_instances;
   448    Type underlying_type;
   450   private:
   451    bool IsUInt64() const {
   452      return (BASE_TYPE_ULONG == underlying_type.base_type);
   453    }
   455    friend EnumValBuilder;
   456    SymbolTable<EnumVal> vals;
   457  };
   459  inline bool IsString(const Type &type) {
   460    return type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING;
   461  }
   463  inline bool IsStruct(const Type &type) {
   464    return type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT && type.struct_def->fixed;
   465  }
   467  inline bool IsTable(const Type &type) {
   468    return type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT && !type.struct_def->fixed;
   469  }
   471  inline bool IsUnion(const Type &type) {
   472    return type.enum_def != nullptr && type.enum_def->is_union;
   473  }
   475  inline bool IsUnionType(const Type &type) {
   476    return IsUnion(type) && IsInteger(type.base_type);
   477  }
   479  inline bool IsVector(const Type &type) {
   480    return type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR;
   481  }
   483  inline bool IsVectorOfStruct(const Type& type) {
   484    return IsVector(type) && IsStruct(type.VectorType());
   485  }
   487  inline bool IsVectorOfTable(const Type& type) {
   488    return IsVector(type) && IsTable(type.VectorType());
   489  }
   491  inline bool IsArray(const Type &type) {
   492    return type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ARRAY;
   493  }
   495  inline bool IsSeries(const Type &type) {
   496    return IsVector(type) || IsArray(type);
   497  }
   499  inline bool IsEnum(const Type &type) {
   500    return type.enum_def != nullptr && IsInteger(type.base_type);
   501  }
   503  inline size_t InlineSize(const Type &type) {
   504    return IsStruct(type)
   505               ? type.struct_def->bytesize
   506               : (IsArray(type)
   507                      ? InlineSize(type.VectorType()) * type.fixed_length
   508                      : SizeOf(type.base_type));
   509  }
   511  inline size_t InlineAlignment(const Type &type) {
   512    if (IsStruct(type)) {
   513      return type.struct_def->minalign;
   514    } else if (IsArray(type)) {
   515      return IsStruct(type.VectorType()) ? type.struct_def->minalign
   516                                         : SizeOf(type.element);
   517    } else {
   518      return SizeOf(type.base_type);
   519    }
   520  }
   521  inline bool operator==(const EnumVal &lhs, const EnumVal &rhs) {
   522    return lhs.value == rhs.value;
   523  }
   524  inline bool operator!=(const EnumVal &lhs, const EnumVal &rhs) {
   525    return !(lhs == rhs);
   526  }
   528  inline bool EqualByName(const Type &a, const Type &b) {
   529    return a.base_type == b.base_type && a.element == b.element &&
   530           (a.struct_def == b.struct_def ||
   531            a.struct_def->name == b.struct_def->name) &&
   532           (a.enum_def == b.enum_def || a.enum_def->name == b.enum_def->name);
   533  }
   535  struct RPCCall : public Definition {
   536    Offset<reflection::RPCCall> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   537                                          const Parser &parser) const;
   539    bool Deserialize(Parser &parser, const reflection::RPCCall *call);
   541    StructDef *request, *response;
   542  };
   544  struct ServiceDef : public Definition {
   545    Offset<reflection::Service> Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   546                                          const Parser &parser) const;
   547    bool Deserialize(Parser &parser, const reflection::Service *service);
   549    SymbolTable<RPCCall> calls;
   550  };
   552  struct IncludedFile {
   553    // The name of the schema file being included, as defined in the .fbs file.
   554    // This includes the prefix (e.g., include "foo/bar/baz.fbs" would mean this
   555    // value is "foo/bar/baz.fbs").
   556    std::string schema_name;
   558    // The filename of where the included file was found, after searching the
   559    // relative paths plus any other paths included with `flatc -I ...`. Note,
   560    // while this is sometimes the same as schema_name, it is not always, since it
   561    // can be defined relative to where flatc was invoked.
