
     1  // Copyright 2019 GRAIL, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package exec
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  // A tracer tracks a set of trace events associated with objects in
    18  // Bigslice. Trace events are logged in the Chrome tracing format and
    19  // can be visualized using its built-in visualization tool
    20  // (chrome://tracing). Each machine is represented as a Chrome "process",
    21  // and individual task or invocation events are tracked by the machine
    22  // they are run on.
    23  //
    24  // To produce easier to interpret visualizations, tracer assigns generated
    25  // virtual "thread IDs" to trace events, and events are also coalesced into
    26  // "complete events" (X) at the time of rendering.
    27  //
    28  // TODO(marius): garbage collection of old events.
    29  type tracer struct {
    30  	mu sync.Mutex
    32  	events        []trace.Event
    33  	taskEvents    map[*Task][]trace.Event
    34  	compileEvents map[compileKey][]trace.Event
    36  	machinePids     map[*sliceMachine]int
    37  	machineTidPools map[*sliceMachine]*tidPool
    39  	// firstEvent is used to store the time of the first observed
    40  	// event so that the offsets in the trace are meaningful.
    41  	firstEvent time.Time
    42  }
    44  // tidPool is a pool of (virtual) thread IDs that we use to assign Tids to
    45  // events. This makes visualization with the Chrome tracing tool much nicer, as
    46  // concurrent events are shown on their own rows. The length of the pool is the
    47  // maximum number of B events without a matching E event. The indexes of the
    48  // slices are the Tids that we allocate, their corresponding value indicating
    49  // whether it is considered available for allocation.
    50  type tidPool []bool
    52  // compileKey is the key used for compilation events, which are scoped to a
    53  // (machine, invocation).
    54  type compileKey struct {
    55  	addr string
    56  	inv  uint64
    57  }
    59  func newTracer() *tracer {
    60  	return &tracer{
    61  		taskEvents:      make(map[*Task][]trace.Event),
    62  		compileEvents:   make(map[compileKey][]trace.Event),
    63  		machinePids:     make(map[*sliceMachine]int),
    64  		machineTidPools: make(map[*sliceMachine]*tidPool),
    65  	}
    66  }
    68  // Event logs an event on the provided machine with the given
    69  // subject, type (ph), and arguments. The event's subject must be
    70  // either a *Task or a bigslice.Invocation; ph is as in Chrome's
    71  // tracing format. Arguments is list of interleaved key-value pairs
    72  // that are attached as event metadata. Args must be of even length.
    73  //
    74  // If mach is nil, the event is assigned to the evaluator.
    75  func (t *tracer) Event(mach *sliceMachine, subject interface{}, ph string, args ...interface{}) {
    76  	if t == nil {
    77  		return
    78  	}
    79  	if len(args)%2 != 0 {
    80  		panic("trace.Event: invalid arguments")
    81  	}
    82  	var event trace.Event
    83  	event.Args = make(map[string]interface{}, len(args)/2)
    84  	for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 {
    85  		event.Args[fmt.Sprint(args[i])] = args[i+1]
    86  	}
    87  	event.Ph = ph
    89  	defer
    90  	if t.firstEvent.IsZero() {
    91  		t.firstEvent = time.Now()
    92  		event.Ts = 0
    93  	} else {
    94  		event.Ts = time.Since(t.firstEvent).Nanoseconds() / 1e3
    95  	}
    96  	if mach != nil {
    97  		pid, ok := t.machinePids[mach]
    98  		if !ok {
    99  			pid = len(t.machinePids) + 1 // pid=0 is reserved for evaluator events
   100  			t.machinePids[mach] = pid
   101  			// Attach "process" name metadata so we can identify where a task is running.
   102 = append(, trace.Event{
   103  				Pid:  pid,
   104  				Ts:   event.Ts,
   105  				Ph:   "M",
   106  				Name: "process_name",
   107  				Args: map[string]interface{}{
   108  					"name": mach.Addr,
   109  				},
   110  			})
   111  		}
   112  		event.Pid = pid
   113  	}
   114  	switch arg := subject.(type) {
   115  	case *Task:
   116  		event.Name = arg.Name.String()
   117  		event.Cat = "task"
   118  		t.assignTid(mach, ph, t.taskEvents[arg], &event)
   119  		t.taskEvents[arg] = append(t.taskEvents[arg], event)
   120  	case execInvocation:
   121  		var name strings.Builder
   122  		fmt.Fprint(&name, arg.Index)
   123  		if arg.Exclusive {
   124  			name.WriteString("[x]")
   125  		}
   126  		event.Name = name.String()
   127  		event.Cat = "invocation"
   128  		key := compileKey{mach.Addr, arg.Index}
   129  		t.assignTid(mach, ph, t.compileEvents[key], &event)
   130  		t.compileEvents[key] = append(t.compileEvents[key], event)
   131  	default:
   132  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported subject type %T", subject))
   133  	}
   134  }
   136  // assignTid assigns a thread ID to event, using mach's tid pool and type of
   137  // event. events is the slices of existing relevant events, e.g.
