
     1  // Copyright 2018 GRAIL, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package exec
     7  import (
     8  	"container/heap"
     9  	"context"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  // ProbationTimeout is the amount of time that a machine will
    27  // remain in probation without being explicitly marked healthy.
    28  var ProbationTimeout = 30 * time.Second
    30  // maxStartMachines is the maximum number of machines that
    31  // may be started in one batch.
    32  const maxStartMachines = 10
    34  // MachineHealth is the overall assessment of machine health by
    35  // the bigmachine executor.
    36  type machineHealth int
    38  const (
    39  	machineOk machineHealth = iota
    40  	machineProbation
    41  	machineLost
    42  )
    44  // SliceMachine manages a single bigmachine.Machine instance.
    45  type sliceMachine struct {
    46  	*bigmachine.Machine
    48  	// Compiles ensures that each invocation is compiled exactly once on
    49  	// the machine.
    50  	Compiles once.Map
    52  	// Commits keeps track of which combine keys have been committed
    53  	// on the machine, so that they are run exactly once on the machine.
    54  	Commits once.Map
    56  	Stats  *stats.Map
    57  	Status *status.Task
    59  	// maxTaskProcs is the maximum number of procs on the machine to which tasks
    60  	// can be assigned. This can be different from Maxprocs, as it is attenuated
    61  	// by (*machineManager).Maxload.
    62  	maxTaskProcs int
    64  	// taskProcs is the current number of procs on the machine that have tasks
    65  	// assigned. taskProcs is managed by the machineManager.
    66  	taskProcs int
    68  	// health is managed by the machineManager.
    69  	health machineHealth
    71  	// lastFailure is managed by the machineManager.
    72  	lastFailure time.Time
    74  	// index is the machine's index in the executor's priority queue.
    75  	index int
    77  	// donec is the channel to which we send messages reporting that this
    78  	// machine is done using some procs.
    79  	donec chan machineDone
    81  	mu sync.Mutex
    83  	// Lost indicates whether the machine is considered lost as per
    84  	// bigmachine.
    85  	lost bool
    87  	// Tasks is the set of tasks that have been run on this machine.
    88  	// It is used to mark tasks lost when a machine fails.
    89  	tasks map[*Task]struct{}
    91  	disk bigmachine.DiskInfo
    92  	mem  bigmachine.MemInfo
    93  	load bigmachine.LoadInfo
    94  	vals stats.Values
    95  }
    97  func (s *sliceMachine) String() string {
    98  	var health string
    99  	switch {
   100  	case machineOk:
   101  		health = "ok"
   102  	case machineProbation:
   103  		health = "probation"
   104  	case machineLost:
   105  		health = "lost"
   106  	}
   107  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", s.Addr, health)
   108  }
   110  // Done returns procs on the machine, and reports any error observed while
   111  // running tasks.
   112  func (s *sliceMachine) Done(procs int, err error) {
   113  	s.donec <- machineDone{s, procs, err}
   114  }
   116  // Assign assigns the provided task to this machine. If the machine
   117  // fails, its assigned tasks are marked LOST.
   118  func (s *sliceMachine) Assign(task *Task) {
   120  	defer
   121  	if s.lost {
   122  		task.Set(TaskLost)
   123  	} else {
   124  		s.tasks[task] = struct{}{}
   125  	}
   126  }
   128  // Discard discards the storage resources held by task. The task will be
   129  // unassigned from s and considered TaskLost. If s does not own task, no-op.
   130  func (s *sliceMachine) Discard(ctx context.Context, task *Task) {
   132  	_, ok := s.tasks[task]
   133  	delete(s.tasks, task)
   135  	if !ok {
   136  		return
   137  	}
   138  	// s exclusively owns task's state during this time, so this does not race
   139  	// with anything else.
   140  	task.Set(TaskLost)
   141  	if err := s.RetryCall(ctx, "Worker.Discard", task.Name, nil); err != nil {
   142  		log.Error.Printf("error discarding %v: %v", task, err)
   143  	}
   144  }
   146  // Go manages a sliceMachine: it polls stats at regular intervals and
   147  // marks tasks as lost when a machine fails.
