(about) 1 # Minor release candidate: 1.7.0-rc3 2 - Support fasthttp KeepHijackedConns option. See fasthttp docs for more. 3 - Fix determineHandler bug for reflect handlers. 4 - `grypto/salt` generator now supports retry if crypto.Reader fails 5 6 # Minor release candidate: 1.7.0-rc2 7 - `ctx.Sanitize()`, `ctx.Sanitizer()` and `app.SetSanitizerPolicy()` introduced thanks to [bluemonday]( 8 See `third_party_licenses/bluemonday` for bluemonday's license. 9 10 # Minor release candidate: 1.7.0-rc1 11 - The `Behind` interface, that should allow proper IP detection as soon as you provide 12 proper unwrapper. 13 - First `Behind` unwrapper for [Akamai]( 14 **NOTE**: they do not provide support for that unwrapper. 15 If you have any bugs, please contact our support or open an issue. 16 - When registering route, in the handler path `` replaced 17 with `#gramework` for short. 18 19 # Patch release: 1.6.2 20 - Check gql json content type with space 21 - Fix minor grypto lint warning 22 - gocsv vendor fix 23 24 # Patch release: 1.6.1 25 - Copy logger level from Logger.Level in `New()` by default 26 27 # Minor release: 1.6.0 28 - `grypto` package rewritten and will use scrypt instead of bcrypt by default, allowing you to still verify both 29 hashes with MCF. This closes the bcrypt vulnerability of long passwords (>56 characters). 30 - Refactoring and vendor fixes (1.5.4-rc1) 31 32 # Patch release: 1.5.4 33 - Refactoring and vendor fixes 34 - Backported 1.6.2 patch: Check JSON content type with space 35 36 # Patch release: 1.5.4-rc1 37 - Refactoring and vendor fixes 38 39 # Patch release: 1.5.3 40 - `metrics` middleware refactored and fixed (#61) 41 42 # Patch release: 1.5.2 43 - Gramework Environments refactored. You can find the list of supported environment names below: 44 ``` 45 environments := map[string]Environment{ 46 "prod": PROD, 47 "production": PROD, 48 "stage": STAGE, 49 "staging": STAGE, 50 "dev": DEV, 51 "development": DEV, 52 } 53 ``` 54 55 # Patch release: 1.5.1 56 - Modify context.go to make it clearer 57 - Fix typos 58 - Unify docs/ 59 60 # Minor release: 1.5.0 61 - Separate store static route. Allows both `/post/:id` and `/post/about` routes 62 - Health checks module added 63 - Fix resource usage leak in ctx.Proxy() 64 - `Sub()` now allows converting `App`'s root router to a SubRouter type 65 66 # Patch release: 1.4.2 67 - Set function for the cookie path fixed 68 69 # Patch release: 1.4.1 70 - Regression fixed: empty app name. Now if no `OptAppName` provided `` will fallback to default setting 71 72 # Minor release: 1.4.0 73 - Add `OptAppName` option for App initializer 74 - Fix ability to set empty `""` server name 75 - Fix `fasthttp.Server` name set via `App.SetName()` 76 - Method `App.SetName()` market as deprecated in favor of `OptAppName` 77 - `App.ListenAndServeAllDev()` and `App.ListenAndServeAutoTLSDev()` methods marked as deprecated and from now is simple aliases of `App.ListenAndServeAll()` and `App.ListenAndServeAutoTLS()` accordingly 78 - Fix `go.mod` dependencies and `go mod vendor` apply to support older versions of GO 79 80 # Patch release: 1.3.2 81 - Add `SubRouter.Handle()` method with the same behaviour as `Router.Handle()` and `App.Handle()`. 82 83 # Patch release: 1.3.1 84 - Fix health check formatting 85 - Unify docs/ style 86 87 # Minor release: 1.3.0 88 - Introduce reflective handler support. Can be useful for any POSTs, including multi-typed JSON requests, etc. 89 90 # Patch release: 1.2.3 91 - Gramework serving static pre-defined JSON as a handler, see `gramework.JSON()` for more info 92 93 # Patch release: 1.2.2 94 - Introduce `app.SetCookiePath()` 95 96 # Patch release: 1.2.1 97 - Introduce `app.SetCookieExpire()` and fix cookie logic. 98 99 # Minor release: 1.2.0 100 - Add support for `PORT` environment 101 - Add support for Gramework Environments. We have three environments: `DEV`, `STAGE` and `PROD`. You can switch them with `GRAMEWORK_ENV` or via `gramework.SetEnv()`. 