
     1  # Workshop Authoring Guidelines
     3  Workshops should consist of two primary pieces:
     5  1. A
     6  2. Link to public Google Slides deck.
     8  ##
    10  This is the core "lab" section of the workshop. This will contain all
    11  the steps and commands needed to complete the module. The lab should
    12  be concise and easy to skim to the actions you need to take. Feel
    13  free to have explanatory text, but limit text using:
    15  * Don’t cover information not relevant to the actual commands or
    16    activities being run in the workshop. Avoid notes directing people
    17    to other places, etc.
    18  * Try to guide people through one known good path leading to where we
    19    are going, not covering all the options for alternate paths.
    20  * Text should have limited explanation of new concepts to
    21    progress through the workshop.
    23  ## Slides
    25  The slides are supplemental to completing the module, but essential to
    26  learning the concepts. This is where the teaching part of the workshop
    27  happens. Here you can explain in more detail the actions of the
    28  workshop, have diagrams of the deployment, and explain concepts.
    30  ## Orthogonal
    32  The lab and slides should be somewhat orthogonal, One could go through
    33  the lab successfully on its on, but maybe not understand fully what is
    34  happening. Also, one could present the slides on their own as a lecture
    35  to teach the concepts and architecture explored in the workshop
    36  module.
    38  # Delivery Guidelines
    40  * The workshop modules can be put together in various combinations, so
    41    you'll need your own introduction and agenda slides.
    42  * Create a slack channel for the workshop to allow feedback and collaboration.
    43  * People can create github issues and/or PRs during the event.