   148  func (s *sliceMachine) Go(ctx context.Context) {
   149  	stopped := s.Wait(bigmachine.Stopped)
   150  loop:
   151  	for ctx.Err() == nil {
   152  		tctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, statTimeout)
   153  		g, gctx := errgroup.WithContext(tctx)
   154  		var (
   155  			mem  bigmachine.MemInfo
   156  			merr error
   157  			disk bigmachine.DiskInfo
   158  			derr error
   159  			load bigmachine.LoadInfo
   160  			lerr error
   161  			vals stats.Values
   162  			verr error
   163  		)
   164  		g.Go(func() error {
   165  			mem, merr = s.Machine.MemInfo(gctx, false)
   166  			return nil
   167  		})
   168  		g.Go(func() error {
   169  			disk, derr = s.Machine.DiskInfo(gctx)
   170  			return nil
   171  		})
   172  		g.Go(func() error {
   173  			load, lerr = s.Machine.LoadInfo(gctx)
   174  			return nil
   175  		})
   176  		g.Go(func() error {
   177  			verr = s.Machine.Call(ctx, "Worker.Stats", struct{}{}, &vals)
   178  			return nil
   179  		})
   180  		_ = g.Wait()
   181  		cancel()
   182  		if merr != nil {
   183  			log.Debug.Printf("meminfo %s: %v", s.Machine.Addr, merr)
   184  		}
   185  		if derr != nil {
   186  			log.Debug.Printf("diskinfo %s: %v", s.Machine.Addr, derr)
   187  		}
   188  		if lerr != nil {
   189  			log.Debug.Printf("loadinfo %s: %v", s.Machine.Addr, lerr)
   190  		}
   191  		if verr != nil {
   192  			log.Debug.Printf("stats %s: %v", s.Machine.Addr, verr)
   193  		}
   195  		if merr == nil {
   196  			s.mem = mem
   197  		}
   198  		if derr == nil {
   199  			s.disk = disk
   200  		}
   201  		if lerr == nil {
   202  			s.load = load
   203  		}
   204  		if verr == nil {
   205  			s.vals = vals
   206  		}
   208  		s.UpdateStatus()
   209  		select {
   210  		case <-time.After(statsPollInterval):
   211  		case <-ctx.Done():
   212  		case <-stopped:
   213  			break loop
   214  		}
   215  	}
   216  	// The machine is dead: mark it as such and also mark all of its pending
   217  	// and completed tasks as lost.
   219  	s.lost = true
   220  	tasks := s.tasks
   221  	s.tasks = nil
   223  	log.Error.Printf("lost machine %s: marking its %d tasks as LOST", s.Machine.Addr, len(tasks))
   224  	for task := range tasks {
   225  		task.Set(TaskLost)
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  // Lost reports whether this machine is considered lost.
   230  func (s *sliceMachine) Lost() bool {
   232  	lost := s.lost
   234  	return lost
   235  }
   237  // UpdateStatus updates the machine's status.
   238  func (s *sliceMachine) UpdateStatus() {
   240  	defer
   241  	values := s.vals.Copy()
   242  	s.Stats.AddAll(values)
   243  	var health string
   244  	switch {
   245  	case machineOk:
   246  	case machineProbation:
   247  		health = " (probation)"
   248  	case machineLost:
   249  		health = " (lost)"
   250  	}
   251  	s.Status.Printf("mem %s/%s disk %s/%s load %.1f/%.1f/%.1f counters %s%s",
   252  		data.Size(s.mem.System.Used), data.Size(s.mem.System.Total),
   253  		data.Size(s.disk.Usage.Used), data.Size(s.disk.Usage.Total),
   254  		s.load.Averages.Load1, s.load.Averages.Load5, s.load.Averages.Load15,
   255  		values, health,
   256  	)
   257  }
   259  // Load returns the machine's load, i.e., the proportion of its
   260  // capacity that is currently in use.
   261  func (s *sliceMachine) Load() float64 {
   262  	return float64(s.taskProcs) / float64(s.maxTaskProcs)
   263  }
   265  // machineFailureQ is a priority queue for sliceMachines, prioritized by the
   266  // machine's last failure time, as defined by (*sliceMachine).LastFailure.
