
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2016 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
     3  # Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  # creates a minimal bootable image suitable for syzkaller/GCE in ./disk.raw file.
     6  # The script can also create/delete temp files in the current dir.
     7  #
     8  # Prerequisites:
     9  # - you need a user-space system, a basic Debian system can be created with:
    10  #   sudo debootstrap --include=openssh-server,curl,tar,gcc,libc6-dev,time,strace,sudo,less,psmisc,selinux-utils,policycoreutils,checkpolicy,selinux-policy-default,firmware-atheros --components=main,contrib,non-free stable debian
    11  # - you need kernel to use with image (e.g. arch/x86/boot/bzImage)
    12  #   note: kernel modules are not supported
    13  # - you need grub:
    14  #   sudo apt-get install grub-efi
    15  #
    16  # Usage:
    17  #   ./ /dir/with/user/space/system /path/to/{zImage,bzImage} [arch]
    18  #
    19  # If SYZ_SYSCTL_FILE env var is set and points to a file,
    20  # then its contents will be appended to the image /etc/sysctl.conf.
    21  # If SYZ_CMDLINE_FILE env var is set and points to a file,
    22  # then its contents will be appended to the kernel command line.
    23  # If MKE2FS_CONFIG env var is set, it will affect invoked mkfs.ext4.
    24  #
    25  # The image then needs to be compressed with:
    26  #   tar -Sczf disk.tar.gz disk.raw
    27  # and uploaded to GCS with:
    28  #   gsutil cp disk.tar.gz gs://my-images/image.tar.gz
    29  # finally, my-images/image.tar.gz can be used to create a new GCE image.
    30  #
    31  # The image can be tested locally with e.g.:
    32  #   qemu-system-x86_64 -hda disk.raw -net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 \
    33  #       -net nic -enable-kvm -m 2G -display none -serial stdio
    34  # once the kernel boots, you can ssh into it with:
    35  #   ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -p 10022 root@localhost
    37  set -eux
    39  CLEANUP=""
    40  trap 'eval " $CLEANUP"' EXIT
    42  IMG_ARCH="${3:-amd64}"
    44  if [ ! -e $1/sbin/init ]; then
    45  	echo "usage: /dir/with/user/space/system /path/to/bzImage [arch]"
    46  	exit 1
    47  fi
    49  case "$IMG_ARCH" in
    50  	386|amd64|s390x)
    52  		;;
    53  	ppc64le)
    54  		KERNEL_IMAGE_BASENAME=zImage.pseries
    55  		;;
    56  esac
    58  if [ "$(basename $2)" != "$KERNEL_IMAGE_BASENAME" ]; then
    59  	echo "usage: /dir/with/user/space/system /path/to/bzImage [arch]"
    60  	exit 1
    61  fi
    63  # qemu-nbd is broken on Debian with:
    64  #	Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
    65  #	Re-reading the partition table failed.: Invalid argument
    66  #	The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the
    67  #	next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8).
    68  # losetup is broken on Ubuntu with some other error.
    69  # Try to figure out what will work.
    70  BLOCK_DEVICE="loop"
    71  if [ "$(uname -a | grep Ubuntu)" != "" ]; then
    72  	BLOCK_DEVICE="nbd"
    73  fi
    75  # Clean up after previous unsuccessful run.
    76  sudo umount disk.mnt || true
    77  if [ "$BLOCK_DEVICE" == "loop" ]; then
    78  	:
    79  elif [ "$BLOCK_DEVICE" == "nbd" ]; then
    80  	sudo modprobe nbd
    81  	sudo qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0 || true
    82  fi
    83  rm -rf disk.mnt disk.raw || true
    85  fallocate -l 2G disk.raw
    86  if [ "$BLOCK_DEVICE" == "loop" ]; then
    87  	DISKDEV="$(sudo losetup -f --show -P disk.raw)"
    88  	CLEANUP="sudo losetup -d $DISKDEV; $CLEANUP"
    89  elif [ "$BLOCK_DEVICE" == "nbd" ]; then
    90  	DISKDEV="/dev/nbd0"
    91  	sudo qemu-nbd -c $DISKDEV --format=raw disk.raw
    92  	CLEANUP="sudo qemu-nbd -d $DISKDEV; $CLEANUP"
    93  fi
    95  case "$IMG_ARCH" in
    96  	386|amd64|s390x)
    97  		echo -en "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\na\nw\n" | sudo fdisk $DISKDEV
    98  		PARTDEV=$DISKDEV"p1"
    99  		;;
   100  	ppc64le)
   101  		# Create a small PowerPC PReP boot partition, and a Linux partition for the rest
   102  		echo -en "o\nn\np\n1\n2048\n16383\na\nt\n41\nn\np\n2\n\n\nw\n" | sudo fdisk $DISKDEV
   103  		PARTDEV=$DISKDEV"p2"
   104  		;;
   105  esac
   107  until [ -e $PARTDEV ]; do sleep 1; done
   108  sudo -E mkfs.ext4 -O ^resize_inode,^has_journal,ext_attr,extents,huge_file,flex_bg,dir_nlink,sparse_super $PARTDEV
   109  mkdir -p disk.mnt
   110  CLEANUP="rm -rf disk.mnt; $CLEANUP"
   111  sudo mount $PARTDEV disk.mnt
   112  CLEANUP="sudo umount disk.mnt; $CLEANUP"
   113  sudo cp -a $1/. disk.mnt/.
