
     1  // Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package gonum
     7  import "math"
     9  // Dlags2 computes 2-by-2 orthogonal matrices U, V and Q with the
    10  // triangles of A and B specified by upper.
    11  //
    12  // If upper is true
    13  //
    14  //  Uᵀ*A*Q = Uᵀ*[ a1 a2 ]*Q = [ x  0 ]
    15  //              [ 0  a3 ]     [ x  x ]
    16  // and
    17  //  Vᵀ*B*Q = Vᵀ*[ b1 b2 ]*Q = [ x  0 ]
    18  //              [ 0  b3 ]     [ x  x ]
    19  //
    20  // otherwise
    21  //
    22  //  Uᵀ*A*Q = Uᵀ*[ a1 0  ]*Q = [ x  x ]
    23  //              [ a2 a3 ]     [ 0  x ]
    24  // and
    25  //  Vᵀ*B*Q = Vᵀ*[ b1 0  ]*Q = [ x  x ]
    26  //              [ b2 b3 ]     [ 0  x ].
    27  //
    28  // The rows of the transformed A and B are parallel, where
    29  //
    30  //  U = [  csu  snu ], V = [  csv snv ], Q = [  csq   snq ]
    31  //      [ -snu  csu ]      [ -snv csv ]      [ -snq   csq ]
    32  //
    33  // Dlags2 is an internal routine. It is exported for testing purposes.
    34  func (impl Implementation) Dlags2(upper bool, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 float64) (csu, snu, csv, snv, csq, snq float64) {
    35  	if upper {
    36  		// Input matrices A and B are upper triangular matrices.
    37  		//
    38  		// Form matrix C = A*adj(B) = [ a b ]
    39  		//                            [ 0 d ]
    40  		a := a1 * b3
    41  		d := a3 * b1
    42  		b := a2*b1 - a1*b2
    44  		// The SVD of real 2-by-2 triangular C.
    45  		//
    46  		//  [ csl -snl ]*[ a b ]*[  csr  snr ] = [ r 0 ]
    47  		//  [ snl  csl ] [ 0 d ] [ -snr  csr ]   [ 0 t ]
    48  		_, _, snr, csr, snl, csl := impl.Dlasv2(a, b, d)
    50  		if math.Abs(csl) >= math.Abs(snl) || math.Abs(csr) >= math.Abs(snr) {
    51  			// Compute the [0, 0] and [0, 1] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B,
    52  			// and [0, 1] element of |U|ᵀ*|A| and |V|ᵀ*|B|.
    54  			ua11r := csl * a1
    55  			ua12 := csl*a2 + snl*a3
    57  			vb11r := csr * b1
    58  			vb12 := csr*b2 + snr*b3
    60  			aua12 := math.Abs(csl)*math.Abs(a2) + math.Abs(snl)*math.Abs(a3)
    61  			avb12 := math.Abs(csr)*math.Abs(b2) + math.Abs(snr)*math.Abs(b3)
    63  			// Zero [0, 1] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B.
    64  			if math.Abs(ua11r)+math.Abs(ua12) != 0 {
    65  				if aua12/(math.Abs(ua11r)+math.Abs(ua12)) <= avb12/(math.Abs(vb11r)+math.Abs(vb12)) {
    66  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-ua11r, ua12)
    67  				} else {
    68  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-vb11r, vb12)
    69  				}
    70  			} else {
    71  				csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-vb11r, vb12)
    72  			}
    74  			csu = csl
    75  			snu = -snl
    76  			csv = csr
    77  			snv = -snr
    78  		} else {
    79  			// Compute the [1, 0] and [1, 1] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B,
    80  			// and [1, 1] element of |U|ᵀ*|A| and |V|ᵀ*|B|.
    82  			ua21 := -snl * a1
    83  			ua22 := -snl*a2 + csl*a3
    85  			vb21 := -snr * b1
    86  			vb22 := -snr*b2 + csr*b3
    88  			aua22 := math.Abs(snl)*math.Abs(a2) + math.Abs(csl)*math.Abs(a3)
    89  			avb22 := math.Abs(snr)*math.Abs(b2) + math.Abs(csr)*math.Abs(b3)
    91  			// Zero [1, 1] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B, and then swap.