   267  type machineFailureQ []*sliceMachine
   269  func (h machineFailureQ) Len() int           { return len(h) }
   270  func (h machineFailureQ) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i].lastFailure.Before(h[j].lastFailure) }
   271  func (h machineFailureQ) Swap(i, j int) {
   272  	h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
   273  	h[i].index, h[j].index = i, j
   274  }
   276  func (h *machineFailureQ) Push(x interface{}) {
   277  	m := x.(*sliceMachine)
   278  	m.index = len(*h)
   279  	*h = append(*h, m)
   280  }
   282  func (h *machineFailureQ) Pop() interface{} {
   283  	old := *h
   284  	n := len(old)
   285  	x := old[n-1]
   286  	*h = old[0 : n-1]
   287  	x.index = -1
   288  	return x
   289  }
   291  // timer is a wrapper around time.Timer with an API convenient for managing
   292  // probation timeouts.
   293  type timer struct {
   294  	// t is the underlying *time.Timer. It may be nil.
   295  	t *time.Timer
   296  	// at is the time (or later) at which t expired or will expire, if t is
   297  	// non-nil.
   298  	at time.Time
   299  }
   301  // Clear clears t; subsequent calls to C() will return nil. If t is already
   302  // cleared, no-op.
   303  func (t *timer) Clear() {
   304  	if t.t == nil {
   305  		return
   306  	}
   307  	t.t.Stop()
   308  	t.t = nil
   309  }
   311  // Set sets t to expire at at. If the timer was already set to expire at at,
   312  // no-op, even if the timer has already expired.
   313  func (t *timer) Set(at time.Time) {
   314  	if t.t == nil {
   315 = at
   316  		t.t = time.NewTimer(time.Until(at))
   317  		return
   318  	}
   319  	if == at {
   320  		return
   321  	}
   322  	if !t.t.Stop() {
   323  		<-t.t.C
   324  	}
   325 = at
   326  	t.t.Reset(time.Until(at))
   327  }
   329  // C returns a channel on which the current time is sent when t expires. If t is
   330  // cleared, returns nil.
   331  func (t *timer) C() <-chan time.Time {
   332  	if t.t == nil {
   333  		return nil
   334  	}
   335  	return t.t.C
   336  }
   338  // MachineDone is used to report that a machine's request is done, along
   339  // with an error used to gauge the machine's health.
   340  type machineDone struct {
   341  	*sliceMachine
   342  	// procs is the number of procs to be returned to the pool available for
   343  	// task assignment on the machine.
   344  	procs int
   345  	Err   error
   346  }
   348  // startResult is used to signal the result of attempts to start machines.
   349  type startResult struct {
   350  	// machines is a slice of the machines that were successfully started.
   351  	machines []*sliceMachine
   352  	// nFailures is the number of machines that we attempted but failed to
   353  	// start.
   354  	nFailures int
   355  }
   357  // MachineManager manages a cluster of sliceMachines, load balancing requests
   358  // among them. MachineManagers are constructed newMachineManager.
   359  type machineManager struct {
   360  	b      *bigmachine.B
   361  	params []bigmachine.Param
   362  	group  *status.Group
   363  	maxp   int
   364  	// machprocs is the number of procs each managed machine has available for
   365  	// tasks, taking into account max load.
   366  	machprocs int
   367  	worker    *worker
   368  	// schedQ is the priority queue of scheduling requests, which determines the
   369  	// order in which requests are satisfied. See Offer.
   370  	schedQ   scheduleRequestQ
   371  	schedc   chan *scheduleRequest
   372  	unschedc chan *scheduleRequest
   373  }
   375  // NewMachineManager returns a new machineManager paramterized by the
   376  // provided arguments. Maxp determines the maximum number of procs
   377  // that may be allocated, maxLoad determines the maximum fraction of
   378  // machine procs that may be allocated to user work.
   379  //
   380  // The cluster is not managed until machineManager.Do is called by the user.
   381  func newMachineManager(b *bigmachine.B, params []bigmachine.Param, group *status.Group, maxp int, maxLoad float64, worker *worker) *machineManager {
   382  	// Adjust maxLoad so that we are guaranteed at least one proc per
   383  	// machine; otherwise we can get stuck in nasty deadlocks. We also
   384  	// adjust maxp in this case to account for the fact, when maxLoad=0,
   385  	// we should allocate the entirety of the machine towards a task
   386  	// with internal parallelism, and the maxp should count towards
   387  	// that.
   388  	//
   389  	// TODO(marius): maxp is still applied on a per-manager basis. It
   390  	// should be shared across all managers, though this complicates
   391  	// matters because, without de-allocating machines from one cluster
   392  	// to another, or at least draining them and transferring them, we
   393  	// could run into deadlocks. We should probably re-think cluster
   394  	// management to better accommodate for this.