   562    std::string filename;
   563  };
   565  // Since IncludedFile is contained within a std::set, need to provide ordering.
   566  inline bool operator<(const IncludedFile &a, const IncludedFile &b) {
   567    return a.filename < b.filename;
   568  }
   570  // Container of options that may apply to any of the source/text generators.
   571  struct IDLOptions {
   572    // field case style options for C++
   573    enum CaseStyle { CaseStyle_Unchanged = 0, CaseStyle_Upper, CaseStyle_Lower };
   575    bool gen_jvmstatic;
   576    // Use flexbuffers instead for binary and text generation
   577    bool use_flexbuffers;
   578    bool strict_json;
   579    bool output_default_scalars_in_json;
   580    int indent_step;
   581    bool output_enum_identifiers;
   582    bool prefixed_enums;
   583    bool scoped_enums;
   584    bool swift_implementation_only;
   585    bool include_dependence_headers;
   586    bool mutable_buffer;
   587    bool one_file;
   588    bool proto_mode;
   589    bool proto_oneof_union;
   590    bool generate_all;
   591    bool skip_unexpected_fields_in_json;
   592    bool generate_name_strings;
   593    bool generate_object_based_api;
   594    bool gen_compare;
   595    std::string cpp_object_api_pointer_type;
   596    std::string cpp_object_api_string_type;
   597    bool cpp_object_api_string_flexible_constructor;
   598    CaseStyle cpp_object_api_field_case_style;
   599    bool cpp_direct_copy;
   600    bool gen_nullable;
   601    bool java_checkerframework;
   602    bool gen_generated;
   603    bool gen_json_coders;
   604    std::string object_prefix;
   605    std::string object_suffix;
   606    bool union_value_namespacing;
   607    bool allow_non_utf8;
   608    bool natural_utf8;
   609    std::string include_prefix;
   610    bool keep_prefix;
   611    bool binary_schema_comments;
   612    bool binary_schema_builtins;
   613    bool binary_schema_gen_embed;
   614    std::string go_import;
   615    std::string go_namespace;
   616    bool protobuf_ascii_alike;
   617    bool size_prefixed;
   618    std::string root_type;
   619    bool force_defaults;
   620    bool java_primitive_has_method;
   621    bool cs_gen_json_serializer;
   622    std::vector<std::string> cpp_includes;
   623    std::string cpp_std;
   624    bool cpp_static_reflection;
   625    std::string proto_namespace_suffix;
   626    std::string filename_suffix;
   627    std::string filename_extension;
   628    bool no_warnings;
   629    bool warnings_as_errors;
   630    std::string project_root;
   631    bool cs_global_alias;
   632    bool json_nested_flatbuffers;
   633    bool json_nested_flexbuffers;
   634    bool json_nested_legacy_flatbuffers;
   635    bool ts_flat_file;
   636    bool no_leak_private_annotations;
   638    // Possible options for the more general generator below.
   639    enum Language {
   640      kJava = 1 << 0,
   641      kCSharp = 1 << 1,
   642      kGo = 1 << 2,
   643      kCpp = 1 << 3,
   644      kPython = 1 << 5,
   645      kPhp = 1 << 6,
   646      kJson = 1 << 7,
   647      kBinary = 1 << 8,
   648      kTs = 1 << 9,
   649      kJsonSchema = 1 << 10,
   650      kDart = 1 << 11,
   651      kLua = 1 << 12,
   652      kLobster = 1 << 13,
   653      kRust = 1 << 14,
   654      kKotlin = 1 << 15,
   655      kSwift = 1 << 16,
   656      kMAX
   657    };
   659    enum MiniReflect { kNone, kTypes, kTypesAndNames };
   661    MiniReflect mini_reflect;
   663    // If set, require all fields in a table to be explicitly numbered.