102 103 # Patch release: 1.1.1 104 - Codestyle fixes 105 - Log gramework version and system information on startup 106 - Handler name: show the path to file starting from GOPATH 107 - Gramework now supports serving static pre-defined HTML as a handler, see `gramework.HTML()` for more info 108 109 # Minor release: 1.1.0 110 - Minor vendor fixes 111 - Fix router bug 112 - Env fix 113 - Router issue fixed 114 - GQLHandler now can deny introspection requests 115 - Fix internal logger 116 - Log handler names 117 - Support methods for handlers 118 - Environment support 119 - Default panic handler introduced along with new app options: 120 - `NoDefaultPanicHandler bool` - disables default panic handler. You may also overwrite it with custom panic handler by setting it classically. 121 - `PanicHandlerNoPoweredBy bool` - disables "Powered by Gramework" block 122 - `PanicHandlerCustomLayout string` - Custom layout sent after default page layout. You may use it for analytics etc. 123 - Request tracing enabled by default. You can disable it by setting the log level to anything better than `DebugLevel`. 124 - GraphIQL released 125 - `ctx.MWKill()` introduced. This function kills the current context and stops any user-defined processing. 126 This function intended for use in middlewares. 127 - `mw/xhostname`: middleware package created and initialized with `xhostname`. 128 This middleware provides `X-Hostname` header in each request and 129 useful when using scalable container platform to see which host 130 sent you current response. 131 - `app.SetCookieDomain()`, `ctx.GetCookieDomain()` and `ContextFromValue(context.Context)` bringed in. 132 Those features simplify working with and give you 133 ability to run your own SSO, if you'd like to. 134 - `gramework.New()` now supports `Opts`. See `OptUseServer` and `OptMaxRequestBodySize` in opts.go for examples 135 - Add ToContext, DecodeGQL and ContentType functions in Context 136 - SPAIndex now supports handlers, that can be useful with template engines of your choice 137 - Add to Context "knowledge" about Sub's (see issue #35) 138 - **BREAKING CHANGE**: `client` and `sqlgen` experimental packages moved to `x` subpackage! 139 - travis config updated: we supported go 1.9.2, 1.9.x, 1.10.x and `tip` before, now we removing 140 obsolete versions and extend our support list: 141 - 1.9.4 142 - 1.9.5 143 - 1.9.6 144 - 1.9.x 145 - 1.10.1 146 - 1.10.2 147 - 1.10.3 148 - Gramework Protection now doesn't uses any hash algo to compute remote ip hash, if ip is valid we using the ip directly. 149 That also fixes a minor security issue 150 - `DisableFlags()` - DisableFlags globally disables default gramework flags, which is useful 151 when using custom flag libraries like pflag. 152 - Protect enables Gramework Protection for routes registered after Protect() call. 153 154 Protects all routes, that prefixed with given enpointPrefix. 155 For example: 156 ```golang 157 app := gramework.New() 158 app.GET("/internal/status", serveStatus) // will **not be** protected, .Protected() isn't called yet 159 app.Protect("/internal") 160 registerYourInternalRoutes(app.Sub("/internal")) // all routes here **are** protected 161 ``` 162 Any blacklisted ip can't access protected enpoints via any method. 163 The blacklist can work automatically, manually or both. To disable automatic blacklist do App.MaxHackAttemts(-1). 164 Automatic blacklist bans suspected IP after App.MaxHackAttempts(). This behavior disabled for whitelisted IP. 165 166 - Brand new Gramework Protection: 167 - `app.Protect()`: enables Gramework Protection for routes registered after Protect() call. 168 - `app.Whitelist()`: adds given ip to Gramework Protection trustedIP list. 169 - `app.Untrust()`: removes given ip from trustedIP list, that enables protection 170 of Gramework Protection enabled endpoints for given IP too. Opposite of `app.Whitelist`. 171 - `app.Blacklist()`: adds given IP to untrustedIP list, if it's not whitelisted. Any 172 IP blacklisted with Gramework Protection can't access protected endpoints via any method. 