
     1  package fitapp
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	bugs ""
     6  	""
     7  	"strings"
     8  )
    10  // Env is a subcommand to output detected editor, directory and scm type.
    11  func Env(config bugs.Config) {
    12  	vcs, scmdir, scmerr := scm.DetectSCM(make(map[string]bool), config)
    13  	settingsOut := ""
    14  	if config.FitYml == "" {
    15  		settingsOut = "<missing>"
    16  	} else {
    17  		settingsOut = config.FitYml
    18  	}
    19  	fmt.Printf("Settings:\n\nEditor: %s\nRoot Directory: %s\nFit Directory: %s\nSettings file: %s\n\n",
    20  		getEditor(), config.FitDir, bugs.FitDirer(config), settingsOut)
    22  	if scmerr != nil {
    23  		fmt.Printf("VCS Type: <missing> (purge and commit commands unavailable)\n\n")
    24  	} else {
    25  		t := vcs.SCMTyper()
    26  		fmt.Printf("VCS Type:    %s\n", t)
    27  		fmt.Printf("%s Directory:    %s\n", t, scmdir)
    28  		//
    29  		fmt.Printf("Need Committing or Staging:    ")
    30  		if b, err := vcs.SCMIssuesUpdaters(config); err == nil {
    31  			fmt.Printf("(nothing)\n\n")
    32  		} else {
    33  			fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", string(b)) // simplest implementation, doesn't clarify
    34  		}
    35  	}
    36  	fmt.Printf("Config:\n    " +
    37  		strings.Replace(
    38  			strings.TrimLeft(
    39  				strings.Replace(
    40  					fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n", config),
    41  					", ", "\n    ", -1), // Replace
    42  				"bugs.Config"), // TrimLeft
    43  			":", " : ", -1), // Replace
    44  	) // Printf
    45  	fmt.Printf("\n")
    46  }