
     1  // Copyright 2018 GRAIL, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package exec implements compilation, evaluation, and execution of
     6  // Bigslice slice operations.
     7  package exec
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"net/http"
    13  	"sync"
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  var defaultChunksize = &defaultsize.Chunk
    26  // maxConsecutiveLost is the maximum number of times a task can be run and lost
    27  // consecutively before we give up and consider it an error. This helps catch
    28  // persistent errors that prevent meaningful progress from being made in an
    29  // evaluation (e.g. an error that causes worker processes to exit).
    30  const maxConsecutiveLost = 5
    32  // enableMaxConsecutiveLost enables the use of the maxConsecutiveLost value to
    33  // consider repeatedly lost tasks as errors. See documentation for
    34  // maxConsecutiveLost. It is exposed so that we can disable it in some testing
    35  // scenarios.
    36  var enableMaxConsecutiveLost = true
    38  // Executor defines an interface used to provide implementations of
    39  // task runners. An Executor is responsible for running single tasks,
    40  // partitioning their outputs, and instantiating readers to retrieve the
    41  // output of any given task.
    42  type Executor interface {
    43  	// Name returns a human-friendly name for this executor.
    44  	Name() string
    46  	// Start starts the executor. It is called before evaluation has started
    47  	// and after all funcs have been registered. Start need not return:
    48  	// for example, the Bigmachine implementation of Executor uses
    49  	// Start as an entry point for worker processes.
    50  	Start(*Session) (shutdown func())
    52  	// Run runs a task. The executor sets the state of the task as it
    53  	// progresses. The task should enter in state TaskWaiting; by the
    54  	// time Run returns the task state is >= TaskOk.
    55  	Run(*Task)
    57  	// Reader returns a locally accessible ReadCloser for the requested task.
    58  	Reader(*Task, int) sliceio.ReadCloser
    60  	// Discard discards the storage resources held by a computed task.
    61  	// Discarding is best-effort, so no error is returned.
    62  	Discard(context.Context, *Task)
    64  	// Eventer returns the eventer used to log events relevant to this executor.
    65  	Eventer() eventlog.Eventer
    67  	// HandleDebug adds executor-specific debug handlers to the provided
    68  	// http.ServeMux. This is used to serve diagnostic information relating
    69  	// to the executor.
    70  	HandleDebug(handler *http.ServeMux)
    71  }
    73  // Eval simultaneously evaluates a set of task graphs from the provided set of
    74  // roots. Eval uses the provided executor to dispatch tasks when their
    75  // dependencies have been satisfied. Eval returns on evaluation error or else
    76  // when all roots are fully evaluated.
    77  //
    78  // TODO(marius): we can often stream across shuffle boundaries. This would
    79  // complicate scheduling, but may be worth doing.
    80  func Eval(ctx context.Context, executor Executor, roots []*Task, group *status.Group) error {
    81  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    82  	defer cancel()
    83  	var (
    84  		state      = newState()
    85  		evalStatus = newEvalStatus(group)
    86  		donec      = make(chan *Task, 8)
    87  		errc       = make(chan error)
    88  	)
    89  	for {
    90  		for _, task := range roots {
    91  			state.Enqueue(task)
    92  		}
    93  		if state.Done() {
    94  			return state.Err()
    95  		}
    96  		for !state.Done() && !state.Todo() {
    97  			select {
    98  			case err := <-errc:
    99  				if err == nil {
   100  					panic("nil err")
   101  				}
   102  				return err
   103  			case task := <-donec:
   104  				state.Return(task)
   105  				evalStatus.markDone(task)
   106  			}
   107  		}
   108  		// Mark each ready task as runnable and keep track of them.
   109  		// The executor manages parallelism.
   110  		for _, task := range state.Runnable() {
   111  			task.Lock()
   112  			if task.state == TaskLost {
   113  				log.Printf("evaluator: resubmitting lost task %v", task)
   114  				task.state = TaskInit
   115  			}
   116  			status := group.Start(task.Name)
   117  			evalStatus.markWaiting(task)
   118  			// runner is true if this evaluator is going to execute the task.
