
     1  // Package js provides functions for interacting with native JavaScript APIs. Calls to these functions are treated specially by GopherJS and translated directly to their corresponding JavaScript syntax.
     2  //
     3  // Use MakeWrapper to expose methods to JavaScript. When passing values directly, the following type conversions are performed:
     4  //
     5  //  | Go type               | JavaScript type       | Conversions back to interface{} |
     6  //  | --------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------- |
     7  //  | bool                  | Boolean               | bool                            |
     8  //  | integers and floats   | Number                | float64                         |
     9  //  | string                | String                | string                          |
    10  //  | []int8                | Int8Array             | []int8                          |
    11  //  | []int16               | Int16Array            | []int16                         |
    12  //  | []int32, []int        | Int32Array            | []int                           |
    13  //  | []uint8               | Uint8Array            | []uint8                         |
    14  //  | []uint16              | Uint16Array           | []uint16                        |
    15  //  | []uint32, []uint      | Uint32Array           | []uint                          |
    16  //  | []float32             | Float32Array          | []float32                       |
    17  //  | []float64             | Float64Array          | []float64                       |
    18  //  | all other slices      | Array                 | []interface{}                   |
    19  //  | arrays                | see slice type        | see slice type                  |
    20  //  | functions             | Function              | func(...interface{}) *js.Object |
    21  //  | time.Time             | Date                  | time.Time                       |
    22  //  | -                     | instanceof Node       | *js.Object                      |
    23  //  | maps, structs         | instanceof Object     | map[string]interface{}          |
    24  //
    25  // Additionally, for a struct containing a *js.Object field, only the content of the field will be passed to JavaScript and vice versa.
    26  package js
    28  // Object is a container for a native JavaScript object. Calls to its methods are treated specially by GopherJS and translated directly to their JavaScript syntax. A nil pointer to Object is equal to JavaScript's "null". Object can not be used as a map key.
    29  type Object struct{ object *Object }
    31  // Get returns the object's property with the given key.
    32  func (o *Object) Get(key string) *Object { return o.object.Get(key) }
    34  // Set assigns the value to the object's property with the given key.
    35  func (o *Object) Set(key string, value interface{}) { o.object.Set(key, value) }
    37  // Delete removes the object's property with the given key.
    38  func (o *Object) Delete(key string) { o.object.Delete(key) }
    40  // Length returns the object's "length" property, converted to int.
    41  func (o *Object) Length() int { return o.object.Length() }
    43  // Index returns the i'th element of an array.
    44  func (o *Object) Index(i int) *Object { return o.object.Index(i) }
    46  // SetIndex sets the i'th element of an array.
    47  func (o *Object) SetIndex(i int, value interface{}) { o.object.SetIndex(i, value) }
    49  // Call calls the object's method with the given name.
    50  func (o *Object) Call(name string, args ...interface{}) *Object { return o.object.Call(name, args...) }
    52  // Invoke calls the object itself. This will fail if it is not a function.
    53  func (o *Object) Invoke(args ...interface{}) *Object { return o.object.Invoke(args...) }
    55  // New creates a new instance of this type object. This will fail if it not a function (constructor).
    56  func (o *Object) New(args ...interface{}) *Object { return o.object.New(args...) }
    58  // Bool returns the object converted to bool according to JavaScript type conversions.
    59  func (o *Object) Bool() bool { return o.object.Bool() }
    61  // String returns the object converted to string according to JavaScript type conversions.
    62  func (o *Object) String() string { return o.object.String() }
    64  // Int returns the object converted to int according to JavaScript type conversions (parseInt).
    65  func (o *Object) Int() int { return o.object.Int() }
    67  // Int64 returns the object converted to int64 according to JavaScript type conversions (parseInt).
    68  func (o *Object) Int64() int64 { return o.object.Int64() }
    70  // Uint64 returns the object converted to uint64 according to JavaScript type conversions (parseInt).
    71  func (o *Object) Uint64() uint64 { return o.object.Uint64() }
    73  // Float returns the object converted to float64 according to JavaScript type conversions (parseFloat).