   395  	maxprocs := b.System().Maxprocs()
   396  	machprocs := int(float64(maxprocs) * maxLoad)
   397  	if machprocs < 1 {
   398  		machprocs = 1
   399  		maxp = (maxp + maxprocs - 1) / maxprocs
   400  	}
   401  	return &machineManager{
   402  		b:         b,
   403  		params:    params,
   404  		group:     group,
   405  		maxp:      maxp,
   406  		machprocs: machprocs,
   407  		worker:    worker,
   408  		schedc:    make(chan *scheduleRequest),
   409  		unschedc:  make(chan *scheduleRequest),
   410  	}
   411  }
   413  // Offer asks m to offer a machine on which to run work with the given priority
   414  // and number of procs. When m schedules the request, the machine is sent to the
   415  // returned channel. The second return value is a function that cancels the
   416  // request when called. If the request has already been serviced (i.e. a machine
   417  // has already been delivered), calling the cancel function is a no-op.
   418  func (m *machineManager) Offer(priority, procs int) (<-chan *sliceMachine, func()) {
   419  	if procs <= 0 {
   420  		panic("requested procs <= 0")
   421  	}
   422  	machc := make(chan *sliceMachine)
   423  	s := scheduleRequest{
   424  		procs:    procs,
   425  		priority: priority,
   426  		machc:    machc,
   427  	}
   428  	m.schedc <- &s
   429  	cancel := func() {
   430  		m.unschedc <- &s
   431  	}
   432  	return machc, cancel
   433  }
   435  // Do starts machine management. The user typically calls this
   436  // asynchronously. Do services requests for machine capacity and
   437  // monitors machine health: stopped machines are considered lost and
   438  // removed from management.
   439  //
   440  // Do attempts to maintain at least as many procs as are currently
   441  // needed (as indicated by client's calls to Need); thus when a
   442  // machine is lost, it may be replaced with another should it be
   443  // needed.
   444  func (m *machineManager) Do(ctx context.Context) {
   445  	var (
   446  		need, pending int
   447  		startc        = make(chan startResult)
   448  		stoppedc      = make(chan *sliceMachine)
   449  		// numStopped is the total number of machines that have stopped in the
   450  		// cluster.
   451  		numStopped     int
   452  		donec          = make(chan machineDone)
   453  		machQ          machineQ
   454  		probation      machineFailureQ
   455  		probationTimer timer
   456  		// We track consecutive failures to start machines as a heuristic to
   457  		// decide that there might be a systematic problem preventing machines
   458  		// from starting.
   459  		consecutiveStartFailures int
   460  		logTicker                = time.NewTicker(1 * time.Minute)
   461  	)
   462  	defer logTicker.Stop()
   463  	for {
   464  		var (
   465  			req   *scheduleRequest
   466  			mach  *sliceMachine
   467  			machc chan<- *sliceMachine
   468  		)
   469  		req, mach = schedule(&m.schedQ, &machQ)
   470  		if req != nil {
   471  			machc = req.machc
   472  		}
   473  		if len(probation) == 0 {
   474  			probationTimer.Clear()
   475  		} else {
   476  			probationTimer.Set(probation[0].lastFailure.Add(ProbationTimeout))
   477  		}
   478  		select {
   479  		case machc <- mach:
   480  			mach.taskProcs += req.procs
   481  			heap.Fix(&machQ, mach.index)
   482  			heap.Remove(&m.schedQ, req.index)
   483  		case <-probationTimer.C():
   484  			mach := probation[0]
   485 = machineOk
   486  			log.Printf("removing machine %s from probation", mach.Addr)
   487  			heap.Remove(&probation, 0)
   488  			heap.Push(&machQ, mach)
   489  			probationTimer.Clear()
   490  		case done := <-donec:
   491  			need -= done.procs
   492  			mach := done.sliceMachine
   493  			mach.taskProcs -= done.procs
   494  			switch {
   495  			case done.Err != nil && !errors.Is(errors.Remote, done.Err) && == machineOk:
   496  				// We only consider probation if we have problems with RPC
   497  				// machinery, e.g. host unavailable or other network errors. If
   498  				// the error is from application code of an RPC, we defer to the
   499  				// evaluation engine for remediation. This is to limit the blast
   500  				// radius of a problematic machine, e.g. a call to machine A
   501  				// transitively calls machine B, but machine B is down; the call
   502  				// to machine A will return an error, but we do not want to put
   503  				// machine A on probation.