   664    bool require_explicit_ids;
   666    // If set, implement serde::Serialize for generated Rust types
   667    bool rust_serialize;
   669    // If set, generate rust types in individual files with a root module file.
   670    bool rust_module_root_file;
   672    // The corresponding language bit will be set if a language is included
   673    // for code generation.
   674    unsigned long lang_to_generate;
   676    // If set (default behavior), empty string fields will be set to nullptr to
   677    // make the flatbuffer more compact.
   678    bool set_empty_strings_to_null;
   680    // If set (default behavior), empty vector fields will be set to nullptr to
   681    // make the flatbuffer more compact.
   682    bool set_empty_vectors_to_null;
   684    IDLOptions()
   685        : gen_jvmstatic(false),
   686          use_flexbuffers(false),
   687          strict_json(false),
   688          output_default_scalars_in_json(false),
   689          indent_step(2),
   690          output_enum_identifiers(true),
   691          prefixed_enums(true),
   692          scoped_enums(false),
   693          swift_implementation_only(false),
   694          include_dependence_headers(true),
   695          mutable_buffer(false),
   696          one_file(false),
   697          proto_mode(false),
   698          proto_oneof_union(false),
   699          generate_all(false),
   700          skip_unexpected_fields_in_json(false),
   701          generate_name_strings(false),
   702          generate_object_based_api(false),
   703          gen_compare(false),
   704          cpp_object_api_pointer_type("std::unique_ptr"),
   705          cpp_object_api_string_flexible_constructor(false),
   706          cpp_object_api_field_case_style(CaseStyle_Unchanged),
   707          cpp_direct_copy(true),
   708          gen_nullable(false),
   709          java_checkerframework(false),
   710          gen_generated(false),
   711          gen_json_coders(false),
   712          object_suffix("T"),
   713          union_value_namespacing(true),
   714          allow_non_utf8(false),
   715          natural_utf8(false),
   716          keep_prefix(false),
   717          binary_schema_comments(false),
   718          binary_schema_builtins(false),
   719          binary_schema_gen_embed(false),
   720          protobuf_ascii_alike(false),
   721          size_prefixed(false),
   722          force_defaults(false),
   723          java_primitive_has_method(false),
   724          cs_gen_json_serializer(false),
   725          cpp_static_reflection(false),
   726          filename_suffix("_generated"),
   727          filename_extension(),
   728          no_warnings(false),
   729          warnings_as_errors(false),
   730          project_root(""),
   731          cs_global_alias(false),
   732          json_nested_flatbuffers(true),
   733          json_nested_flexbuffers(true),
   734          json_nested_legacy_flatbuffers(false),
   735          ts_flat_file(false),
   736          no_leak_private_annotations(false),
   737          mini_reflect(IDLOptions::kNone),
   738          require_explicit_ids(false),
   739          rust_serialize(false),
   740          rust_module_root_file(false),
   741          lang_to_generate(0),
   742          set_empty_strings_to_null(true),
   743          set_empty_vectors_to_null(true) {}
   744  };
   746  // This encapsulates where the parser is in the current source file.
   747  struct ParserState {
   748    ParserState()
   749        : cursor_(nullptr),
   750          line_start_(nullptr),
   751          line_(0),
   752          token_(-1),
   753          attr_is_trivial_ascii_string_(true) {}
   755   protected:
   756    void ResetState(const char *source) {
   757      cursor_ = source;
   758      line_ = 0;
   759      MarkNewLine();
   760    }
   762    void MarkNewLine() {
   763      line_start_ = cursor_;
   764      line_ += 1;
   765    }
   767    int64_t CursorPosition() const {
   768      FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(cursor_ && line_start_ && cursor_ >= line_start_);
   769      return static_cast<int64_t>(cursor_ - line_start_);
   770    }
   772    const char *cursor_;
   773    const char *line_start_;
   774    int line_;  // the current line being parsed
   775    int token_;
   777    // Flag: text in attribute_ is true ASCII string without escape
   778    // sequences. Only printable ASCII (without [\t\r\n]).
