
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"encoding/base64"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"net/http"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"time"
    11  	auth ""
    12  	client ""
    13  	rest ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	awsclient ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	awssession ""
    21  	awssigner ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    29  	v23context ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  // AWSSessionWrapper is a composition struture that wraps the
    35  // aws session element and returns values that can be more
    36  // easily mocked for testing purposes. SessionI interface
    37  // is passed into the wrapper so that functionality within the
    38  // session function can
    39  type AWSSessionWrapper struct {
    40  	session SessionI
    41  }
    43  // AWSSessionWrapperI provides a means to mock an aws client session.
    44  type AWSSessionWrapperI interface {
    45  	GetAuthV1Client(ctx context.Context, headers map[string]string, caCrt string, region string, endpoint string) (client.AuthenticationV1Interface, error)
    46  	ListEKSClusters(input *eks.ListClustersInput, roleARN string, region string) (*eks.ListClustersOutput, error)
    47  	DescribeEKSCluster(input *eks.DescribeClusterInput, roleARN string, region string) (*eks.DescribeClusterOutput, error)
    48  }
    50  // newSessionWrapper generates an AWSSessionWrapper that contains
    51  // an awsSession.Session struct and provides multiple mockable interfaces
    52  // for interacting with aws and its remote data.
    53  func newSessionWrapper(session SessionI) *AWSSessionWrapper {
    54  	// in order to update the sessionI config we must cast it as an awssession.Session struct
    55  	newSession := session.(*awssession.Session)
    56  	newSession.Config.STSRegionalEndpoint = endpoints.RegionalSTSEndpoint
    58  	return &AWSSessionWrapper{session: newSession}
    59  }
    61  // ListEKSClusters provides a mockable interface for AWS sessions to
    62  // obtain and iterate over a list of available EKS clusters with the
    63  // provided input configuration
    64  func (w *AWSSessionWrapper) ListEKSClusters(input *eks.ListClustersInput, roleARN string, region string) (*eks.ListClustersOutput, error) {
    65  	config := aws.Config{
    66  		Credentials: stscreds.NewCredentials(w.session, roleARN), // w.session.GetStsCreds(roleARN),
    67  		Region:      &region,
    68  	}
    70  	svc := eks.New(w.session, &config)
    71  	return svc.ListClusters(input)
    72  }
    74  // DescribeEKSCluster provides a mockable interface for AWS sessions to
    75  // obtain information regarding a specific EKS cluster with the
    76  // provided input configuration
    77  func (w *AWSSessionWrapper) DescribeEKSCluster(input *eks.DescribeClusterInput, roleARN string, region string) (*eks.DescribeClusterOutput, error) {
    78  	config := aws.Config{
    79  		Credentials: stscreds.NewCredentials(w.session, roleARN), // w.session.GetStsCreds(roleARN),
    80  		Region:      &region,
    81  	}
    82  	svc := eks.New(w.session, &config)
    83  	return svc.DescribeCluster(input)
    84  }
    86  // GetAuthV1Client provides a mockable interface for returning an AWS auth client
    87  func (w *AWSSessionWrapper) GetAuthV1Client(ctx context.Context, headers map[string]string, caCrt string, region string, endpoint string) (client.AuthenticationV1Interface, error) {
    88  	var (
    89  		err          error
    90  		authV1Client *client.AuthenticationV1Client
    91  	)
    92  	svc := sts.New(w.session, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(region))
    93  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s/?Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15", svc.Client.Endpoint), nil)
    95  	for key, header := range headers {
    96  		req.Header.Add(key, header)
    97  	}
    99  	var sessionInterface = w.session
   100  	var credentials = sessionInterface.(*awssession.Session).Config.Credentials
   102  	signer := awssigner.NewSigner(credentials)
   103  	emptyBody := strings.NewReader("")
   104  	_, err = signer.Presign(req, emptyBody, "sts", region, 60*time.Second, time.Now())
   106  	log.Debug(ctx, "Request was built and presigned", "req", req)
   108  	if err != nil {
   109  		return authV1Client, errors.E(err, "unable to presign request for STS credentials")
   110  	}
   112  	bearerToken := fmt.Sprintf("k8s-aws-v1.%s", strings.TrimRight(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(req.URL.String())), "="))
   114  	log.Debug(ctx, "Bearer token generated", "bearerToken", bearerToken, "url", req.URL.String())
   116  	tlsConfig := rest.TLSClientConfig{CAData: []byte(caCrt)}
   117  	config := rest.Config{
   118  		Host:            endpoint,
   119  		BearerToken:     bearerToken,
   120  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
   121  	}
   123  	return client.NewForConfigOrDie(&config), err
   124  }
   126  // SessionI interface provides a mockable interface for session data
   127  type SessionI interface {
   128  	awsclient.ConfigProvider
   129  }
   131  // V23 Blesser utility for generating blessings for k8s cluster principals. Implements
   132  // interface K8sBlesserServerStubMethods, which requires a BlessK8s method.
