(about) 1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT 2 3 // +build darwin linux freebsd 4 5 package gl 6 7 import ( 8 "runtime" 9 "strings" 10 "unsafe" 11 ) 12 13 /* 14 #cgo CFLAGS: -Werror 15 #cgo linux freebsd LDFLAGS: -lGLESv2 -ldl 16 #cgo freebsd CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include 17 #cgo freebsd LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib 18 #cgo darwin,!ios CFLAGS: -DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION 19 #cgo darwin,!ios LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGL 20 #cgo darwin,ios CFLAGS: -DGLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION 21 #cgo darwin,ios LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGLES 22 23 #include <stdlib.h> 24 25 #ifdef __APPLE__ 26 #include "TargetConditionals.h" 27 #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE 28 #include <OpenGLES/ES3/gl.h> 29 #else 30 #include <OpenGL/gl3.h> 31 #endif 32 #else 33 #define __USE_GNU 34 #include <dlfcn.h> 35 #include <GLES2/gl2.h> 36 #include <GLES3/gl3.h> 37 #endif 38 39 static void (*_glInvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments); 40 41 static void (*_glBeginQuery)(GLenum target, GLuint id); 42 static void (*_glDeleteQueries)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); 43 static void (*_glEndQuery)(GLenum target); 44 static void (*_glGenQueries)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); 45 static void (*_glGetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); 46 static const GLubyte* (*_glGetStringi)(GLenum name, GLuint index); 47 48 // The pointer-free version of glVertexAttribPointer, to avoid the Cgo pointer checks. 49 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, uintptr_t offset) { 50 glVertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, (const GLvoid *)offset); 51 } 52 53 // The pointer-free version of glDrawElements, to avoid the Cgo pointer checks. 54 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glDrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const uintptr_t offset) { 55 glDrawElements(mode, count, type, (const GLvoid *)offset); 56 } 57 58 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glInvalidateFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment) { 59 // Framebuffer invalidation is just a hint and can safely be ignored. 60 if (_glInvalidateFramebuffer != NULL) { 61 _glInvalidateFramebuffer(target, 1, &attachment); 62 } 63 } 64 65 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glBeginQuery(GLenum target, GLenum attachment) { 66 _glBeginQuery(target, attachment); 67 } 68 69 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glDeleteQueries(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) { 70 _glDeleteQueries(n, ids); 71 } 72 73 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glEndQuery(GLenum target) { 74 _glEndQuery(target); 75 } 76 77 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) const GLubyte* gio_glGetStringi(GLenum name, GLuint index) { 78 if (_glGetStringi == NULL) { 79 return NULL; 80 } 81 return _glGetStringi(name, index); 82 } 83 84 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glGenQueries(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids) { 85 _glGenQueries(n, ids); 86 } 87 88 __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) void gio_glGetQueryObjectuiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) { 89 _glGetQueryObjectuiv(id, pname, params); 90 } 91 92 __attribute__((constructor)) static void gio_loadGLFunctions() { 93 #ifdef __APPLE__ 94 #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE 95 _glInvalidateFramebuffer = glInvalidateFramebuffer; 96 _glBeginQuery = glBeginQuery; 97 _glDeleteQueries = glDeleteQueries; 98 _glEndQuery = glEndQuery; 99 _glGenQueries = glGenQueries; 100 _glGetQueryObjectuiv = glGetQueryObjectuiv; 101 #endif 102 _glGetStringi = glGetStringi; 103 #else 104 // Load libGLESv3 if available. 105 dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); 106 _glInvalidateFramebuffer = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glInvalidateFramebuffer"); 107 _glGetStringi = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glGetStringi"); 108 // Fall back to EXT_invalidate_framebuffer if available. 