   114  sudo cp $2 disk.mnt/vmlinuz
   115  sudo sed -i "/^root/ { s/:x:/::/ }" disk.mnt/etc/passwd
   116  echo "T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/inittab
   117  echo -en "auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\nauto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp\n" | sudo tee disk.mnt/etc/network/interfaces
   118  echo '/dev/root / ext4 defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/fstab
   119  echo "debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/fstab
   120  echo "securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/fstab
   121  echo "configfs /sys/kernel/config/ configfs defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/fstab
   122  echo 'binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/fstab
   123  for i in {0..31}; do
   124  	echo "KERNEL==\"binder$i\", NAME=\"binder$i\", MODE=\"0666\"" | \
   125  		sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/udev/50-binder.rules
   126  done
   128  # Add udev rules for custom drivers.
   129  # Create a /dev/vim2m symlink for the device managed by the vim2m driver
   130  echo 'ATTR{name}=="vim2m", SYMLINK+="vim2m"' | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
   132  # Create a /dev/i915 symlink to /dev/dri/card# if i915 driver is in use.
   133  echo 'SUBSYSTEMS=="pci", DRIVERS=="i915", SYMLINK+="i915"' | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/60-drm.rules
   135  # sysctls
   137  if [ "$SYZ_SYSCTL_FILE" != "" ]; then
   138  	cat $SYZ_SYSCTL_FILE | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/sysctl.conf
   139  fi
   141  echo -en "\tlocalhost\n" | sudo tee disk.mnt/etc/hosts
   142  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a disk.mnt/etc/resolve.conf
   143  echo "syzkaller" | sudo tee disk.mnt/etc/hostname
   144  sudo mkdir -p disk.mnt/boot/grub
   146  # Setup ssh without key/password.
   147  cat << EOF | sudo tee disk.mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config
   148  PermitRootLogin yes
   149  PasswordAuthentication yes
   150  PermitEmptyPasswords yes
   151  ClientAliveInterval 420
   152  Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
   153  EOF
   154  # Reset root password.
   155  sudo sed -i "s#^root:\*:#root::#g" disk.mnt/etc/shadow
   157  CMDLINE=""
   159  if [ "$SYZ_CMDLINE_FILE" != "" ]; then
   160  	CMDLINE=$(awk '{printf("%s ", $0)}' $SYZ_CMDLINE_FILE)
   161  fi
   163  case "$IMG_ARCH" in
   164  386|amd64)
   165  	cat << EOF | sudo tee disk.mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg
   166  terminal_input console
   167  terminal_output console
   168  set timeout=0
   169  # vsyscall=native: required to run x86_64 executables on android kernels
   170  #   (for some reason they disable VDSO by default)
   171  # panic=86400: prevents kernel from rebooting so that we don't get reboot output in all crash reports
   172  # debug is not set as it produces too much output
   173  menuentry 'linux' --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
   174  	insmod vbe
   175  	insmod vga
   176  	insmod video_bochs
   177  	insmod video_cirrus
   178  	insmod gzio
   179  	insmod part_msdos
   180  	insmod ext2
   181  	set root='(hd0,1)'
   182  	linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=serial vsyscall=native net.ifnames=0 sysctl.kernel.hung_task_all_cpu_backtrace=1 $CMDLINE
   183  }
   184  EOF
   185  	sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=disk.mnt/boot --no-floppy $DISKDEV
   186  	;;
   187  ppc64le)
   188  	cat << EOF | sudo tee disk.mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg
   189  terminal_input console
   190  terminal_output console
   191  set timeout=0
   192  # panic=86400: prevents kernel from rebooting so that we don't get reboot output in all crash reports
   193  # debug is not set as it produces too much output
   194  menuentry 'linux' --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
   195  	insmod gzio
   196  	insmod part_msdos
   197  	insmod ext2
   198  	search -f --set /vmlinuz
   199  	linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 rootwait console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=serial oops=panic panic_on_warn=1 nmi_watchdog=panic panic=60 net.ifnames=0 $CMDLINE
   200  }
   201  EOF
   202  	sudo grub-install --target=powerpc-ieee1275 --boot-directory=disk.mnt/boot $DISKDEV"p1"
   203  	;;
   204  s390x)
   205  	sudo zipl -V -t disk.mnt/boot -i disk.mnt/vmlinuz \
   206  	     -P "root=/dev/vda1 console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=serial oops=panic panic_on_warn=1 nmi_watchdog=panic panic=86400 net.ifnames=0 sysctl.kernel.hung_task_all_cpu_backtrace=1 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 $CMDLINE" \
   207  	     --targetbase=$DISKDEV --targettype=SCSI --targetblocksize=512 --targetoffset=2048
   208  	;;
   209  esac