   133  // Stores awsConn information in addition to the v23 session and blessing expiration intervals.
   134  // Mock this by creating a separate implementation of K8sBlesserServerStubMethods interface.
   135  type k8sBlesser struct {
   136  	identity.K8sBlesserServerMethods
   137  	sessionWrapper     AWSSessionWrapperI
   138  	expirationInterval time.Duration
   139  	awsConn            *awsConn
   140  }
   142  func newK8sBlesser(sessionWrapper AWSSessionWrapperI, expiration time.Duration, role string, awsAccountIDs []string, awsRegions []string) *k8sBlesser {
   143  	return &k8sBlesser{
   144  		sessionWrapper:     sessionWrapper,
   145  		expirationInterval: expiration,
   146  		awsConn:            newAwsConn(sessionWrapper, role, awsRegions, awsAccountIDs),
   147  	}
   148  }
   150  // BlessK8s uses the awsConn and k8sConn structs as well as the CreateK8sExtension func
   151  // in order to create a blessing for a k8s principle. It acts as an entrypoint that does not
   152  // perform any important logic on its own.
   153  func (blesser *k8sBlesser) BlessK8s(ctx *v23context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, caCrt string, namespace string, k8sSvcAcctToken string, region string) (security.Blessings, error) {
   154  	log.Info(ctx, "bless K8s request", "namespace", namespace, "region", region, "remoteAddr", call.RemoteEndpoint().Address)
   155  	var (
   156  		nullBlessings security.Blessings = security.Blessings{}
   157  		cluster       *eks.Cluster
   158  		err           error
   159  	)
   161  	// establish security call
   162  	securityCall := call.Security()
   163  	if securityCall.LocalPrincipal() == nil {
   164  		return nullBlessings, errors.New("server misconfiguration: no authentication happened")
   165  	}
   167  	// establish caveat
   168  	caveat, err := security.NewExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(blesser.expirationInterval))
   169  	if err != nil {
   170  		return nullBlessings, errors.E(err, "unable to presign request for STS credentials")
   171  	}
   173  	// next, we are ready to isolate a desired cluster by enumerating existing eks clusters in a region and matching the caCrt
   174  	cluster, err = blesser.awsConn.GetEKSCluster(ctx, region, caCrt)
   175  	if err != nil {
   176  		return nullBlessings, err
   177  	}
   179  	// now we can establish the k8s cluster obj because we know the cluster and can connect to it.
   180  	k8sConn := newK8sConn(blesser.sessionWrapper, cluster, region, caCrt, k8sSvcAcctToken)
   182  	// obtain username from cluster connection
   183  	username, err := k8sConn.GetK8sUsername(ctx)
   184  	if err != nil {
   185  		return nullBlessings, err
   186  	}
   188  	// create an extension based on the namespace and username
   189  	extension, err := CreateK8sExtension(ctx, cluster, username, namespace)
   190  	if err != nil {
   191  		return nullBlessings, err
   192  	}
   194  	// lastly we perform the blessing using the generated k8s extension
   195  	return call.Security().LocalPrincipal().Bless(securityCall.RemoteBlessings().PublicKey(), securityCall.LocalBlessings(), extension, caveat)
   196  }
   198  // Provides an interface for gather aws data using the context, region, caCrt which can be mocked for testing.