    92  			if math.Abs(ua21)+math.Abs(ua22) != 0 {
    93  				if aua22/(math.Abs(ua21)+math.Abs(ua22)) <= avb22/(math.Abs(vb21)+math.Abs(vb22)) {
    94  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-ua21, ua22)
    95  				} else {
    96  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-vb21, vb22)
    97  				}
    98  			} else {
    99  				csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(-vb21, vb22)
   100  			}
   102  			csu = snl
   103  			snu = csl
   104  			csv = snr
   105  			snv = csr
   106  		}
   107  	} else {
   108  		// Input matrices A and B are lower triangular matrices
   109  		//
   110  		// Form matrix C = A*adj(B) = [ a 0 ]
   111  		//                            [ c d ]
   112  		a := a1 * b3
   113  		d := a3 * b1
   114  		c := a2*b3 - a3*b2
   116  		// The SVD of real 2-by-2 triangular C
   117  		//
   118  		// [ csl -snl ]*[ a 0 ]*[  csr  snr ] = [ r 0 ]
   119  		// [ snl  csl ] [ c d ] [ -snr  csr ]   [ 0 t ]
   120  		_, _, snr, csr, snl, csl := impl.Dlasv2(a, c, d)
   122  		if math.Abs(csr) >= math.Abs(snr) || math.Abs(csl) >= math.Abs(snl) {
   123  			// Compute the [1, 0] and [1, 1] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B,
   124  			// and [1, 0] element of |U|ᵀ*|A| and |V|ᵀ*|B|.
   126  			ua21 := -snr*a1 + csr*a2
   127  			ua22r := csr * a3
   129  			vb21 := -snl*b1 + csl*b2
   130  			vb22r := csl * b3
   132  			aua21 := math.Abs(snr)*math.Abs(a1) + math.Abs(csr)*math.Abs(a2)
   133  			avb21 := math.Abs(snl)*math.Abs(b1) + math.Abs(csl)*math.Abs(b2)
   135  			// Zero [1, 0] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B.
   136  			if (math.Abs(ua21) + math.Abs(ua22r)) != 0 {
   137  				if aua21/(math.Abs(ua21)+math.Abs(ua22r)) <= avb21/(math.Abs(vb21)+math.Abs(vb22r)) {
   138  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(ua22r, ua21)
   139  				} else {
   140  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(vb22r, vb21)
   141  				}
   142  			} else {
   143  				csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(vb22r, vb21)
   144  			}
   146  			csu = csr
   147  			snu = -snr
   148  			csv = csl
   149  			snv = -snl
   150  		} else {
   151  			// Compute the [0, 0] and [0, 1] elements of Uᵀ *A and Vᵀ *B,
   152  			// and [0, 0] element of |U|ᵀ*|A| and |V|ᵀ*|B|.
   154  			ua11 := csr*a1 + snr*a2
   155  			ua12 := snr * a3
   157  			vb11 := csl*b1 + snl*b2
   158  			vb12 := snl * b3
   160  			aua11 := math.Abs(csr)*math.Abs(a1) + math.Abs(snr)*math.Abs(a2)
   161  			avb11 := math.Abs(csl)*math.Abs(b1) + math.Abs(snl)*math.Abs(b2)
   163  			// Zero [0, 0] elements of Uᵀ*A and Vᵀ*B, and then swap.
   164  			if (math.Abs(ua11) + math.Abs(ua12)) != 0 {
   165  				if aua11/(math.Abs(ua11)+math.Abs(ua12)) <= avb11/(math.Abs(vb11)+math.Abs(vb12)) {
   166  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(ua12, ua11)
   167  				} else {
   168  					csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(vb12, vb11)
   169  				}
   170  			} else {
   171  				csq, snq, _ = impl.Dlartg(vb12, vb11)
   172  			}
   174  			csu = snr
   175  			snu = csr
   176  			csv = snl
   177  			snv = csl
   178  		}
   179  	}
   181  	return csu, snu, csv, snv, csq, snq
   182  }