   779    // Used for number-in-string (and base64 string in future).
   780    bool attr_is_trivial_ascii_string_;
   781    std::string attribute_;
   782    std::vector<std::string> doc_comment_;
   783  };
   785  // A way to make error propagation less error prone by requiring values to be
   786  // checked.
   787  // Once you create a value of this type you must either:
   788  // - Call Check() on it.
   789  // - Copy or assign it to another value.
   790  // Failure to do so leads to an assert.
   791  // This guarantees that this as return value cannot be ignored.
   792  class CheckedError {
   793   public:
   794    explicit CheckedError(bool error)
   795        : is_error_(error), has_been_checked_(false) {}
   797    CheckedError &operator=(const CheckedError &other) {
   798      is_error_ = other.is_error_;
   799      has_been_checked_ = false;
   800      other.has_been_checked_ = true;
   801      return *this;
   802    }
   804    CheckedError(const CheckedError &other) {
   805      *this = other;  // Use assignment operator.
   806    }
   808    ~CheckedError() { FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(has_been_checked_); }
   810    bool Check() {
   811      has_been_checked_ = true;
   812      return is_error_;
   813    }
   815   private:
   816    bool is_error_;
   817    mutable bool has_been_checked_;
   818  };
   820  // Additionally, in GCC we can get these errors statically, for additional
   821  // assurance:
   822  // clang-format off
   823  #ifdef __GNUC__
   824  #define FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR CheckedError \
   825            __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
   826  #else
   827  #define FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR CheckedError
   828  #endif
   829  // clang-format on
   831  class Parser : public ParserState {
   832   public:
   833    explicit Parser(const IDLOptions &options = IDLOptions())
   834        : current_namespace_(nullptr),
   835          empty_namespace_(nullptr),
   836          flex_builder_(256, flexbuffers::BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_ALL),
   837          root_struct_def_(nullptr),
   838          opts(options),
   839          uses_flexbuffers_(false),
   840          has_warning_(false),
   841          advanced_features_(0),
   842          source_(nullptr),
   843          anonymous_counter_(0),
   844          parse_depth_counter_(0) {
   845      if (opts.force_defaults) { builder_.ForceDefaults(true); }
   846      // Start out with the empty namespace being current.
   847      empty_namespace_ = new Namespace();
   848      namespaces_.push_back(empty_namespace_);
   849      current_namespace_ = empty_namespace_;
   850      known_attributes_["deprecated"] = true;
   851      known_attributes_["required"] = true;
   852      known_attributes_["key"] = true;
   853      known_attributes_["shared"] = true;
   854      known_attributes_["hash"] = true;
   855      known_attributes_["id"] = true;
   856      known_attributes_["force_align"] = true;
   857      known_attributes_["bit_flags"] = true;
   858      known_attributes_["original_order"] = true;
   859      known_attributes_["nested_flatbuffer"] = true;
   860      known_attributes_["csharp_partial"] = true;
   861      known_attributes_["streaming"] = true;
   862      known_attributes_["idempotent"] = true;
   863      known_attributes_["cpp_type"] = true;
   864      known_attributes_["cpp_ptr_type"] = true;
   865      known_attributes_["cpp_ptr_type_get"] = true;
   866      known_attributes_["cpp_str_type"] = true;
   867      known_attributes_["cpp_str_flex_ctor"] = true;
   868      known_attributes_["native_inline"] = true;
   869      known_attributes_["native_custom_alloc"] = true;
   870      known_attributes_["native_type"] = true;
   871      known_attributes_["native_type_pack_name"] = true;
   872      known_attributes_["native_default"] = true;
   873      known_attributes_["flexbuffer"] = true;
   874      known_attributes_["private"] = true;
   875    }
   877    ~Parser() {
   878      for (auto it = namespaces_.begin(); it != namespaces_.end(); ++it) {
   879        delete *it;
   880      }
   881    }
   883    // Parse the string containing either schema or JSON data, which will
   884    // populate the SymbolTable's or the FlatBufferBuilder above.