   138  // t.taskEvents[arg].
   139  func (t *tracer) assignTid(mach *sliceMachine, ph string, events []trace.Event, event *trace.Event) {
   140  	event.Tid = 0
   141  	pool, ok := t.machineTidPools[mach]
   142  	if !ok {
   143  		pool = new(tidPool)
   144  		t.machineTidPools[mach] = pool
   145  	}
   146  	switch ph {
   147  	case "B":
   148  		event.Tid = pool.Acquire()
   149  	case "E":
   150  		if len(events) == 0 {
   151  			break
   152  		}
   153  		lastEvent := events[len(events)-1]
   154  		if lastEvent.Ph != "B" {
   155  			break
   156  		}
   157  		event.Tid = lastEvent.Tid
   158  		pool.Release(event.Tid)
   159  	}
   160  }
   162  // Marshal writes the trace captured by t into the writer w in
   163  // Chrome's event tracing format.
   164  func (t *tracer) Marshal(w io.Writer) error {
   166  	events := make([]trace.Event, len(
   167  	copy(events,
   168  	for _, v := range t.taskEvents {
   169  		events = appendCoalesce(events, v, t.firstEvent)
   170  	}
   171  	for _, v := range t.compileEvents {
   172  		events = appendCoalesce(events, v, t.firstEvent)
   173  	}
   176  	trace := trace.T{Events: events}
   177  	return trace.Encode(w)
   178  }
   180  // appendCoalesce appends a set of events on the provided list,
   181  // first coalescing events so that "B" and "E" events are matched
   182  // into a single "X" event. This produces more visually compact (and
   183  // useful) trace visualizations. appendCoalesce also prunes orphan
   184  // events.
   185  func appendCoalesce(list []trace.Event, events []trace.Event, firstEvent time.Time) []trace.Event {
   186  	var begIndex = -1
   187  	for _, event := range events {
   188  		if event.Ph == "B" && begIndex < 0 {
   189  			begIndex = len(list)
   190  		}
   191  		if event.Ph == "E" && begIndex >= 0 {
   192  			list[begIndex].Ph = "X"
   193  			list[begIndex].Dur = event.Ts - list[begIndex].Ts
   194  			if list[begIndex].Dur == 0 {
   195  				list[begIndex].Dur = 1
   196  			}
   197  			for k, v := range event.Args {
   198  				if _, ok := list[begIndex].Args[k]; !ok {
   199  					list[begIndex].Args[k] = v
   200  				}
   201  			}
   202  			// Reset the begin index, so that if a task fails but is retried
   203  			// on the same machine; then these are captured as two unique
   204  			// events.
   205  			begIndex = -1
   206  		} else if event.Ph != "E" {
   207  			list = append(list, event)
   208  		} // drop unmatched "E"s
   209  	}
   210  	if begIndex >= 0 {
   211  		// We have an unmatched "B". Drop it.
   212  		copy(list[begIndex:], list[begIndex+1:])
   213  		list = list[:len(list)-1]
   214  	}
   215  	return list
   216  }
   218  // Acquire acquires an available thread ID from pool p. Thread IDs are
   219  // sequential and 1-indexed, preserving 0 for events without meaningful thread
   220  // IDs.
   221  func (p *tidPool) Acquire() int {
   222  	for tid, available := range *p {
   223  		if available {
   224  			(*p)[tid] = false
   225  			return tid + 1
   226  		}
   227  	}
   228  	// Nothing available in the pool, so grow it.
   229  	tid := len(*p)
   230  	*p = append(*p, false)
   231  	return tid + 1
   232  }
   234  // Release releases a tid, a thread ID previously acquired in Acquire. This
   235  // makes it available to be returned from a future call to Acquire.
   236  func (p *tidPool) Release(tid int) {
   237  	if (*p)[tid-1] {
   238  		panic("releasing unallocated tid")
   240  	}
   241  	(*p)[tid-1] = true
   242  }