   504  				log.Error.Printf("putting machine %s on probation after error: %v", mach, done.Err)
   505 = machineProbation
   506  				heap.Remove(&machQ, mach.index)
   507  				mach.lastFailure = time.Now()
   508  				heap.Push(&probation, mach)
   509  			case done.Err == nil && == machineProbation:
   510  				log.Printf("machine %s returned successful result; removing probation", mach)
   511 = machineOk
   512  				heap.Remove(&probation, mach.index)
   513  				heap.Push(&machQ, mach)
   514  			case == machineLost:
   515  				// In this case, the machine has already been removed from the heap.
   516  			case == machineProbation:
   517  				log.Error.Printf("keeping machine %s on probation after error: %v", mach, done.Err)
   518  				mach.lastFailure = time.Now()
   519  				heap.Fix(&probation, mach.index)
   520  			case == machineOk:
   521  				// Everything continues merrily.
   522  				heap.Fix(&machQ, mach.index)
   523  			default:
   524  				panic("invalid machine state")
   525  			}
   526  		case s := <-m.schedc:
   527  			heap.Push(&m.schedQ, s)
   528  			need += s.procs
   529  		case s := <-m.unschedc:
   530  			if s.index < 0 {
   531  				// The scheduling request is no longer queued, which means
   532  				// scheduling request has already been serviced.
   533  				break
   534  			}
   535  			need -= s.procs
   536  			heap.Remove(&m.schedQ, s.index)
   537  		case result := <-startc:
   538  			pending -= m.machprocs * (len(result.machines) + result.nFailures)
   539  			for _, mach := range result.machines {
   540  				heap.Push(&machQ, mach)
   541  				mach.donec = donec
   542  				go func(mach *sliceMachine) {
   543  					<-mach.Wait(bigmachine.Stopped)
   544  					stoppedc <- mach
   545  				}(mach)
   546  			}
   547  			if len(result.machines) > 0 {
   548  				consecutiveStartFailures = 0
   549  			} else {
   550  				consecutiveStartFailures += result.nFailures
   551  				if consecutiveStartFailures > 8 {
   552  					log.Printf("warning; failed to start last %d machines; check for systematic problem preventing machine bootup", consecutiveStartFailures)
   553  				}
   554  			}
   555  		case mach := <-stoppedc:
   556  			numStopped++
   557  			// Remove the machine from management. We let the sliceMachine
   558  			// instance deal with failing the tasks.
   559  			log.Error.Printf("machine %s stopped with error %s", mach, mach.Err())
   560  			switch {
   561  			case machineOk:
   562  				heap.Remove(&machQ, mach.index)
   563  			case machineProbation:
   564  				heap.Remove(&probation, mach.index)
   565  			}
   566 = machineLost
   567  			mach.Status.Done()
   568  		case <-logTicker.C:
   569  			// pending is in procs, so we convert it to machines.
   570  			machPending := pending / m.machprocs
   571  			if len(probation) > 0 {
   572  				log.Printf("slicemachine: pending/running(probation)/lost: %d/%d(%d)/%d",
   573  					machPending, len(machQ), len(probation), numStopped)
   574  				continue
   575  			}
   576  			log.Printf("slicemachine: pending/running/lost: %d/%d/%d",
   577  				machPending, len(machQ), numStopped)
   578  			continue
   579  		case <-ctx.Done():
   580  			return
   581  		}
   583  		// TODO(marius): consider scaling down when we don't need as many
   584  		// resources any more; this would involve moving results to other
   585  		// machines or to another storage medium.
   586  		if have := (len(machQ) + len(probation)) * m.machprocs; have+pending < need && have+pending < m.maxp {
   587  			var (
   588  				needProcs    = min(need, m.maxp) - have - pending
   589  				needMachines = min((needProcs+m.machprocs-1)/m.machprocs, maxStartMachines)
   590  			)
   591  			pending += needMachines * m.machprocs
   592  			log.Printf("slicemachine: %d machines (%d procs); %d machines pending (%d procs)",
   593  				have/m.machprocs, have, pending/m.machprocs, pending)
   594  			go func() {
   595  				started := startMachines(ctx, m.b,, m.machprocs, needMachines, m.worker, m.params...)