   119  			runner := task.state == TaskInit
   120  			var startRunTime time.Time
   121  			if runner {
   122  				task.state = TaskWaiting
   123  				task.Status = status
   124  				startRunTime = time.Now()
   125  				go executor.Run(task)
   126  			} else {
   127  				status.Print("running in another invocation")
   128  			}
   129  			go func(task *Task) {
   130  				var err error
   131  				for task.state < TaskRunning && err == nil {
   132  					err = task.Wait(ctx)
   133  				}
   134  				evalStatus.markRunning(task)
   135  				for task.state < TaskOk && err == nil {
   136  					err = task.Wait(ctx)
   137  				}
   138  				if runner {
   139  					if enableMaxConsecutiveLost {
   140  						// Only the runner bookkeeps consecutiveLost to avoid
   141  						// double-counting task loss.
   142  						switch task.state {
   143  						case TaskOk:
   144  							task.consecutiveLost = 0
   145  						case TaskLost:
   146  							task.consecutiveLost++
   147  							if task.consecutiveLost >= maxConsecutiveLost {
   148  								// We've lost this task too many times, so we
   149  								// consider it in error.
   150  								task.state = TaskErr
   151  								task.err = errors.E(
   152  									errors.TooManyTries,
   153  									fmt.Sprintf("lost on %d consecutive attempts", task.consecutiveLost),
   154  								)
   155  								task.Status.Printf(task.err.Error())
   156  								task.Broadcast()
   157  							}
   158  						}
   159  					}
   160  					d := time.Since(startRunTime)
   161  					executor.Eventer().Event("bigslice:taskComplete",
   162  						"name", task.Name.String(),
   163  						"state", task.state.String(),
   164  						"duration", d.Nanoseconds()/1e6)
   165  				}
   166  				task.Unlock()
   167  				status.Done()
   168  				if err != nil {
   169  					errc <- err
   170  				} else {
   171  					donec <- task
   172  				}
   173  			}(task)
   174  		}
   175  	}
   176  }
   178  type (
   179  	// evalStatus handles group status printing for an evaluation. We print
   180  	// stats on waiting and running tasks, the state for which is kept here.
   181  	// This is redundant with state held in the task graph itself, but it's a
   182  	// little simpler to piggyback on the evaluation logic: we don't
   183  	// have to take locks on the tasks, we already wait for state changes, etc.
   184  	evalStatus struct {
   185  		// group is the status group of the evaluation that we manipulate.
   186  		group *status.Group
   188  		// mu protects the task map.
   189  		mu sync.Mutex
   190  		// tasks holds the state relevant to status printing of relevant (read:
   191  		// scheduled) tasks.
   192  		tasks map[*Task]evalStatusState
   193  	}
   195  	// evalStatusState is the state of a task in the context of group status
   196  	// display.
   197  	evalStatusState int
   198  )
   200  const (
   201  	evalStatusWaiting evalStatusState = iota
   202  	evalStatusRunning
   203  )
   205  func newEvalStatus(group *status.Group) *evalStatus {
   206  	s := evalStatus{
   207  		group: group,
   208  		tasks: make(map[*Task]evalStatusState),
   209  	}
   210  	s.lockedPrint()
   211  	return &s
   212  }
   214  func (s *evalStatus) markWaiting(t *Task) {
   216  	defer
   217  	s.tasks[t] = evalStatusWaiting
   218  	s.lockedPrint()
   219  }
   221  func (s *evalStatus) markRunning(t *Task) {
   223  	defer
   224  	s.tasks[t] = evalStatusRunning
   225  	s.lockedPrint()
   226  }
   228  func (s *evalStatus) markDone(t *Task) {
   230  	defer
   231  	delete(s.tasks, t)
   232  	s.lockedPrint()
   233  }
   235  // lockedPrint prints the current status to the status group. s.tasks must not
   236  // be concurrently modified.