109 if (_glInvalidateFramebuffer == NULL) { 110 _glInvalidateFramebuffer = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glDiscardFramebufferEXT"); 111 } 112 113 _glBeginQuery = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glBeginQuery"); 114 if (_glBeginQuery == NULL) 115 _glBeginQuery = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glBeginQueryEXT"); 116 _glDeleteQueries = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glDeleteQueries"); 117 if (_glDeleteQueries == NULL) 118 _glDeleteQueries = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glDeleteQueriesEXT"); 119 _glEndQuery = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glEndQuery"); 120 if (_glEndQuery == NULL) 121 _glEndQuery = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glEndQueryEXT"); 122 _glGenQueries = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glGenQueries"); 123 if (_glGenQueries == NULL) 124 _glGenQueries = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glGenQueriesEXT"); 125 _glGetQueryObjectuiv = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glGetQueryObjectuiv"); 126 if (_glGetQueryObjectuiv == NULL) 127 _glGetQueryObjectuiv = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "glGetQueryObjectuivEXT"); 128 #endif 129 } 130 */ 131 import "C" 132 133 type Functions struct { 134 // Query caches. 135 uints [100]C.GLuint 136 ints [100]C.GLint 137 } 138 139 func (f *Functions) ActiveTexture(texture Enum) { 140 C.glActiveTexture(C.GLenum(texture)) 141 } 142 143 func (f *Functions) AttachShader(p Program, s Shader) { 144 C.glAttachShader(C.GLuint(p.V), C.GLuint(s.V)) 145 } 146 147 func (f *Functions) BeginQuery(target Enum, query Query) { 148 C.gio_glBeginQuery(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(query.V)) 149 } 150 151 func (f *Functions) BindAttribLocation(p Program, a Attrib, name string) { 152 cname := C.CString(name) 153 defer 154 C.glBindAttribLocation(C.GLuint(p.V), C.GLuint(a), cname) 155 } 156 157 func (f *Functions) BindBuffer(target Enum, b Buffer) { 158 C.glBindBuffer(C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(b.V)) 159 } 160 161 func (f *Functions) BindFramebuffer(target Enum, fb Framebuffer) { 162 C.glBindFramebuffer(C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(fb.V)) 163 } 164 165 func (f *Functions) BindRenderbuffer(target Enum, fb Renderbuffer) { 166 C.glBindRenderbuffer(C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(fb.V)) 167 } 168 169 func (f *Functions) BindTexture(target Enum, t Texture) { 170 C.glBindTexture(C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(t.V)) 171 } 172 173 func (f *Functions) BlendEquation(mode Enum) { 174 C.glBlendEquation(C.GLenum(mode)) 175 } 176 177 func (f *Functions) BlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor Enum) { 178 C.glBlendFunc(C.GLenum(sfactor), C.GLenum(dfactor)) 179 } 180 181 func (f *Functions) BufferData(target Enum, src []byte, usage Enum) { 182 var p unsafe.Pointer 183 if len(src) > 0 { 184 p = unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]) 185 } 186 C.glBufferData(C.GLenum(target), C.GLsizeiptr(len(src)), p, C.GLenum(usage)) 187 } 188 189 func (f *Functions) CheckFramebufferStatus(target Enum) Enum { 190 return Enum(C.glCheckFramebufferStatus(C.GLenum(target))) 191 } 192 193 func (f *Functions) Clear(mask Enum) { 194 C.glClear(C.GLbitfield(mask)) 195 } 196 197 func (f *Functions) ClearColor(red float32, green float32, blue float32, alpha float32) { 198 C.glClearColor(C.GLfloat(red), C.GLfloat(green), C.GLfloat(blue), C.GLfloat(alpha)) 199 } 200 201 func (f *Functions) ClearDepthf(d float32) { 202 C.glClearDepthf(C.GLfloat(d)) 203 } 204 205 func (f *Functions) CompileShader(s Shader) { 206 C.glCompileShader(C.GLuint(s.V)) 207 } 208 209 func (f *Functions) CreateBuffer() Buffer { 210 C.glGenBuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 211 return Buffer{uint(f.uints[0])} 212 } 213 214 func (f *Functions) CreateFramebuffer() Framebuffer { 215 C.glGenFramebuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 216 return Framebuffer{uint(f.uints[0])} 217 } 218 219 func (f *Functions) CreateProgram() Program { 220 return Program{uint(C.glCreateProgram())} 221 } 222 223 func (f *Functions) CreateQuery() Query { 224 C.gio_glGenQueries(1, &f.uints[0]) 225 return Query{uint(f.uints[0])} 226 } 227 228 func (f *Functions) CreateRenderbuffer() Renderbuffer { 229 C.glGenRenderbuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 230 return Renderbuffer{uint(f.uints[0])} 231 } 232 233 func (f *Functions) CreateShader(ty Enum) Shader { 234 return Shader{uint(C.glCreateShader(C.GLenum(ty)))} 235 } 236 237 func (f *Functions) CreateTexture() Texture { 238 C.glGenTextures(1, &f.uints[0]) 239 return Texture{uint(f.uints[0])} 240 } 241 242 func (f *Functions) DeleteBuffer(v Buffer) { 243 f.uints[0] = C.GLuint(v.V) 244 C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 245 } 246 247 func (f *Functions) DeleteFramebuffer(v Framebuffer) { 248 f.uints[0] = C.GLuint(v.V) 249 C.