    74  func (o *Object) Float() float64 { return o.object.Float() }
    76  // Interface returns the object converted to interface{}. See table in package comment for details.
    77  func (o *Object) Interface() interface{} { return o.object.Interface() }
    79  // Unsafe returns the object as an uintptr, which can be converted via unsafe.Pointer. Not intended for public use.
    80  func (o *Object) Unsafe() uintptr { return o.object.Unsafe() }
    82  // Error encapsulates JavaScript errors. Those are turned into a Go panic and may be recovered, giving an *Error that holds the JavaScript error object.
    83  type Error struct {
    84  	*Object
    85  }
    87  // Error returns the message of the encapsulated JavaScript error object.
    88  func (err *Error) Error() string {
    89  	return "JavaScript error: " + err.Get("message").String()
    90  }
    92  // Stack returns the stack property of the encapsulated JavaScript error object.
    93  func (err *Error) Stack() string {
    94  	return err.Get("stack").String()
    95  }
    97  // Global gives JavaScript's global object ("window" for browsers and "GLOBAL" for Node.js).
    98  var Global *Object
   100  // Module gives the value of the "module" variable set by Node.js. Hint: Set a module export with 'js.Module.Get("exports").Set("exportName", ...)'.
   101  var Module *Object
   103  // Undefined gives the JavaScript value "undefined".
   104  var Undefined *Object
   106  // Debugger gets compiled to JavaScript's "debugger;" statement.
   107  func Debugger() {}
   109  // InternalObject returns the internal JavaScript object that represents i. Not intended for public use.
   110  func InternalObject(i interface{}) *Object {
   111  	return nil
   112  }
   114  // MakeFunc wraps a function and gives access to the values of JavaScript's "this" and "arguments" keywords.
   115  func MakeFunc(fn func(this *Object, arguments []*Object) interface{}) *Object {
   116  	return Global.Call("$makeFunc", InternalObject(fn))
   117  }
   119  // Keys returns the keys of the given JavaScript object.
   120  func Keys(o *Object) []string {
   121  	if o == nil || o == Undefined {
   122  		return nil
   123  	}
   124  	a := Global.Get("Object").Call("keys", o)
   125  	s := make([]string, a.Length())
   126  	for i := 0; i < a.Length(); i++ {
   127  		s[i] = a.Index(i).String()
   128  	}
   129  	return s
   130  }
   132  // MakeWrapper creates a JavaScript object which has wrappers for the exported methods of i. Use explicit getter and setter methods to expose struct fields to JavaScript.
   133  func MakeWrapper(i interface{}) *Object {
   134  	v := InternalObject(i)
   135  	o := Global.Get("Object").New()
   136  	o.Set("__internal_object__", v)
   137  	methods := v.Get("constructor").Get("methods")
   138  	for i := 0; i < methods.Length(); i++ {
   139  		m := methods.Index(i)
   140  		if m.Get("pkg").String() != "" { // not exported
   141  			continue
   142  		}
   143  		o.Set(m.Get("name").String(), func(args ...*Object) *Object {
   144  			return Global.Call("$externalizeFunction", v.Get(m.Get("prop").String()), m.Get("typ"), true).Call("apply", v, args)
   145  		})
   146  	}
   147  	return o
   148  }
   150  // NewArrayBuffer creates a JavaScript ArrayBuffer from a byte slice.
   151  func NewArrayBuffer(b []byte) *Object {
   152  	slice := InternalObject(b)
   153  	offset := slice.Get("$offset").Int()
   154  	length := slice.Get("$length").Int()
   155  	return slice.Get("$array").Get("buffer").Call("slice", offset, offset+length)
   156  }
   158  // M is a simple map type. It is intended as a shorthand for JavaScript objects (before conversion).
   159  type M map[string]interface{}
   161  // S is a simple slice type. It is intended as a shorthand for JavaScript arrays (before conversion).
   162  type S []interface{}
   164  func init() {
   165  	// avoid dead code elimination
   166  	e := Error{}
   167  	_ = e
   168  }