   596  				startc <- startResult{
   597  					machines:  started,
   598  					nFailures: needMachines - len(started),
   599  				}
   600  			}()
   601  		}
   602  	}
   603  }
   605  // schedule attempts to schedule a request from schedQ to run on a machine in
   606  // machQ, returning the successfully scheduled request and the machine that
   607  // satisfies the request. If no request can be scheduled, returns (nil, nil).
   608  //
   609  // The ordering of elements of schedQ and machQ may change as a result of
   610  // calling schedule.
   611  //
   612  // It implements the following algorithm:
   613  //  - Attempt to schedule the highest priority schedule request on the
   614  //    least-loaded machine.
   615  //  - If it cannot be scheduled, reserve the machine for that request,
   616  //    eliminating the machine and request from further consideration.
   617  //  - Repeat while there are requests to schedule and machines on which they
   618  //    might possibly be scheduled.
   619  //
   620  // This works reasonably well for many workloads, however there are degenerate
   621  // cases for which this will behave poorly.
   622  //
   623  // For example, suppose we have an initial batch of small tasks that occupy a
   624  // small portion of each machine, followed by a single task that occupies an
   625  // entire machine. We'll schedule the small tasks across the machines, and the
   626  // full-machine task will not be able to run until one of the machines finishes
   627  // the small tasks scheduled on it. If we more densely packed the small tasks, we
   628  // would have been able to run the large task on one of the remaining machines.
   629  func schedule(schedQ *scheduleRequestQ, machQ *machineQ) (*scheduleRequest, *sliceMachine) {
   630  	// We may not be able to schedule the highest priority requests. If we
   631  	// can't, we shelve the requests and look further down the priority queue.
   632  	// We also shelve (the least loaded) machines to drain them for future
   633  	// scheduling.
   634  	var (
   635  		shelvedRequests []*scheduleRequest
   636  		shelvedMachines []*sliceMachine
   637  	)
   638  	defer func() {
   639  		for i := range shelvedRequests {
   640  			heap.Push(schedQ, shelvedRequests[i])
   641  			heap.Push(machQ, shelvedMachines[i])
   642  		}
   643  	}()
   644  	for len(*schedQ) > 0 && len(*machQ) > 0 {
   645  		freeProcs := (*machQ)[0].maxTaskProcs - (*machQ)[0].taskProcs
   646  		if freeProcs == 0 {
   647  			// The least-loaded machine has no free procs, so no subsequent
   648  			// machine in the priority queue will have free procs, so we will
   649  			// not be able to schedule anything.
   650  			return nil, nil
   651  		}
   652  		if (*schedQ)[0].procs <= freeProcs {
   653  			return (*schedQ)[0], (*machQ)[0]
   654  		}
   655  		shelvedRequests = append(shelvedRequests, heap.Pop(schedQ).(*scheduleRequest))
   656  		shelvedMachines = append(shelvedMachines, heap.Pop(machQ).(*sliceMachine))
   657  	}
   658  	return nil, nil
   659  }
   661  // StartMachines starts a number of machines on b, installing a worker service
   662  // on each of them. StartMachines returns a slice of successfully started
   663  // machines when all of them are in bigmachine.Running state. If a machine
   664  // fails to start, it is not included.
   665  func startMachines(ctx context.Context, b *bigmachine.B, group *status.Group, maxTaskProcs int, n int, worker *worker, params ...bigmachine.Param) []*sliceMachine {
   666  	params = append([]bigmachine.Param{bigmachine.Services{"Worker": worker}}, params...)
   667  	machines, err := b.Start(ctx, n, params...)