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 250 } 251 252 func (f *Functions) DeleteProgram(p Program) { 253 C.glDeleteProgram(C.GLuint(p.V)) 254 } 255 256 func (f *Functions) DeleteQuery(query Query) { 257 f.uints[0] = C.GLuint(query.V) 258 C.gio_glDeleteQueries(1, &f.uints[0]) 259 } 260 261 func (f *Functions) DeleteRenderbuffer(v Renderbuffer) { 262 f.uints[0] = C.GLuint(v.V) 263 C.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &f.uints[0]) 264 } 265 266 func (f *Functions) DeleteShader(s Shader) { 267 C.glDeleteShader(C.GLuint(s.V)) 268 } 269 270 func (f *Functions) DeleteTexture(v Texture) { 271 f.uints[0] = C.GLuint(v.V) 272 C.glDeleteTextures(1, &f.uints[0]) 273 } 274 275 func (f *Functions) DepthFunc(v Enum) { 276 C.glDepthFunc(C.GLenum(v)) 277 } 278 279 func (f *Functions) DepthMask(mask bool) { 280 m := C.GLboolean(C.GL_FALSE) 281 if mask { 282 m = C.GLboolean(C.GL_TRUE) 283 } 284 C.glDepthMask(m) 285 } 286 287 func (f *Functions) DisableVertexAttribArray(a Attrib) { 288 C.glDisableVertexAttribArray(C.GLuint(a)) 289 } 290 291 func (f *Functions) Disable(cap Enum) { 292 C.glDisable(C.GLenum(cap)) 293 } 294 295 func (f *Functions) DrawArrays(mode Enum, first int, count int) { 296 C.glDrawArrays(C.GLenum(mode), C.GLint(first), C.GLsizei(count)) 297 } 298 299 func (f *Functions) DrawElements(mode Enum, count int, ty Enum, offset int) { 300 C.gio_glDrawElements(C.GLenum(mode), C.GLsizei(count), C.GLenum(ty), C.uintptr_t(offset)) 301 } 302 303 func (f *Functions) Enable(cap Enum) { 304 C.glEnable(C.GLenum(cap)) 305 } 306 307 func (f *Functions) EndQuery(target Enum) { 308 C.gio_glEndQuery(C.GLenum(target)) 309 } 310 311 func (f *Functions) EnableVertexAttribArray(a Attrib) { 312 C.glEnableVertexAttribArray(C.GLuint(a)) 313 } 314 315 func (f *Functions) Finish() { 316 C.glFinish() 317 } 318 319 func (f *Functions) FramebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget Enum, renderbuffer Renderbuffer) { 320 C.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(renderbuffertarget), C.GLuint(renderbuffer.V)) 321 } 322 323 func (f *Functions) FramebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, texTarget Enum, t Texture, level int) { 324 C.glFramebufferTexture2D(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(texTarget), C.GLuint(t.V), C.GLint(level)) 325 } 326 327 func (c *Functions) GetBinding(pname Enum) Object { 328 return Object{uint(c.GetInteger(pname))} 329 } 330 331 func (f *Functions) GetError() Enum { 332 return Enum(C.glGetError()) 333 } 334 335 func (f *Functions) GetRenderbufferParameteri(target, pname Enum) int { 336 C.glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), &f.ints[0]) 337 return int(f.ints[0]) 338 } 339 340 func (f *Functions) GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteri(target, attachment, pname Enum) int { 341 C.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(pname), &f.ints[0]) 342 return int(f.ints[0]) 343 } 344 345 func (f *Functions) GetInteger(pname Enum) int { 346 C.glGetIntegerv(C.GLenum(pname), &f.ints[0]) 347 return int(f.ints[0]) 348 } 349 350 func (f *Functions) GetProgrami(p Program, pname Enum) int { 351 C.glGetProgramiv(C.GLuint(p.V), C.GLenum(pname), &f.ints[0]) 352 return int(f.ints[0]) 353 } 354 355 func (f *Functions) GetProgramInfoLog(p Program) string { 356 n := f.GetProgrami(p, INFO_LOG_LENGTH) 357 buf := make([]byte, n) 358 C.glGetProgramInfoLog(C.GLuint(p.V), C.GLsizei(len(buf)), nil, (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))) 359 return string(buf) 360 } 361 362 func (f *Functions) GetQueryObjectuiv(query Query, pname Enum) uint { 363 C.gio_glGetQueryObjectuiv(C.GLuint(query.V), C.GLenum(pname), &f.uints[0]) 364 return uint(f.uints[0]) 365 } 366 367 func (f *Functions) GetShaderi(s Shader, pname Enum) int { 368 C.glGetShaderiv(C.GLuint(s.V), C.GLenum(pname), &f.ints[0]) 369 return int(f.ints[0]) 370 } 371 372 func (f *Functions) GetShaderInfoLog(s Shader) string { 373 n := f.GetShaderi(s, INFO_LOG_LENGTH) 374 buf := make([]byte, n) 375 C.glGetShaderInfoLog(C.GLuint(s.V), C.GLsizei(len(buf)), nil, (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))) 376 return string(buf) 377 } 378 379 func (f *Functions) GetStringi(pname Enum, index int) string { 380 str := C.gio_glGetStringi(C.GLenum(pname), C.GLuint(index)) 381 if str == nil { 382 return "" 383 } 384 return C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(str))) 385 } 386 387 func (f *Functions) GetString(pname Enum) string { 388 switch { 389 case runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && pname == EXTENSIONS: 390 // macOS OpenGL 3 core profile doesn't support glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS). 