   237  func (s *evalStatus) lockedPrint() {
   238  	var (
   239  		waiting int
   240  		running int
   241  	)
   242  	for _, s := range s.tasks {
   243  		switch s {
   244  		case evalStatusWaiting:
   245  			waiting++
   246  		case evalStatusRunning:
   247  			running++
   248  		default:
   249  			panic("unknown status")
   250  		}
   251  	}
   252"waiting/running: %d/%d", waiting, running)
   253  }
   255  // State maintains state for the task graph being run by the
   256  // evaluator. It maintains per-node waitlists so that it can
   257  // efficiently traverse only the required portion of the task graph
   258  // for each task update. When a task's waitlist has been cleared,
   259  // state re-traverses the graph from that task. This reconciles task
   260  // changes that have occurred between updates. This may cause a task
   261  // to be re-queued, e.g., if a dependent task changed status from TaskOk
   262  // to TaskLost. State does not watch for task changes for tasks that
   263  // are ready, thus it won't aggressively recompute a lost task that
   264  // is going to be needed by another task with a nonzero waitlist.
   265  // This is only discovered once that waitlist is drained. The scheme
   266  // could be more aggressive in this case, but these cases should be
   267  // rare enough to not warrant the added complexity.
   268  //
   269  // In order to ensure that the state operates on consistent view of
   270  // the task graph, waitlist decisions are memoized per toplevel call;
   271  // it does not require locking subgraphs.
   272  type state struct {
   273  	// deps and counts maintains the task waitlist.
   274  	deps   map[*Task]map[*Task]struct{}
   275  	counts map[*Task]int
   277  	// todo is the set of tasks that are scheduled to be run. They are
   278  	// retrieved via the Runnable method.
   279  	todo map[*Task]bool
   281  	// pending is the set of tasks that have been scheduled but have not
   282  	// yet been returned via Done.
   283  	pending map[*Task]bool
   285  	// wait stores memoized task waiting count (based on a single
   286  	// atomic reading of task state), per round. This is what enables
   287  	// state to maintain a consistent view of the task graph state.
   288  	wait map[*Task]int
   290  	err error
   291  }
   293  // newState returns a newly allocated, empty state.
   294  func newState() *state {
   295  	return &state{
   296  		deps:    make(map[*Task]map[*Task]struct{}),
   297  		counts:  make(map[*Task]int),
   298  		todo:    make(map[*Task]bool),
   299  		pending: make(map[*Task]bool),
   300  		wait:    make(map[*Task]int),
   301  	}
   302  }
   304  // Enqueue enqueues all ready tasks in the provided task graph,
   305  // traversing only as much of it as necessary to schedule all
   306  // currently runnable tasks in the graph. Enqueue maintains the
   307  // waiting state for tasks so the correct (and minimal) task graphs
   308  // can be efficiently enqueued on task completion.
   309  //
   310  // Enqueue understands the phase structure of the task graph,
   311  // allowing it to skip fine-grained dependency maintenance across
   312  // shuffle dependencies. Instead, for such dependencies, it keeps
   313  // track of dependencies across task phases (i.e., groups of tasks
   314  // that must all be done until we can schedule the next group), and
   315  // maintaining simple counts of the number of dependencies satisfied.
   316  // This allows scheduling to be done in O(Ntasks) instead of
   317  // O(Nedges). Nedges in turn is quadratic in the number of tasks when
   318  // there are shuffle dependencies.
   319  func (s *state) Enqueue(task *Task) (nwait int) {
   320  	if n, ok := s.wait[task.Head()]; ok {
   321  		return n
   322  	}
   323  	for _, task := range task.Phase() {
   324  		switch task.State() {
   325  		case TaskOk, TaskErr:
   326  		case TaskWaiting, TaskRunning:
   327  			s.schedule(task)
   328  			nwait++
   329  		case TaskInit, TaskLost:
   330  			s.clear(task)
   331  			ready := true
   332  			for _, dep := range task.Deps {
   333  				n := s.Enqueue(dep.Head)
   334  				if n == 0 {
   335  					continue
   336  				}
   337  				s.add(dep.Head, task, n)
   338  				ready = false
   339  			}
   340  			nwait++
   341  			if ready {
   342  				s.schedule(task)
   343  			}
   344  		}
   345  	}
   346  	s.wait[task.Head()] = nwait
   347  	return
   348  }
   350  // Return returns a pending task to state, recomputing the state view
   351  // and scheduling follow-on tasks.