173 - `app.Suspect()`: adds given IP to Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 174 - `app.MaxHackAttempts()`: sets new max hack attempts for blacklist triggering in 175 The Gramework Protection. If 0 passed, MaxHackAttempts returns current value without setting a new one. 176 If -1 passed, automatic blacklist disabled. See `ctx.Whitelist()`, `ctx.Blacklist()` and `ctx.Suspect()` 177 for manual Gramework Protection control. 178 - `ctx.IsWhitelisted()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection 179 trustedIP list. Use ctx.Whitelist() to add current client to trusted list. 180 - `ctx.IsBlacklisted()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection untrustedIP list. 181 Use ctx.Blacklist() to add current client to untrustedIP list. 182 - `ctx.IsSuspect()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 183 Use ctx.Suspect() to add current client to suspectedIP list. 184 - `ctx.Whitelist()`: adds given ip to trustedIP list of the Gramework Protection. 185 To remove IP from whitelist, call App.Untrust() 186 - `ctx.Untrust()`: deletes given ip from trustedIP list, that enables protection 187 of Gramework Protection enabled endpoints for given ip too. Opposite of `ctx.Whitelist()`. 188 - `ctx.Blacklist()`: adds given ip to untrustedIP list, if it's not whitelisted. 189 Any blacklisted ip can't access protected enpoints via any method. 190 - `ctx.Suspect()`: adds current client ip to Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 191 - `ctx.HackAttemptDetected()`: Suspect adds given ip to Gramework Protection 192 suspectedIP list. Use it when you detected app-level hack attempt from current client. 193 - `ctx.SuspectsHackAttempts()`: SuspectsHackAttempts returns hack attempts detected with 194 Gramework Protection both automatically and manually by calling Context.HackAttemptDetected(). 195 For any whitelisted ip this function will return 0. 196 - Test fix: use letsencrypt stage environment instead of production one 197 - `ctx.Encode()` now supports csv marshaling 198 - `ctx.ToCSV()` and `ctx.CSV()` added 199 - Fix documentation for `ctx.RequestID()` 200 - Default context logger (`ctx.Logger`) now prints request id 201 - Panic handler now can catch more request id generation panics from google's uuid if any 202 - Full X-Request-ID support in requests. 203 Added support of `X-Request-ID` in request headers that have the following logic: 204 - When `X-Request-ID` received in headers, use it as ctx.requestID 205 - When `X-Request-ID` **was not** received in headers, generate it with Google's UUID and save it as ctx.requestID 206 - Source code layout refactoring 207 - Third-party licenses moved to `/third_party_licenses` 208 - Changelog wording fixes 209 - Improved router's stability, fixed an issue that might cause a potential denial of service. 210 We recommend you to update 211 - Added apex/log adapter for valyala/fasthttp.Logger 212 - Linter's fixes 213 - Basic Auth support via `ctx.Auth()` which returns *gramework.Auth 214 - ctx.BadRequest() introduced 215 - Supported `GetStringFlag(name string) (value string, ok bool)` 216 - Support of `func(*Context) map[string]interface{}` and `func() map[string]interface{}` to JSON encoding 217 - Support of `func(*Context) (r map[string]interface{}, err error)` and `func() (r map[string]interface{}, err error)` 218 if r == nil && err == nil then client receive HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 219 220 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc21 221 - Minor vendor fixes 222 - Fix router bug 223 224 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc20 225 - Env fix 226 - Router issue fixed 227 - GQLHandler now can deny introspection requests 228 229 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc19 230 - Fix internal logger 231 - Log handler names 232 - Support methods for handlers 233 - Environment support 234 235 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc18 236 - Default panic handler introduced along with new app options: 237 - `NoDefaultPanicHandler bool` - disables default panic handler. You may also overwrite it with custom panic handler by setting it classically. 