
     1  // Copyright 2024 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     4  namespace rpc;
     6  enum Feature : uint64 (bit_flags) {
     7  	Coverage,
     8  	Comparisons,
     9  	ExtraCoverage,
    10  	DelayKcovMmap,
    11  	SandboxSetuid,
    12  	SandboxNamespace,
    13  	SandboxAndroid,
    14  	Fault,
    15  	Leak,
    16  	NetInjection,
    17  	NetDevices,
    18  	KCSAN,
    19  	DevlinkPCI,
    20  	NicVF,
    21  	USBEmulation,
    22  	VhciInjection,
    23  	WifiEmulation,
    24  	LRWPANEmulation,	// 802.15.4 standard
    25  	BinFmtMisc,
    26  	Swap,
    27  }
    29  table ConnectRequestRaw {
    30  	name			:string;
    31  	arch			:string;
    32  	git_revision		:string;
    33  	syz_revision		:string;
    34  }
    36  table ConnectReplyRaw {
    37  	leak_frames		:[string];
    38  	race_frames		:[string];
    39  	// Fuzzer sets up these features and returns results in InfoRequest.features.
    40  	features		:Feature;
    41  	// Fuzzer reads these files inside of the VM and returns contents in InfoRequest.files.
    42  	files			:[string];
    43  	globs			:[string];
    44  }
    46  table InfoRequestRaw {
    47  	error			:string;
    48  	features		:[FeatureInfoRaw];
    49  	files			:[FileInfoRaw];
    50  	globs			:[GlobInfoRaw];
    51  }
    53  table InfoReplyRaw {
    54  	cover_filter		:[uint8];
    55  }
    57  table FileInfoRaw {
    58  	name			:string;
    59  	exists			:bool;
    60  	error			:string;
    61  	data			:[uint8];
    62  }
    64  table GlobInfoRaw {
    65  	name			:string;
    66  	files			:[string];
    67  }
    69  table FeatureInfoRaw {
    70  	id			:Feature;
    71  	need_setup		:bool;
    72  	reason			:string;
    73  }
    75  // Messages sent from the host to the executor.
    76  union HostMessagesRaw {
    77  	ExecRequest		:ExecRequestRaw,
    78  	SignalUpdate		:SignalUpdateRaw,
    79  }
    81  table HostMessageRaw {
    82  	msg			:HostMessagesRaw;
    83  }
    85  // Messages sent from the executor to the host.
    86  union ExecutorMessagesRaw {
    87  	ExecResult		:ExecResultRaw,
    88  	Executing		:ExecutingMessageRaw,
    89  }
    91  table ExecutorMessageRaw {
    92  	msg			:ExecutorMessagesRaw;
    93  }
    95  enum RequestFlag : uint64 (bit_flags) {
    96  	// If set, prog_data contains compiled executable binary
    97  	// that needs to be written to disk and executed.
    98  	IsBinary,
    99  	// Return only new signal rather than all signal.
   100  	NewSignal,
   101  	// If set, fully reset executor state befor executing the test.
   102  	ResetState,
   103  	// If set, collect program output and return in output field.
   104  	ReturnOutput,
   105  	// If set, don't fail on program failures, instead return the error in error field.
   106  	ReturnError,
   107  }
   109  // Note: New / changed flags should be added to parse_env_flags in
   110  enum ExecEnv : uint64 (bit_flags) {
   111  	Debug,			// debug output from executor
   112  	Signal,			// collect feedback signals (coverage)
   113  	SandboxSetuid,		// impersonate nobody user
   114  	SandboxNamespace,	// use namespaces for sandboxing
   115  	SandboxAndroid,		// use Android sandboxing for the untrusted_app domain
   116  	ExtraCover,		// collect extra coverage
   117  	EnableTun,		// setup and use /dev/tun for packet injection
   118  	EnableNetDev,		// setup more network devices for testing
   119  	EnableNetReset,		// reset network namespace between programs
   120  	EnableCgroups,		// setup cgroups for testing
   121  	EnableCloseFds,		// close fds after each program
   122  	EnableDevlinkPCI,	// setup devlink PCI device
   123  	EnableVhciInjection,	// setup and use /dev/vhci for hci packet injection
   124  	EnableWifi,		// setup and use mac80211_hwsim for wifi emulation
   125  	DelayKcovMmap,		// manage kcov memory in an optimized way
   126  	EnableNicVF,		// setup NIC VF device
   127  }
   129  enum ExecFlag : uint64 (bit_flags) {
   130  	CollectSignal,		// collect feedback signals
   131  	CollectCover,		// collect coverage
   132  	DedupCover,		// deduplicate coverage in executor
   133  	CollectComps,		// collect KCOV comparisons
   134  	Threaded,		// use multiple threads to mitigate blocked syscalls
   135  	CoverFilter,		// setup and use bitmap to do coverage filter
   136  }
   138  // Request to execute a test program.
   139  table ExecRequestRaw {
   140  	id			:int64;
   141  	prog_data		:[uint8];
   142  	flags			:RequestFlag;
   143  	exec_env		:ExecEnv;
   144  	exec_flags		:ExecFlag;
   145  	sandbox_arg		:int64;
   146  	signal_filter		:[uint32];
   147  	signal_filter_call	:int32;
   148  	// Repeat the program that many times (0 means 1).
   149  	repeat			:int32;
   150  }
   152  table SignalUpdateRaw {
   153  	new_max			:[uint32];
   154  	drop_max		:[uint32];
   155  }
   157  // Notification from the executor that it started executing the program 'id'.
   158  // We want this request to be as small and as fast as possible b/c we need it
   159  // to reach the host (or at least leave the VM) before the VM crashes
   160  // executing this program.
   161  table ExecutingMessageRaw {
   162  	id			:int64;
   163  	proc_id			:int32;
   164  	try			:int32;
   165  	// How long proc waited to receive the request (ns).
   166  	wait_duration		:int64;
   167  }
   169  enum CallFlag : uint8 (bit_flags) {
   170  	Executed,		// was started at all
   171  	Finished,		// finished executing (rather than blocked forever)
   172  	Blocked,		// finished but blocked during execution
   173  	FaultInjected,		// fault was injected into this call
   174  }
   176  table CallInfoRaw {
   177  	flags			:CallFlag;
   178  	// Call errno (0 if the call was successful).
   179  	error			:int32;
   180  	// Feedback signal, filled if ExecFlag.CollectSignal is set.
   181  	signal			:[uint32];
   182  	// Code coverage, filled if ExecFlag.CollectCover is set.
   183  	// If ExecFlag.DedupCover is set, then duplicates are removed, otherwise it contains a trace.
   184  	cover			:[uint32];
   185  	// Comparison operands.
   186  	comps			:[ComparisonRaw];
   187  }
   189  struct ComparisonRaw {
   190  	op1			:uint64;
   191  	op2			:uint64;
   192  }
   194  table ProgInfoRaw {
   195  	calls			:[CallInfoRaw];
   196  	// Contains signal and cover collected from background threads.
   197  	extra			:CallInfoRaw;
   198  	// Total execution time of the program in nanoseconds.
   199  	elapsed			:uint64;
   200  	// Number of programs executed in the same process before this one.
   201  	freshness		:uint64;
   202  }
   204  // Result of executing a test program.
   205  table ExecResultRaw {
   206  	id			:int64;
   207  	output			:[uint8];
   208  	error			:string;
   209  	info			:ProgInfoRaw;
   210  }