   885    // include_paths is used to resolve any include statements, and typically
   886    // should at least include the project path (where you loaded source_ from).
   887    // include_paths must be nullptr terminated if specified.
   888    // If include_paths is nullptr, it will attempt to load from the current
   889    // directory.
   890    // If the source was loaded from a file and isn't an include file,
   891    // supply its name in source_filename.
   892    // All paths specified in this call must be in posix format, if you accept
   893    // paths from user input, please call PosixPath on them first.
   894    bool Parse(const char *_source, const char **include_paths = nullptr,
   895               const char *source_filename = nullptr);
   897    bool ParseJson(const char *json, const char *json_filename = nullptr);
   899    // Set the root type. May override the one set in the schema.
   900    bool SetRootType(const char *name);
   902    // Mark all definitions as already having code generated.
   903    void MarkGenerated();
   905    // Get the files recursively included by the given file. The returned
   906    // container will have at least the given file.
   907    std::set<std::string> GetIncludedFilesRecursive(
   908        const std::string &file_name) const;
   910    // Fills builder_ with a binary version of the schema parsed.
   911    // See reflection/reflection.fbs
   912    void Serialize();
   914    // Deserialize a schema buffer
   915    bool Deserialize(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size);
   917    // Fills internal structure as if the schema passed had been loaded by parsing
   918    // with Parse except that included filenames will not be populated.
   919    bool Deserialize(const reflection::Schema *schema);
   921    Type *DeserializeType(const reflection::Type *type);
   923    // Checks that the schema represented by this parser is a safe evolution
   924    // of the schema provided. Returns non-empty error on any problems.
   925    std::string ConformTo(const Parser &base);
   927    // Similar to Parse(), but now only accepts JSON to be parsed into a
   928    // FlexBuffer.
   929    bool ParseFlexBuffer(const char *source, const char *source_filename,
   930                         flexbuffers::Builder *builder);
   932    StructDef *LookupStruct(const std::string &id) const;
   933    StructDef *LookupStructThruParentNamespaces(const std::string &id) const;
   935    std::string UnqualifiedName(const std::string &fullQualifiedName);
   937    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR Error(const std::string &msg);
   939    // @brief Verify that any of 'opts.lang_to_generate' supports Optional scalars
   940    // in a schema.
   941    // @param opts Options used to parce a schema and generate code.
   942    static bool SupportsOptionalScalars(const flatbuffers::IDLOptions &opts);
   944    // Get the set of included files that are directly referenced by the file
   945    // being parsed. This does not include files that are transitively included by
   946    // others includes.
