(about) 1 #### What did you do? 2 cd $HOME 3 fit version 4 5 also 6 7 $ cd go/src/ 8 $ fit list 9 10 11 #### What did you see? 12 13 Warn: no .git or .hg directory. Use "{git|hg} init". 14 bug manages plain text issues with git or hg. 15 Error: Could not find `fit` or `issues` directory. 16 Check that the current or a parent directory has a fit directory 17 or set the FIT environment variable. 18 Use "bug help" or "bug help help" for details. 19 Aborting. 20 21 22 also 23 24 25 ===== WARNING, path from git to issues: /cmd 26 27 ===== list /home/grantbow/go/src/ 28 29 #### What did you expect to see? 30 fit should always give it's version number, then maybe warn about the environment. 31 Special case to turn off checking for these errors should be coded for this and 32 perhaps the env command. 33 Some variables for the dir name and program name need to be used 34 better in this and likely other error messages. 35 36 also 37 38 This part may only be a problem in the fit distribution. 39 Fit looks for both a fit directory and/or an issues directory. 40 When directories exist with those names that are not intended 41 for issue/bug reports the warnings should be more helpful. 42 The issue/fit/bug dir name and program name variables need to be used. 43 44 45 #### What version? 46 0.6 47