238 - `PanicHandlerNoPoweredBy bool` - disables "Powered by Gramework" block 239 - `PanicHandlerCustomLayout string` - Custom layout sent after default page layout. You may use it for analytics etc. 240 - Requests tracing is now by default. You can disable it by setting the log level to anything better than `DebugLevel`. 241 - GraphIQL released 242 243 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc17 244 - `ctx.MWKill()` introduced. This function kills current context and stop any user-defined processing. 245 This function intended for use in middlewares. 246 247 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc16 248 - `mw/xhostname`: middleware package created and initialized with `xhostname`. 249 This middleware provides `X-Hostname` header in each request and 250 useful when using scalable container platform to see which host 251 sent you current response. 252 253 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc15 254 - `app.SetCookieDomain()`, `ctx.GetCookieDomain()` and `ContextFromValue(context.Context)` bringed in. 255 Those features simplify working with and give you 256 ability to run your own SSO, if you'd like to. 257 258 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc14 259 - `gramework.New()` now supports `Opts`. See `OptUseServer` and `OptMaxRequestBodySize` in opts.go for examples 260 261 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc13 262 - Add ToContext, DecodeGQL and ContentType functions in Context 263 - SPAIndex now supports handlers, that can be useful with template engines of your choice 264 265 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc12 266 - Add to Context "knowledge" about Sub's (see issue #35) 267 268 # Major release candidate: 1.1.0-rc11: contains breaking change 269 - **BREAKING CHANGE**: `client` and `sqlgen` experimental packages moved to `x` subpackage! 270 - travis config updated: we supported go 1.9.2, 1.9.x, 1.10.x and `tip` before, now we removing 271 obsolete versions and extend our support list: 272 - 1.9.4 273 - 1.9.5 274 - 1.9.6 275 - 1.9.x 276 - 1.10.1 277 - 1.10.2 278 - 1.10.3 279 280 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc10 281 - Gramework Protection now doesn't use any hash algo to compute remote IP hash, if IP is valid we using the IP directly. 282 That also fixes a minor security issue. 283 284 # Minor release candidade: 1.1.0-rc9 285 - `DisableFlags()` - DisableFlags globally disables default gramework flags, which is useful 286 when using custom flag libraries like pflag. 287 288 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc8 289 Protect enables Gramework Protection for routes registered after Protect() call. 290 291 Protects all routes, that prefixed with given enpointPrefix. 292 For example: 293 ```golang 294 app := gramework.New() 295 app.GET("/internal/status", serveStatus) // will **not be** protected, .Protected() isn't called yet 296 app.Protect("/internal") 297 registerYourInternalRoutes(app.Sub("/internal")) // all routes here **are** protected 298 ``` 299 Any blacklisted ip can't access protected enpoints via any method. 300 The blacklist can work automatically, manually or both. To disable automatic blacklist do App.MaxHackAttemts(-1). 301 Automatic blacklist bans suspected IP after App.MaxHackAttempts(). This behavior disabled for whitelisted IP. 302 303 - Brand new Gramework Protection: 304 - `app.Protect()`: enables Gramework Protection for routes registered after Protect() call. 305 - `app.Whitelist()`: adds given ip to Gramework Protection trustedIP list. 306 - `app.Untrust()`: removes given ip from trustedIP list, that enables protection 307 of Gramework Protection enabled endpoints for given IP too. Opposite of `app.Whitelist`. 