   947    std::vector<IncludedFile> GetIncludedFiles() const;
   949   private:
   950    class ParseDepthGuard;
   952    void Message(const std::string &msg);
   953    void Warning(const std::string &msg);
   954    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseHexNum(int nibbles, uint64_t *val);
   956    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR SkipByteOrderMark();
   957    bool Is(int t) const;
   958    bool IsIdent(const char *id) const;
   959    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR Expect(int t);
   960    std::string TokenToStringId(int t) const;
   961    EnumDef *LookupEnum(const std::string &id);
   962    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseNamespacing(std::string *id,
   963                                               std::string *last);
   964    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseTypeIdent(Type &type);
   965    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseType(Type &type);
   966    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR AddField(StructDef &struct_def,
   967                                       const std::string &name, const Type &type,
   968                                       FieldDef **dest);
   969    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseField(StructDef &struct_def);
   970    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseString(Value &val, bool use_string_pooling);
   972    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseAnyValue(Value &val, FieldDef *field,
   973                                            size_t parent_fieldn,
   974                                            const StructDef *parent_struct_def,
   975                                            uoffset_t count,
   976                                            bool inside_vector = false);
   977    template<typename F>
   978    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseTableDelimiters(size_t &fieldn,
   979                                                   const StructDef *struct_def,
   980                                                   F body);
   981    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseTable(const StructDef &struct_def,
   982                                         std::string *value, uoffset_t *ovalue);
   983    void SerializeStruct(const StructDef &struct_def, const Value &val);
   984    void SerializeStruct(FlatBufferBuilder &builder, const StructDef &struct_def,
   985                         const Value &val);
   986    template<typename F>
   987    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseVectorDelimiters(uoffset_t &count, F body);
   988    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseVector(const Type &type, uoffset_t *ovalue,
   989                                          FieldDef *field, size_t fieldn);
   990    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseArray(Value &array);
   991    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseNestedFlatbuffer(
   992        Value &val, FieldDef *field, size_t fieldn,
   993        const StructDef *parent_struct_def);
   994    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseMetaData(SymbolTable<Value> *attributes);
   995    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR TryTypedValue(const std::string *name, int dtoken,
   996                                            bool check, Value &e, BaseType req,
   997                                            bool *destmatch);
   998    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseHash(Value &e, FieldDef *field);
  1000    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseSingleValue(const std::string *name, Value &e,
  1001                                               bool check_now);
  1002    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseFunction(const std::string *name, Value &e);
  1003    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseEnumFromString(const Type &type,
  1004                                                  std::string *result);
  1005    StructDef *LookupCreateStruct(const std::string &name,
  1006                                  bool create_if_new = true,
  1007                                  bool definition = false);
  1008    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseEnum(bool is_union, EnumDef **dest,
  1009                                        const char *filename);
  1010    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseNamespace();
  1011    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR StartStruct(const std::string &name,
  1012                                          StructDef **dest);
  1013    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR StartEnum(const std::string &name, bool is_union,
  1014                                        EnumDef **dest);
  1015    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseDecl(const char *filename);
  1016    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseService(const char *filename);
  1017    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoFields(StructDef *struct_def,
  1018                                               bool isextend, bool inside_oneof);
  1019    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoOption();
  1020    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoKey();
  1021    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoDecl();
  1022    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent();
  1023    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseTypeFromProtoType(Type *type);
  1024    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR SkipAnyJsonValue();
  1025    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseFlexBufferNumericConstant(
  1026        flexbuffers::Builder *builder);
  1027    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseFlexBufferValue(flexbuffers::Builder *builder);
  1028    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR StartParseFile(const char *source,
  1029                                             const char *source_filename);
  1030    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseRoot(const char *_source,