   199  type awsConn struct {
   200  	role           string
   201  	regions        []string
   202  	accountIDs     []string
   203  	sessionWrapper AWSSessionWrapperI
   204  }
   206  // Creates a new AWS Connect object that can be used to obtain data about AWS, EKS, etc.
   207  func newAwsConn(sessionWrapper AWSSessionWrapperI, role string, regions []string, accountIDs []string) *awsConn {
   208  	return &awsConn{
   209  		sessionWrapper: sessionWrapper,
   210  		role:           role,
   211  		regions:        regions,
   212  		accountIDs:     accountIDs,
   213  	}
   214  }
   216  // Interface for mocking awsConn.
   217  type awsConnI interface {
   218  	GetEKSCluster(caCrt string) (*eks.Cluster, error)
   219  	GetClusters(ctx *v23context.T, region string) []*eks.Cluster
   220  }
   222  // Gets an EKS Cluster with Matching AWS region and caCrt.
   223  func (conn *awsConn) GetEKSCluster(ctx *v23context.T, region string, caCrt string) (*eks.Cluster, error) {
   224  	var (
   225  		cluster *eks.Cluster
   226  		err     error
   227  	)
   229  	caCrtData := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(caCrt))
   230  	// TODO(noah): If performance becomes an issue, populate allow-list of clusters on ticket-server startup.
   231  	for _, c := range conn.GetClusters(ctx, region) {
   232  		if caCrtData == *c.CertificateAuthority.Data {
   233  			cluster = c
   234  			break
   235  		}
   236  	}
   237  	if cluster == nil {
   238  		err = errors.New("CA certificate does not match any cluster")
   239  	}
   240  	return cluster, err
   241  }
   243  // Gets all EKS clusters in a given AWS region.
   244  func (conn *awsConn) GetClusters(ctx *v23context.T, region string) []*eks.Cluster {
   245  	var clusters []*eks.Cluster
   246  	for _, r := range conn.regions {
   247  		if r == region {
   248  			for _, id := range conn.accountIDs {
   249  				roleARN := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", id, conn.role)
   250  				listClusterOutput, err := conn.sessionWrapper.ListEKSClusters(&eks.ListClustersInput{}, roleARN, region)
   251  				if err != nil {
   252  					log.Error(ctx, "Unable to fetch list of clusters.", "roleARN", roleARN, "region", region)
   253  				}
   254  				for _, name := range listClusterOutput.Clusters {
   255  					describeClusterOutput, err := conn.sessionWrapper.DescribeEKSCluster(&eks.DescribeClusterInput{Name: name}, roleARN, region)
   256  					if err != nil {
   257  						log.Error(ctx, "Unable to describe cluster.", "clusterName", *name)
   258  					}
   259  					clusters = append(clusters, describeClusterOutput.Cluster)
   260  				}
   261  			}
   262  		}
   263  	}
   264  	return clusters
   265  }
   267  // Defines connection parameters to a k8s cluster and can connect and return data. Isolated as an interface so complex http calls can be mocked for testing.
   268  type k8sConn struct {
   269  	cluster        *eks.Cluster
   270  	namespace      string
   271  	region         string
   272  	caCrt          string
   273  	svcAcctToken   string
   274  	sessionWrapper AWSSessionWrapperI
   275  }
   277  // Creates a new k8s connection object that can be used to connect to the k8s cluster and obtain relevant data.
   278  func newK8sConn(sessionWrapper AWSSessionWrapperI, cluster *eks.Cluster, region string, caCrt string, svcAcctToken string) *k8sConn {
   279  	return &k8sConn{
   280  		sessionWrapper: sessionWrapper,
   281  		cluster:        cluster,
   282  		region:         region,
   283  		caCrt:          caCrt,
   284  		svcAcctToken:   svcAcctToken,
   285  	}
   286  }
   288  // An interface for mocking k8sConn struct.
