
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2020 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
     3  # Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  # syz-env is a wrapper around container,
     6  # which includes all tools necessary to develop/test syzkaller.
     7  # It's recommended to create an alias for this script:
     8  #
     9  #	alias syz-env="$(go env GOPATH)/src/"
    10  #
    11  # Then it can be used to wrap almost any make invocation as:
    12  #
    13  #	syz-env make format
    14  #	syz-env make presubmit
    15  #	syz-env make extract SOURCEDIR=~/linux
    16  #
    17  # Or you may run the shell inside of the container with just syz-env.
    18  #
    19  # Note: this way everything runs inside of the container
    20  # and uses all tools bundled in the container rather than host tools.
    21  #
    22  # Note: syz-env assumes a sudo-less Docker is installed, see:
    23  #
    24  #
    25  # (Googlers see go/docker).
    27  COMMAND=""
    28  DOCKERARGS=()
    29  for ARG in "$@"; do
    30  	while IFS='=' read KEY VAL; do
    31  		# If we have a kernel path passed in, we mount it in the container
    32  		# at /syzkaller/kernel and fix up SOURCEDIR argument.
    33  		if [ "$KEY" == "SOURCEDIR" ]; then
    34  			DOCKERARGS+=" --volume $VAL:/syzkaller/kernel:z"
    35  			COMMAND+=" SOURCEDIR=/syzkaller/kernel"
    36  		else
    37  			COMMAND+=" $ARG"
    38  		fi
    39  	done <<< "$ARG"
    40  done
    41  if [ "$CI" == "" ]; then
    42  	# This gives interactive shell and allows to abort commands with Ctrl+C.
    43  	DOCKERARGS+=" -it"
    44  fi
    45  if [ "$COMMAND" == "" ]; then
    46  	COMMAND="bash"
    47  fi
    49  SCRIPT_DIR="$(CDPATH= cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)"
    50  IMAGE="env"
    51  if [ "$(basename -- "$0")" == "syz-old-env" ]; then
    52          IMAGE="old-env"
    53  fi
    55  # If we're running rootless docker, files owned by the host user appear within the
    56  # container as being owned by root.
    57  #
    58  # If we're running regular rootful docker, we need to specify --user, as otherwise
    59  # processes within the container will create files with the wrong ownership.
    60  if [ ! "$(docker info -f "{{println .SecurityOptions}}" | grep rootless)" ]; then
    61  	DOCKERARGS+=" --user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER})"
    62  fi
    64  # Update docker image
    65  docker pull -q${IMAGE}
    67  # Run everything as the host user, this is important for created/modified files.
    68  docker run \
    69  	--rm \
    70  	--volume "$SCRIPT_DIR/..:/syzkaller/gopath/src/" \
    71  	--volume "$HOME/.cache:/syzkaller/.cache:z" \
    72  	--volume "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" \
    73  	--workdir /syzkaller/gopath/src/ \
    74  	--env HOME=/syzkaller \
    75  	--env GOPATH=/syzkaller/gopath:/gopath \
    76  	--env FUZZIT_API_KEY \
    77  	--env GITHUB_REF \
    78  	--env GITHUB_SHA \
    79  	--env GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA \
    80  	--env GITHUB_PR_BASE_SHA \
    81  	--env GITHUB_PR_COMMITS \
    82  	--env CI \
    83  	${DOCKERARGS[@]} \
    84${IMAGE} -c "$COMMAND"