  1031                                        const char **include_paths,
  1032                                        const char *source_filename);
  1033    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR CheckPrivateLeak();
  1034    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR CheckPrivatelyLeakedFields(
  1035        const Definition &def, const Definition &value_type);
  1036    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR DoParse(const char *_source,
  1037                                      const char **include_paths,
  1038                                      const char *source_filename,
  1039                                      const char *include_filename);
  1041    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR CheckClash(std::vector<FieldDef *> &fields,
  1042                                         StructDef *struct_def,
  1043                                         const char *suffix, BaseType baseType);
  1044    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR ParseAlignAttribute(
  1045        const std::string &align_constant, size_t min_align, size_t *align);
  1047    bool SupportsAdvancedUnionFeatures() const;
  1048    bool SupportsAdvancedArrayFeatures() const;
  1049    bool SupportsOptionalScalars() const;
  1050    bool SupportsDefaultVectorsAndStrings() const;
  1051    Namespace *UniqueNamespace(Namespace *ns);
  1053    FLATBUFFERS_CHECKED_ERROR RecurseError();
  1054    template<typename F> CheckedError Recurse(F f);
  1056    const std::string &GetPooledString(const std::string &s) const;
  1058   public:
  1059    SymbolTable<Type> types_;
  1060    SymbolTable<StructDef> structs_;
  1061    SymbolTable<EnumDef> enums_;
  1062    SymbolTable<ServiceDef> services_;
  1063    std::vector<Namespace *> namespaces_;
  1064    Namespace *current_namespace_;
  1065    Namespace *empty_namespace_;
  1066    std::string error_;  // User readable error_ if Parse() == false
  1068    FlatBufferBuilder builder_;  // any data contained in the file
  1069    flexbuffers::Builder flex_builder_;
  1070    flexbuffers::Reference flex_root_;
  1071    StructDef *root_struct_def_;
  1072    std::string file_identifier_;
  1073    std::string file_extension_;
  1075    std::map<uint64_t, std::string> included_files_;
  1076    std::map<std::string, std::set<IncludedFile>> files_included_per_file_;
  1077    std::vector<std::string> native_included_files_;
  1079    std::map<std::string, bool> known_attributes_;
  1081    IDLOptions opts;
  1082    bool uses_flexbuffers_;
  1083    bool has_warning_;
  1085    uint64_t advanced_features_;
  1087    std::string file_being_parsed_;
  1089   private:
  1090    const char *source_;
  1092    std::vector<std::pair<Value, FieldDef *>> field_stack_;
  1094    // TODO(cneo): Refactor parser to use string_cache more often to save
  1095    // on memory usage.
  1096    mutable std::set<std::string> string_cache_;
  1098    int anonymous_counter_;
  1099    int parse_depth_counter_;  // stack-overflow guard
  1100  };
  1102  // Utility functions for multiple generators:
  1104  // Generate text (JSON) from a given FlatBuffer, and a given Parser
  1105  // object that has been populated with the corresponding schema.
  1106  // If ident_step is 0, no indentation will be generated. Additionally,
  1107  // if it is less than 0, no linefeeds will be generated either.
  1108  // See idl_gen_text.cpp.
  1109  // strict_json adds "quotes" around field names if true.
  1110  // If the flatbuffer cannot be encoded in JSON (e.g., it contains non-UTF-8
  1111  // byte arrays in String values), returns false.
  1112  extern bool GenerateTextFromTable(const Parser &parser, const void *table,
  1113                                    const std::string &tablename,
  1114                                    std::string *text);
  1115  extern bool GenerateText(const Parser &parser, const void *flatbuffer,
  1116                           std::string *text);
  1117  extern bool GenerateTextFile(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1118                               const std::string &file_name);
  1120  // Generate Json schema to string
  1121  // See idl_gen_json_schema.cpp.
  1122  extern bool GenerateJsonSchema(const Parser &parser, std::string *json);
  1124  // Generate binary files from a given FlatBuffer, and a given Parser
  1125  // object that has been populated with the corresponding schema.
  1126  // See code_generators.cpp.
  1127  extern bool GenerateBinary(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1128                             const std::string &file_name);
  1130  // Generate a C++ header from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1131  // See idl_gen_cpp.
  1132  extern bool GenerateCPP(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1133                          const std::string &file_name);
  1135  // Generate C# files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1136  // See idl_gen_csharp.cpp.
  1137  extern bool GenerateCSharp(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1138                             const std::string &file_name);
  1140  extern bool GenerateDart(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1141                           const std::string &file_name);
  1143  // Generate Java files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1144  // See idl_gen_java.cpp.
  1145  extern bool GenerateJava(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1146                           const std::string &file_name);
  1148  // Generate JavaScript or TypeScript code from the definitions in the Parser
  1149  // object. See idl_gen_js.
  1150  extern bool GenerateTS(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1151                         const std::string &file_name);
  1153  // Generate Go files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1154  // See idl_gen_go.cpp.
  1155  extern bool GenerateGo(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1156                         const std::string &file_name);
  1158  // Generate Php code from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1159  // See idl_gen_php.