391 // Use glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, <index>). 392 var exts []string 393 nexts := f.GetInteger(NUM_EXTENSIONS) 394 for i := 0; i < nexts; i++ { 395 ext := f.GetStringi(EXTENSIONS, i) 396 exts = append(exts, ext) 397 } 398 return strings.Join(exts, " ") 399 default: 400 str := C.glGetString(C.GLenum(pname)) 401 return C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(str))) 402 } 403 } 404 405 func (f *Functions) GetUniformLocation(p Program, name string) Uniform { 406 cname := C.CString(name) 407 defer 408 return Uniform{int(C.glGetUniformLocation(C.GLuint(p.V), cname))} 409 } 410 411 func (f *Functions) InvalidateFramebuffer(target, attachment Enum) { 412 C.gio_glInvalidateFramebuffer(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment)) 413 } 414 415 func (f *Functions) LinkProgram(p Program) { 416 C.glLinkProgram(C.GLuint(p.V)) 417 } 418 419 func (f *Functions) PixelStorei(pname Enum, param int32) { 420 C.glPixelStorei(C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param)) 421 } 422 423 func (f *Functions) Scissor(x, y, width, height int32) { 424 C.glScissor(C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height)) 425 } 426 427 func (f *Functions) ReadPixels(x, y, width, height int, format, ty Enum, data []byte) { 428 var p unsafe.Pointer 429 if len(data) > 0 { 430 p = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]) 431 } 432 C.glReadPixels(C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(ty), p) 433 } 434 435 func (f *Functions) RenderbufferStorage(target, internalformat Enum, width, height int) { 436 C.glRenderbufferStorage(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(internalformat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height)) 437 } 438 439 func (f *Functions) ShaderSource(s Shader, src string) { 440 csrc := C.CString(src) 441 defer 442 strlen := C.GLint(len(src)) 443 C.glShaderSource(C.GLuint(s.V), 1, &csrc, &strlen) 444 } 445 446 func (f *Functions) TexImage2D(target Enum, level int, internalFormat int, width int, height int, format Enum, ty Enum, data []byte) { 447 var p unsafe.Pointer 448 if len(data) > 0 { 449 p = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]) 450 } 451 C.glTexImage2D(C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(internalFormat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), 0, C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(ty), p) 452 } 453 454 func (f *Functions) TexSubImage2D(target Enum, level int, x int, y int, width int, height int, format Enum, ty Enum, data []byte) { 455 var p unsafe.Pointer 456 if len(data) > 0 { 457 p = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]) 458 } 459 C.glTexSubImage2D(C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(ty), p) 460 } 461 462 func (f *Functions) TexParameteri(target, pname Enum, param int) { 463 C.glTexParameteri(C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param)) 464 } 465 466 func (f *Functions) Uniform1f(dst Uniform, v float32) { 467 C.glUniform1f(C.GLint(dst.V), C.GLfloat(v)) 468 } 469 470 func (f *Functions) Uniform1i(dst Uniform, v int) { 471 C.glUniform1i(C.GLint(dst.V), C.GLint(v)) 472 } 473 474 func (f *Functions) Uniform2f(dst Uniform, v0 float32, v1 float32) { 475 C.glUniform2f(C.GLint(dst.V), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1)) 476 } 477 478 func (f *Functions) Uniform3f(dst Uniform, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32) { 479 C.glUniform3f(C.GLint(dst.V), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1), C.GLfloat(v2)) 480 } 481 482 func (f *Functions) Uniform4f(dst Uniform, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32, v3 float32) { 483 C.glUniform4f(C.GLint(dst.V), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1), C.GLfloat(v2), C.GLfloat(v3)) 484 } 485 486 func (f *Functions) UseProgram(p Program) { 487 C.glUseProgram(C.GLuint(p.V)) 488 } 489 490 func (f *Functions) VertexAttribPointer(dst Attrib, size int, ty Enum, normalized bool, stride int, offset int) { 491 var n C.GLboolean = C.GL_FALSE 492 if normalized { 493 n = C.GL_TRUE 494 } 495 C.gio_glVertexAttribPointer(C.GLuint(dst), C.GLint(size), C.GLenum(ty), n, C.GLsizei(stride), C.uintptr_t(offset)) 496 } 497 498 func (f *Functions) Viewport(x int, y int, width int, height int) { 499 C.glViewport(C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height)) 500 }