
     1  # download kubectl
     2  FROM golang:1.22.2-alpine as kubectl
     3  RUN apk add --no-cache curl
     4  RUN export VERSION=$(curl -s &&\
     5      export OS=$(go env GOOS) && \
     6      export ARCH=$(go env GOARCH) &&\
     7      curl -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl -L${VERSION}/bin/${OS}/${ARCH}/kubectl &&\
     8      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    10  # build jsonnet-bundler
    11  FROM golang:1.22.2-alpine as jb
    12  WORKDIR /tmp
    13  RUN apk add --no-cache git make bash &&\
    14      git clone &&\
    15      ls /bin &&\
    16      cd jsonnet-bundler &&\
    17      make static &&\
    18      mv _output/jb /usr/local/bin/jb
    20  FROM golang:1.22.2-alpine as helm
    21  WORKDIR /tmp/helm
    22  RUN apk add --no-cache jq curl
    23  RUN export TAG=$(curl --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name) &&\
    24      export OS=$(go env GOOS) &&\
    25      export ARCH=$(go env GOARCH) &&\
    26      curl -SL "${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz" > helm.tgz && \
    27      tar -xvf helm.tgz --strip-components=1
    29  FROM golang:1.22.2-alpine as kustomize
    30  WORKDIR /tmp/kustomize
    31  RUN apk add --no-cache jq curl
    32  # Get the latest version of kustomize
    33  # Releases are filtered by their name since the kustomize repository exposes multiple products in the releases
    34  RUN export TAG=$(curl --silent "" | jq -r '[ .[] | select(.name | startswith("kustomize")) ] | .[0].tag_name') &&\
    35      export VERSION_TAG=${TAG#*/} &&\
    36      export OS=$(go env GOOS) &&\
    37      export ARCH=$(go env GOARCH) &&\
    38      echo "${TAG}/kustomize_${VERSION_TAG}_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" && \
    39      curl -SL "${TAG}/kustomize_${VERSION_TAG}_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" > kustomize.tgz && \
    40      tar -xvf kustomize.tgz
    42  FROM golang:1.22.2 as build
    43  WORKDIR /app
    44  COPY . .
    45  RUN make static
    47  # assemble final container
    48  FROM alpine:3.18
    49  RUN apk add --no-cache coreutils diffutils less git openssh-client
    50  COPY --from=build /app/tk /usr/local/bin/tk
    51  COPY --from=kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    52  COPY --from=jb /usr/local/bin/jb /usr/local/bin/jb
    53  COPY --from=helm /tmp/helm/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
    54  COPY --from=kustomize /tmp/kustomize/kustomize /usr/local/bin/kustomize
    55  WORKDIR /app
    56  ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/tk"]