  1160  extern bool GeneratePhp(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1161                          const std::string &file_name);
  1163  // Generate Python files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1164  // See idl_gen_python.cpp.
  1165  extern bool GeneratePython(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1166                             const std::string &file_name);
  1168  // Generate Lobster files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1169  // See idl_gen_lobster.cpp.
  1170  extern bool GenerateLobster(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1171                              const std::string &file_name);
  1173  // Generate Lua files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1174  // See idl_gen_lua.cpp.
  1175  extern bool GenerateLua(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1176                          const std::string &file_name);
  1178  // Generate Rust files from the definitions in the Parser object.
  1179  // See idl_gen_rust.cpp.
  1180  extern bool GenerateRust(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1181                           const std::string &file_name);
  1183  // Generate Json schema file
  1184  // See idl_gen_json_schema.cpp.
  1185  extern bool GenerateJsonSchema(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1186                                 const std::string &file_name);
  1188  extern bool GenerateKotlin(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1189                             const std::string &file_name);
  1191  // Generate Swift classes.
  1192  // See idl_gen_swift.cpp
  1193  extern bool GenerateSwift(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1194                            const std::string &file_name);
  1196  // Generate a schema file from the internal representation, useful after
  1197  // parsing a .proto schema.
  1198  extern std::string GenerateFBS(const Parser &parser,
  1199                                 const std::string &file_name);
  1200  extern bool GenerateFBS(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1201                          const std::string &file_name);
  1203  // Generate a make rule for the generated TypeScript code.
  1204  // See idl_gen_ts.cpp.
  1205  extern std::string TSMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1206                                const std::string &file_name);
  1208  // Generate a make rule for the generated C++ header.
  1209  // See idl_gen_cpp.cpp.
  1210  extern std::string CPPMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1211                                 const std::string &file_name);
  1213  // Generate a make rule for the generated Dart code
  1214  // see idl_gen_dart.cpp
  1215  extern std::string DartMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1216                                  const std::string &file_name);
  1218  // Generate a make rule for the generated Rust code.
  1219  // See idl_gen_rust.cpp.
  1220  extern std::string RustMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1221                                  const std::string &file_name);
  1223  // Generate a make rule for generated Java or C# files.
  1224  // See code_generators.cpp.
  1225  extern std::string CSharpMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1226                                    const std::string &file_name);
  1227  extern std::string JavaMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1228                                  const std::string &file_name);
  1230  // Generate a make rule for the generated text (JSON) files.
  1231  // See idl_gen_text.cpp.
  1232  extern std::string TextMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1233                                  const std::string &file_names);
  1235  // Generate a make rule for the generated binary files.
  1236  // See code_generators.cpp.
  1237  extern std::string BinaryMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1238                                    const std::string &file_name);
  1240  // Generate GRPC Cpp interfaces.
  1241  // See idl_gen_grpc.cpp.
  1242  bool GenerateCppGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1243                       const std::string &file_name);
  1245  // Generate GRPC Go interfaces.
  1246  // See idl_gen_grpc.cpp.
  1247  bool GenerateGoGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1248                      const std::string &file_name);
  1250  // Generate GRPC Java classes.
  1251  // See idl_gen_grpc.cpp
  1252  bool GenerateJavaGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1253                        const std::string &file_name);
  1255  // Generate GRPC Python interfaces.
  1256  // See idl_gen_grpc.cpp.
  1257  bool GeneratePythonGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1258                          const std::string &file_name);
  1260  // Generate GRPC Swift interfaces.
  1261  // See idl_gen_grpc.cpp.
  1262  extern bool GenerateSwiftGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1263                                const std::string &file_name);
  1265  extern bool GenerateTSGRPC(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
  1266                             const std::string &file_name);
  1268  extern bool GenerateRustModuleRootFile(const Parser &parser,
  1269                                         const std::string &path);
  1270  }  // namespace flatbuffers
  1272  #endif  // FLATBUFFERS_IDL_H_