   668  	if err != nil {
   669  		log.Error.Printf("error starting machines: %v", err)
   670  		return nil
   671  	}
   672  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   673  	slicemachines := make([]*sliceMachine, len(machines))
   674  	for i := range machines {
   675  		i := i
   676  		m := machines[i]
   677  		status := group.Start()
   678  		status.Print("waiting for machine to boot")
   679  		wg.Add(1)
   680  		go func() {
   681  			defer wg.Done()
   682  			<-m.Wait(bigmachine.Running)
   683  			if err := m.Err(); err != nil {
   684  				log.Printf("machine %s failed to start: %v", m.Addr, err)
   685  				status.Printf("failed to start: %v", err)
   686  				status.Done()
   687  				return
   688  			}
   689  			var workerFuncLocs []string
   690  			if err := m.RetryCall(ctx, "Worker.FuncLocations", struct{}{}, &workerFuncLocs); err != nil {
   691  				status.Printf("failed to verify funcs")
   692  				status.Done()
   693  				m.Cancel()
   694  				return
   695  			}
   696  			diff := bigslice.FuncLocationsDiff(bigslice.FuncLocations(), workerFuncLocs)
   697  			if len(diff) > 0 {
   698  				for _, edit := range diff {
   699  					log.Printf("[funcsdiff] %s", edit)
   700  				}
   701  				log.Panicf("machine %s has different funcs; check for local or non-deterministic Func creation", m.Addr)
   702  			}
   703  			status.Title(m.Addr)
   704  			status.Print("running")
   705  			log.Printf("machine %v is ready", m.Addr)
   706  			sm := &sliceMachine{
   707  				Machine:      m,
   708  				Stats:        stats.NewMap(),
   709  				Status:       status,
   710  				maxTaskProcs: maxTaskProcs,
   711  				tasks:        make(map[*Task]struct{}),
   712  			}
   713  			// TODO(marius): pass a context that's tied to the evaluation
   714  			// lifetime, or lifetime of the machine.
   715  			go sm.Go(backgroundcontext.Get())
   716  			slicemachines[i] = sm
   717  		}()
   718  	}
   719  	wg.Wait()
   720  	n = 0
   721  	for _, m := range slicemachines {
   722  		if m != nil {
   723  			slicemachines[n] = m
   724  			n++
   725  		}
   726  	}
   727  	return slicemachines[:n]
   728  }
   730  type scheduleRequest struct {
   731  	// priority is the priority of the request. Lower values have higher
   732  	// priority. If there is more than one request waiting for a machine, the
   733  	// request with the lowest priority value will be satisfied first.
   734  	priority int
   735  	// procs is the number of procs being requested.
   736  	procs int
   737  	machc chan *sliceMachine
   738  	// index is the index of this request in the request heap.
   739  	index int
   740  }
   742  // scheduleRequestQ is a priority queue based on request priority and proc
   743  // demand.
   744  type scheduleRequestQ []*scheduleRequest
   746  func (q scheduleRequestQ) Len() int { return len(q) }
   748  func (q scheduleRequestQ) Less(i, j int) bool {
   749  	if q[i].priority != q[j].priority {
   750  		return q[i].priority < q[j].priority
   751  	}
   752  	// Higher proc demand comes first, as we implement first fit decreasing
   753  	// scheduling.
   754  	return q[i].procs > q[j].procs
   755  }
   757  func (q scheduleRequestQ) Swap(i, j int) {
   758  	q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
   759  	q[i].index = i
   760  	q[j].index = j
   761  }
   763  func (q *scheduleRequestQ) Push(x interface{}) {
   764  	n := len(*q)
   765  	s := x.(*scheduleRequest)
   766  	s.index = n
   767  	*q = append(*q, s)
   768  }
   770  func (q *scheduleRequestQ) Pop() interface{} {
   771  	old := *q
   772  	n := len(old)
   773  	s := old[n-1]
   774  	s.index = -1
   775  	*q = old[:n-1]
   776  	return s
   777  }
   779  // machineQ is a priority queue for sliceMachines, prioritized by the machine's
   780  // load (by procs). We use this to hold our active machines, as we generally
   781  // schedule tasks to run on the least-loaded machines first. See schedule.
   782  type machineQ []*sliceMachine
   784  func (q machineQ) Len() int { return len(q) }
   786  func (q machineQ) Less(i, j int) bool {
   787  	return q[j].maxTaskProcs-q[j].taskProcs < q[i].maxTaskProcs-q[i].taskProcs
   788  }
   790  func (q machineQ) Swap(i, j int) {
   791  	q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
   792  	q[i].index = i
   793  	q[j].index = j
   794  }
   796  func (q *machineQ) Push(x interface{}) {
   797  	n := len(*q)
   798  	s := x.(*sliceMachine)
   799  	s.index = n
   800  	*q = append(*q, s)
   801  }
   803  func (q *machineQ) Pop() interface{} {
   804  	old := *q
   805  	n := len(old)
   806  	m := old[n-1]
   807  	m.index = -1
   808  	*q = old[:n-1]
   809  	return m
   810  }
   812  func min(x, y int) int {
   813  	if x < y {
   814  		return x
   815  	}
   816  	return y
   817  }