   352  func (s *state) Return(task *Task) {
   353  	if !s.pending[task] {
   354  		panic("exec.Eval: done task " + task.Name.String() + ": not pending")
   355  	}
   356  	// Clear the wait map between each call since the state of tasks may
   357  	// have changed between calls.
   358  	s.wait = make(map[*Task]int)
   359  	delete(s.pending, task)
   360  	switch task.State() {
   361  	default:
   362  		// We might be racing with another evaluator. Reschedule until
   363  		// we get into an actionable state.
   364  		s.schedule(task)
   365  	case TaskErr:
   366  		msg := fmt.Sprintf("error running %s", task.Name)
   367  		s.err = errors.E(msg, task.err)
   368  	case TaskOk:
   369  		for _, task := range s.done(task.Head()) {
   370  			s.Enqueue(task)
   371  		}
   372  	case TaskLost:
   373  		// Re-enqueue immediately.
   374  		s.Enqueue(task)
   375  	}
   376  }
   378  // Runnable returns the current set of runnable tasks and
   379  // resets the todo list. It is called by Eval to schedule a batch
   380  // of tasks.
   381  func (s *state) Runnable() (tasks []*Task) {
   382  	if len(s.todo) == 0 {
   383  		return
   384  	}
   385  	tasks = make([]*Task, 0, len(s.todo))
   386  	for task := range s.todo {
   387  		tasks = append(tasks, task)
   388  		delete(s.todo, task)
   389  		s.pending[task] = true
   390  	}
   391  	return
   392  }
   394  // Todo returns whether state has tasks to be scheduled.
   395  func (s *state) Todo() bool {
   396  	return len(s.todo) > 0
   397  }
   399  // Done returns whether evaluation is done. Evaluation is done when
   400  // there remain no pending tasks, or tasks to be scheduled. Evaluation
   401  // is also done if an error has occurred.
   402  func (s *state) Done() bool {
   403  	return s.err != nil || len(s.todo) == 0 && len(s.pending) == 0
   404  }
   406  // Err returns an error, if any, that occurred during evaluation.
   407  func (s *state) Err() error {
   408  	return s.err
   409  }
   411  // Schedule schedules the provided task. It is a no-op if
   412  // the task has already been scheduled or is pending.
   413  func (s *state) schedule(task *Task) {
   414  	if s.pending[task] {
   415  		return
   416  	}
   417  	s.todo[task] = true
   418  }
   420  // Clear the dependency information stored for task.
   421  func (s *state) clear(task *Task) {
   422  	delete(s.counts, task)
   423  	for _, dep := range task.Deps {
   424  		if d := s.deps[dep.Head]; d != nil {
   425  			delete(d, task)
   426  		}
   427  	}
   428  }
   430  // Add adds a dependency from the provided src to dst tasks.
   431  func (s *state) add(src, dst *Task, n int) {
   432  	if d := s.deps[src]; d == nil {
   433  		s.deps[src] = map[*Task]struct{}{dst: {}}
   434  		s.counts[dst] += n
   435  	} else if _, ok := d[dst]; !ok {
   436  		d[dst] = struct{}{}
   437  		s.counts[dst] += n
   438  	}
   439  }
   441  // Done marks the provided task as done, and returns the set
   442  // of tasks that have consequently become ready for evaluation.
   443  func (s *state) done(src *Task) (ready []*Task) {
   444  	for dst := range s.deps[src] {
   445  		s.counts[dst]--
   446  		if s.counts[dst] == 0 {
   447  			ready = append(ready, dst)
   448  		}
   449  	}
   450  	return
   451  }