308 - `app.Blacklist()`: adds given IP to untrustedIP list, if it's not whitelisted. Any 309 IP blacklisted with Gramework Protection can't access protected endpoints via any method. 310 - `app.Suspect()`: adds given IP to Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 311 - `app.MaxHackAttempts()`: sets new max hack attempts for blacklist triggering in 312 The Gramework Protection. If 0 passed, MaxHackAttempts returns current value without setting a new one. 313 If -1 passed, automatic blacklist disabled. See `ctx.Whitelist()`, `ctx.Blacklist()` and `ctx.Suspect()` 314 for manual Gramework Protection control. 315 - `ctx.IsWhitelisted()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection 316 trustedIP list. Use ctx.Whitelist() to add current client to trusted list. 317 - `ctx.IsBlacklisted()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection untrustedIP list. 318 Use ctx.Blacklist() to add current client to untrustedIP list. 319 - `ctx.IsSuspect()`: checks if we have current client in Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 320 Use ctx.Suspect() to add current client to suspectedIP list. 321 - `ctx.Whitelist()`: adds given ip to trustedIP list of the Gramework Protection. 322 To remove IP from whitelist, call App.Untrust() 323 - `ctx.Untrust()`: deletes given ip from trustedIP list, that enables protection 324 of Gramework Protection enabled endpoints for given ip too. Opposite of `ctx.Whitelist()`. 325 - `ctx.Blacklist()`: adds given ip to untrustedIP list, if it's not whitelisted. 326 Any blacklisted ip can't access protected enpoints via any method. 327 - `ctx.Suspect()`: adds current client ip to Gramework Protection suspectedIP list. 328 - `ctx.HackAttemptDetected()`: Suspect adds given ip to Gramework Protection 329 suspectedIP list. Use it when you detected app-level hack attempt from current client. 330 - `ctx.SuspectsHackAttempts()`: SuspectsHackAttempts returns hack attempts detected with 331 Gramework Protection both automatically and manually by calling Context.HackAttemptDetected(). 332 For any whitelisted IP, this function returns 0. 333 - Test fix: use letsencrypt stage environment instead of production one 334 335 # Minor release candidade: 1.0.0-rc7 336 - `ctx.Encode()` now supports csv marshaling 337 - `ctx.ToCSV()` and `ctx.CSV()` added 338 - Fix documentation for `ctx.RequestID()` 339 340 # Minor release candidate: 1.0.0-rc6 341 - Default context logger (`ctx.Logger`) now prints request id 342 - Panic handler now can catch more request id generation panics from google's UUID if any 343 344 # Minor release candidate: 1.0.0-rc5 345 - Full X-Request-ID support in requests. 346 Added support of `X-Request-ID` in request headers that have the following logic: 347 - When `X-Request-ID` received in headers, use it as ctx.requestID 348 - When `X-Request-ID` **was not** received in headers, generate it with Google's UUID and save it as ctx.requestID 349 - Source code layout refactoring 350 - Third-party licenses moved to `/third_party_licenses` 351 - Changelog wording fixes 352 353 # Minor release candidate: 1.1.0-rc4 354 - Improved router's stability, fixed an issue that might cause a potential denial of service. 355 We recommend you to update 356 - Added apex/log adapter for valyala/fasthttp.Logger 357 - Linter's fixes 358 359 # Minor release candidade: 1.1.0-rc3 360 - Basic Auth support via `ctx.Auth()` which returns *gramework.Auth 361 - ctx.BadRequest() introduced 362 363 # Minor release candidade: 1.1.0-rc2 364 - Supported `GetStringFlag(name string) (value string, ok bool)` 365 366 # Minor release candidade: 1.1.0-rc1 367 - Support of `func(*Context) map[string]interface{}` and `func() map[string]interface{}` to JSON encoding 368 - Support of `func(*Context) (r map[string]interface{}, err error)` and `func() (r map[string]interface{}, err error)` 369 if r == nil && err == nil then client receive HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 370 371 # Major: 1.0.0 372 - Initial release