   289  type k8sConnI interface {
   290  	GetK8sUsername(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
   291  }
   293  func (conn *k8sConn) GetK8sUsername(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
   294  	var (
   295  		username string
   296  		err      error
   297  	)
   299  	//svc := sts.New(conn.session)
   301  	var headers = make(map[string]string)
   302  	headers["x-k8s-aws-id"] = *conn.cluster.Name
   304  	authV1Client, err := conn.sessionWrapper.GetAuthV1Client(ctx, headers, conn.caCrt, conn.region, *conn.cluster.Endpoint)
   305  	if err != nil {
   306  		return username, err
   307  	}
   309  	log.Debug(ctx, "AuthV1Client retrieved", "caCrt", conn.caCrt, "region", conn.region, "endpoint", *conn.cluster.Endpoint)
   311  	tr := auth.TokenReview{
   312  		Spec: auth.TokenReviewSpec{
   313  			Token: conn.svcAcctToken,
   314  		},
   315  	}
   317  	log.Debug(ctx, "K8s Service account token configured for tokenReview request", "token", conn.svcAcctToken)
   319  	trResp, err := authV1Client.TokenReviews().Create(&tr)
   320  	username = trResp.Status.User.Username
   322  	if err != nil {
   323  		err = errors.E(err, "unable to create tokenreview")
   324  	} else if !trResp.Status.Authenticated {
   325  		err = errors.New("requestToken authentication failed")
   326  	}
   328  	return username, err
   329  }
   331  // CreateK8sExtension evaluates EKS Cluster configuration and tagging to produce a v23 Blessing extension.
   332  func CreateK8sExtension(ctx context.Context, cluster *eks.Cluster, username, namespace string) (string, error) {
   333  	var (
   334  		extension          string
   335  		err                error
   336  		clusterNameFromTag string
   337  	)
   339  	arn, err := arn.Parse(*cluster.Arn)
   340  	if err != nil {
   341  		return extension, err
   342  	}
   344  	// Username is of format: system:serviceaccount:(NAMESPACE):(SERVICEACCOUNT)
   345  	usernameSet := strings.Split(username, ":")
   347  	if len(usernameSet) != 4 {
   348  		return extension, errors.New("username does not match format system:serviceaccount:(NAMESPACE):(SERVICEACCOUNT)")
   349  	} else if namespace != usernameSet[2] {
   350  		return extension, errors.New("namespace does not match")
   351  	}
   353  	if val, ok := cluster.Tags["ClusterName"]; ok {
   354  		clusterNameFromTag = *val
   355  	}
   357  	/*
   358  		// leaving this implementation here, commented, as a relic of understanding; the intent was to use this to generate unique blessings
   359  		// for each cluster but allow the clusters blessing for vRPC calls to be authorized by parent blessing extensions, such as k8s:dev:svc:a
   360  		// authorizing when k8s:dev:svc is allowed. However, we cannot do this because Grailbook, and perhaps other services as well
   361  		// expect exact matches for blessings in some circumstances. In order to prevent a complicated rewrite of the code, we are removing
   362  		// the cluster mode specific blessings in order to keep implementation simple and plan to move out of vanadium sooner to something
   363  		// that better matches the authorization method desired.
   365  		if val, ok := cluster.Tags["ClusterMode"]; ok {
   366  			clusterModeFromTag = strings.ToLower(*val)
   367  		}
   368  	*/
   370  	if clusterNameFromTag != "" {
   371  		extension = fmt.Sprintf("k8s:%s:%s:%s", arn.AccountID, clusterNameFromTag, usernameSet[3])
   372  		log.Debug(ctx, "Using k8s cluster a/b extension generation.", "extension", extension)
   373  	} else {
   374  		extension = fmt.Sprintf("k8s:%s:%s:%s", arn.AccountID, *cluster.Name, usernameSet[3])
   375  		log.Debug(ctx, "Using standard k8s extension generation.", "extension", extension)
   376  	}
   378  	return extension, err
   379  }