
     1  # Engine Design Doc
     2  Engine is primarily a `for` loop that takes inputs from a variety of sources, updates state, and makes a decision based off of that state. The rough shape of the for loop is as follows:
     4  ```go
     5  state := &state{}
     6  for {
     7      select {
     8          // sources like local filesystem, kubernetes, ui, etc
     9          case ev := <- fsCh:
    10              e.handleFsEvent(ev)
    11          case ev := <- k8sCh:
    12              e.handleK8sEvent(ev)
    13      }
    14      // decide what to do: start a pipeline, stop a pipeline
    15      actions := handle(state)
    16      // tell subscribers what we took
    17      updateSubscribers(actions, state.copy())
    18  }
    19  ```
    21  When state changes, and only when state changes, can we make decisions about what to do. Only after actions have been taken do we tell subscribers.
    23  ## Rules
    24  * No blocking I/O in the for loop
    25  * No long operations in the for loop
    26  * Actions taken in `handle` shouldn’t directly send to channels that this `for`  `select`s on.